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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > REITERATION (3)

Heart (1932) - 447:
447. We understand how the great future is being prepared. True, people do not accept Our methods. They do not value the immutable and guiding quality of the consciousness. They think something will succeed by the usual laudations and by money, but, according to Our method, beauty is born of tension. Let us not disparage when the roots of the tree are already growing. Therefore, caution is so greatly needed when there is unprecedented tension. The approach to life through the heart as a guiding principle is not only the reiteration of previous Teachings but it also performs a true transmutation of life.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 349:
349. It has been noted as an astonishing fact that luck comes through force. This was said in antiquity, and the same expression is heard unaltered today. Only by constant reiteration is it possible to affirm the measures of the Three worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 333:
One could write a book about joy, but We prefer to give glimpses of joy, linking them with thoughts about grave dangers. Each discourse is given in a certain rhythm. You know that wearing many layers of the finest silk can keep one warmer than would a fur coat. Reiteration generates an accumulation of precipitations, providing an increased power of psychic energy, but these precipitations should be subject to a certain rhythm.


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