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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > REGISTERED (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.11:
Imagine yourself a fine needle, of unusual sensitiveness, which reacts to all changes in the surroundings. The needle is connected with a special apparatus which formulates all surrounding currents. The needle vibrates to all currents, all sounds, all images, and the formulating apparatus records all receivings. The sensitiveness is such that even a thought is registered. For preciseness of the work there is needed a constancy of surroundings. A predominant current creates a state of constancy. It means that the apparatus is adapted to this current. If the current is changed, then often the apparatus even stops; especially if the currents are not harmonized.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 166:
166. It should be remembered how accurate is each of Urusvati's indications, and also that each of her sensations has a basis. Not only fiery eruptions and earthquakes, but even distant hurricanes are registered in the sensations, and these perceptions are infallible, for the fiery consciousness contacts everything sensitively; also, there are no errors in judging people, for each one displays his essential nature to the fiery consciousness.

AUM (1936) - 17:
17. All manifestations of spatial thought should be remembered. Each one can sense at times something like an invisible cobweb upon his face. It is possible for each one to feel a touch or to turn to a call inaudible to others. Man can hear radio waves without any apparatus, which means that other waves can also be registered by the human receiver. It is very important to observe that sensitivity can even affect a physical wave. Just so is it possible to receive the thoughts of the distant worlds.

AUM (1936) - 495:
495. Similarly inexperienced are those who suppose that quietude is possible in nature. The concept of quietude is altogether lacking. Only the beginner poets sing praises about silence, themselves contradicting it. But science has ascertained radio waves which are registered by certain people without apparatus. Psychic energy opens up the inner hearing. Space cannot be silent, it is filled with the sounding of all three worlds. It is full, for there is no void.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 108:
108. Urusvati saw the Ray that was filled with numerous eyes. Such evolutionary forms should also be faced and one must learn to accept their existence. A special ray is required to establish the visibility of these spatial forms, which are the prototypes of future creatures. These traces of great thought-creativeness are registered upon the layers of Akasha and are an illustration of the creative work of the Great Builders, who fill space with their ideas. By the currents of such powerful thought are born multitudes of forms.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 218:
"This is not to say that man commands his happiness and unhappiness. It goes much deeper, because man is dealing with powerful energies. As soon as he has expressed a mood it is registered in space, and invokes the Highest Forces. Let us not be ungrateful or imprudent."


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