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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RED (31)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 132:
132. Each righteous thought helps the cause. It is important to send the arrows through Me or directly, but your purpose must be benevolent. Arrows may be aimed even at a rogue. For the sake of My Cause you may be insistent, but without anger, spreading the creative force of benevolence. Wrath begets wrath, but My children can extinguish the red flame with a blue ray. With the power of the blue ray you can erect a temple, but the red cloud will blight the noblest tendrils of your soul.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 276:
276. Whilst thou wert at the market A merchant knocked upon our door. He wished to exchange his necklace for thine. For thy red stones, he showed us stones of blue fire. Mother, we knew not which stones were brighter. The merchant was tall, and raven was his beard. Why art thou so pensive, Mother? The merchant meant to deceive us. Red as blood are thy stones and brilliant as fire thy necklace. Why art thou so pensive, Mother? We will not let him enter again. But why do thy tears fall? One of them glistens with a blue flame. Was he not a sorcerer?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 276:
Nor do the hands of children discern the best stones. Often the red ones are their choice.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.9:
One may imagine how a ray penetrates the space and finds wonderful treasures as well as little red and orange fires, which are like criminal poisoners. Why then not purify the layers above Earth, when even to the eye they are of a smoky orange color?

New Era Community (1926) - 41:
41. We drive out all fear. We throw to the wind all the many-colored feathers of fear blue feathers of frozen terror, green feathers of trembling betrayal, yellow feathers of secret crawling away, red feathers of frenzied heartbeat, white feathers of reticence, black feathers of fall into the abyss. It is needful to repeat about the multiformity of fear, otherwise there remains somewhere a small gray feather of complaisant mumbling or even some fluff of hurried bustle, but behind these will be the same idol of fear. Each wing of fear bears one downwards.

New Era Community (1926) - 43:
Three Arhats importunately besought Buddha to permit them to try a miracle. Buddha placed each one in a dark room, and locked them in. After a long time the Blessed One called to them and asked what they had seen. Each one told about different visions. But Buddha said "Now you must agree that miracles are not useful, because you did not perceive the main miracle. For, you could have sensed an existence beyond the visible, and this sensation could have directed you beyond the limits of Earth. But you continued to be conscious of yourselves as seated on the Earth and your thoughts attracted to the Earth waves of the elements. The swelling of the Elements evoked agitations in various countries. You caused rocks to fall and destroyed ships with a hurricane. You saw a red beast with a flaming crown, but the fire attracted by you from out of the abyss burned the houses of defenseless ones - go and bring help! You saw a dragon with the face of a maiden, simultaneously causing waves to wash away fishing boats - hasten with assistance! You saw an eagle flying, and a hurricane destroyed the harvest of toilers - go and bring amends! Where then is your usefulness, O Arhats? An owl in the hollow of a tree has passed the time more usefully. Either toil on the Earth in the sweat of your brow, or in a moment of solitude lift yourselves above the Earth. But let not the useless commotion of the elements be the occupation of the wise."

New Era Community (1926) - 137:
When people see a comet they give thanks to the valiant one, eternally striving, and the thoughts of the people speed outward to give new strength to the rider of the monster. White, yellow, red, and black people direct their thoughts to him who long ago became fiery."

New Era Community (1926) - 214:
If an architect sees a firm foundation, he makes use of it for a new construction. Needed is a world economy of resources. The luxury of destruction has departed into the pages of history. The world is not in need of new elements but of new combinations. And the path of the new conqueror is illuminated not by the red glow of fires but by sparks of re-attracted energy. The currents of possibilities are unified inseparably. Great danger lies in disturbing the current of energy. Caution has been spoken about, not only for economizing on energy but also for avoiding danger. It is easy to sever an underground conduit and deprive an entire city of light. One could easily destroy a useful foundation and bring for a long time a harmful confusion. Therefore We commend a resolute prudence and deplore the luxury of destruction.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 47:
We saw how the red flame of revolt turned into nothing more than smoke in the hearth. We saw the many banners of light resewn to cover layers of prejudice. We became aware of how lofty edifices were used for bazaars. Timid ignorance has woven its nets and feared, above all, to push away from the mossy shores covered with decayed bones.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 462:
The inner surface of a four-sided chalice was covered with silver and its exterior plated with red copper. The chalice was filled with pomegranate juice. The affirmation of attainment was signified by the raising of the chalice. Then the juice was poured out to all four sides, as a symbol of unconditional readiness to serve the General Good.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 520:
Once again the Great Hierophant approached and, pointing out a chalice filled with a red liquid, said, "Receive and drink of thy chalice; empty it to see the mystery at the bottom."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 557:
For carrying even the best fruit, baskets can be made from the bark of any tree. Is it not immaterial whether the bark is bitter or sweet? Whether the bark is yellow, red, black, or white? Useful fruit can be kept in baskets of any color. Why rail at nature as it is? At the hour of tension, the needed fruit will be there for us.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 590:
590. You have noticed that sometimes physical tension activates one's psychic energy. This purely mechanistic and physical condition should direct one to thinking about the material nature of psychic energy. This materiality of psychic energy can easily be demonstrated by physical means. It is not difficult to observe the reflexive reactions to physical tension. Should one not search along these obvious directions? It means that spiritual manifestations are not at all abstract and can be measured. They may not be evident to all, yet the coarser actions can be seen by even an ordinary person. Unfortunately people often pass by without noticing even the loudest colors. Red may sometimes be remembered as green; this kind of distortion can be met everywhere.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 307:
Thus, the interweavement of red and black sparks indicates a battle. But those who know of this battle, through their fiery striving toward Us, cling to the silver Ray which severs the encumbrances. Thus the Taras and Brothers of Humanity are united in battle in their striving to help mankind.

Heart (1932) - 14:
14. It will be asked, Which energy is assumed when one speaks of the heart? Of course this is the same Aum, the psychic energy of all three worlds. But in studying it one can establish that the precipitations are multicolored. Certainly the precipitations may be red, purple, or blue, but approaching the heart, they lose their coloring. The crystal of the heart is white or colorless. Of course, this resonance of the heart is not often observed, but one should strive toward it. The ancients advised the placing of one's hand upon the needles of the young cedars, in order that the condensed prana might penetrate through the fingertips. There are many ways of receiving psychic energy from the vegetable kingdom, but the one regarded as best is that of the open heart when it knows the direction of striving.

Heart (1932) - 148:
148. Again one will come with a question, "Why is so little said about the Subtle World in all scriptures?" Be assured, much is said everywhere, but people do not wish to notice this. Upon ancient icons one can see green spheres representing the earthly, and red spheres, the fiery - in other words, those of the Subtle World. Upon one icon one can see a whole scene in green tones and alongside it the red world of the angels. What could be more graphic? All prophecies are filled with messages about the Subtle World. Even in the Koran the Subtle World is not forgotten. It is impossible to name one Teaching where there is not a place allotted to the life of the Subtle World. Because of the horror before everything invisible, people stuff their ears and close their eyes, preferring to remain in ignorance. But can one think about the heart, about psychic energy, without remembering about the Subtle World, vast and so indivisible from the dense world?

Heart (1932) - 278:
278. Each feeling gives birth to energy. A feeling that is shared multiplies the energy tenfold. A collective feeling creates a mighty energy, but the individual feeling must be strained and the mutual collective feeling must be harmonized. Therein lies the entire reason for the weak effect of contemporary feelings; almost no state of intensified feeling is observed today. Yet, what a great reality would be reflected in the exaltation of a myriad of harmonized sentiments. The ancients called feeling the forge of power. Verily, how majestic is the feeling of mutual love. No less is the power of mutual gratitude. Invincible is the feeling of self-sacrificing heroism. Thus beautiful towers and citadels can be constructed. But from where will harmonization come? Not from the reason or the circumvolutions of the brain, but from the heart, from Light. Only the feeling of wrath will we leave to the dark ones. Among the murky red sparks there will be no harmony.

Heart (1932) - 286:
286. The mirror of the current hour discloses an unprecedented confusion. There is not even a predominance of any color. The mirror of Armageddon consists of gold, blue, black and red flying arrows. There are no outlines, but flurries of explosions and clouds, like heavy effluvia over an abyss. Thus has been indicated since ancient times the beginning of the Great Battle.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 218:
218. Actually, the red light does not betoken calm. One must perceive how tense is space. If only the heads of governments would understand that cosmic conditions have a certain significance! But, unfortunately, even the few astrological efforts are surrounded by absurd explanations. One should, as in everything, return to the simplest and most precise. All Teachings are infiltrated with arbitrary commentaries. The past must be understood as interpreted by an honest historian.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 154:
154. You have read that for communion with Higher Forces the ancients covered the head with a mantle, and, as told, this fabric was of wool and red in color. Also you may have heard about the stopping of the ears with red cotton. All such mechanical means had their significance, they served as a guard for radiations, and they condensed energy. But let us not resort to the expedient of mechanistic methods where there lies the utmost significance for the future, in the direct union with Hierarchy. Only the heart, covered with nothing but life, links us with the Higher Forces. The fabric of love is a most sacred one.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 336:
336. Good thought is the primary basis of good action. Thought dawns before action, therefore let us calculate the nature of good according to the fires of thought. Faith without works is dead, but such a faith will be a blind reliance, and not thought of good. Thought of darkness also has radiation. Already you know the black spots with red radiation, and how the heat-lightnings of light battle with the dark radiations. Darkness of thought leads to the most monstrous actions. A certain king ordered a sacred Image decorated with horns of diamonds, in order to demonstrate the power of his arbitrary free-will. A certain madman adorned his boots with a sacred image, and to all appearances nothing happened, for he could not see the ensuing destruction in the Subtle World. He himself was convinced in his madness. It is impossible to measure the Imponderable by earthly standards.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 224:
224. It is necessary to observe carefully the manifestation of cosmic subterranean fires through tension in the solar plexus. One can notice such exact coincidences. A path of tension of subterranean fire is always reflected in the accompaniment of red flame. Thus is it possible to affirm the fiery seismograph.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 564:
564. It is possible for a most worthy inhabitant of the Subtle World to rise thence into the Fiery World? It is, and his transformation will be beautiful. Through the process of purification, the subtle body begins to shine. Fire begins to spread, and finally the shell falls away like a light layer of ash. Since the fiery essence cannot remain in its former stratum it ascends into the Fiery World. That which was in the Subtle World an insufferable effulgence becomes in the Fiery World the dimmest - such is the ladder. One must become accustomed to imagining many strata of the Subtle World. From deep red flame to the most beautiful radiance of the rainbow, like an agitated sea, these facets are effused and weave all possible combinations. But for the darkness, for the lower abysses, this radiance will be as distant as heat-lightning. Let him who longs for Light not fear to be fiery. A burning on Earth is a symbol of superb transformation.

AUM (1936) - 55:
55. People know that each one sees objects in his own light. Already there are explanations about different eye structures, but they completely fail to add the significant fact that people see through their own aura. Each one has around him his own color through which he sees. Tell physicians this truth and they will ridicule it, because the color of radiations is invisible and is not mentioned in textbooks of ophthalmology. Yet blindness can result from shock. Thus, also deafness and impairment of the other senses are contingent upon the heart. This means that everything emanating from the heart as prayer is highly polychromic. Let us guard against blood red and black prayer.

AUM (1936) - 195:
I affirm that it is possible to accomplish a great number of useful actions when energy is not dissipated upon idle disputes and quarrels. How can there be higher communion, if brain and heart turn into a crimson flame? Even the very Battle for the Higher World will not generate crimson flame. The light of courage may glow ruby red, but every irritation will already be a weakening.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 85:
The magnetism of objects can be seen in rings that change color, depending on events. The magnetism of water is known to you, but the magnetism of certain metals is manifested with more difficulty. Thus, We took Urusvati's ring to Our Abode to magnetize it. Let us not call such objects magical; they simply harmonize with the Primal Energy of the one who wears them. It is not the ring that indicates the events, but the Primal Energy of its possessor. Only pure silver can vibrate to the Primal Energy. Urusvati's ring could become red, black, or yellow, depending upon the events. We conducted this experiment because the radiations of the Primal Energy are of special interest to Us.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 174:
He also said, "You judge the coming day by the sunrise, paying attention to whether the atmosphere is cloudy or clear, and whether the sun is bright red or obscured. In life, too, it is possible from early childhood to foretell the development of human character. One can observe those possibilities in a small child that eventually will be manifested. He who loves work in childhood will remain a toiler all his life."


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