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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > REASONED (1)

Hierarchy (1931) - 229:
229. Origen reasoned, "Does Bliss emanate or is it sent?" Being aware that Bliss is an absolutely real substance of the highest psychic energy, one can understand that this reasoning had a sound basis. Thus, heat emanates from light, but a burning glass is needed to produce fire. Psychic energy certainly emanates from each organism that possesses it, but in order to receive a direct result one must gather and focus it consciously. This consciousness is like a burning glass. It is necessary to discriminate between an unconscious flow of psychic energy and a sharpened arrow of precise consciousness. If even the highest energy does not reach the goal when sent unconsciously, then how greatly in need of a focus is human energy! Destroy the focus and the fire will not be manifested. Without fire, darkness and cold await us. Let us remember how the vivifying heat and Light can reach us.


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