New Era Community (1926) - 168: Tales about sorcerers sending deadly diseases are not fictions, but there is no sorcery in them - merely exercise of the will. The weakest hypnotist can compel one to experience the effect of drowning. He can even order one to die on a definite date. Such cases have been recorded. Agni Yoga (1929) - 21: 21. Your discussions about the examples of slander recorded in history are correct. Slander is like fuel to the flame of podvig. Slander, when it occurs, is disturbing in ordinary life, but from the point of view of history the flame of slander is multihued; without slander grateful humanity would probably have buried its brightest manifestations. Agni Yoga (1929) - 32: 32. The International Government never has denied its existence. It has proclaimed itself, not in manifestoes but in actions that were recorded even in official history. One can cite cases from the French and Russian Revolutions, as well as from the history of Anglo-Russian and Anglo-Indian relations, when an independent outside Hand altered the course of events. The Government did not hide the existence of its envoys in various countries. Naturally, in accordance with the dignity of the International Government, they never hid themselves. On the contrary, they showed themselves openly, visited various governments and were known to many. Literature preserves their names and adorns them with the fancies of their contemporaries. It is not secret organizations - of which governments are in such fear - but actual persons that are sent out by decree of the Invisible International Government. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 315: 315. Certainly, the rays of the luminaries predetermine the course of the necessary currents, and it is thus that all prophecies are fulfilled. The luminaries propel everything emanating from that which is predestined by the Cosmic Magnet. Hence, what is ordained by Our Covenant corresponds to that which is determined by the Cosmic Magnet. Verily, in the records of the luminaries may be found the enumeration of those chosen and sent by Us. The manifestation affirmed by Us is recorded. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 17: 17. The sensation of quivering is of course called into being by the currents of subterranean and superterranean fires. The entire condition of tension is attributable to cosmic and planetary currents. Each manifestation of the elements establishes its accord. I ask that all sensations be recorded; these are important indicators. Following explosions there is heaviness. The subterranean fire surges toward the cooled places; hence the manifestation of explosions. If one would observe the direction of motion of the fire of the centers, the direction of the cosmic fires could be discerned. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 22: 22. The sensing of the quivering of the ground and the sensing of the moving of clouds should be recorded. Subtlety of receptivity is bestowed upon the refined Carrier of the Chalice. The assimilation of subtle fires can yield manifestations attainable in higher spheres. Hierarchy (1931) - 29: The Arhats, who bestow on humanity the concept of the full Chalice, cannot deprive humanity of freedom. Not in renunciation or in seclusion does the Brotherhood dwell. Each spark that kindles the consciousness is recorded; each striving arrow is recorded. Not abstraction, but fiery striving endures. Those who know the attainment of cosmic strivings may verily say, "We create with fire". We strive with fire. We live in fire. Not miracles these, but the transmutation of life into the garment of Materia Lucida." Hierarchy (1931) - 321: 321. One can compare the process of the inner fires with some parallels of physical fire. Let us take the flame under a blowpipe. Observe how, under pressure, the flame loses its yellow tone and through blue becomes silver and purple. Besides, let us notice how the flame inclines. Our fires are similarly strained under the pressure of the cosmic whirl. Those rare manifestations should be recorded, for they testify to participation in the cosmic battle. Few can pride themselves upon such participation. Not a chaotic tremor, but a vanguard of the hosts of Light is required for the piercing of darkness. And how blessed is the pressing whirl, which impels us into constructive battle! New thoughts may be realized in this battle, however, one should know the direction of the blow, and this We point out! Hierarchy (1931) - 434: Help whenever the hand can reach, wherever a thought can fly. Thus shall we rap upon the future. Hence, let us remember that each hour taken from oneself will be recorded for the future. One must become accustomed to the fact that Our cooperation brings all that is needed if the hand that holds the current does not wither. Heart (1932) - 438: 438. An inquiry into people who purify and people who do harm is necessary in medicine. Without a solution of this problem protection from many of the latest diseases cannot be discovered! It should not be forgotten that diseases evolve together with races and epochs. But our recorded science is still so young that one cannot talk about comparative methods for it. It is acquainted with only a few centuries, but what of the tens of millenniums? We have become very conceited and have forgotten about all that we do not know. But the heart knows the dates, and even an ignorant heart quivers with the approach of the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 447: 447. The chakras, the fiery wheels, call to mind the countless circles of conception and completion. One can picture how the equilibrium of the worlds is founded upon fiery chakras. They contact and interpenetrate each other, and form inseverable links. Similarly, one can imagine how the chakras of man determine his fiery nature and bring the human entity into the totality of other fiery formations. People already have at their disposal rays that are not recorded upon the flesh; so, also, rays will be discovered that can capture the fiery centers on a film. This will demonstrate how the chakras of man correspond to the fiery formations of space. The figure of the fiery man merges into the rhythm of space. Thus, it can be physically demonstrated to what a great extent is everything that exists subject to the one law of rhythm. Of course, to succeed in such instructive experiments it is necessary to develop the fiery chakras in oneself. They exist in every organism, potentially, but soulless beings cannot project on a screen even a faint glimmer from the extinguished fires. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 493: 493. You have heard of many earthquakes and of innumerable meteorites which fall upon Earth, but earthquakes are recorded rather relatively. In certain zones they are recorded with extreme accuracy, but oceanic tremors remain only approximately recorded, although they may prove to be particularly dangerous. Likewise, there is approximation in connection with the fall of meteorites. It is true that many meteorites fall into water, but the fall is conditioned by magnetism. Thus, iron and other metals attract meteorites, especially when the deposits are in their natural state and are not void of cosmic magnetism. The conditions of cosmic magnetizations are successfully expressed in the so-called metal and water diviners. The existence of such people has been known since ancient times. Fortunately, contemporary science does not deny these facts. Thus, science has already established one of the properties of fiery energy. But it is most remarkable that these people sense precisely the subterranean waters and metals. Such a diviner will not react to a tank of water or a house constructed of steel. This magnetism is directed along the fiery channel and responds primarily to the natural state of a substance. This is also the core of all fiery communions. Naturalness and directness constitute the essence of fiery energy. One may never think of fire, one may never perceive Fire, and thus shut off one's access to the Fiery World. I repeat that in the Subtle World it is difficult and painful to cognize Fire if in the earthly state at least some way of approach has not been found to the Higher World. Wisely it is said, "He who wishes to go to his ancestors will go to them." But by this only the lower state is defined. Why be deprived of the predestined beautiful spheres? Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 5: One may remember now these myths, which foretold the contamination of the planet. Indeed, why do people investigate to little the chemism of the air? Even with earthly apparatus one may record the condensation of destructive substances. Of course not always can these currents be detected, just as is the case with the photographing of the manifestations of the Subtle World, which will not always be successful, but with patience much can be recorded. The Fiery World does not easily lend itself to earthly observations. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 37: 37. The manifestation at night had two meanings. Firstly, it has shown to what an extent thoughts are fulfilled in the Subtle World if consciousness is expanded. Thus the thought about an increase in height immediately caused the growth of the subtle body. But this is not beneficial for the physical body; therefore a strong reaction was necessary in order to adjust the subtle body. Such action is rare, and such manifestation of the subtle body is also rare, therefore it should be recorded. It demonstrates how thoughts are realized in the Subtle World. The thought creativeness of the Subtle World is difficult to realize in the earthly state, but a certain degree of development permits perception and even transmittance into the physical brain of the subtle consciousness. During such resetting certain centers must be touched, as it were, and such massage coordinates again the two bodies. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 84: 84. The verbal command remains in life, although humanity has at its disposal thousands of written languages. For this there are three reasons. First, the command is not always renderable in writing; second, people pay little attention when relying on writing; third, the manifestation of the Highest Covenants is never recorded in writing - therefore the lips whisper from heart to heart the Highest Ordainments. These considerations, though simple, require recording, for if someone does not know Hierarchy, he will not understand the sacredness of the Command. Many instructions about the laws of Nature are needed, in order to understand the entire beauty of the law of attraction which lies at the foundation of Hierarchy. Ignorant people do not understand that slavery dwells in darkness while freedom dwells in the Light of Hierarchy. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 170: 170. Spatial Fire shivers during earthly shocks. The subtle bond which exists between spheres and between Worlds is so strong that there is no manifestation the further effect of which is not recorded. The subtle bond is unmistakably expressed in the conformity of Macrocosm with microcosm. The condition of the spirit so often reflects manifestations on different spheres. The appearance of Spatial Fire often serves as a discharging agent for the purification of the atmosphere. Indeed, it would be possible to make use of these energies consciously, but for this the organism must be refined. It can be observed that the fiery spirit must bridle its subtle energies because the lack of correlation between the fire of the centers and the planetary conditions is so great that it is impossible to manifest full labor without injury. AUM (1936) - 151: 151. The names of traitors are also recorded in the history of mankind. But where can traitors hide in the Subtle World, when their memory has been clarified? Not shame before others, but the unquenchable bitterness of infamy in the heart drives the traitors into ice and flame. And where are those who whispered treacheries into their ears? Why do they not succor their issue? They do not seek them out in the darkness. Terrible is the condition of traitors - murderers of body and spirit! AUM (1936) - 231: 231. It is very useful to study ancient languages; in them has been recorded the history of man's thoughts, and it is possible to follow the development and elimination of concepts. Let us take the Sanskrit and Latin languages. We can see to what extent the latter had already dispensed with profound concepts; but ancient Rome, aiming toward materialism, cannot be compared with the records of India's thought. AUM (1936) - 455: Thus at different times people have accumulated considerable data, each one according to his own character. Put together similar observations and you obtain very significant exhibits. Besides, it may be seen that peoples of early times displayed considerable power of observation, possibly even greater than at present. It is necessary to investigate how the properties of great energy have been collected and recorded. Brotherhood (1937) - 71: By means of suggestion it is possible not only to forestall pain, but even to give an entirely different direction to the illness. Rarely is the latter admitted, for up to the present time people have not believed much in the influence of thought. From the same source, from unbelief, comes stagnation of consciousness. People poison themselves by unbelief. The wisdom of ages has recorded many examples of great trust and also of destruction through mistrust. When We speak about cooperation and even about Brotherhood, We must repeat about trust - without it no rhythm is created, without it success is not invoked, without it there can be no advance. Do not think that I am reiterating something too generally known; on the contrary, as in an hour of danger I am repeating about the salutary expedient. There is no other way to awaken the psychic energy. There is no other path on which the heart can glow with victory. It is difficult not to weary if there be darkness in the heart. Brotherhood (1937) - 162: 162. Ancient philosophy advised thinking about the far-off worlds as if taking part in the life on them. These indications have been given in various forms. Wherein lies their essential point? They cannot be an abstraction. The insistence in the indications about such participation shows that thought about the far-off worlds has great significance. The rays of the planets are powerful, and they exert influence upon humanity. But thought assimilates powerful currents, and in the thought process humanity can profitably accept the far-off worlds. Indeed, for such perception it is needful to think of them as about something close at hand. Thought creates around itself a particular atmosphere; in it the planetary currents can be transmuted to act beneficially. Whereas, the same currents, when met with a thought of negation, will yield grave consequences. It need not be considered that one must think incessantly about the far-off worlds. What is important is to direct to them a basic thought, and it will naturally flow along in a definite direction. Thought is of two kinds: the outward and the inward. The manifestation of outward thought can be recorded on an apparatus, but the inward thought is almost undiscernible, though it shows color and chemism. Brotherhood (1937) - 203: 203. The seismograph indicates a continual trembling of the ground, but these earthquakes are by far not all that is noted by sensitive organisms. The reason for this is that Fire manifests in most diversified qualities. Moreover, the organism often registers insignificant signs that are confused with spatial influences. The human organism records a far greater variety of signs than is customarily thought. All that pertains especially to Fire is recorded by man. The explanations of this preeminence are quite scanty. People will talk about fatigue or indisposition, or about a certain frame of mind, but a reaction to the fiery element will not be mentioned. Actually, people do not picture to themselves that they are surrounded by Fire, which acts upon their primary energy. It would seem necessary to esteem everything which can strengthen the primary energy. It was said long ago that selfhood is extinguished by Fire. As long as they are not conscious of fiery baptism, people will think about themselves only; and as long as the most powerful element is not understood, the very concept of Brotherhood will be a barren skeleton. Brotherhood (1937) - 335: 335. Around the question of radiations are associated many considerations. The radiations of physicians and of all workers in fields of service should be studied with great care. A physician can carry away infection not only on this body and clothing but also in his radiation. If this has not yet been recorded, it does not mean that it does not exist. Similarly, the moods spread by certain people depend upon the quality of their radiation. In general, one should become accustomed to the fact that thought rules over the fate of man. Brotherhood (1937) - 526: 526. The rapprochement of the worlds will proceed under the sign of the science. One should realize that many details of the great process appear to be disconnected and unexpected. Indeed, this seeming disconnectedness only appears as such to the human eye. In reality, the system of manifestations is quite exact. Let the most diverse scientists carry out their observations. It is obvious that at no time up to the present have quite so many phenomena been taken note of by scientists. Let them, for the time being, be accepted as utilitarian; the main thing is that these observations be recorded on the pages of science. Eventually these fragments will be brought together in one system. Thus, out of disparate facts broad domains can be established, subject to scientific determination. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 6: The ignorant assert that We provoke revolutions and sedition, but actually We have tried many times to prevent murder and destruction. Brother Rakoczy himself fulfilled the highest measure of love for humanity and was rejected by those whom He tried to save. His actions were recorded in well-known extant memoirs, but still certain liars call him the father of the French Revolution. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 40: Remember that during the progression of Our lives We have preserved the memory of the greatest events and recorded them in the repositories of the Brotherhood. Let those who wish to have an idea of Our Inner Life assimilate the many details that form the Statutes of Our Abode. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54: The ignorant say that there could be a mistake, because someone could imitate the voice of the Teacher. But the broadened consciousness cannot make a mistake, for straight-knowledge cannot make mistakes. In a state of great tension a tremor may be felt, but then one can repeat one's question. It is especially difficult, because people cannot imagine what the spatial battles are like. In earthly conditions it is difficult to imagine a battle in the midst of Infinity. Even the Voice of the Silence is not understood correctly. Still, it is recorded and resounds in the consciousness. Each accepted or assimilated thought vibrates and resounds. Also, those who receive a thought frequently repeat it. This process has a special name - the sealing of the thought. You know how often we must repeat what we have received in order that it not evaporate. The least disturbance can break the reception, even with a broadened consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 104: One should know how We send the blue rays of help in the hour of danger. For example, at one time seismologists predicted an earthquake, which then was barely strong enought to be recorded. Some thought that the seismologists were mistaken, not realizing that We had prevented the catastrophe. So often people look for events far away when they take place right behind their backs. The White Swan of Solemnity flies by the straight path. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 108: You may remember how We observed Our own Images reflected upon the surface of a polished board. The same principles operate in the subtle spheres as they do in television today, but you saw this phenomenon seventeen years ago. Such experiences should be recorded and eventually compared with new scientific discoveries. Much has been projected into the world, but it takes time for it to be realized. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 118: Much information about the Brotherhood has been given, but the aspirant must collect it himself. Even now Our words will impress only a few; nevertheless, the words are uttered and recorded. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 125: All such Great Achievements are recorded in Our treasuries. The ignorant attempt to deny these truths, but fortunately We preserve the proof of these deeds. Thus, let us dedicate a special day to Great Achievements. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 151: 151. Urusvati knows that every Great Teacher is associated with healing and the arts. Only a few of the Great Pilgrim's Indications and Advice about healing are recorded in the Apocrypha, but one should not conclude that these few recorded miracles comprise all of His healing activities. There was much healing, mainly of two kinds, when people came to Him, or when He Himself would touch a person because He saw the onset of an illness. Often the ailing one did not understand why the Stranger had touched him. Such an act represented true generosity on the part of the Great Spirit, who, like a tireless gardener, sowed such seeds of goodness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 155: History has recorded that objects belonging to the Teachers were scattered in various ways. For example, paintings by S.G. were left in France, England, Germany, and the Netherlands and attributed to others. Most of His paintings were destroyed by the artist, but a few were left with the Van Loo family. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 161: 161. Urusvati knows that the Great Pilgrim was frequently attacked by the forces of darkness. These incidents were mentioned in the Scriptures, and one might question how occurrences that no one had witnessed could have been recorded. It was the Teacher Himself who wanted to prepare His disciples for that battle and therefore, rather than conceal the struggle that was taking place, He recounted His own experiences to illustrate it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 163: 163. Urusvati knows that the best sayings of the Great Pilgrim and much of the most remarkable healing that He performed remained unrecorded. He not only spoke to the people and to His disciples, but also spoke privately to many others. Who, then, could have recorded these remarkable Teachings? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 166: 166. Urusvati knows how the historical records concerning remarkable leaders are lacking in important details. But something besides human injustice causes such scarcity of information. In fact, the Great Workers themselves avoided public recognition and did not wish to have biographies written, sometimes even destroying such chronicles. The fundamentals of Their Teachings were recorded, but the details of Their Lives were not written down. Now, We too are giving the idea of the Teaching simply, without dwelling on small details that might be interpreted in a mundane way. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 166: The biographers of this philosopher did not depict the worldly side of his personality. His career was brilliant, but he did not care for transitory events to be recorded. He knew in the depths of his heart that his path was one of renunciation. Many Great Teachers combined the Teaching with Their future Paths, and one can thus perceive an entire chain of precious lives. One should not be surprised that certain links of the chain were obscured, for they were thresholds, preludes to an urgent inner accumulation. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 177: The Great Pilgrim often taught that all is given to us according to our faith. It has been recorded that Christ Himself could not perform certain miracles because of the people's lack of faith. Today scientists would probably replace the expression "lack of faith" with "non-acceptance of authority," but it does not matter which expression is used, the meaning is the same. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 197: 197. Urusvati knows how many genuine, good deeds have never been recorded. If a person dives into the ocean to save someone who has fallen in, it is considered a great self-sacrifice, but it would be just as great an action to prevent the accident in the first place. Much labor is expended to prevent misfortunes. Many fires are extinguished, but just as many are prevented. No one knows how rescue comes, for sometimes the danger is not even suspected. Man is usually unaware of those to whom he owes his life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 199: 199. Urusvati knows that the Teachings of the Masters have not been fully recorded in human history. Often only details were stressed, while their underlying principles were omitted. Envy and negligence deprive mankind of many achievements. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 246: Let us take as an example a person who writes many letters. If he writes with only himself in mind, he will not achieve the right results. And he is mistaken if he thinks that he is writing to only one person in particular. A letter full of lofty thoughts does not belong only to the author, or to the one to whom it is addressed, but to all of humanity. We should not be concerned with who will benefit from our thoughts. In addition to our personal intent, the letter is being sent into space, and it is not for us to worry where the thought it contains will find shelter. The only concern we ought to have is that our thought should serve for good. Perhaps it will be received somewhere in an entirely unexpected language, or enter the consciousness of a child and be expressed by him in later years. Perhaps the thought will reach a person who is leaving the earthly state and will be applied in the Subtle World, or it may be of help to that person during the crossing. Perhaps workers will be inspired by the thought, spiritualizing their monotonous work. The thought will help a sick person by giving him faith in his physician, or elevate a woman far beyond the boundaries of her domestic duties. The thought will whisper to the warrior opportunities for heroism. The thought will point out to the farmer the planetary significance of his labor, for the farmer is responsible for the crust of the planet, and a letter to him will be essential. You must write to the architect, to the judge, and to the artist. It does not matter if some letters do not arrive at the intended time. Let him who writes letters remember that he has many readers; so much the worse if the contents of the letter are base or insignificant. Harmful thoughts should not be recorded. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 246: We hear many letters. Each recorded amity gives Us joy. Let all letters carry the great message about the evolution of humanity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 246: The Thinker said, "It is of no importance whether I speak or write, the recorded thoughts will follow me. If the thoughts are of help to someone, they will become my wings." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304: 304. Urusvati knows how karma affects each nation. Some countries appear to be under a kind of curse. The history of these countries can offer a partial explanation, but there may be other causes that were not recorded on the pages of history. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 310: There are many beliefs by which people shield themselves from reality, and it is therefore necessary to goad humanity into participating in all aspects of life. Many ancient thinkers emphasized this, but unfortunately their advice came down in the form of maxims which today are read, but never applied. The thoughts of Confucius, Pythagoras, and Marcus Aurelius are recorded in the pages of history, yet the average man is loathe to accept their authority. People are ashamed to reveal the cause of their ignorance, therefore it is important to persist in reminding them about participating in the totality of life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 320: Those who work for goodness and peace suffer many hardships; where do such unbearable burdens come from? Every evolutionary step evokes the fury of chaos, and such fury is a response to every benevolent aspiration. But peace-makers can testify that their efforts for peace remain with them as their best memories. These efforts are not only recorded in the histories of nations, they are reflected also in the life of the people. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 323: People are not aware that their destiny depends upon the scope of their consciousness. They do not like to discuss the concept of consciousness, because this kind of discourse reminds them of their responsibilities. Such a reminder is always unpleasant, for behind it rise long-forgotten phantoms. But a courageous man does not fear ghosts and is able to benefit from the inspiring advice that has been recorded throughout the ages. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 369: The Thinker fully understood that His Teaching would be subjected to many distortions. He used to say, "Only in the clouds will the signs of Our intentions be fully recorded." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 392: It is particularly important to understand how human thought can cooperate with the Highest Spheres. One should not forget the old saying that a man's nature is created by his thought. We preserve many tablets on which it can be seen how people have created their own evolution. Urusvati frequently saw how the future history of various nations was recorded. We do not advocate the artificial unification of countries, but look into their future, where We can see the consequences of past mistakes. When people begin to project the idea of peace in their thought, it is possible that an entirely different formula will be recorded on these Subtle Tablets. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 428: Let him also gather those poetic fictions about Our Towers, of which there is an abundance. This legendary material must be recorded, and collected in separate chapters. People will be interested to learn how these notions were interpreted by different cultures. The songs of different nations will also remind us about the Unknown Place toward which pilgrims of every kind are striving.