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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > RECTIFY (1)

Heart (1932) - 81:
81. When you meet a man who is truly striving toward the great constructions, you will not begin to talk about the daily gruel or about the trivial happenings of yesterday; you will strive into the future according to the level of your companion's thought. Thus, We, also, in conversation designate the future path upon which, as on a rope leading to the anchor, one can reach out in safety and with increasing desire. Thus We teach the heart to build the rhythm of the future, because without these moves it is difficult to enter into the reality of the future, as difficult as it is for people to realize the harm of much that they do. It is apparent that if rubbish is thrown into a completed chemical mixture, it will change the desired reaction. No forces can bring back the original combination; so, too, evil deeds cannot evaporate; therefore it is easier to forestall evil than to rectify it.


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