Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 119: 119. My children, the teaching of life under My Guidance is the straightest path to an understanding of Cosmos. You must recognize the obstacle of ignorance. The physician can cure only when he understands the symptoms of the illness. Those of vast possessions are often blind to the world's phenomena. Seldom does the preoccupied one perceive the future. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 134: 134. Recognize the call even in the fall of the rose petal. Life is full of calls - the fire brings you to the summit of the Mysteries. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 155: 155. From east and from west will come My warriors, And among the conquerors I shall recognize those chosen by Me. And you will know those designated by Me. Even the grass in its growth fulfills the Will of God. Higher than the wheat is the human spirit, and in Our Teaching its work accomplishes even more than do benevolent thoughts. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 280: 280. When we are impelled to fight and destroy evil, are we not then also as fanatics? Where is the boundary of Justice? But those who are trained in the school of harmony will recognize the mandates of the heart. Our disciple determines each sword thrust with his spirit directed to Us. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 322: 322. I shall say to those who knock: On your way you may perceive a heart - a vessel brimming with spirituality. Know to discern it. If you recognize it, try to approach as closely as possible. Remember, spirituality, like flame, kindles new fires, and, like a miraculous magnet, attracts. Therefore, turn not aside the predestined happiness. We can send a call, but this call is not repeated. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 388: Waiting ones, waiting ones, Even you may not recognize the hour of My Coming. As the waiting is not easy, I will give signs, and help. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 441: 441. He who arrives ignorant will be seated at the table and will be filled with knowledge. All is saturated with signs and approaches. If you wish to commission a passer-by to carry a message to a neighbor's house, You say to him, "Friend, give our friends this message." And often afterward you do not even recognize this messenger. So, in life too, look at what has been brought to you without being troubled by the appearance of the bearer, Especially when everything around is filled with signs. Truly, fortunate are you who know the Indications about what is coming, and the ordained dates. Therefore, wait and rejoice. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.4: To build an arch between the ways of the full decline and the ascent is not easy. The carriers of spirit do not recognize each other. Harken to and record the voices of strange figures on your way. Afterwards you will weld together these informations, thus revealing the ladder of practical possibilities. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.1: 3.2.1. Be not afraid to examine closely the armor of your brother. Only by fingering with a careful hand all the links of the coat of mail can you recognize which side of the brother is the least defended. An armor that shines from the outside may not withstand even a light arrow. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.5: 3.4.5. Now, if you are asked, "Do you recognize astrology?" answer, "Do you deny medicine?" Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.18: Without a special Indication, no one will recognize those who have been to see Us. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19: To the testing there may be added a question that even a child can be asked: "What do you consider of the utmost importance right now?" Understanding the train of thought, one can recognize the true nature according to the reply. It is sad to look upon those who conceal their thoughts. Thought is lightning. New Era Community (1926) - 42: 42. The Cosmos is in process of creation through pulsation, that is, by explosions. The rhythm of the explosions gives harmony to the creation. Indeed knowledge of the spirit carries the thread of the Cosmos into manifested life. With a shining sword the new step should be cut free. It is necessary to recognize when to hold back the flowers of light lest they again be dissolved in the mist of the elements. New Era Community (1926) - 70: 70. My Hands know not repose. My Head upholds the weight of the works. My Mind searches out the solidity of solutions. The power of experience defeats alien infirmity. At the point of loss do I pour in the new possibilities. On the line of retreat I build strongholds. In the eyes of the enemy I wave the banner. I call the day of fatigue a day of repose. I recognize a manifestation of non-understanding as rubbish on the threshold. I can conceal the sacred in the folds of a working garment. A miracle means for Me only the mark of a horseshoe. Courage means for Me only the arrow in the quiver. Resoluteness for Me is only the daily bread. New Era Community (1926) - 143: 143. You are beginning to do a great deal correctly. You abolish handshaking and thus recognize the potency of contact. You avoid handwriting and thus recognize the stratification of living energy. You abbreviate the language and thus recognize the need of cosmic conservations. You establish Societies of Mutual Aid and thus recognize community. You begin a re-estimate of transitory values and thus recognize evolution. You abolish the usage of compulsion and thus recognize the Teacher. You abolish foul language and thus recognize the value of sound. You abolish vulgar dancing and thus recognize the significance of rhythm. You abolish vulgar shows and thus recognize the power of energy. You abolish tardiness and thus recognize the will. If the scientific significance of your actions is not always clear to you, still in manifesting the inevitability of evolution, you are acting properly. New Era Community (1926) - 147: Heroes may be encountered in present-day life. One should not consider this concept inapplicable. If we fear to introduce such a concept, we ourselves break away from the pathleading into the region of truth. One should recognize heroism in life; one should remember that the sword is the staff of the hero. Knowing how to turn sword into staff must find a place in the day's work. New Era Community (1926) - 157: Where then is the primary cause of the frenzy of egoism? Man, sowing terror, is himself senselessly fearful. In the denier sits not only ignorance but also a base fear. Tell children the symptoms by which to recognize the nest of egoism. They must understand that the egoist first of all admits nothing, whereas the seeker of the Common Good sets as his first task the absorption of possibilities. New Era Community (1926) - 193: Large and small usurpers, it is needful for you to learn to recognize the curative power of the honey and of the ant's sweat. It would seem that this thought is old enough, yet certain joints of the human consciousness have become so rusty that scores of centuries could not turn them. New Era Community (1926) - 211: Affirmation of cooperation is not the result of a formal examination. Only through action and resoluteness is it possible to approach the heart of the Community. Teach not to let possibilities slip by. If resoluteness and action lead to gratitude, then imprudence and negligence create an obstacle difficult to remove. The co-worker who neglects action through immobility is left to his own devices. This is not a penalty, but a practical means for showing him his failure. Rarely, it is true, one does recognize his own failure, and then a small independent exercise is put to him something goes with difficulty, something creaks and does not come off. One should not suspect magical measures; the attention of the Community has simply flown away temporarily, and the stilts of inexperience sway in the wind. In any case, the reaction of the collective, which represents the Community, will be a strong one, and without this concentration it is difficult for one to proceed who has already once tried the path of good of the Community. New Era Community (1926) - 215: An alien teaching insists upon manifestation of subservience, but the community is so saturated with possibilities that the Sole Hierarchy will be the step of knowledge. No one designates the Hierarch, but those who listen and realize thus recognize this step. The Teacher will be the natural leader. New Era Community (1926) - 220: It may be known that at present many are ready to accept the community, and many can cultivate their psychic energy. Be able to point out to them that first of all they should learn to recognize the presence of this energy. One can cultivate and increase only that which is realized. New Era Community (1926) - 232: 232. You know that the conditions of Our Community are not easy, but their fulfillment is facilitated by participation in all the other communities. Many social organisms pay no attention to the inner make-up of their members. After acquiring Our discipline, you cannot recognize a community there where only certain external signs of it are preserved. Agni Yoga (1929) - 18: Those with especially sensitive organisms can testify that during the culminating period of the sunspots the rays of the luminary, because of their qualities, become unbearable for them. Also, during the passing of the great meteors, one may feel a quivering of the nervous system. Until now, people have been unable to recognize their place in this gigantic laboratory. That single recognition alone would arm the human organism, and, in place of worried observation of the tremors of the seismograph, would direct the search into the Limitless Heights - as material as tomorrow's repast, as majestic as the numberless stars. Agni Yoga (1929) - 117: By the sound of the trumpets, the warriors recognize the moment for advancing into the field of battle. Manifested warriors, what an untamed current, never repeatable and obscured to the eyes of the world, rages about your camp! What has impelled you to keep your swords sharpened and your shields at the ready? You will say "We know the marked dates of Earth and nothing can dim our sight. The Keeper of the dates has confided to us the combination of forces, and the decisions. Patience has turned to immutability. Yesterday we trembled with expectancy, but today we rejoice in the ardor of battle, knowing that the destined battle will lead to victory." Agni Yoga (1929) - 137: Sometimes even decent motives can draw unworthy individuals to a worthy person - a sort of overloading of a ship with unfit cargo. But the helmsman must guard the quality of the cargo and cut away the unfit. Especially avoid empty promises; these promises cling to the ship like barnacles. Recognize the merits of the worthy one, but do not burden him with promises. A united group must avoid mutual promises. A realization of the future structure should be the sole basis for unity. I speak not of magic circles but of the influence of real groups. Agni Yoga (1929) - 188: 188. With each century a special kind of Yoga is introduced, appropriate to the world's condition. The earth element is inapplicable when a fiery cure is required. Nor will water or air serve in place of the wings of fire. Like an inevitable cataclysm that sweeps away continents, so undeferrable is the Yoga of the realization of the fiery power. The ability to recognize the right time for right actions is the mark of an enlightened consciousness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 190: 190. On the way to Us do not forget to take all that you recognize as valuable. It is instructive to develop an understanding of values. Often, even people who know something of the domain of the spirit continue to give their attention to mediocre and ugly things. They forget that ugly things serve the forces of darkness. A yogi must know quite clearly the true quality of everything. Agni Yoga (1929) - 194: Many atmospheric observations can facilitate the building of the future. But unfortunately, one must recognize that even mosquitoes know atmospheric conditions better than men. Yet people think that by claiming the title of king of nature, they have the right to know nothing. Agni Yoga (1929) - 247: A realization of the dynamic motion of spatial bodies, unrestrainable and eternally new, would help people recognize the impelling principle of life. Thus each moment of life would achieve mobility and would demonstrate its link with the past and with the inevitable future. Agni Yoga (1929) - 288: 288. Naturally, a mirage does not disclose reality, but is a reality in itself. Therefore it is correct to recognize the reality of Maya, even while knowing all its treacherous distortion. Agni Yoga (1929) - 290: In general, take note of those who do not need darkness for their sleep. The fire of their spirit dispels the darkness. We recognize the fighters by certain habits. When their eye wanders in the darkness and they shudder at the gloom, We comfort them with the words, "Space harkens to you." Agni Yoga (1929) - 311: This sowing is needed by Us and We know that these seeds cannot be lost, for whatever exists cannot be destroyed. We are not greatly interested in the changeability of form, for the seed is unchangeable. Such an unchangeable seed lies in each being. Even negative actions do not prevent Us from remembering that the seed is the same everywhere. And this awareness makes Us tolerant. It is evident to Us that discordance is usually simply the result of conflict of rhythm. Of course, this lack of correlation prevents the unification of psychic energy within groups. It is precisely the group energy that makes possible the utilization of the rays without the annihilation or burning of forces. Vampirism, to a considerable degree, can be attributed to a conflict of rhythm, which results in devouring instead of cooperation. Therefore, learn to recognize those whose waves are not harmful to you, even if superficially they appear to be from the soul of an alien race. Agni Yoga (1929) - 344: Often people will not look at reality, but insist on their own misperception. People will ask why demonstrations of the subtle energies are so rare. Tell them that on the contrary, they are continuous, but the human eye and ear do not care to recognize them. When the human eye does glimpse them, it is usual to convince oneself that they were imagined. This is the attitude of an undeveloped consciousness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 435: Our Rays can strongly restrain this human destructiveness. But how few are those who recognize the urgency of conditions! Agni Yoga (1929) - 436: From intensification of one's forces comes their growth. From alertness comes the light of experience. From pursuit of one's goal comes increase of energy. Observe how conditions are molded so that at moments of extreme need unusual new circumstances appear. The inexperienced will call them accidental, but those who know will recognize the spiral of creation. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 72: If people could but understand the call of Space and the true Image of an Arhat! Even the best people do not recognize the fire of the spirit; dimly glows their understanding of an Arhat. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 151: True, it may be said that humanity has been struggling arduously for millennia. We recognize this, but the evidences of destruction have engulfed all strivings. The manifestation of the true rhythms of life is comprised in infinite motion. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 237: There exists a so-called transmission through the envelopes of departed spirits, but one must always recognize that a lower manifestation attracts the lower. For this reason, We assert that Fire is most lofty and the transmutation occurs at the highest point. Thus, She who carries the Chalice of the Sacred Fire will give to the planet a fiery purification. Thus the creativeness of psycho-spirituality is implanted into the new step. When the force of the Cosmic Magnet will assert the manifestation of the fires, then will it be possible to say that the New Time draws near. I so affirm! Hierarchy (1931) - 12: 12. Humanity has never deliberated upon the life of the Arhat. It is customary to think of an Arhat as a dweller of the clouds. The records of the drift of thought are dreadful and grotesque. Verily, We Brothers of Humanity do not recognize ourselves as humanity conceives Us. The images of Us are so fantastic that We deem that if people applied their fantasies precisely conversely, Our Images would assume true form. Heart (1932) - 3: 3. Whether the heart be called the abode of the Elohim or the synthesis of syntheses, it still remains the focal point. Even those who recognize in the heart only its lower physiological functions, even they have an attitude of care for the heart. How much more deeply, then, must he who knows about the magnet and silvery thread harken to the heart. Therefore the Teacher draws one away from everything narrowly physical, in order to remind about the spiritual world through each organ. It is a festival for Us each time a pure direction of thought is projected into the sphere of invisible existence. One must lead into the abode of the Elohim with complete perseverance, as though danger pursued the entering one. One can recognize the path of the chosen ones when the Invisible World has become real and accessible to them; then one can notice the growth of consciousness, and the very organs of the body become transformed, imbued by the link with Hierarchy. Heart (1932) - 36: 36. If you notice signs of the Elect, do not hinder the actions of this Emissary. One can know the signs of Agni Yoga and according to them recognize the path of the Chosen One. Thus, the manifestation of an Envoy consists not in externals but in unusualness of actions. It is natural that actions of special significance must startle people's consciousness; both sides, in their own way, manifest their understanding of these actions. But we cannot name one Envoy around whom there did not occur wondrous intensification of energy. Clouds precede the tempest, therefore clouds always precede the affirmation of Truth. But you already know the significance of these spiritual phenomena. You can establish how during centuries the benign Tidings are repeated and how they spread among the multitude. From the spiritual Summit one can perceive the rhythm that carries the echoes of the Teaching. Heart (1932) - 39: 39. Chiefly, speak of the spiritual. The path of the spirit, like nothing else, develops the consciousness and purifies one's life. Regard spiritual discourses as practical exercises of the heart. It is necessary to purify the consciousness as a path toward success. Again I speak, not abstractly, but for application to life. Try the experiment of administering medicines to a conscious and an unconscious being. It is instructive to compare the extent to which consciousness intensifies all the manifestations and processes. Thus can one recognize the essential worth of the consciousness. Besides, a spiritual discourse directs the striving of the A-energy into a definite channel toward the heights. Precisely, Ketub is the unifier of energies. Thus, one must not spend time in striving toward the habitual, when there are so many possibilities which attract one upward. Heart (1932) - 67: 67. Seek for commune with everything that is subtle and refined in its substance. I speak not only of objects but of people. And among people, do not choose those who desire material manifestations alone. Even those who recognize spirituality are insipid if they strive for crude manifestations. They will not be the first to enter the Kingdom of the Heart. Perhaps others who did not behold the Subtle World, but who have understood it in their hearts will leave the magicians and Magi behind. The attestation of the inner eye and the unfoldment of the fires depends upon the refinement of consciousness; only these gates are nearest to the Kingdom of the Heart. Unbelievers who wish to place their fingers upon the wounds of Light cannot open their hearts to an instantaneous realization. Verily, test everything that exists! But lacking the glow of the heart these tests are like yesterday's embers. Heart (1932) - 224: 224. When We pay attention to details, it means precisely that these can ameliorate a situation. The quality of work depends upon foreseen correlations. The broad lines alone recall to us the work of the giants, whose evolution had to be arrested long ago because of their crudeness. But the spirit does not recognize either giants or dwarfs. It knows only striving for perfection, in which all the chimes of Cosmos ring out. Thus, we shall recall the conditions of perfectment. If we began with the Asuras, let us conclude with the Devas. Heart (1932) - 277: 277. One can think with the brain or with the heart. Time was, perhaps, when people forgot about the work of the heart, but now is the era of the heart, and we must concentrate our strivings in this direction. Thus, without relieving the brain of work, we are ready to recognize the heart as a moving power. People have contrived a myriad of limitations for the heart. The works of the heart are understood narrowly and often impurely. We must bring the entire world into the sphere of the heart, because the heart is the microcosm of existence. He who is not inspired by the great concept of the heart, will minimize his own significance. We give Our decree against irritation, but only greatness of heart will preserve one from the poison of irritation. We speak of containment, but where is the ocean of containment outside of the heart? We recall the far-off worlds, but it is the heart, not the brain, that can remember Infinity. Thus, let us not disparage that which is bestowed upon us as the receptacle of Bliss. Heart (1932) - 327: 327. Exercising attention is a condition of observation of the signs of the Subtle World. Attention can be developed by various means. In a symphony one can choose and follow one voice, or one can identify several melodies simultaneously. It is also useful to establish the sonance of silence. Silence has many delicate voices, and to observe their rhythm means to come closer to the Subtle World. But, in studying silence it is instructive to recognize the dissonance of each physical intrusion. One cannot find a better example than the comparison of a physical sound with the Subtle World. And such an antithesis is also observed in the sphere of the sense of smell. Yet this quality is developed much more rarely! If smell appears as a form of nourishment in the Subtle World, it is understood that in the physical world it is not so highly developed. Of course, as you have noticed, the Subtle World is full of odors. The higher, the more perfect they are. But the lower strata are full of decomposition. If disincarnated beings are delayed in the lower strata, they carry around themselves the shell of decomposition; therefore, during life it is very useful to get accustomed to the flight into the higher strata. Heart (1932) - 339: 339. Surya-Vidya - thus was the Teaching of the Heart sometimes called. In this definition was indicated the fieriness, the sunlike quality, the centrality of the heart. Verily, anyone who wishes to cognize the heart cannot approach it as only a part of the organism. First of all, one should recognize the centrifugal aspect of the heart and study outward from it, not inward toward it. The solar plexus is the antechamber of the temple of the heart. The Kundalini is the laboratory of the heart. The brain and all the centers are the estates of the heart, because nothing can exist without the heart. Even the brain can be supplemented to a certain degree. Even the Kundalini can be somewhat nourished by a manifestation of electricity, and the solar plexus can be strengthened by blue light. But the heart stands as the temple of humanity. One cannot conceive of the unity of humanity by way of the brain or the Kundalini, but the radiance of the heart can bring together the most seemingly varied organisms, even across remote distances. This experiment, of the unification of hearts across distance, awaits its workers. Heart (1932) - 372: 372. You already begin to think of such subjects as astrophysics and astrochemistry. It would seem time to ponder on how these powerful reactions affect the nature of humanity. Soon the powerful levers of far-off worlds will begin to be brought closer for the amelioration of life. But with all the wealth of possibilities the heart element must be added to everything. The action of the subtlest energies of the heart transmutes the chemism of the rays. One cannot imagine a chemical laboratory without the participation of the heart. When human thought shall recognize the heart as an impeller, not as an egoistic personal instrument, but as a collaborator with the subtlest energies, the predestined transformation of life will at once begin. Heart (1932) - 448: 448. People easily recognize the scientific quality of the lower, Hatha Yoga, but they do not even attempt to bring the highest signs into the circle of scientific observations. Of what use are mechanical siddhis compared to the manifestations of the most exalted heart? The siddhis of the body cannot be applied often, whereas the activity of the heart is an incessant stream. Of course, one's attention should be intensified in order to observe the most subtle manifestations of the heart. But serious experiments also demand attention. Is it not better to become accustomed to attentiveness through one's own heart? These experiments in attentiveness will not be in vain. Above all, they are fitting for the approach to the Subtle World. He who has once listened to his own heart does not see even any end of observations. Observations that are begun in the home will inevitably guide the consciousness of him who observes universally and will indicate the path to the highest worlds. Why write a multitude of formulas without desiring to apply them to life? Contact with the subtlest energies refines the entire being. He who has entered the fiery path understands the refinement, keenness, and vigilance of which I speak. Heart (1932) - 469: 469. One should recognize Light as a living substance. One should understand ascent as the only predestined direction. It is difficult to realize misfortune as one's own mistake. Heart (1932) - 534: 534. It is wrong for people not to pay attention to the effects of eating during irritation and agitation. Very strong poisons are formed by this unwise procedure. Many days must pass before this poison will dissolve. It should be remembered that hunger is far better than harmful food. During irritation and excitement I advise milk in all forms as a customary antidote. Soda strengthens the action of milk. The ability to recognize disquietude is already a considerable step toward the education of the heart. If disquietude occurs, one should be able to nullify it; but often disquietude is confused with fatigue, then let us not overlook musk or certain varieties of phosphorus, the substance that is called sperm oil, and cod-liver oil and fresh kumiss which are popular among northern people. Also, you remember to what an extent the Teacher sends rays at night, but even these rays act far more powerfully when they are recognized. The silence of the ancients during the meal had a sacred significance. But the understanding of sacredness also comprised the cure. Thus, the heart and nerves can often be strengthened by a rational partaking of food. We are not Luculluses, but each vital function must be rational. Many workers have poisoned themselves. Moreover, the Chinese sometimes fed the enemy with the liver of an irritated rooster - thus resourceful are human wiles. But in the New World everything must be directed to good. Heart (1932) - 546: 546. Each piece of a neighbor's bread is protected by law, but the devouring and plundering of the forces of the spirit is not prohibited. Thus, because of ignorance various types of vampirism are permitted. Verily, it is horrifying to observe how strength is plundered without its being applied for good. Vampires of all kinds do not plunder strength for good deeds. At best they swallow up strength for egoism, and then the entire dark criminality follows. It is impossible to enumerate the abuses of precious strength. But when We advise caution, it is understood as inactivity. And when We speak of the significance of the heart, it is explained as superstition; yet neither the brain, nor the solar plexus, nor the Kundalini will give the signal about the plundering of the strength. Only the heart gives incessant signs, and people usually do not want to recognize them. In our era it is not permissible to despise so greatly the manifold activity of the heart. Moreover, it is time to understand that without realization all the signs of the heart will pass away in vain. Heart (1932) - 558: 558. Fear and irritation are called the gates of darkness. The servants of darkness dispatch fear first of all, in order to confound the spirit. Each conjuration may comprise danger inasmuch as during the conjuration terror may penetrate - thus the most precise magic may be turned into the utmost danger. Hence one must lean upon a more certain means. An educated heart will first of all eradicate fear and recognize the harm of irritation. Thus the heart is that armor of Light which will put to shame the cunning of darkness. As is ever asserted, the heart is constantly ready to smite darkness and bridle chaos. It is especially sad that many do not desire to think about the power of the heart. Thus, they not only cause themselves dejection but bring harm to their near ones. Each treasure unrealized merges into Chaos, thus strengthening darkness. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 28: 28. All achievements and heroic deeds are essentially fiery actions. The higher energy transports people across the precipice. It may be asked, "Does not the fiery energy participate in the rise of crime?" Certainly, this same energy can raise a bloody knife; therefore We advise not to turn the Fire of Benefaction into the flame of destruction. Besides personal harm, the flame of destruction contaminates the surrounding space. Moreover, a flame of evil is aroused by the decomposing vortices of the lower strata. It has long been said that sinners themselves feed the fires of hell. People are themselves responsible for the extent of evil. As it is, a vast amount of evil is not realized, and people refuse to recognize whence come these hideous burns. In various countries you saw different concepts of hell. If such forms are embodied on Earth, likewise they exist in the Subtle World. How carefully must one avoid all ugliness on Earth! The Fire of Benefaction creates the most beautiful transmutations. Let us then be toiling and blessed smiths. Beneficent Fires are borne high up by the vortexes of the far-off worlds. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 58: It is manifested generally in both children and adults, and even in animals. But people prefer not to recognize this preliminary form of dreadful calamity. They will superficially attribute it to the most varied diseases; anything to keep from thinking about the unusual. All such patients should be isolated, and the dead cremated at once. People who have lost their psychic energy may easily succumb to this contagion. It can be intensified by various additional forms, both internal and external. The darkening or inflammation of the skin will suggest smallpox or scarlet fever; the majority of fiery manifestations are reflected upon the skin. Learn to pay attention to these unusual manifestations. Musk, and hot milk with soda will be good preventives. Cold milk is not assimilated by the tissues, whereas hot milk with soda penetrates into the centers. Having tried to reduce temperature with cold applications, people often find that a mustard plaster or hot compress results in unexpected improvement. We definitely oppose cupping glasses and leeches, because they affect the heart and may be dangerous. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 75: 75. The associates of the black lodges themselves distinctly recognize each other. There actually exist obvious signs. Thus, if you notice an inhuman cruelty, be assured that this is a sign of the dark ones. Each Teaching of Light is primarily a development of humaneness. Remember this definitely, for the world has never before been in such a need of this quality. Humaneness is the gateway to all other worlds. Humaneness is the basis of straight-knowledge. Humaneness is the wings of beauty. The essence of humaneness is the substance of the Chalice. Therefore, above all, on Earth let us be clothed in humaneness and recognize it as an armor against the dark forces. A fiery manifestation will visit the heart through humaneness. Thus we shall realize once again to what a degree the farthest is the nearest. We also recognize each other through humaneness. Thus, in this hour of danger, let us labor for the most imperative. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 201: 201. Not only by song and the rhythm of music but by every machine a vibration is created which contacts fiery energies. So, also, each tension, or rather, shock, is a conductor of the very same manifestations of Agni. Hence, one must become accustomed to distinguish and recognize the spark in each tension. One need not emulate the morbid people who avoid tension. One should welcome each fiery vibration as a purifying principle. What ordinary people regard as a calm life is nothing but extinction of fire. They have even invented entire systems of extinguishing fire from early childhood. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 249: 249. About one of the Rishis it was said that even at the mention of evil he felt pain. One should not consider such a Rishi an idler, but rather be amazed at his dissociation from evil. Indeed, each one who realizes Fire feels evil with especial keenness as the direct antipode of his being. One must, I say, one must develop in oneself this counteraction to evil, the opponent of progress. One must, I say, one must recognize this boundary which impedes advance for the good of evolution. One may hear about the complexity of such boundaries, but the manifestation of Fire will reveal where is evolution, and where the decrepitude of decomposition. The Fiery World is a true symbol of uninterrupted evolution. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 270: 270. As a rule, the man who is saved does not want to recognize his rescuer. He who has received Fire strives to rush away, without thinking that darkness may engulf him. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 453: 453. The Yogi of India says to the scientist studying the question of self-preservation Truly, it is high time to study the fiery nature of man. It should have been understood long ago that it is not only the will but the fiery energy which surrounds man with a salutary veil. One should indeed study this in laboratories, but such laboratories must be different from those dealing with soil fertilization. It is time for scientists to realize that for subtle experiments subtle conditions are needed. Likewise, it is time to recognize that these conditions are not created through mechanical disinfection. Each experiment requires fiery spiritual purification. In fact, much may be achieved amidst nature and in temples where the emanations are not so defiled. But in ordinary laboratories, which are not even ventilated, and where the dust is full of poisonous deposits, little can be achieved. Not without reason did healers ask before healing, "Have you faith?" And then the result was especially successful. But not only was the healer evoking faith, the kindling of the fire of the centers was also needed. When the fiery chakras began to rotate, considerable purification took place. Thus, let the physician pay attention not only to the will but also to the basic psycho-fiery energy. Let him remember that the surrounding atmosphere has a tremendous importance. It would seem unfitting to call attention to this, yet after millions of years of earthly existence, people still pay as little attention to the quality of their surroundings as they probably did in the times of the cave dwellers. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 530: 530. It is right to repeat about the sickness of the planet. It is right to understand the desert as the shame of humanity. It is right to turn one's thought to the task of cooperation with nature. It is right to recognize that to plunder nature is to squander the treasures of the people. It is right to rejoice at nature as the refuge from fiery epidemics. He who does not think about nature does not know the Abode of Spirit. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 658: 658. Our Communions are not merely for information, but are to be accepted with the heart. Soon you will finish the first part of the writings about the Fiery World. They should not be given only to the curious, for this may give birth to blasphemy. The meaning of blasphemy must be understood and full attention paid to it. Blasphemy not only repels Light; it inherently carries an actual infection. The blasphemer is not quite the same after his utterances, for he has rent a part of his protective net. One may then expect various sicknesses, for the protective net is not only a spiritual protection but also a physical one. Therefore blasphemous utterances should be forbidden, even in childhood. It is deplorable that people have lost the sense of responsibility to the extent of forgetting the significance of words. At the Fiery Gates blasphemous words will not come to one's mind, but if we consciously let them take root, they will burn the heart like red-hot knives. Losing the word harmony degrades men. How was Pythagoras able to understand the significance of the glory of the body of Light? Moreover, the appearance of numerous mechanical inventions has destroyed to a considerable degree the evidence of culture. Indeed, the forces of disintegration are very active; they strike all that is beautiful with putrescence, infection, and insensateness. There is a wealth of data on the activity of the dark forces; not superstition, but documents corroborate their intentions. It is possible to guard against them by use of all the fiery energies, but to do this one must recognize Agni itself. Hence, let those who wish to receive a continuation of the records about the Fiery World prove that it is really important to them. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) : The Teaching of Life is not a compilation of unheard-of utopias. Humanity is of very ancient origin; and in the course of ages multifarious sparks of Wisdom have been poured upon Earth, but every cycle has its key. If someone can recognize the present key as a familiar one, then let him rejoice and be thankful for an indication which is close to him. It seems simple, but in reality it proves to be very difficult. People love to listen to news and to receive toys, but few are ready to refine their consciousness. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 115: 115. If people were able to draw an account of the quality of a day, they could avoid many difficulties. Indeed, astrology is a very exact science, and it demands extremely accurate correlation. It is evident that astrological data is limited to place and time. This is quite comprehensible when we picture a plan of intersecting currents. Thus, above all possible inaccuracies of our astrological interpretations, there exists the great indicator - the heart. The two sources must be unified. Let the most exact calculations of astrology be united with the heart. The heart will tell in its own silent language where is the hardship which must be outlived, or the joy which must be utilized. But let the wisdom of the heart not be turned into superstition, and let the tablet of the astrologer not become a dried skeleton. A great number of petty circumstances vibrate in space, and only the fiery heart can understand the invisible network of causes. The Rays of the Luminaries intersect nations, races, individuals. One may recognize the immutability of the chemism of the constellations, but the analysis of such diverse confluence must be very carefully interpreted. The heart can assist, but even in straight-knowledge it is guided by Hierarchy. With justice people turn to the science of astrology, but without the fiery heart they may find themselves in an impassable jungle. Thus let us remember the heart, otherwise speaking, the Hierarchy. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 129: 129. I do not advise middle measures. To affirm the transitory state as a completion would be contrary to evolution. When a prayer is uttered about rest with the Saints, it reveals ignorance in regard both to rest and to the Saints. You know that rest is a purely temporary state, and in addition is relative. The so-called Saints have no rest. It may be said that the expression used is a relative one, but by respite people understand a state of repose. But if people were to be told about tension in the Fiery World, only a few would comprehend such an attribute of the higher condition. When We speak about a state of continuous explosion during the highest tension, it does not strike the imagination to recognize such tension, so We say - not tension, but splendor! The path to such grandeur is through the beautiful. If man will not develop within himself an aspiration to the most beautiful, he will close his own eyes, but the Highest can neither be repeated nor imagined. The manifestation of splendor is absolutely infinite. Still, let us not hold open the middle measures of sleep and rest. I affirm that repose would not produce the manifested Universe. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 132: 132. The mightiest Avatars do not bear upon themselves signs of earthly distinction, but they affirm themselves by manifestations of spirit-creativeness. One should not be surprised at the fact that strong spirits may not be recognized by their contemporaries. Thus it should be, because their measures relate to the future. A code of laws may be made for only one portion of the approach to any successive step of life. Consider that people cannot ever recognize that the highest attainment is in the development of the heart. Cooperation and close living together are based upon the heart. It seems this simple truth cannot be realized. Mechanization impedes the basic penetrations into the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 140: 140. It is necessary not only to recognize that there is no void, but also to understand the surrounding life. The understanding of life as intertwined and mutually nourishing brings realization of the omnipresence of psychic energy. On the very smallest examples, in incomplete micro-organisms, one may study that which is strikingly all-saturating. Varied currents, rays, and chemisms pass through masses of beings, but psychic energy not only does not retard them, but transmits them farther. When we speak of the most pure air, even about the purest Prana, we nevertheless presuppose all-containment, and in this containment various tensions. Picturing such physical saturation will aid the realization of Higher Worlds. Actually, everything is alive, and everything manifests the same energy. In this primitive position rests also the possibility of transmutation of everything existing. Death becomes a transposition and life becomes unavoidable cooperation. The very approach to the Fiery World is application of conformable qualities. It is sad to see how people limit themselves and try to destroy the universe. Perhaps overproduction, competition, and distortion of the meaning of life will bring humanity into a blind alley, and then it will be obliged to stop and think. Because, by setting aside all limitations the recognition of the Higher Worlds will come along. Calling to the Fiery World, we must have recourse to comparison with micro-organisms, and thus impel people to think about a saturation with the uninterrupted life. Indeed it is easier to think with the heart, above all micro-organisms. It is necessary to summon to such a solution. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 221: 221. Threads of the spirit are spread far more widely than people think. I say repeatedly - write down, even if it be briefly, the sensations and the strivings of the spirit. From such writings it will be possible to make significant deductions. Likewise the physicians can make use of this valuable material. Possibly, not always can such writings be compared, as a great deal may not coincide so easily, but even isolated cases may assist someone to recognize the psychic energy. No special university courses are needed for this. Psychic energy especially acts freely, when man is aflame with hearty striving. The measuring rod of psychic energy is pure striving. Not magic, but pure human striving will produce a marvelous world. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 225: 225. It is an error to think that irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs is caused only by colds. Such tensions also result from spacial fires. Without doubt, irritation of nose and throat can be cured by suggestion. The same cause underlies many cases of so-called hay-fever, which often can be cured by suggestion. Also many kinds of skin disease are cured by the same method. Often, in fact, skin irritations arise not from external causes but from imbalance of fiery currents. It is regrettable that physicians do not observe this phase of human ailment. Only occasionally do they recognize nervous causes, but then they try to flood them out with bromides, whereas suggestion could produce a better result. Let us not forget that at times suggestion has been employed to speed up the closing of wounds, by way of enlisting the cooperation of the entire organism. Thus, during discourse about the Fiery World, one should not forget the cause, at times, of irritations of the nose and throat. Physicians must be urged to study all methods of suggestion. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 234: 234. It is not the brain substance that thinks. It is time to recognize the fact that thought is born in the fiery centers. Thought exists as something ponderable but invisible, and it must be understood that a lever is not a furnace. Already many truths are knocking for admission, but only thinking about the fiery centers can be of assistance toward correct interpretation. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 237: 237. Deprivation of blessing was an act of the most ancient patriarchate. It is far removed from the latter anathemas. Anathema is a product of ignorance, whereas the very ancient act foresaw rupture of the bond with Hierarchy. The bond with Hierarchy is an actual blessing with all its consequences. The ignorant will say, "We have many times defamed the Highest, and nevertheless we still exist; no fire has seared us, and nothing threatens us." Then let us lead them to the public square, where blind beggars are crawling in filth, and say to them, "There also are you." Let us lead them into prisons, into mines, to fires, to executions, and say, "Can it be that you do not recognize yourselves? You have just severed the thread with the Highest, and you have hurled yourselves into the abyss." It is not necessary to terrify with threats, life is full of examples of such horrors. Remember that the pressure of fire is invisible, yet nothing can escape its consequences. Thus, it can be seen that even the ancients understood the justice of the law, and knew that offense against the Primary Principles is so great and terrible that the result cannot be immediately seen. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 247: 247. Those uninformed in Great Service may even complain of the difficulty of such an achievement. But those in contact with it already cannot conceive of existence without it. A frightful emptiness appears, it seems, when there is no application of one's forces for Common Good. Without communion with Hierarchy a terrible darkness closes in from all sides. Without Great Service, life itself, like a wilting blossom, loses its meaning. The Fiery World is intangible, and the very concept of it, instead of being attractive, appears menacing. Equilibrium is established by great measures, but affirmation of the Shield of Hierarchy comes after the dedication of oneself to Great Service. The spirit decides its own fate. Without any stipulations the spirit itself determines its sacrifice. The dimension of the sacrifice is decided in the heart. No one can force an enlargement of the offering, but much joy is felt from a sacrifice which is not diminished. The Teacher advises to recognize one's potentialities according to the sacrifice voluntarily accepted by the heart. How great is the law of such good-will! It determines the future, from small to big, and up to great events! Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 281: 281. Fear of the future is the horror of the World. It breaks in upon life under different concepts. It gradually decomposes the mind and deadens the heart. Such fear is false in its nature. People know that none of their situations are permanent, consequently it is sensible to prepare without delay something for the future. But formless and immobile factors of chaos attach the consciousness to illusory places. One must intensify one's realization of reality in order to recognize the falseness of Maya, and to understand that truth lies only in the future, when we draw near to the Abode of Fire. It is impossible to describe how people try to conceal their fear before the future. They attempt to prove that not the future, but the past must occupy their thinking. They shamefully avoid everything that reminds about the advancement into the future. They forget that this attitude constitutes a dangerous poisoning of space. Even in the purest places waves of such poison can be observed. People also poison each other. But the most health-giving and beautiful thought is about the future. It conforms with the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 327: 327. It has already been said that blasphemy must be ejected, but one should recognize that each and every blasphemy is inadmissible. Sometimes people are freed from blasphemy only in a narrow circle of concepts, yet their tongues utter grave calumnies in regard to their neighbors. Who can tell what lofty heart channels may be touched by these evil revilements? Therefore blasphemy must be altogether excluded from life as an action unworthy and harmful. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 339: 339. Each good thought is a powerful lever, for the receiver as well as for the sender. People prefer sendings about earthly objects, but they do not realize that earthly sendings can lead both to Light and to darkness. The effects of earthly sendings depend upon the level of consciousness of the recipient. But spiritual sendings cannot lead into error. They have no path to darkness, but through understanding they can have a favorable influence on earthly circumstances. The Teaching especially pauses on mental sendings. As fiery actions they also have a great significance for the equilibrium of spatial fire. The Teaching must forewarn that disorderly thinking cannot bring benefit for the surroundings. But we must take into consideration that the energy should be useful not only narrowly in one direction, but also for the whole spatial dimension. Let us not forget that Fire, as an omnipresent element, transmits vibrations instantaneously. And no one can arrest the spreading of these subtlest energies. So many times one has to reiterate about cautiousness with energies. Let us not judge as do people who are unwilling to think on a level higher than the earth's crust. When we are striving toward the Fiery World, we must recognize the symptoms of such a condition. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 419: 419. Why do people only sometimes sense physically the presence of subtle beings? They are surrounded by them, yet they rarely sense them. Here we touch upon a very remarkable fact. Earthly beings feel it when the subtle dwellers contact their consciousness, either because of their own desires or because of affinity of auras. Then people experience that trembling which for the ignorant turns into terror but which for those who know signifies the stimulation of the fiery element. Not many, since childhood, can consciously recognize this tremor, which has even been called sacred. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 449: 449. One should observe that during especially grave conjunctions of the constellations strong spirits appear. One may investigate in history how systematically powerful helpers are sent from the Fiery World, who take upon themselves the burdens of the World, and who plant magnets for the future. One must study the history of the planet from all angles, in various branches of knowledge. One should recognize the winding paths of humanity as a science connected with the basic laws of the Universe. The study of the chemism of the luminaries should be introduced without delay. Already much valuable material has been accumulated which once again confirms the bond between all the Worlds. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 73: 73. The seed which transmits life to a strong spirit is verily that heritage which is passed on by the Hierarchic Principle. All those who desire to be affirmed in the conception of attainment must undeferrably adhere to the principle of Fiery Guidance. The seed is transmitted as a great fiery approach. The traveller who has realized the destiny of fiery achievement must recognize the law of the cosmic inheritance. Cosmic laws are affirmed in the basis of life, and nothing will be living whose basis is not palpitating with fire. Only he who can aspire to the fiery principle will comprehend the beauty of the fiery receptivity of Fire. Through a realization of unity with the Higher Forces it is possible to trace how the heart absorbs the Rays of Hierarchy. Only the most close ones can resound to the Rays, which affirm a fiery vibration. In transmission and reception one should remember the law that every vibration may be accepted by the spirit which stands on the most fiery step. On the path to the Fiery World one must keep in mind that one's self-manifestation as a transmitter connects one's energies with Hierarchy. Such understanding leads to the unity of spirit, which is one in its essential nature. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 80: 80. There are many signs by means of which one may form an opinion as to the loyalty of a disciple. One sign is the persistence being exerted by the disciple on all the paths - when a disciple manifests his firmness amid storms and whirlwinds, when amidst plots and showers of stones he is not afraid to continue the designated path. Another sign is the invincibility of his faith, when the path indicated by Hierarchy is the only one. Also, in seeking signs of fidelity one should observe how the mutual relations are developed. One should understand how important is a manifest nucleus of two or three co-workers fortified by a fiery esteem for Hierarchy and for each other. By these signs may a fiery loyalty to Hierarchy be determined. Loyalty between friends, co-workers, is a pledge of devotion to Hierarchy. A nucleus of two or three friends, co-workers, can manifest the strongest support for great works. You have spoken correctly about merited favoritism, which We call the bonds of spirit and heart. Thus is affirmed the chain of loyalty which inevitably leads upward. On the path to the Fiery World one should recognize the beauty of loyalty. This wonderful path excludes that active poison which We call spiritual bribery and spiritual corruption. These ulcers are incomparably worse than physical ulcers. Thus, let us esteem loyalty on the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 312: 312. Least of all does humanity understand the indissolubility of Karma, whereas this cosmic law is applicable to every manifestation. Actually, man is not only a monad concluding its evolutionary path; he is a part of the Monad of the Cosmos. All the monads which are conceived in the one Monad of the Cosmos carry responsibility for the existence of the entire Universe. The bond between man and the manifestations of the Universe is mutually nurtured, and thus it is important to recognize how one generator of evil retards all advancement. The course of events indicates to what an extent history repeats itself. At the root of this lies the manifestation of the same monads. Indeed, the Karma of great construction points out the indissolubility of the bond between the prince of darkness and humanity. The fall of powerful foundations is inevitably reflected on mankind. But the resurrection of the spirit can mean resurrection of every manifestation of life, including even the fallen Angel. On the path to the Fiery World one must reflect upon the indissolubility of the paths of the monads with that of the Cosmos. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 432: 432. The process of cosmic reaction is constantly growing, yet the adaptability of the earth grows worse. One may observe that scholars are beginning to recognize the effects of cosmic currents. It is not to be wondered at, since the currents are becoming so much stronger! The manifestations of the heaven's radiations, and even the rainbow, have a big significance for the surroundings. But I speak precisely about manifestations not subject to measurement by present day apparatus. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 578: 578. A certain warrior came under the protection of a revered hermit. After a victory he came to the hermit and expressed his gratitude for two marvelous rescues. But the hermit said "Ungrateful warrior, you were saved not two but twelve times. You did not recognize the most important rescues." Usually people notice the lesser rather than the greater. AUM (1936) - 13: 13. One should realize in the heart that people are not torn away from the higher worlds. Such a resolute consciousness helps one to recognize one of the greatest wonders - into whatever heights of the stratosphere one may ascend, whatever flights one may contemplate, lofty thought soars freely in every realm. Just reflect that a thought from out the Infinite is carried through all the worlds. Aum is the power of Grace. Already in remote antiquity people realized Divine Omniscience as an all-pervading energy. AUM (1936) - 18: 18. Do many concern themselves with spatial thought? It is distressing to realize how few. Is it possible to pass one's entire life with never a thought about the Highest? Examples of such vegetative existence are before our eyes. But no one, under any circumstances, should ever place himself on a level with the lowest. Let us recognize what man receives from even one approach to the far-off worlds. Such an approach separates man from all that is law. A single vision of the distant worlds is enough to transform one's entire life. To understand even a particle of life in the other worlds is to acquire a vivid remembrance forever. Such an approach is already an illumination of the consciousness. Aum is the power of Grace, and help is at hand for each one ready to set sail from the shore of the flesh. Even the smallest approaches to spatial thought should be valued. AUM (1936) - 48: 48. Good and evil are tested by the heart. Thus it is possible to bring to the Highest an unshakable affirmation. One may recognize all relative imperfections, yet be able none the less to affirm unhesitatingly the Good. People try to test criminals by their blood pressure, yet fail to see that a single suspicion in itself may excite the entire organism. It is better to commune with the Higher World, where all the secret scrolls are revealed. AUM (1936) - 118: 118. There are some who suppose that man is continuously dying; others know that man is incessantly reborn. The former are motivated by fear, the latter by joy. The former suggest death to themselves, the latter recognize life. Thus, man to a large extent predetermines his own future. One may be confident that he who destines death for himself does not know about the Higher World. He may display outward ritual, but his heart is far from the truth. AUM (1936) - 137: People cannot approach them in the earthly state, yet in the subtle body the best spirits have already approached such planets and brought back remembrances about their surface structure, coloration and inhabitants. Such experiences are rare, still they occur. They can reinforce the consciousness about infinite reality. In addition to the three invisible worlds it is necessary to recognize inhabited worlds. It is necessary to understand these oceans of thought which generate the music of the spheres. Thus let us diligently direct our thought to the distant friends and co-workers and Protectors. The thought that distant worlds are populated is not a supernatural fantasy. Man will firmly tread the earthly path when knowing about the surrounding magnitude. AUM (1936) - 202: 202. The kindling of the nerve centers has not sufficiently attracted the attention of physicians. It is very important to observe that the flaming of each center gives rise to symptoms of the local organ, yet the organ itself is not ill but is only vibrating in response to the fire of the center. It is possible to show that many false illnesses are announced by physicians when they do not recognize the basic cause of sensations. Moreover, the cause itself of inflammation is superficially studied. Purely cosmic conditions may be indicated, and of no less significance is the condition of the mass of humanity. AUM (1936) - 211: 211. It is necessary for people to free themselves from any arrogance in relation to all that is unknown to them. Thus, one can observe continually that the ignorant ones express themselves offensively about everything inaccessible to them. It is indispensable that the foremost scholars make themselves worthy examples of broadmindedness. Evolution is completely excluded where people do not recognize the possibilities of infinite cognition. I repeat, the success of perfection begins with self-perfection. AUM (1936) - 250: The antiquity of such experiments is incalculable. Besides, they have served in state and judicial matters. It is necessary to recognize the extent of the unique usefulness of such experiments with psychic energy. They provide a barometer of illnesses and disturbances of the spirit, as well as of sincerity itself - and also of obsession. AUM (1936) - 291: 291. Decidedly, all unbalanced conditions must be eliminated naturally. Each passionate unbalance cannot be arrested by command or by compulsion. Striving will build a firm bridge on the foundation of a refined consciousness. One must recognize the usefulness, and then comes true evolution. But without realization it is impossible to overcome the lower earthly passions. AUM (1936) - 355: 355. All experiments with psychic energy promote discipline. It is necessary to recognize discipline as the salutary rhythm. The most significant experiments may be cast aside without attention. Something already begun may be interrupted. Any compulsion exerted upon psychic energy is contrary to nature. Let us mention experiments with photographs. If the first picture was not successful, the undisciplined consciousness is disappointed. But where there is disappointment no experiments are possible. Many conditions can interfere with the first attempts. Faint-heartedness whispers that one should not continue the quests. Fear of appearing ridiculous can ruin the most useful observations. AUM (1936) - 358: 358. It is not astonishing that at last suggestion is being applied in hospitals. Several centuries have been required to recognize the reality of this energy. Yet the recognition of it is far too limited. Instead of a broad application throughout life, it is being used only in certain surgical operations. But we possess the possibility of also applying the same energy for abnormalities of pulse in nervous inflammations, and in paralysis and skin ailments. AUM (1936) - 371: The wisdom of all the ages enjoins - "Know thyself! In this counsel attention is turned to the most secret, which has been ordained to become revealed. The fiery might, called for the time being psychic energy, will give to man the path to future happiness. But let us not hope that people will easily recognize their heritage. They will invent all kinds of arguments in order to bring disrepute upon each discovery of the energy. They will pass over in silence the decreed quality of their advancement, but, none the less, the path is one! AUM (1936) - 389: Scholars may recognize the fact that experiments with psychic energy will yield most unexpected results. Let us not make the conditions of discovery too easy - that which is easy is not valued. AUM (1936) - 400: 400. Each physical touch contains in itself an act of great intensity. Each animal tamer knows the force of contact. Even the gardener knows the significance of physical care for plants, but people among themselves refuse to recognize the need of caution in their relations. You have already observed how even the approach of a single man has disrupted completely the rhythm of energy. Since it is not so difficult to obtain indicative results, then how much more should one apply such convincing knowledge. AUM (1936) - 415: Poets and singers frequently glorify woman, but governments are unable to recognize simple equality of rights. It will be a shameful page of history which will record that even now equal rights have not yet been established. Woman's upbringing and education are not on a level with man's, and motherhood itself is not protected. AUM (1936) - 423: 423. Each domain of life has become so complicated that cooperation everywhere is required. Not a single branch of labor can be named in which a man can regard himself as an isolated unit. Therefore cooperation becomes, as it were, the science of life. But in order to give it a scientific basis it is necessary to recognize it throughout life. It is impossible to summon people to it as to something abstract. In each school subject the inherent possibility of cooperation should be pointed out precisely. AUM (1936) - 490: Do not be astonished that frequently those who are being guided do not generally recognize the Guidance. Verily, the Guide is not vexed by this. The swimming teacher supports his pupils at first and encourages them, whispering, "You are floating by yourself." It is thus in all fields. It would not be wise for the Guide to enumerate all cosmic and karmic conditions. Such accumulations would only frighten and suppress energy. AUM (1936) - 509: 509. The same simplicity will help to discern where is the Good. You have already heard how words about Good have been called the teaching of evil. You already know that evil ones detest the Good; for to them it will be both cruel and unjust. Evil does not recognize Good. Such a situation is so obvious that it needs no explanation. Yet in each teaching we find very insistent indications about the same thing. Such repetitions prove how continuously a reminder is required that evil does not recognize good. AUM (1936) - 537: 537. Only a clear realization of the Subtle World enables people to recognize earthly property without hypocritical renunciations. Man will understand what property belongs to him, and earthly things will find their due place in the long human existence. The essence is not in renunciation, but in realization of the especially Beautiful. AUM (1936) - 541: 541. During thought transmissions it is necessary to keep in mind certain qualities of the energy. First of all, one should recognize the inevitable unexpectedness of the reply. This quality is the result of difference in earthly and subtle perception; subtle energies unfailingly encounter earthly conditions. Each earthly obstacle, like a shroud, closes the access. Though this be momentary, yet for all that, the possibility of unexpectedness is already created. People have been accustomed to measure by earthly scales, and they themselves can reject the subtle sending. AUM (1936) - 567: 567. The radioscope records one side of luminosity; but the same apparatus can confirm the influence of psychic energy upon the degree of light. It can be observed that a different nervous state of the observer will alter the radioactivity. Thus it can be said that the psychic energy of man and mineral cooperate, being one. The manifestation of joint action or of breakage of current depends upon the so-called mood of the man. Even recently such an affirmation would have been called madness, but now there are certain persons who already understand such collaboration of energy, while others fear to ridicule it - thus knowledge progresses. It is especially necessary to recognize that a good frame of mind is already the half-way mark to success. AUM (1936) - 571: 571. Inwardly man distinctly knows the energy inherent within himself. When he hurts himself, he massages the bruised spot with his hand. When he wishes to attract attention, he stamps his foot; he knows that precisely the extremities emit energy. In stories it is related that sparks flashed from a blow of the hand, and fire radiated on the ground from someone's footsteps. Yet it is difficult for man in his daily routine to recognize his own power. AUM (1936) - 599: 599. Neglect of psychic energy is manifested as the source of many ailments. It can be said that not only bodily and psychic illnesses but obsessions depend entirely upon the state of psychic energy. A man who has lost immunity will also be the one to lose his store of psychic energy. The man who has violated moral equilibrium demonstrates thereby a dissoluteness of his psychic energy. Everyone knows that it is easier not to admit dissoluteness than afterwards to overcome its madness. Everyone understands that the disorder of psychic energy is the birth of many miseries, both for oneself and for others. Man rarely restrains himself, but let him learn by himself to recognize the significance of psychic energy. Let man not be afraid that on the path of cognition he will be left without further sources of knowledge. The magnet of striving will attract the best possibilities to the seeker. Many bear witness as to how they unexpectedly found assistance for further advancement. Only let doubt not overshadow the light of discoveries! Brotherhood (1937) - 1: Likewise, people's recollections of the Subtle World have become clouded. Only there is it possible to encounter the expanded realization of Brotherhood. The body impedes the way to many broad ideas. Only by going beyond the limits of the bodily understanding is it possible to recognize brotherly cooperation. Let us gather the signs of such an expanded state of consciousness. Brotherhood (1937) - 32: It has already been observed that not only does the presence of an individual have an influence on the fluctuations of the energy but even pictures of people react upon the subtle energy. One must not only recognize the sensitiveness of the energy but also keep in mind this phenomenal quality. For people who have not seen experiments with psychic energy, discussions about the reactions of mere images will seem like mad fairy tales. However, for such people as these, the energy itself is under suspicion. They are not averse to talking about spirit or soul, but this very obvious energy will be for them witchcraft. Brotherhood (1937) - 37: 37. It must not be forgotten that, on the whole, many will not understand a single word about psychic energy. They will not accept it. Just as a man who has never seen lightning does not recognize it. Thus, there are to found people who do not understand on the whole what thought is. The characteristic of such people will not be illiteracy but obduracy. Not few are such corpses! Brotherhood (1937) - 55: The magnet of thought brings in most precious particles of psychic energy. One must grow to love it. One must recognize its constant presence. Such thinking is by no means easy. A great deal of patience must be found in order to protect it under the attack of all the unbridled currents of space. Brotherhood (1937) - 122: 122. Penetration into the spheres of the Subtle World will not contradict earthly life. The life of the Subtle World is not necromancy; one must become accustomed to the right understanding. If the earthly eyes do not yet see, nor the ears hear, still the heart does recognize reality. For progress, one needs to recognize the Supermundane World. Such a broadened consciousness will transform the entire attitude toward life. The time has drawn near when one must prepare the consciousness for broad perceptions. Only in a broad understanding will it be possible to discern the process that is taking place. Brotherhood (1937) - 177: 177. In the simplest examples there can be seen indications regarding forgotten fundamentals. The unaccountable whims of pregnant women will remind us about reincarnation, particularly when the character of the child is traced. Likewise, the latest medicine utilizes the concept of primary energy and points out the nervous origin of many ailments. Immunity is regarded as linked to a condition of the entire nervous system, thus putting forward the significance of the primary energy. How, then, may one not recognize it, when science is paying particular attention to it? Can one deny the basis of immunity? People are especially concerned about their health, yet at the same time they lose sight of the most precious factor. How, then, will thoughts about Brotherhood be created, if the fundamentals of life are left in neglect? Brotherhood (1937) - 180: 180. Let us refer, with regret, to the generally accepted idea of comfort and security. In it is contained torpor and vacuity. We learn to welcome all inceptions of thought, and We always esteem the pressure of a forward striving. A multitude of examples may be cited from physics and mechanics showing pressure as a motive force. For many, it is not easy to agree that pressure is but the gateway to progress. But if humanity will recognize this truth, in so doing it will also understand the meaning of progress. From the point of such cognition it is not far to Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 205: 205. Some messengers proceed with a mission, already knowing whence, whither and why - and how they will return. Others know but inwardly the Indication, and they complete the earthly path as ordinary citizens. Let us not weigh which of them accomplishes an achievement with the greater selflessness. Let people recognize that there exists a great number of degrees among the Spiritual Toilers. Chiefly there must be understood the result and the motive. It is not for us to judge which good deed is the higher. Each act is surrounded by many causes which the human eye cannot discern. Brotherhood (1937) - 214: 214. I affirm that there are now many significant manifestations, but people are so blind that they do not see the prepared bread. People do not wish to recognize that which is already drawing near in full strength. Let travelers sing at the crossroads about the preordained Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 228: 228. It is not easy to recognize that solitude does not exist. Brotherhood (1937) - 259: 259. Sometimes it may seem that an instruction has not been given clearly enough, but is this really true? Will not some of our transitory moods be false interpreters? In time the mood will disappear and the true features will appear. It will then be possible to recognize that the instructions were unalterable. Thus is forged the approach to Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 265: 265. An ancient adage says, "He who thinks about death summons it." Likewise, physicians also have sometimes noticed that thought about the end brings it near. Much of folk wisdom contains a particle of truth. But one must first of all reflect - is it possible to be occupied with thought about that which does not exist? It is time for people to recognize that life is uninterrupted. Thus the attitude toward earthly existence will be completely altered. For proper evolution it is necessary to speedily affirm the right point of view toward a continuous life. Science must come to the help of dispersing gloomy fallacies. It is not for man to think about the grave, but about wings and ordained beauty. The more clearly man instills in his consciousness the beauty of the worlds, the more easily will he be receptive to new conditions. Brotherhood (1937) - 268: 268. When people begin to distinguish causes from effects, much is perceived, but up to the present people recognize only effects, and this only in the crudest degree. No one wishes to understand that a certain time must elapse between cause and effect. When a subtle consciousness discerns causes, it is usually subjected to ridicule. A gross eye does not see what has taken place, and the ignorant proclaim that nothing has happened. Therefore it is time to direct thought to the root of the matter. However this is not easy, for confidence has been stifled, and thus the energy of perception has been brought into inaction. Many cases could be cited when cognition was able to foresee in causes the beginning of effects, but a little unbelief washes away all possibilities. Brotherhood (1937) - 274: 274. If someone assures you that he is neither for nor against something, regard him as being against it. Among these voiceless ones there are far more opponents than among the shouters. People hope to conceal their opposition under a mask of hypocrisy. Therefore it is especially valuable when a man has the courage to speak his opinion. However, for correctness of appraisal it is needful to realize Brotherhood as the lever of the world. One should not recognize only one's own personality, because isolation does not exist, and he who tears himself away falls into the lower strata and injures himself. Brotherhood (1937) - 342: 342. Prejudice is the entryway for injustice and ignorance. But people should recognize the boundary line of prejudice. This worm lives in the same house with doubt like a younger kinsman. A very keen eye is needed in order to discern such a dangerous mite. Each manifestation, each object, is usually encountered by people with varying degrees of prejudice. People try to justify themselves by saying that since they perceive objects they must as a preliminary measure preserve their unprejudiced judgment. But as a matter of fact, instead of impartiality they disclose the cruelest prejudice. One should keep this popular weakness in mind in order to know from what to liberate oneself. Brotherhood (1937) - 380: 380. Be more, more daring, learn how to recognize the date! Brotherhood (1937) - 424: 424. Moreover, it is necessary to understand the significance of mutual respect, which lies in the foundation of Brotherhood,. It is necessary to recognize the deep meaning of reciprocity when forces are increased tenfold. Brother will not censure brother, for he knows that condemnation is dissolution. Wisely does a brother help at each turning of the path. Thus, cooperation is first of all a scientific action. Brotherhood (1937) - 480: 480. Dissonance is more audible than consonance. When one listens to the lower superearthly sphere, one may be staggered by the tortured groans, wails, and cries of terror. After these moans the succeeding spheres seem silent, but this impression is a relative one. The music of the spheres is sublime, but it does not harrow the nerve centers. So, too, in all that exists people are attracted by dissonance, but only a few know how to recognize concordance. On the paths to Brotherhood one must cognize the power of concordance. Brotherhood (1937) - 558: 558. Verily, one should not wonder when psychic energy involuntarily wends its way to remote distances, owing to urgent need. One should recognize such a state as unavoidable and help one's energy to strive in accordance with its magnetic attraction; let it labor usefully. Brotherhood (1937) - 567: 567. People know of monasteries which have been in existence for thousands of years. People know of business houses which go on for centuries. Thus, people are agreed to recognize the fact-findings of the most diverse institutions. But only about the Brotherhood do they express various doubts. Any possibility of the existence of the Brotherhood is especially denied by people. There are many reasons why people so greatly fear the concept of the Most Beautiful. Does not someone fear that the existence of the Brotherhood may reveal his intentions? Or that he may be compelled to think about the good of his fellow-men? An entire arsenal of weapons of egoism is brought to bear against the peace-loving Brotherhood. Simplest of all is to deny the very possibility of the existence of the Brotherhood. Historical examples, supported by biographies, would seem to prove the existence of the Brotherhood in different ages. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 6: 6. Urusvati has witnessed the healing vibrations sent by Us. Their rhythms are varied and not everyone can recognize them. Some may suppose them to be the effect of an earthquake, others may assume that they are an attack of fever, and still others may attribute them to their own nervousness. But the majority will think them to be merely imagined. However, on all continents Our healing solicitude is often felt. People receive help and sense a sudden recovery but do not understand whence came the help. We are not speaking about gratitude, for We do not need it, but a conscious acceptance of Our help increases the beneficial effect. Each negative reaction or mockery paralyzes even the strongest vibrations. We hasten to help, We hasten to bring good, yet how often are We accepted? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 12: What seems like physical torpor is often nothing but the effect of a distant flight. People often do not know how to care for someone in such a condition. In ancient times they would have been thought to have a "sacred" ailment, and people knew how to recognize the symptoms. We have many records of such experiences; in the infinitude of time and space such observations are without number. We record diligently each sensation, although radio waves and electric charges often impede Our observations. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 23: 23. Urusvati has many times experienced Our way of healing through vibrations. There will come a time when medical science will change. Vibrations and hypnotic suggestion will be utilized together with medicines, and the large doses that are usually given will be reduced. Only a small medicinal impulse will be needed, and the rest of the recovery will depend upon vibrations and suggestions. Homeopathy, to a certain extent, foresaw the course of this medicine of the future, but at this time only those homeopathic physicians who possess strong psychic energy can succeed. Perhaps they are unaware of the source of their successful healing, but gradually they will learn about the harmony of the inner and outer influences, and the new methods of healing will then begin. At present, because of unenlightened conditions physicians hesitate to recognize that to a great extent it is their own psychic energy that is acting. They are ready to attribute their success to even the weakest medicines, unaware of their own powerful influence. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 27: People must find the realization of Infinity in themselves, otherwise Our Towers will remain inaccessible to them. People should turn to Us in times of suffering and calamity. They will receive Our Help if their hearts have not yet turned to stone. Even those who are inexperienced will be admitted for constructive work if they preserve a lion's courage and recognize Hierarchy. Let these co-workers be assured that an invisible thread is stretched from their worktable to Us. Let them draw strength from their realization of the existence of the Brotherhood. We shall help them invisibly; We shall find books needed by them; We shall unite them in hope about the far-off worlds; We shall strengthen their confidence, and, provided that they have driven out their snakes and scorpions, We shall find a loving heart for them. Thus, you are becoming acquainted with a very important part of Our Life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 29: 29. Urusvati values Our Help. He who values also safeguards. Each true cooperation requires first of all a cautious attitude. One should not abuse Hierarchic cooperation by a casual state of mind, and must attend respectfully to the Voice of the Elders. Even those who, because of their ignorance, cannot conceive of the existence of Our Brotherhood can still recognize the existence of superearthly voices. But those who can realize Our Brotherhood within themselves should understand that each light-minded wavering disturbs the flow of the Teacher's thought. Each unfitting word distorts something. Each broken thread can coil into a noose. This is not meant as a threat, but comes only from a desire to bring forth better achievements. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 36: Calmness of action is the highest tension, like the flashing of lightning or the protecting sword. Calmness is not sleep or a tomb; in it are born creative ideas. Let us remember that Our Abode is permeated with calmness. This tension is invisible to people, for they do not recognize it. Innumerable experiences reveal that one can smile, one can labor, and one can accumulate energy in such calmness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37: We travel on far-off worlds where We gather many lessons in fearlessness. The alien conditions of the planets' unusual atmospheres can affect the heart of the visitor. Our Sister Urusvati knows the sensations of these distant flights. She knows the particularly difficult feeling upon the return of the subtle body. There are always complications and much courage is needed during these experiences. One should consult Our records of these distant flights to recognize the degree of daring they require. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 46: It is impossible to imagine Our Abode as full of dissonance. Even a crowd is powerful if it blends itself into a mighty consonance. Thus, when cooperating we must discipline our thoughts. But many misunderstandings can arise while sending thoughts. Even those who recognize the creativeness of thought are astonished at not seeing immediate results, forgetting that results can take place invisibly and in unexpected places. Also they fail to see that because thought-energy acts through the least-resistant channels, unexpected results occur constantly. The reason for this lies in undisciplined thinking - people might think that they have sent only one thought, whereas in reality they have contrived to scatter hundreds of the most unexpected sendings. What is received will be just as unexpected. Much harm results from these fleas of thought, which jump about and bite unlikely people. Little attention is given to channels for the spreading of thought. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54: Urusvati has also acquired the ability to recognize the authentic. Our Voices are recognized by their timbre, and a person close to Us will not mistake them. But besides the recognition of the sound there also exists the feeling of authenticity. The broadened consciousness can never be deceived by this feeling. A child senses unerringly the steps of its father and mother. How much more deeply does the heart feel the sendings of the Teacher. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 57: We continually send thoughts about kindness, action, and labor. There cannot be kindness without action. There cannot be any good where there is no labor. There will be no kindness where there is no opposition to evil. There will be no kindness if we do not accept the responsibility to discern evil, to recognize corruption, and do not lose the possibility of bringing Light. Beautiful are the words, "Light disperses darkness." However, Light must be brought, and this action in itself is full of self-abnegation. Light will also illuminate and dispel frightful monsters, even when they show themselves in their worst aspect. Every light-bearer has to live through those moments. He should not slacken his pace and should look fearlessly upon the monsters. There will be no complete renunciation of fear if the light-bearer averts his eyes in the hope that Light alone will dispel the monsters. It is not only Light but also the Primal Energy that strikes the blow which destroys darkness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 67: On many occasions Our friends have asked Us to provide a sign by which they might recognize each other, but such attempts always ended badly, because traitors were often the first to make use of the signs. We therefore rejected these outer distinctions, and only in the smallest groups do We permit the Sign of Our Abode. Thus, it is not possible even in this one respect to adopt earthly conventions. The heart can feel beyond all earthly limitations. Thought about Us can be aflame in the depths of the heart. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 69: People are perplexed about the far-off worlds, but they misunderstand much on Earth as well. For example, it is believed by many that Panchen Rimpoche issues passports to Shambhala. It would seem that this makes no sense, but actually these papers are not to Shambhala, they are about Shambhala. From ancient times there has existed a reminder about Shambhala that was given to those who were able to direct their thoughts to it, but later the sense was distorted and some ridiculous passports have been seen. Also, many do not understand why some seemingly ignorant lamas can be guardians of Our Brotherhood. One must recognize that these lamas are exceptional; they have preserved the concept of Shambhala as a sacred treasure. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 76: Among traveling sadhus there may be objectionable people, but one can also find significant and learned ones. A wise observer will not pay attention to superficial details. In everything the essential must be understood. One may meet people who are close to Us, yet not recognize them. We are often saddened when a useful sending is not recognized, but the law of free will does not permit one to insist. Thus, also, the spreading of the Teaching has its special ways. In olden times people would say, "Make haste slowly." A careful balance must accompany the sending of the books of the Teaching. In centuries to come you will see how the Teaching given by Us should be spread. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 85: Truly, We are Brothers and Sisters born of Fire. Therefore, when you visualize Us, surround Our Images with fire. And We will recognize you by the fiery seed. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 86: Faith is true knowledge, and trust is the way to success. Distrust is the result of ignorance about Our work. It is essential to relate every individual situation to world conditions and to recognize how much Our help is complicated by human error. People defeat their best possibilities. We point out the necessity for unification, but there are not even three people who can fulfill Our requests! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 96: Humanity can be divided into those who accept synthesis and those who deny it. Those who deny the benefit of synthesis do not recognize the history of the human race. The epochs of upliftment were also the epochs of an understanding of synthesis, when each harmonization of the centers resulted in a broadening of consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 101: 101. Urusvati realizes that, although on the reality of the physical plane some people at times seem alive, from the viewpoint of a Higher Reality they are quite dead. It might seem puzzling that those defined as dead by a Higher Reality continue to move about on Earth. But why should such determinations be limited by only physical manifestations? When Our apparatuses indicate death, this indication is more correct than earthly evidence. We could mention several such "living corpses," each of whom is afflicted by some physical ailment. But their physical condition is a secondary factor, the primary one being the condition of the subtle body, which is ready to leave and may no longer be fully connected to the physical body. Such automatons can no longer be independently creative, and are easily led by others without realizing it. They are strongly earthbound and dread the idea of death, yet sense that they no longer belong fully to physical existence. Usually they are so-called materialists, and fear even a hint of the continuity of life in the subtle body! They may even fear to think about their own deeds. One should be able to recognize these living corpses and regard them as empty shells. I know that they would be enraged if their names were mentioned, and We shall not do this, for you know whom I have in mind. You also know whom We consider to be vacuums. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 102: 102. Urusvati senses the correlation of the worlds, whose limits are not usually perceived. The worlds exist in many forms, and interpenetrate each other. Only straight-knowledge can recognize the borderlines of such subdivisions, and it is even more difficult to realize their evolution. If all of life is in motion, then the condition of the worlds also depends on motion. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 105: People dislike the idea that their overblown earthly concepts are colorless compared with the mental creativeness of the higher realms. This earthly egoism makes cooperation impossible. Yet, without cooperation, how can one hope to learn about the higher spheres? It is essential to recognize the higher realms, and to begin thinking about them, so as to revive the memory of the entrusted grains of Goodness. One should recall that in the early dawn of mankind it was ordained that subtle and beautiful ideas be brought to Earth. Indeed, everyone who is ready to incarnate is instructed to fulfill a task for the Common Good according to his individual capacity. Each one may reject these instructions in the whirlpool of free will, but someday will have to return to pick up the scattered grains. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 107: It is important to recognize that thought can not only create the outer symptoms of disease, but can also compel dormant embryonic diseases to arise and begin their work of destruction. What better proves the existence of the power of thought? There are innumerable such thought messages roaming the world. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 124: Urusvati can notice even the briefest changes in the protective tissue, but most people are not able to pay heed to even prolonged signs. How, then, can We trust them with the details of Our inner life? Instead of benefiting from the knowledge, they will only concoct new reasons for doubting. Thus, We and Our true co-workers will always discriminate in what can be said that will be beneficial. One should not force the Teaching on anyone, for unless the heart has been opened, it cannot recognize either benefit or beauty. A deep understanding of the Teaching requires an open heart. Let people turn their hearts to Us more often, and let them learn to love to think about Us. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 132: Among those who have experienced a long earthly life there can be found an organization that helps others to recognize Hierarchy. The beings from the Highest Spheres are not always perceived by those in the Subtle World, and though their presence is more pronounced than on Earth, there are many disbelievers even in the Subtle World. Those who were ignorant on Earth are stubborn and carry their doubts and negations with them into the Subtle World. One should remember this so that one may be ready to follow the Teachings when in the Subtle World. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 138: Do not think that it is easy to reject the past. Great knowledge must be acquired before one can recognize the spiral of evolution, which perpetually surges forward. Usually people dwell on yesterday, not realizing that each tomorrow brings new knowledge, and the day that is hardly over has already engendered new accumulations. Night brings communion with the Subtle World and the renewal of energies. In the morning people seldom remember their experiences of the night just passed, but they feel the increase of energy. Scientists explain this phenomenon in a narrow materialistic way, but more experienced observers perceive different causes. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 145: What is this impulse? Often it is Our Ray, which kindles the surface of the Chalice and evokes the corresponding Sacred Knowledge. Therefore, one should pay heed to such flashes of consciousness. They resemble clairaudience, but in reality are brought forth from the depths of consciousness by Our Ray. In everyday life one should learn to recognize these messages which always come at the right moment. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 165: 165. Urusvati knows the many different qualities that are required for self-perfectment. At times it is difficult to recognize their various combinations through intellectual reasoning alone. Let us take the example of Joshua, who was the leader of an unruly nation. Since his mission involved constant dangers, not only for him but also for the entire nation, he had to concentrate his will upon leadership, and could not allow himself to be distracted by basic theoretical tasks. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 181: 181. Urusvati knows that most people refuse to recognize the advantages of collaboration. The Thinker directed people in many different ways to this salutary concept. He said, "Not by beastly ways will man perfect himself. He is a social being and each thought, each word, is social property. Man cannot live without associating with other people, and he must learn to understand this most noble existence. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 185: The Teacher can create a better future, but the disciple must realize and accept it. It is not easy to recognize evolution. Sometimes it comes in silence, but at other times the outcry of the masses can be a sign of the advance of humanity. Why should you limit yourselves to silence or the influence of noisy crowds? Certainly the Higher Will does not restrict itself in this way. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 185: "The grandeur of Cosmos cannot be imagined, and people are unable to recognize the best gifts sent to them or to harmonize their consciousness with the Higher Will. Each person is responsible for much destruction in space, but the Higher Will is ever ready to help by projecting the new future." Thus spoke the Thinker. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 221: Animals, and especially dogs, sense the presence of strong subtle manifestations. One may ask whether they recognize subtle entities mainly by sight or by scent. Their sight is not as acute as their scent, which is very precise. One may also ask what type of dog has a stronger sense of the Subtle World - of course, the long-haired ones, because they can accumulate more electricity. Similarly, people who collect more electricity can sense more strongly the presence of subtle entities, either at night or by day. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 231: The Thinker taught, "Know how to recognize joy. Among the Muses there is the Muse of Joy, but you can invite this Protectress only by beautiful words and thoughts. Do not attempt to threaten and demand, for She comes only by the path of Beauty." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 240: People often feel desperate because they have been severely wronged, but they should understand that it may have been their very presence that provoked chaos. A strong individual will recognize that it is preferable to arouse chaos than to allow himself to become part of the unmanifested substance. There are many examples from centuries past when chaos clashed with great individualities, and it can be observed that those great workers influenced the masses in the loftiest ways. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 257: Do not assume that people easily recognize such subtle influences. In most cases, they will even protest and try to avoid cooperation, fearing that it will diminish their own self-absorption, which for them is a great treasure. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 263: Whole volumes could be written about the sickness of such nations. If people excuse themselves by claiming that they cannot see the essence of events, one can only pity them for their blindness. People should study and be vigilant in life in order to recognize their true leaders. If the nightingales are killed, how can one hope to hear their song? We record all the consequences of ignorance, and this chronicle of humanity is deplorable. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 264: The time has come when the fundamental principles of life must be renewed. Urusvati correctly feels that humanity needs simple words. It is absurd to learn to recognize the higher energies without knowing their purpose! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 270: How beautiful can be the role of a flexible free will, which, through discrimination, can recognize higher wisdom and subordinate itself to it. By knowing this wisdom, man will also know the profundity of his own soul, and will learn to respect that force within himself which leads to the best achievements. Man's good fortune is his access to Primal Energy, and his misfortune that he does not accept this blessed power, but usually condemns it. What a dreadful thing it is that man refuses to accept his best treasure! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 285: 285. Urusvati knows that the danger of psychic epidemics is increasing. In the Puranas it was predicted that toward the end of Kali Yuga humanity would be driven to acts of madness. It is very dangerous that people do not recognize this state, for while it is possible to cure a patient who does not resist treatment, if he struggles against it the beneficial effects of the medicine will be diminished. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 294: The time will come when people will learn to recognize the chemical compounds to be found in various strata. They will not then attribute manifestations to magic or conjurations, but will realize that man himself is a kind of magician at every moment of his life. Great power is given to a man who knows how to create the formulas of good and evil. We must not regard such people as magicians, but understand that the weaving of good or evil continues at every hour. Let us encourage the weavers of good and pity the weavers of evil, who will one day bitterly regret the dark shrouds they have woven. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 302: It is evident that during periods of extraordinary tension the events of life are accelerated, and an especially keen vigilance is needed during these times. How can people acquire such vigilance? It is not the bold and daring ones but the plodding thinkers who fail to recognize the need for caution based on vigilance. They will reproach Us, unmindful of the fact that it is within everyone's power to be watchful. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 312: One can even derive a benefit from such interruptions, because each of them carries a certain energy which one should recognize. The thoughts of space cannot always be transformed into conscious forms, but even in their formlessness they bring energy. Indeed, this energy may be coming from Our Towers! Remember that We send much and varied help. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 317: 317. Urusvati knows that each physical action is the result of a psychic action. This is not a new idea, yet people fail to recognize that thought precedes action, and when you speak to them about psychic action, they will think that you are joking. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 325: In discussing the Supermundane We want you to recognize the obstacles that stand in your way. People can stumble, fall, or even be killed in crossing the most ordinary threshold. We have often spoken about the evil routines that man creates for himself. What then can one say about the threshold of loathsome habits? Indeed, it is dangerous to step over such a threshold! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 331: A physician can predict the development of a disease by observing the very first symptoms, and various measures can be taken to avoid a fatal end. This applies also in the development of events, whose ultimate significance will depend on many influences. Our influence is always benevolent, but one should know how to recognize its consequences. If one is sufficiently observant, one will see that many events develop in unexpected ways. Shouldn't one conclude that behind them there is a Leading Hand? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 355: People think that psychic powers are gifts from above, little realizing that these gifts are earned by the individual himself amidst all kinds of burdensome experiences. Usually, one does not recognize the presence of these seeds, which are ready to blossom at the first favorable opportunity. Furthermore, no one points out to the toiler the possibilities earned by him. A vessel filled to the brim is easily spilled. In the same way, accumulated psychic powers can be suddenly manifested at the least prompting. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 361: 361. Urusvati knows that with each generation there are changes in world outlook, customs, and even language. It is not easy to recognize the New Era when in the midst of it, but from a distance every observant eye can see how agitated is the substance of life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 363: Rest is best achieved through change of work. Yes, yes, yes, it will be a long time before people understand this paradox! Nor is it easy for them to recognize that even the process of thinking is labor, for who can understand that man creates something real when thinking? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 365: The Thinker could recognize such days by a particular beat of His heart. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 382: 382. Urusvati saw the many different apparatuses in Our laboratory, each of which operates with the assistance of psychic energy. The time will come when people will recognize that the functioning of machines is dependent upon the psychic energy of the person operating them. This should not be regarded as magic or something extraordinary. People should know that they transmit some of their psychic energy to every object they touch. If the energy is uncontrolled it operates without effect, but when it is realized and organized it will work more effectively. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 394: 394. Urusvati knows both grief and joy, and who does not? Yet, the Golden Mean brings them into balance; for this reason the Sage taught the Middle Way. But people fail to recognize where the higher joy is and where the depth of sorrow. Frequently, although the arrow of sorrow has already passed, they will persist in their fear and suffering, and likewise, although joy may already be passing, they try to prolong it and remain under its spell. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 400: It is remarkable that, while in the Subtle World, people receive information about the earliest eras, but only a few are able to preserve any memory of this knowledge during subsequent incarnations. If they later find relics from these ancient periods, they generally do not recognize them. But tangible proof, such as physical contact with objects of those eras, is not really necessary. The essential thing is to preserve deeply within one's consciousness the assurance of their existence. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 401: The ordinary man will say, "What have I to do with a hierarchy that I do not see? Why do I need a subtle world that cannot be applied to my own life? Of what profit or use to me are far-off worlds? Let the past die with all its coffins and bones." He does not understand that the past does not lie only in its bones. He does not understand that the far-off worlds are the equilibrium of Cosmos. He cannot recognize the Subtle World because he does not hear the Voice of Silence. What is Hierarchy to him who imagines himself the King of the Universe? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 406: The same process occurs with periods of creative activity, but the wise know that every labor must have its period of rest. We do not intend to encourage or provide justification for idlers, but are speaking about enlightened workers. They will recognize in their hearts the ebb tide that heralds the flood of creativity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 412: Remember what is written in the Vishnu Puranas, in whose ancient prophecies one can recognize the present time. It may seem that the monstrous time described is exaggerated, but observe what is now taking place and you will agree that the ancient predictions were even an understatement. Yet people, manifesting real confusion, have no interest in ancient warnings. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 418: 418. Urusvati knows how difficult it is to recognize a person who has achieved the breadth of psychic energy required for a true perception of reality. No outward traits will reveal the one who is capable of such broad perception. No learning or knowledge is required, no particular physical characteristics, but simply an understanding heart that is open to the mysteries of consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 418: Every co-worker needs to know all the possibilities. Of course, there exist many co-workers, but they are scattered all over the world, speak many languages, and belong to different traditions. These superficial barriers must be overcome if one wants to approach people and be able to recognize their true value. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 421: People are usually not aware when they devour energy in excess. In some ways such people resemble vampires. It is not easy to cure them, for they do not recognize their illness, which can also be contagious. It begins so imperceptibly that neither the victim himself nor those close to him notice that he is becoming a devourer. He may feel some pain, but he can also feel the flow of psychic energy that allows him to influence those around him. One cannot say that this state is always harmful, but the boundary line between the proper power and excessive tension is a fine one. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 425: 425. Urusvati knows the importance of education. It is the nourishment of everything lofty and refined. People can understand that a careful upbringing provides many opportunities for a proper education, but education alone will not complete one's upbringing. Every child comes into earthly life with an already formed character. It is possible to ennoble and elevate this essential character, but its basic nature cannot be changed. Educators must recognize this truth. They first must discern the unchangeable essence of a child, and educate accordingly. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435: Remember that this epidemic was foreseen long ago. When We spoke about Armageddon, We had in mind not only war, but all the devastating consequences of humanity's confusion. But one should not fall into despair, for a depressed state opens the door to all that is poisonous. It is wise to know that Armageddon is accompanied by epidemics. We cannot limit our awareness to known forms of illnesses, but must be ready to face the most complicated and unusual symptoms. Physicians must be able to recognize these new diseases, which are now appearing everywhere. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 436: Keep in mind that during the epidemic of which We speak there may be an accelerated development of symptoms, and one should be able to recognize them. Strong vibrations should not be used by insufficiently experienced people. Each new method should be tested on mild illnesses rather than dangerous ones, and one should verify which of the three aids is necessary, for their application and the reactions to them will vary with the individual. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 437: We will also learn to rejoice when we recognize that we are links in the chain of collaboration. There will be no dejection where the unbreakable bond with the Highest is recognized. It is mankind that can maintain this bond and thus receive the Shower of Good. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 445: I beg you to pay attention to this epidemic of psychic madness. We cannot attribute what is taking place to any particular group of individuals, and must recognize that the people of all nations contribute to the world's upheavals. One should not think that events are born and die of themselves. Perhaps the seeds that were sown two thousand years ago are now sprouting. So carefully does space guard the phenomenon of thought. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 445: The Thinker pointed out that people can recognize their present condition of being when looking back into their ancient repositories. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 446: 446. Urusvati knows that the free will also acts in the Subtle World. In the Higher Spheres it is harmonized with the highest psychic energy, resulting in true collaboration, but in the middle and lower spheres struggle is often sensed. Some entities there do not wish to recognize the goal-fitness of the Law of Existence. It is especially deplorable to observe how they attempt to avoid incarnation. These entities know that because of their karmic load they cannot advance any further in the Subtle World, yet prefer even their state of confusion to the necessity of undertaking a new earthly path. We call their condition a state of confusion, but it could also be called a state of torment. No one mistreats them, but they feel the impossibility of further progress in the lower strata. Such resistance by the free will indicates that, because their consciousness did not broaden during their earthly life, there was no inclination toward an understanding of Cosmos, and there certainly was no love for Hierarchy. This condition must be thoroughly understood.