Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 61: 61. Labor is the guarantee of success. Each of you must endure earthly thorns. Manifest strength of spirit and approach! Open your hearts through benevolence. The Teacher values every pure quest for Higher Knowledge. The spirit of reason bestows knowledge upon the seekers of Truth. It is enough to follow the path of spirit-realization - the rest will come. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 307: 307. Naught is destroyed without reason. Each is destined to receive his call. But the trumpets of angels are inaudible to the ears of those who sleep. More impregnable than the Walls of Jericho are the structures of pettiness. Are your ears free from dust? I said it! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 379: 379. The heart of the dawn proceeds, amid stings. Reflect, reason, spread the web of thought. Hearken to the unceasing Command. No miracle can be undone, Nor can the summoned ones be expelled from their new home. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.3: Our Front Line stands as a wall, and a smile flashes as lightning over all faces at each of your successful moves. As a gardener sees that the garden be covered with buds, uprooting the weeds, so We watch the movements of the chosen hands. Joyous is each resourcefulness, because the shield is forged on both sides. Broad is My Work; to everyone a place ordained. By the broadness of your vision will you allot your own part. The manifestation of unprecedented possibilities is behind the door. Give Us reason to rejoice! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.1.8: The sole bridge between the spirit's understanding and the embracement of the earthly plane is the white blood corpuscle. But you know what conflict attends their existence. Do not the white corpuscles, subject to the forces of Earth and bearing the knowledge of spirit, seem to you like White Brothers? This is why harmony is so difficult on Earth. But to work there where the spirit has descended into matter, the conditions of both planes must be met. One should not estrange oneself from the earthly, yet one must abide in spirit. For the mastery of the earthly formulae, one must possess a strong channel of the heart, because the reflex of the earthly signs carries dangerous sparks. But for Earth, all must be accomplished upon the earthly plane. Therein is the chief reason for the existence of the Brotherhood here. Therefore, upon Earth one must reach Us, discover Us, as silver ore - the best beneath the earthly crust. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.6: 2.4.6. For the reason that Our pupils bear within themselves the microcosm of the Brotherhood, there is not an indifferent attitude towards them. In their mode of life the same details as of Our Life are gradually revealed. There is endless labor; absence of the sense of finiteness, even of knowledge; loneliness and the absence of a home on Earth; the understanding of joy, in the sense of realization of possibilities - for the best arrows seldom reach their mark. And when We see the hearts of people who strive toward one and the same garden, how could We not manifest joy? But fearlessness in the face of endless labor is especially important. It is true that from the realization of the infinite possibilities of the human apparatus one feels relief. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.2: Our Ray dispatches myriads of purified atoms, which enwrap the man if there is no astral whirlwind around him. This is the reason for the calmness of the spirit, as otherwise the remnants of Karma will obscure the object of the sending. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.9: Only this tremor, lit by the consciousness day and night, leads to spirit-knowledge. Over and above the reason, the gates are opened by a tremor which is even audible to human apparati. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.14: Since the significance of the spirit is great, then great value should be attached to thought, the child of the spirit. What significance thought has is shown even by a simple apparatus for study of the spectrum of the aura. The aura changes color not only from realized thoughts but, in the same measure, from the errant flies of our spirit reservoir which do not reach the reason nor the memory. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19: Even if a purse of money is sent to them, they will recall a non-existent debtor. If they are saved from ruin, their gratitude will go to the police. Even if one should bring these seemingly well-intentioned people to the very boundary of Our Abode they will declare that what is seen is a mirage. It might be thought that this is due to ignorance, but the reason is far worse. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.5: At present he heads the guarding of the paths and is engaged in historical researches. He often repeats: "Never fear an excessive load." Indeed, there was a reason that he should find himself in Our mountains. New Era Community (1926) - 16: It is possible to ennoble the conquest by stripping it of all sporting significance and directing it to labor. Hurry to save the unfortunates, fly for the unifying of humanity! Then will these conquests enter into evolution, for people must bring into ordinary usage the supermundane strivings, not forgetting about responsibility. As yet these conquests remain in the stage of ugly centaurs. When people will comprehend whither and for what reason they must fly, then will it be possible to improve the flying apparatus tenfold. New Era Community (1926) - 30: It is useful to look back upon remote epochs, when this consciousness was awakened. We see that not in a day of flowering of science but during the proclamation of religion was the cosmic consciousness awakened; for not hypotheses but only knowledge of the spirit leads to the starry paths. I regret that no astronomical calculations could advance the moment of communication, for the same reason that the ant does not shoot with a gigantic cannon. It is indeed essential that such achievement be manifested by means of the spirit. Here we are speaking materially, as it were, but without the spirit it is impossible to apply this energy. Indeed the spirit gives a certain quality to matter. The condition of the Earth requires an extraordinary physician. The planet is sick, and if efforts to push it forward do not succeed, then it may be better to remove it temporarily from the chain - it may become as the moon. Hotbeds of the lower strata of the Subtle World have become dangerously intolerable. Also it is impossible to forget how humanity has fallen under the influence of the lower levels of the Subtle World. New Era Community (1926) - 53: In order to play the game of hidden twig, the searcher must look for it - not the one who hid it. Not without reason do the Hindus call the Highest Being the Player. Verily, the Earth is to be saved by earthly hands, and the Heavenly Forces are sending the best manna; but if ungathered it is transformed into dew. How then not to rejoice when gatherers are found? When, ignoring derision, these seekers proceed, remembering Our Shield. New Era Community (1926) - 84: The crumbling of eons shifts entire worlds. For that reason your thoughts are directed toward preservation of mental energy. New Era Community (1926) - 123: We have spoken about subtle bodies, about magnets, about the luminosity of the aura, about the radiation of every object, about shifting of sensitivity, about change of ponderance, about the penetrating of stratum of matter through another, about the sendings of thought through space, about the actuality of cementing space, about the feeling of the centers, about understanding the word "matter." Much of that which is invisible but perceptible by apparatus must be appreciated by him who wishes to apply the means of technic in life. It is necessary to replace fanciful drivel with sound reason. New Era Community (1926) - 131: 131. On quality of advice. Often advice does not achieve its purpose for the reason that it is given as if for oneself. The condition of the brother is not taken into consideration, and the advisor puts himself in the place of the advised. Then the sympathy and pity and solicitude flow about the advisor himself. From such counsels one must of course expect harmful results - not only for the case itself but also in regard to the sufferer. His consciousness is pierced by an alien thinking as if by spikes. These clefts are healed with difficulty, for such counsels may be practically applicable yet their execution demands a quite different aura. New Era Community (1926) - 156: Here he, the lonely one, crossed, swam, flew through the prescribed spaces, and he already communicates and transmits his message. Who has received him? First, distrust - does the Community exist? Second - can the Community be active and take part in distant matters? Third - is not the appearance of the messenger and the need for the indicated action simply a coincidence? I recall that one such messenger, indignant at the mediocrity of the last remark, replied "You who talk about coincidence, do not forget that you yourselves are a coincidence of particles of matter. But if your coincidence has been unsuccessful, the laws of matter provide a reason for it." However, when monetary matters are turned to, and those dealing with the transmission of objects, thoughts begin to coincide propitiously. Facts and warnings are listened to attentively. The city dweller is not averse to squeezing out a useful information, even though it be from the Community. Thus, outside of a few co-workers, the messenger encounters about him an abyss of greed. Give money, give advice for the morrow, do away with the enemy - then vanish quickly and do not disturb our digestion with thoughts about world fellowship. New Era Community (1926) - 174: 174. Exteriorization of sensitivity has long been known. It has been attained either mechanically or by order of the will, and has served as a most sound reason for burning at the stake. Even now contemporary inquisitors, trying to discover a tail of necromancy, drive the bold search underground. New Era Community (1926) - 221: 221. When We speak about the formation of psychic energy into a conscious weapon, it may be asked, "With what to begin?" One must begin with realization of its presence. For this realization it is necessary to begin with one of the most fundamental concepts. Sometimes this unfittingly has been called faith, but it is better to call it trust. Faith corresponds to self-hypnosis. Trust conforms to self-analysis. Faith is indefinite in its essence. Trust confirms infallibility. We proceed by the path of infallibility. It is no superstition to cognize the power of the human apparatus. It is enough to ponder upon the processes of thinking or of a reflex, or even of digestion. One could easily note the action of nerve centers, yet something unifies their activity unconsciously, without entering the boundaries of the reason. This organ has been called the spirit, but again this definition is not clear, as in it there is no striving. New Era Community (1926) - 242: Trace how the word Shambhala is uttered in the East. Try to penetrate, even in a small way, into the ideology of this concept. Try to understand the rhythm of structure of speech about Shambhala, and you will perceive a great reality which causes the harp-strings of humanity to vibrate. Let reason help you to ponder on the values accumulated by the best strivings. In the book "Community" the concept of Shambhala cannot be omitted. New Era Community (1926) - 246: 246. The man who is not free, who thinks of himself, who acts for himself, is plunged into an ocean of false currents. The man even remodels his speech into a manifestation of external expression that is in conformity with his egotism. Pay attention to how accents are displaced on words of foreign tongue, in disregard of meaning and philology. People re-cut alien sounds to fit the custom of their own country. Indeed, the self-conceit of ignorance and a contempt for the neighbor are indicated in the distortion of speech. To reason out and to penetrate into the meaning of a neighbor's feeling is incompatible with the coarseness of petty self-conceit. The feeling of irresponsibility and the undiscarded sense of ownership create the feudal lords of our contemporary times. New Era Community (1926) - 257: Not without reason do We insist upon realization of psychic energy - the time has come! Agni Yoga (1929) - 46: 46. According to certain symptoms one can distinguish between those nations that are ascending and those declining. The nation that ascends dreams of heroes. But for the worn-out nation the idea of a hero seems wearisome and pointless. Though this nation may be showered with gold, though its conceit still may be impassioned, it will be unfit for podvig. The dreams and ardor of real daring have passed out of the walls of the nation that knows only reason. Agni Yoga (1929) - 128: We are opposed to baseless fantasies, but We welcome each goal-fitting prognosis. If the best building-blocks for construction can be found, and if the will can join them, then one can be certain that one's plan is valid and will be accepted. The cause of unfitness or frailty of any structure lies within ourselves. The horror of destruction is caused by discord between consciousness and reason. The narrowness of human logic and reason can undermine the foundations, when the consciousness is already celebrating victory. If the logic of evidence finds its true role in the understanding of reality, then one's decisions are made firm. Think thus about the future, and in the midst of the desert erect walls of knowledge. You know that every stone put into these walls must be vital and needed. Their strength will resist all assaults of the enemies of knowledge. Treasure each hour devoted to constructing the future. The major forces of humanity are made possible by man's foresight. Whence comes courage? Whence striving? Whence the ability to overcome? From foresight. Agni Yoga (1929) - 226: Can a yogi resign from life completely? He is so close to spiritual perfection that he cannot long endure even the usual interplanetary form of existence. Yogi U., known to you, for this reason created a special form of interplanetary existence for himself. It then was recognized as being of use to humanity and was included in Our research into the densification of the subtle body. I cite this example as indication that everywhere personal conscious labor is needed. Agni Yoga (1929) - 278: Small children, even without knowing the reason, tend to obey the guiding hand. But adults often alter the instructions given to them to fit their own moods. They are like people who, when their house catches fire, abandon irreplaceable manuscripts, but save their beloved bedding. Agni Yoga (1929) - 292: 292. External phenomena seen today are on the lowest level. You know that levitation is possible; but if all humanity were to rise for no reason into the air, what madness would follow! You know that the weight of objects can be decreased or increased, but in humanity's present state this ability is still premature. The striving toward realization of the spirit must first be made firm. The clue to many such manifestations will then be found in the power of the will. Agni Yoga (1929) - 301: 301. If in the circle of activity there appears a child who is apparently drawn to it with special reason, smile upon him and develop in him the awareness that these activities are a home to him. Children sometimes come to this activity in response to a special call. Give them what has been prepared for them by their own past. Heavy with juice is the fruit when the roots are strong. Agni Yoga (1929) - 367: It is said that the monkey is easily offended. What is that to us? The panther can be very irritable. What is that to us? It is said that the hen clucks without reason. It is said that the vulture endlessly nurses his ire. What is that to us? A parrot repeats slander. What is that to us? It is said that a duck cannot control its nerves. What is that to us? Let us not emulate them. Agni Yoga (1929) - 383: There is another circumstance that is of no less importance, and for this reason I have asked you to refrain as much as you can from pronouncing personal names. People addressing themselves to someone at a distance impose a burden upon the person if his spirit is highly sensitive. You have noticed that yogis often change their abodes and avoid pronouncing names. This is because of their knowledge of the Teaching, which provides an understanding of the effect produced by sending names into space. Agni Yoga (1929) - 405: 405. Psychic energy must not be used for performing miracles, but should be for the highest manifestation of pure reason. Agni Yoga (1929) - 429: 429. It is astonishing to see how people spoil their own lives without reason or sense by depriving themselves of possibilities that are theirs by right. It is astonishing to see how readily people diminish boundaries expanded over lifetimes. Agni Yoga (1929) - 499: 499. Every action based on reason is an indestructible acquisition. Affirmation of the Teaching is an invincible armor. Knowledge is gained by mastering the sparks of Light. Space is filled with material bodies beyond counting. Agni Yoga (1929) - 508: 508. Intellect is not wisdom. Straight-knowledge is wisdom. Intellect is reason. Wisdom makes decisions that long ago had already germinated. Intellect is at the threshold of wisdom, and when sharpened it moves into the realm of synthesis. Reason and a mind trained to one specialty are only corners of the future house. Those with narrowly specialized minds can pave for themselves a brilliant future, but they must continue to incarnate until their minds lose their narrow specialization. Only when the intellect loses this can it become wise. Each specialty is meant for conditions of life on Earth, whereas the synthesis of spirit opens all spheres. Spiritual tension accumulates spatial psychic energy. Spiritual tension can lead into any sphere of the astral plane. Agni Yoga (1929) - 539: The proper care of the nerve centers of children is a necessity for the future. There has existed a mistaken opinion that the spirit cannot early on master its new body and that this is the reason for children's foolishness. But actually, when the centers do not work correctly, the deposits of psychic energy are not produced, and the spirit has no substance through which to manifest itself. Agni Yoga (1929) - 546: 546. Fundamental and irreplaceable is the element of fire. Similarly without substitute is psychic energy. The most self-sufficient, the most refined, the most upthrusting energy is the true Daughter of Fire! Not without reason do We call you to the Fiery Conqueress. Every manifestation of enthusiasm precipitates a particle of the treasure. Each exaltation before nature and Beauty gathers the seeds of light and creates a ray of victory. Long ago I said, "Through Beauty thou hast Light." Is it possible that We say this only to give pleasure? Each Indication has undeniable and urgent importance. Thus, enthusiasm will be the shortest way to the accumulation of psychic energy. Agni Yoga (1929) - 554: Truly, the manifestations of psychic energy are as manifold and intricate as the most delicate design. It is not reason, but the straight-knowledge provided by the Chalice that can discern them. Just as a mother understands the agitation of her child, so does the fire of the Chalice illumine the disturbances of the currents. It is advisable that humanity ponder why the Chalice is of such great importance for the development of the future race. Agni Yoga (1929) - 582: This emulsion when rubbed into the body, provides the energy needed to sustain nourishment for a long time. This is similar to the taking of musk, which, as you already know, reduces one's need for food. Give the formula for this emulsion only to those who have proved their devotion to the Teaching. There is little reason to feed the body of one who tries to deny psychic energy. Agni Yoga (1929) - 650: 650. Even your physicians admit that during nervous exaltation one's strength increases tenfold. Thus they acknowledge psychic energy. But they see that such states are brief and are followed by a loss of energy. Precisely for this reason is the Yoga needed, so that while increasing the ascent, one is kept from falling. Collapses are brought on by a lack of realization and by failure to apply one's psychic energy. The ignoramus limps as if lame, but the one who knows can conquer the most unattainable heights. Agni Yoga (1929) - 653: 653. The thought of obedience to a Teacher is foreign to humanity. But how can a spirit not succeed when the Teacher is the Leading Beacon? How can the disciple lose his fire when the Teacher is the kindler of all fires? How can the Shield of the Teacher be an obstacle to the disciple when it is the Teacher who impels his fiery striving? In the consciousness of humanity lives a germinal desire to strive for a common work that leads all forward, in unity. But humanity must learn independent action, and must implement the affirmed thoughts of the Teacher. Thus does human evolution achieve harmony with Cosmic Reason. Humanity must learn to create by the higher way. Agni Yoga (1929) - 666: 666. Hierarchy is affirmed in the Universe by cosmic law. The Cosmic Magnet has placed the Highest Might above everything; thus this law is based on cosmic affirmation. How, then, can one fail to join the Highest Might, which guides the planet? Only Reason can direct the Cosmic Magnet. Therefore, Cosmic Reason, which permeates everything, brings tension to everything. The energies that differ in potentiality take their proper place in Cosmos, affirming their role according to the level of their developing power. Thus, the degree of potentiality of the energy determines its position on a higher or lower step. Similarly is the evolutionary step of the human spirit determined; the Cosmic Magnet intensifies the quality of the spirit, leading it into the Infinite. Agni Yoga (1929) - 667: 667. In Cosmos the center of striving rests upon the principle of Hierarchy. Cosmos acts by means of attraction to the manifested powerful center. Thus the cosmic seed is manifested in each action of Hierarchy by the quality of the striving, which ascends through realization of the predominant principle. Cosmic creativeness brings together the harmonious energies. This principle is so important that it is an undeniable necessity, which is truly affirmed by the principle of Hierarchy. The entire Universe is saturated with this principle. This spirit, which imbues all cosmic manifestations on the planet, is affirmed by the Highest Reason. Therefore, man, being a part of Cosmos, cannot separate himself from this principle. When cosmic creativeness is imbued with Reason, each manifestation of the Infinite is affirmed by the same principle. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 14: 14. Coordination of the planetary life with the higher spheres will provide a better possibility for man. Then the rhythm of our forces will increase threefold and the reason will accept this power. Thus will the covenant of the Wise Ones be fulfilled. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 16: 16. Reality and illusion will begin to appear to humanity as issuing from one source when we understand that the life-giving vessel is one. The Universe becomes devoid of all reason with the adoption of the concept of separation of the invisible world from the visible one. If we assume that our path is a casual one, with a void beyond, then our imagination is very poor indeed! Illusion is that which does not exist; and the concept of reality must be expanded. All lives and all propagates. Space carries your engenderings. Let us utilize the entire creative force of Space! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 54: 54. The theory which affirms that life is not moved by a conscious vital impulse, and that it is but a certain combination, reveals the loss of the most precious meaning. With the meaning lost, and deprived of consciousness, the life process becomes void of spirit and its creativeness. Since it is a process of growing energy that creates, one cannot offer mere symbolization by asserting that life is but the manifestation of the creativeness of the Infinite. The spark can exist anywhere in the whole of cosmic spaciousness. How, then, to explain that Reason which lives in this whole immeasurable expanse, in all manifestations of Cosmos? Denying the conscious vital impulse to Be-ness, humanity destroys the very seed of existence. The motion and breath of Cosmos must not be deprived of its spirit! Otherwise, Be-ness will be fixed within boundaries of annihilability. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 64: 64. Cosmos proclaims that life pulsates in all atoms and sets into motion the manifestations of evolution. But Cosmos proclaims not only the organic but all manifestations. It proclaims psycho-life. Psycho-dynamics of the spirit constitutes the foundation of Be-ness. Psycho-vision is the basis of sight. The manifested psycho-spiritual thought of Cosmos is the guaranty of creation throughout the entire limitless life of Cosmos. In all manifestations of the spatial organisms, search not only for the impulse but for the attraction of psycho-life in the atom. Then you will discern not one world alone but all the limitless worlds of Cosmos. We shall find the meaning of all the surrounding worlds and of the Supreme Reason. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 73: In Cosmos lives that power of reason which is called the cosmic rhythm, and the whole of human life depends on the cycle of this rhythm. But let us assume that the cycle, which generates reciprocally with the Cosmos, has been affirmed, and that the psychic energy is defining the current of evolution. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 85: 85. When a man rounds out his life path with realization that the goal of existence is preordained, it means that Cosmic Reason has transmitted to him its Ray. Realizing the many lives passed upon Earth, and safeguarding in the spirit that which is entrusted, brings one nearer by millennia. The flow of karma is cosmically beautiful. Cosmic essence affirms joy in the human heart, and in the heart of Cosmos, and in the heart of an Arhat. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 88: 88. The ignorance of humanity attracts a like formation of the cosmic manifestations which respond to the keynote of ignorance. Ignorance prompts humanity to the belief that the cosmic horizon is affirmed on a limited planet. Ignorance, preceptor of humanity, sees the planet as beginning and end; but reason indicates that such accepted formulae, confining Cosmos within narrow boundaries, will bring on catastrophe. Expecting an end, the human consciousness receives endless evidences of its karma and is perplexed over these calamities. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 92: 92. Transmutation of the elements may reach an unimagined scope. When our reason will accept Infinity it will be possible to encompass the manifestations of all the impelled processes. Acceptance of the thought of Infinity will induce the development of new forms. New ways are indicated to him who strives toward new spheres. When the spirit seeks only repetitious ways, stagnation results. Repetitiousness in Cosmos is manifested as destruction. The repetitiousness in human reasoning is expressed in the reluctance to apply new ways. The growth of the power of the spatial fires provides for man a creative issue. The correlation of thought with the increase of spatial fires provides a great cosmic formula. This formula will reveal the ordained realm of the higher spheres. When humanity will learn to understand Infinity, then the hearing in the direction of the higher worlds will develop. Then, verily, will approach the time of the far-off worlds. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 97: 97. Verily, limitless is the beauty of Cosmos, when by the way of the heart we can penetrate into the consciousness of the Cosmic Breath. The ascent is predestined by the manifestation of all the cosmic combinations under the pure sign of cosmic unity. Observing the occurrences on the planet, We may only say, "Great is your destination; affirm yourself, manifesting ascent!" The heart was always considered as the symbol of the "guiding one." Life expands by that symbol. The guiding one and the guided are affirming the significance of the Cosmic Consciousness. The expected one and the expectant are expressing Cosmic Reason. The calling one and the responding one are expressing Cosmic Accord. All the feelings of the Builder of Cosmos are directing the moves into the higher life. Yes, yes, yes! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 123: 123. When I see a vibration responding to Our sacred vibrations, I rejoice. When we proceed in pace with the cosmic magnetism, then harmony is manifested. The law of assimilationis founded on the property of cosmic magnetism. The complexity of manifestations is increased when the evidence of resistance or surrender shown by the spirit is based on dormant principles. When the spirit strives to the Cosmic Magnet, the correlation produces the highest form of life. The fusion is found throughout Cosmos, and it is reflected in all space as the highest expression of the cosmic Reason. Man's strength lies in the Cosmic Magnet, and his loss of this powerful potential through lack of comprehension exposes that gaping abyss which man cannot cross save by plunging to the bottom and then ascending. Hence, there are so many crevices and so many people who are deprived of the higher understanding. Therefore, jubilation of the spheres is manifested when the greatness of cosmic fusion triumphs. Verily, the spheres then tremble with the highest exultation. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 127: 127. When the resistance to the Cosmic Magnet is for the purpose of gathering new combinations for a temporary manifestation, this result does not follow. The Cosmic Magnet links these correlations, which are carried into the creative wheel of Space. The power of the Cosmic Magnet, being centrifugal, repels those particles which do not suit the paramount purpose of welding into one integral whole the properties belonging to one element. The resistance of the spirit to the Origins of the Universe has violently plunged the vessel of knowledge into the slough of ignorance. All the Lords came to disperse the spiritual resistance, and having illumined the spirit, They further strove to raise knowledge to a higher level. Thus, the Cosmic Magnet gathers the Highest Reason, which is of infinite creativeness! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 129: 129. Astrology defines precisely the cosmic magnetism, when the events can be defined; then one can define them precisely, accepting the cosmic magnetism as the dominating motive power. All manifestations of life lend themselves to computation. One may know all events and all manifestations of spiritual and planetary beings. Cosmic magnetism collects all the highest aspects of cosmic attraction. The spirit responding to the attraction in like measure will be that part of the Cosmic Reason which is confirmed as the Ordainment of Be-ness! Beauty is comprised in that Ordainment. And the Ordainment, liberating the spirit from the planet, affords the illumination which leads to the higher spheres. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 131: The Highest Reason has greatly strained the forces of the planet, but the capacities of self-determination do not always harmonize with the ordinance of the higher spheres. True, in the records of the spheres there are many which express the affirmation of the Cosmic Reason; and so gigantic are the achievements of transmutation that verily Cosmos contains in the finest energies the seed of the planet. Thus, we advance. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 132: When, through a span of millennia, the spirit seeks the path predestined for it by the luminaries, and when its essence aspires toward harmony, then the Cosmic Magnet responds and Cosmos gains the highest concordance. Out of these consonances is composed a cosmic chord! The higher the sphere, the greater the power of attraction. Thus one can realize the power of Cosmic Reason. The power increases according to the spheres. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 144: 144. In the interchange of energies is comprised the most beautiful power of the Cosmic Magnet. The interchange is manifested in the striving in Cosmos toward perfection. The communion of spirit with spirit reveals itself as an interweaving of the subtlest energies. The interweaving of these subtlest energies draws a line which leads to the Cosmic Magnet. Upon each unit the Absolute Reason lays its confirming Hand, and the Hand gathers that force of the element which is needful to Cosmos. Thus the Fire blends with the currents of Space. Therefore, the spirit that merges with Cosmic Reason can verily manifest that element which, blending all contents of the cosmic seed, can become a directing cosmic force. All that consciously unites can direct the cosmic forces. The same law governs the expression of creativeness upon the far-off worlds. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 147: 147. Immutable is the law manifested by Cosmos. During creation, an interchange of energies takes place. To nature and to the spirit of man may be assigned one and the same page, that of striving toward creativeness. The power of creativeness cannot develop in Space without the factor of consciousness. And consciousness, progressively gaining power, assumes the mastery over resistance. The Cosmic Magnet can attract toward a consciousness of the creative Fire all that which is akin. The Cosmic Reason creates as a laboring builder. And man must serve Cosmos similarly. Man knows what an impetus the Infinite Reason imparts to the current of life. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 147: Construction which does not impede the Cosmic Magnet can begin to express new forms. Casualness is not the foundation which acts through the Magnet; only the sweep of Reason attracts the constructiveness which manifests life. The currents which gather the subtle energies carry the igniting fires throughout Space. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 148: The Cosmic Magnet builds through the course of millennia, and the more pure the aspect of the matter, the higher the manifestation of the new predestination. An Agni Yogi creates with his spirit that ascending spiritual step which is preordained by the Cosmic Reason. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 154: 154. The action of the Cosmic Magnet is applied toward a designated formation. Not only creativeness through the simple principle of attraction but also the principle of affinity lies at the basis of creation, and in all its subtlety it is governed by the Highest Reason. The harmonization of the forces of the magnetic principle is expressed in all manifestations and in the most advanced forms. The Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 155: 155. Humanity at various stages of its development has known of the power of the Cosmic Magnet. The interrelation between all cosmic forces and man has been attested by most ancient revelations. Man is part of the cosmic energy, part of the elements, part of Cosmic Reason, part of the consciousness of the higher matter. Therefore, when the power is given to an image which acts and emerges from the cosmic seed, Cosmos awaits the transmutation which must lead the spirit toward transfiguration. Of course, I regard the Spatial Fire as the highest transfiguring element. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 156: 156. It is truly told about the power of love for humanity. Can one love a garden and despise its flowers? Can one worship the power of beauty and not show respect for love? I attest that the Power adorning Our Universe is confirmed as Our Mother of the World - the Feminine Origin! Indeed, one may cite many scientific examples indicative of the creative destiny of woman. Those who deny the evidence of woman's creativeness should reflect that woman gives voluntarily. It does not mean that those who possess the rights are the ones who affirm them. Hence is the woman's path termed one of voluntary giving. Certainly in Cosmos everything is interwoven, but humanity transgresses the laws of the Higher Reason. Truly, the Feminine Origin is most beautiful! Verily, the pinnacle of Be-ness cannot exist without the Feminine Origin. How badly people have mutilated the great cosmic laws! How far people have departed from Truth! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 160: That which is set forth as a creative manifestation will find its channel of expression; but the form of the action is bound with the karma of man. Since the Highest Reason has ordained the shifting, as an elemental action, it must be said that the shifting is indispensable. But, besides the shifting, there is the matter which receives the entrusted mission of construction. When the Spatial Fire pierces the earthly layers, there must be the understanding of true cooperation. The Cosmos is one, and man's finest aspiration is to be a part of it. Therefore, not separation but unification. Hence, either the predestined will be affirmed in the measure of the creative Magnet or the part assumed by man will establish the channel. Thus do the great forces mutually strive. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 166: It is precisely the creative force of Reason which gathers the different elements into dams against the unharmonized energies. The Universe derives that power for all its manifestations. Thus do races assemble and unite. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 169: You said correctly that reason begets reason. Such a formula can carry the spirit up to the gates of knowledge. I will add, "From Reason to Reason, and the beauty of Be-ness is in the striving to that achievement." Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 170: 170. The attraction of the various parts of one principle acts through the medium of the Magnet. Hence the variety of the expressions of all the affirmed principles on different planes. The core of Reason is apparent in all Spatial Fire. Being of the same origin, the Cosmic Magnet carries within itself the principle of creativeness of Fire, and Reason builds the substance applicable to each sphere. Therefore, homogeneousness is spread throughout the entire Cosmos, and homogeneousness can provide man with the key to the understanding of the existence beyond. Homogeneousness will lead then to the understanding of the highest principles. When humanity will refine all conceptions of the principles, it will be possible to affirm the manifestation of homogeneousness ad infinitum. Thus are all strata of Be-ness build; not by deflection from the principle inherent in the Cosmic Magnet, but by contribution in most subtle forms. Therefore, the Origins should be the affirmed guiding principles. Let us accept the principle of Be-ness as the affirmation of the Highest Reason, and the Cosmic Magnet will unfold as the manifested might of the Mother of the World. This concept can bring a true understanding of the existence of Our Brotherhood, a true understanding of the far-off worlds, and a true understanding of those principles which ordain man as a creator. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 171: 171. Homogeneousness and consubstantiality are identical. Thus only can we understand Be-ness. The world is created of One Heart, and that Heart beats through the one pulsation of the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the principle which affirms homogeneousness in all things affirms unity. Thus, the principle of fusion is ordained by the creative Reason. Therefore, I say that the knowledge of Be-ness can further the cosmic evolution. Many are the beautiful mysteries in Cosmos! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 172a: Now about parallelism. Indeed, Cosmic Reason draws together the single particles of its magnetic force. But parallelism does not always proceed by the way of the Origins. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 172a: The confirmation, through the Cosmic Magnet, of a unification of the Origins is called the True Crowning. Thus Cosmos collects its Reason. Urusvati is verily affirmed not by the planetary laws but by the Laws of the Lords. The Lords see and know. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 180: The date of the future confirmed nearness is revealed by the magnet of the Origins. The creativeness of the elements is greatly tensed. Today brought the melting of many beginnings and the beginning of many missions. The Cosmic Magnet is greatly tensed and the currents are saturated in a variety of ways. The cosmic current is strongly felt by the Agni Yogi, and the Fire of Space is intensely manifest. Thus, each cosmic shifting strains so greatly the fire of the Agni Yogi. Yes, yes, yes! Our Urusvati will thus accept the joy of the higher spheres. Thus, sensing the cosmic triumph of Reason and the current of the Magnet, We shall say "Cosmos is manifested by the heart, and We feel all the great forces of the Magnet." Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 181: Of course, men are so accustomed to their own interpretation of balance that they reason in the same way about the distribution of forces. However, cosmic forces are not subject to such distribution. Were it so, a mutual annihilation would occur in Cosmos! The Cosmic Magnet, acting rationally, cannot create for the purpose of mutual annihilation. Creation in the Universe is vast, and there is a constant prevailing whirlwind, which carries out into Infinity. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 196: The Sacrament of Attestation of the Cosmic Magnet is the cosmic vision of Higher Reason. Thus, the complex law unravels as the mighty primary power of the Heart of Cosmos. The clarity of cosmic law reveals to man the beauty of the World. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 208: The Tara of Knowledge magnetizes those who aspire to knowledge. The Tara of Beauty summons those who aspire to beauty. The Tara of Achievement summons those who strive toward achievement. The Tara of Synthesis can gather united spirits. Thus the Blended Heart fulfills the Covenant of the Cosmic Reason. Yes, yes, yes! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 209: 209. The consciousness of the Cosmic Magnet shapes hidden forms. So much has been told about the immutability of the law of the Cosmic Magnet that a simple deduction is clear. The immutability of the law is perceived in the entire Cosmos. The simplicity of the law must be assimilated by the human consciousness, and the fiery formula of purity will be manifested with the assimilation of the Fire of Space. Only the essence of reason can embrace the simplicity of this law. This law embraces the entire fiery striving of the principle of Be-ness. When the difficulty of understanding leads the spirit away to the spheres intensified by accumulations of opposite laws, the spirit then creates a cosmically complicated process. The inevitability of a counteraction is carried in this cargo. The immutability of the law of the Cosmic Magnet continues while it interweaves with all energies. And all manifestations develop in the attraction of energies. True, it is also customary to speak of the principle of repulsion, but We say that attraction is the acting force. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 213: 213. The universal substance which pervades the whole expanse of Cosmos responds to the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. The consciousness which responds to the cosmic fires can truly penetrate the laws of Be-ness. Therefore, the formula of creative power can be given to him who has willingly adhered to the Higher Reason and who has filled to the brim his Chalice. Hence, the formula of this power cannot be asserted on this planet. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 237: There exists a so-called transmission through the envelopes of departed spirits, but one must always recognize that a lower manifestation attracts the lower. For this reason, We assert that Fire is most lofty and the transmutation occurs at the highest point. Thus, She who carries the Chalice of the Sacred Fire will give to the planet a fiery purification. Thus the creativeness of psycho-spirituality is implanted into the new step. When the force of the Cosmic Magnet will assert the manifestation of the fires, then will it be possible to say that the New Time draws near. I so affirm! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 300: 300. Absolute Reason and the Perfect Heart are one and the same Source. We say that the flow of life issues from this Essence, humanity may accept this truth. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet is concentrated on extracting the life emanations from the surging energies. The power of the Perfect Heart saturates all cosmic currents. From these emanations are combined all manifestations of life. The energies which are inert act as intervening currents. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 301: Absolute Reason, from which humanity derives its striving essence, affirms solicitously the creative manifestations. The constructive work of the cosmic energies is directed by the Perfect Heart. The duration of action in Cosmos is termed perpetuity. Why then is it not possible to apply this concept to the energy which impels the spirit into higher spheres? When efforts are made to refine even the plant life, why not apply the same effort toward humanity? The Perfect Heart strains all its energies for this ascent. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 301: The Cosmic Fire is in eternal motion, directed by Absolute Reason and the Perfect Heart. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 305: 305. The centers revolving at the back of the head strengthen clairaudience. They are located at the crossing of the two main channels of the surging currents of life. The centers are affirmed as the carriers of energies needed for communions with the far-off worlds. These centers tense the center of the ear and for this reason are most important. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 312: The course of the luminaries and the Highest Reason govern all cosmic dates. Hence, when humanity rejects the possibilities sent by the Cosmic Magnet, destruction ensues. The planet is covered with the emanations of these unaccepted transmissions; hence, all creative tensions are not expressed according to predestination. All inharmonious processes are thus generated in space. Hence, it is so imperative for humanity to be imbued with the currents of the great spatial transmissions; only thus can the link with the far-off worlds be established. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 316: 316. The destiny of man on this planet is but little understood. The existence of a cosmic being certainly should have its predestination, but humanity is striving so blindly to its own narrow horizon that it cannot discern its cosmic destination. The creativeness of Cosmos grants a purpose for being to even the smallest worm. Everything in Cosmos creates with a purpose, and, as the relative connection between man and the lower beings is evident, so does there exist the relative connections of the higher spheres. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet predetermines each action, as well as the role which the beings are predestined to enact. Thus, the human spheres are designated for cooperation. The Great Reason strains all cosmic spheres; hence, the destiny of man has as its basis the cooperation and beauty of Infinity. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 331: 331. The combination of the energies with the tensed Magnet presents the power of creativeness. There is not engulfment in cosmically manifested creation; there is only a fusion of the energies in a new combination. Thus, the passage through all karmic steps intensifies the development of various properties and results in a striving, manifest activity. Therefore, the seed of the spirit creates the design of each round which is striving evolutionward. But by reason of the accumulations that are inharmonious with the activity, not every spirit can reach the higher step. In this case, the seed of the spirit is in correlation with the Cosmic Magnet but is physically tardy in outliving its imperfections. Then, the manifestation of imperfection can be redeemed through striving. This is not an engulfment by Infinity, it is the path to the Infinite! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 348: 348. A most powerful stream is diffused in the combinations of the Magnet. True, when Reason unites various energies, then forces are conjoined which produce a powerful energy. The manifestation of cosmic rays is the straining of energies responding to the attraction of the Magnet. The Universe is filled with such manifestations. The creative principle gathers potential energies and propels all the manifested energies into a channel. Hence, each energy is intensified by creative tension. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 356: 356. The creative principle directs the currents of Fire and propels the energies. Therefore, all cosmic manifestations are reflected upon the centers of the Agni Yogi. Each fiery manifestation resounds upon the centers, evoking varied sensations. Often anguish and depression are due to the fiery tensions. The reason for these sensations is a discordance of the currents. These unharmonized currents beat upon the centers, which resound in a dissonance. When the unharmonized currents are borne in space, a great deal of creative power is used by the energies for the establishment of equilibrium. The manifestation of unharmonized currents calls forth in an Agni Yogi a reaction, as it were, on a level with the opposing energies. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 364: The psychic tension of Fire puts forms into the space. When the seed of the spirit is clothed in the fiery currents, the propelled fire tenses the entire substance of the seed of the Agni Yogi. The cosmic creativeness is directed by the Cosmic Reason, impelled through the manifestation of Materia Lucida. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 378: 378. The pull of evolution gathers energies which strive toward the Cosmic Magnet. The creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet is revealed as the Will of the Highest Reason. The fusion of aspiring energies by the Will provides the creation in the forms of the intensified Fire. When the element of driving Fire, speeding toward the vital manifestation, encounters currents in harmony with the cosmic tension, then this element collects more striving fires. But when the energy is rushing to affirm a contrary aspiration, an explosion in the space occurs. The manifestations of Infinity and of human impulse are equal. Thus the ways coalesce. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 382: 382. Hierarchy is lawfully confirmed in the Universe. Since the Cosmic Magnet has set the Higher Power above all, this law is founded on a cosmic pronouncement. How is it possible not to apply the Higher Power which guides the planet? Reason alone can direct the Cosmic Magnet. Hence the Cosmic Reason, which is diffused throughout all things, tenses all elements. The energies, varying in their potentiality, have their destiny in Cosmos, affirming their position according to the degree of their growth of power. Thus, the potentiality of the energy accords a priority or a lower step. Thus, the steps of the human spirit in evolution are designated, and the Cosmic Magnet strains the essence of the spirit into Infinity. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 8: 8. This cosmic force of unification affirms the power of the Cosmic Reason. You have correctly alluded to the transmissions of the spirit. The creativeness of the spirit intensifies so many inceptions. Therefore, when We speak of spirit creativeness We call this force a ray of Cosmos. Thus, each wave of spirit intensifies vibrations in space. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 32: 32. In Cosmos a center of striving lives by the principle of Hierarchy. Cosmos acts through attraction toward an affirmed center of power. Thus, in each act of Hierarchy the cosmic seed is evidenced by the quality of striving, which ascends through the realization of the ruling principle. Cosmic creativeness assembles harmonious energies. So immutable is this principle that it manifests itself as the quality termed necessity. This necessity is indeed affirmed as the principle of Hierarchy. The entire Universe is saturated with this principle. This spirit, which saturates all cosmic manifestations upon the planet, is verily affirmed by the Highest Reason. Hence, man, being part of the Cosmos, cannot isolate himself from this principle. Since cosmic creativeness is imbued by the Reason, each manifestation of the Infinite is asserted through the same principle. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 33: 33. The strivings of Cosmos are manifested upon this principle. When Our Brothers of Humanity adhere to the cosmic creativeness, the principle of unity is affirmed. The property of intense fire contains in itself the property of unification. The inherent impulse of striving attracts the atom toward consummation. The union with the Highest Reason is followed by cosmic fusion. The Crown of Be-ness unites that which belongs to it. The Highest Reason blends that which it manifests. The Cosmic Magnet fuses that which it gathers. Thus triumphs the beauty of Be-ness! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 34: 34. Cosmic blending is tensed by the Fire of Space. The fusion of sparks is precipitated by the Cosmic Magnet. Fiery seeds live in each atom, and the power of cohesion rests in these fiery seeds. When the intensified force of the creative Magnet is acting, the fire of the seed fuses with the impulsion of the Magnet. The manifested fire breathes the impulse of life into each atom. The spirit creativeness is strained by the manifestation of Fire. When thoughts create spiritually at a distance, such action is analogous to the creativity of the Fire of Space. The reception and the transmission are under the same law. The action of Fire is comprised in the impulsion of the Magnet. Hence, the magnet of the spirit reflects all cosmic manifestations. These potential forces are established by the Reason as the life force. The magnet of the spirit combines all vital impulses. Indeed, the magnet of the spirit fuses matter even physically. Of course, the treasury of the spirit is the Chalice, and that treasury also guards matter, because the powerful impulse of sacred Fire is laid in it. Thus, a wise power flows from the seed of the Fire of Space. Thus, the seed of the spirit intensifies the striving toward the higher spheres. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 50: 50. In the eternal creativeness of life, the law of Oneness holds. The cosmic creativeness goes forth as a fiery command; a command preordaining fusion; a command preordaining destiny; a command preordaining the replacement of one by another; a command preordaining consummation; a command preordaining immortality; a command preordaining life for each atom; a command preordaining the approach of new energy; a command preordaining the New Era. Thus is the cosmic creation accomplished by the magnet of life. How then is it possible to split the creation of the Cosmos? How then can those things which belong to one another be separated? How then can those things which verily issue one from another be separated? Indeed, in its saturation Cosmos is strained for the fiery fusion! Only Cosmic Reason can give to humanity the Image of Oneness. Reason gives to humanity the supreme Image of the creation of the most fiery Heart. Reason assembles in sacredness; therefore, in Cosmos this law is created by life. Where then is the end, when all cosmic manifestations evolve upon two Origins? When a spirit contacts the higher spheres, cosmic creativeness is revealed to it as the law of infinite unity. When the spirit reaches the highest Oneness, it may be said verily that it draws from the vessel of cosmic joy. Yes, yes, yes! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 58: 58. True attainments are attested by the striving to cognize the Will of Highest Reason. It is difficult to accept a cosmic direction without understanding the Will of Highest Reason. Three-fourths of human strivings are directed against Cosmic Ordainments. The human spirit is not penetrating beyond the boundaries of visibility, and the opposition to the Will of Reason is leading to destruction. True, cosmic law ordains the replacement of one thing by another. Certainly, in this ordinance is contained the spirit of renewal. Certainly, the principle of renewal comprises in itself the law of perfection. Therefore, the shifting asserted by humanity advances very slowly into evolution. The potentiality of the past gives birth to the future. Immeasurable is the growth of potentiality! There where the shifting leads to new progress, all forces are strained. There where the past was imbued with opposition, cosmic purification is established, Thus, the shifting of the manifested epoch of destruction will assert its consequences. They are inevitable, and the potentiality will erect its step. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 70: 70. The absolute is not contained in a transitory form, but the spirit of the form expresses Absolute Reason. The shell of the cosmic seed in its transmutations is subject to the law of time. Thus, the cosmic form is renewed eternally, but the substance of the striving seed depends upon the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the beauty of Be-ness is saturated by the Cosmic Magnet. The spirit which has discerned the substance of karma aspires to liberate the seed from its encasing shells. These shells gather like mist around the seed. Each seed goes through its battle on its way to the Infinite. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 99: 99. The tension in Cosmos is directed toward the creation of new combinations. The tension of the spirit is directed toward the construction of new steps. Only those who have adhered to Us know the power of the tension of creative labor. The mist which clouds human reason is composed of fragments produced by lack of understanding. Thus, humanity smites the planet. Whereas, substance is unlimited and in it are contained all tensions. Hence, humanity should strive toward tension. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 130: 130. In Cosmos there is a law which foresees all the best combinations. Does not the law of attraction move the striving particles. Is not the law of gravitation put in effect by the Highest Reason? When people speak about harmonization they penetrate very little into the essence of the law itself. Cosmic creativeness contains in itself the substance of the great Materia Matrix. Attraction is a property established for the expansion of Cosmos. Therefore, this law acts upon all planes, in spirit and in matter. The foundation of construction is established upon the manifestation of the better possibilities, and the creativity of spirit proceeds under the same mighty law. Hence, while the creativeness of Cosmos is put in tension by sundry factors, it should be understood that the main impulse is given by the Highest Reason. Thus is the Infinite built. Thus is the world chain built. Thus is Cosmos built. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 161: 161. The reorganization of the world stirs up multifold rushing vortices. Each reorganization evokes the strokes of the cosmic rhythms. The rhythm of The Wheel of Life is so powerful that resistance to it cannot be asserted. The cosmic whirl intensifies all oppositions but the power of Reason engulfs the forces generated by opposition. Thus, the obstacles are swept away by the rhythm of cosmic whirls. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 190: 190. The sensitiveness of the spirit is strained toward a questing for communion with cosmic manifestations. The being imbued with the quest for communion with the higher spheres is striving toward cosmic ordinances. Every energy is drawn taut by the lever of Fire. For humanity, this lever is the basis of the creativeness of spirit. When the spirit in its striving senses the ordinance of Cosmos, it fulfils the law of Cosmic Reason. How vividly the fiery Agni Yogi expresses communion with the higher spheres! The spirit of the Fire-Carrier knows the power of communion; therefore, when the universal energy approaches, the fiery spirit knows the date. The ordinance of the Cosmic Reason imbues the spirit with sensitiveness and transmits to it each cosmic move. The sensitive spirit sets up a fiery current with the higher spheres. Let the fiery torrent take the place of oppressive immobility. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 279: 279. All world upheavals and spiritual shiftings are governed by Fire. Only when Our Principle will be affirmed upon the planet will the era of Satya Yuga begin. All of human life proceeds aimlessly for those who do not accept the Perfect Heart and the sublimity of Reason. Only subtlety of assimilation will yield striving toward Fire. Verily, the centers of the Cosmos are aflame with tension, and the spirit aspiring to the Infinite reverberates to these fires. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 317: 317. Adherence to the Cosmic Magnet imparts intense striving to the spirit. Human creativity proceeds along the channel of striving. Existence demands a realization of the qualities of strivings. Thus, each possibility can manifest only through goal-fitness. With goal-fitness as a basis, man can formulate the reason of existence. Matter is affirmed in manifested form through the spirit of man; thus, cause and effect establish the reason of existence. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 329: 329. The world which is in contact with each spirit is an expression of his own striving. The spirit which senses its strained currents must strive to the course of the Cosmic Magnet. But is the creativeness of its spheres thus affirmed by humanity? Each spirit which strives to link itself to the Cosmic Magnet will find its own creations manifested. But the spirit bent on selfhood creates a doomed world. These worlds saturate the space and each one sets up a perturbation. In Cosmos everything is linked, and for this reason humanity bears the responsibility for each created sphere. Thus are the cosmic spheres created. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 341: 341. Certainly, a country which has lost its direction cannot find the proper course of action. Certainly, a country which adopts the basest means is unaware of the higher manifestation. A sinking country vigorously fights for life. It is for this reason that We are under such strain; the mightiest current is created in the mightiest tension. Thus, We create, and the enemies sense Our nearness. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 392: 392. The universal consciousness perceives the chain of spheres and the threads of the bond with the spatial energies. One cannot divide the affirmed spheres; the Great Universal Present blends all manifestations. Thus, the present awakening of Cosmos brings an awakening to the spirit. Events upon one plane stimulate events on a corresponding one and they also bestir the consciousness with the same might as the cosmic tension of spatial fires. Therefore, the unity in Cosmos and the world conditions at present strain all lives. Hence, both the thought of the Cosmic Reason and that of humanity must be asserted in the cosmic course. A limitless cooperation! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 424: 424. When Space thunders with the shifting, one must protect well those centers which respond. When the creativeness of Cosmos gathers the higher tensions, one must battle for the affirmation of Light. There is mutual intensification between humanity and the beauty of Cosmos, and only thus can one affirm a cosmically united power. Such striving has constructiveness in it. The creativeness of thought has continuous inner blending, and the spirit of a cosmic creator knows the thought of Cosmic Reason. Thus, a sensitive Agni Yogi knows the flow of evolution, and each spatial thought finds corroboration. Each thought manifested by the fire of a creator imbues consciousness. Thus, We create the shifting of the spirit and affirm an enlightened cognizance. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 438: 438. Who, then, will bring to humanity this vital impulse? Who will impart the understanding of the subtle energies? Only the spirit who is in possession of the vital impulse. One should not seek it in the asserted physical impulse but in the impellent invisible Fire which is the breath of life. Thus, the sensitive fiery spirit of the Agni Yogi brings to humanity the manifestation of the vital impulse. That is why the sensitiveness of these fiery impulses is so greatly reverenced by Us. Thus, it is the vital impulse that brings consummation - that vital impulse which is possessed by the Cosmic Reason and which saturates the Cosmic Consciousness. Thus, we all live by this fiery principle. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 460: 460. Cosmic reconstruction contains in itself all human strivings. When cosmic reconstruction saturates the planet, a cosmic stimulus strains the spirit. Thereupon, forces group themselves according to polarity and thus saturate the spheres around reconstruction. It is impossible to segregate human strivings from cosmic reconstruction. One and the same impulse motivates all the forces; hence, each sphere is steeped in the cosmic reconstruction. Thus, human reason can enter no complaint against Cosmos. In life, everything is built up from the principles of containment and correspondence, and the qualities of correspondence are boundless. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 501: 501. The law of sacrifice demands of humanity the offering of its best elements. When the spirit of man will grasp the fact that striving for the higher achievement is the most essential action, he will cling to the Cosmic Magnet; and the concept of sacrifice will then take on the meaning of service to the Highest Reason. Cosmic creativeness applies the most powerful levers for evolution, and the spirit senses the application of the best energies. When the affirmation of life consciousness awakens all subtle faculties the law of sacrifice is then understood as the highest achievement. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 511: 511. How can a law be immutable? How does a law create? How does a law cumulate? By its powerful consonance. If consciousness leads to the affirmation of Cosmic Right, likewise cosmic power attracts toward the seed. Hence, life is affirmed by the Cosmic Reason in Cosmic Right. When all centers reverberate, there is affirmed that harmony which is more powerful than any creative energy. Thus, the highest potentiality saturates the power of cosmic blending. Hierarchy (1931) - 9: 9. Ruleress, I pronounce Thee the great Co-worker of Cosmic Reason. Ruleress, thou, beyond all cosmic powers, bearest within thyself the sacred seed which provides radiant life. Ruleress, affirming all manifestations of the Great Reason, thou art the bestower of joy of cosmic creativeness. The Ruleress will adorn the aspiring realm with creative fire. Ruleress of thought, thou who invokest life, to Thee We make manifest the radiance of Our Ray. Mother, venerated of the Lords, We carry in Our Heart the fire of Thy Love. In thy Heart lives the ordaining Ray. In Thy Heart life is conceived, and We shall affirm the Ray of the Ruleress. Yes, yes, yes! Hierarchy (1931) - 23: 23. You heard correctly about sovereign power. Verily, the Hierarch uses the power for cosmic progress. We Brothers of Humanity possess this power of acting in step with the Cosmic Magnet. I attest, verily, that We create by a strained heart. Thus let us understand unity. The cosmic creativeness also achieves in being strained by the Heart of Reason. Yes, yes, yes! This law is the attestation of Reason. Only thus does Cosmos create. Yes, yes, yes! Hierarchy (1931) - 82: 82. The Sons of Reason - We proclaim them as Hierarchs upon Earth. The Daughters of Reason - thus, also. We proclaim them upon Earth. Those who strive to the evolution of the spirit must follow in the steps of Hierarchy in order to progress. Who, then, will nurture the spirit of striving disciples? Who, then, will affirm the path of ascent? Only the Daughters and Sons of Reason. In whom are contained the fires of attainment? In the Daughters and Sons of Reason. Thus We proclaim Our Carriers of Fire. Each realization of Our Will proceeds, revealing the fiery law of Hierarchy. Only the conscious adoption in life of the law of Hierarchy affirms the right path. Verily, space resounds with the affirmation of Hierarchy. Thus the wondrous life is being built. Thus the predestined enters into life. The Sons of Reason, the Daughters of Light can make manifest the power of the higher laws only by obedience to the Hierarchy. Thus Our Hierarchs manifest Our Power of Reason and Heart - thus unto Infinity. Hierarchy (1931) - 83: 83. Thus the Higher Reason creates upon Earth through the power of Hierarchy. Our creativeness requires the affirmation of Hierarchy in its entire scope, in its entire understanding, in its entire beauty. The understanding of Hierarchy reveals all possibilities. It is correct to view the law of Hierarchy as the summit of cosmic creativeness. Light pours from it, thoughts strive to it; thus one should direct the best strivings to the Summit of Hierarchy. Only when the highest affirmation enters consciously into life, can the highest be given. The fiery manifestation approaches! Hierarchy (1931) - 142: 142. You often hear about the battle waged by the powers of darkness. Now you are in its very midst. Truly the Hierarchs themselves participate in the combat. The more glorious will be the victory. But hold My Hand as an anchor. I would not speak of the terrible danger without reason. Therefore, let us not lose the moment to unite, and, rejecting the past, let us strive into the future and hold fast in battle. It should be remembered that great is the honor of confronting the giants of evil. I know your tension, but accept it as a sacred ascent. Drive away all that is evil and dark. Invoke Me often whenever the manifestations of Light are threatened. Remember Hierarchy! Hierarchy (1931) - 157: 157. You understand what each apostate inflicts upon the Teacher. If a special ray is assigned to each disciple, the severing of this thread must have a reaction. It is not without reason that the Teacher insistently questions the knocking ones, "Art thou not a traitor?" The severing of the thread between the Teacher and the disciple can be achieved only by a slow process, but impetuous betrayal is usually very painful to the Teacher and to the traitor. Verily, the traitor's reason becomes obscured, and through the wound caused by the broken thread obsession occurs most easily. One should consider this process of betrayal as a physical danger, not to speak of the spiritual consequence. One should ponder how cautiously one must select disciples in order not to contribute to cosmic harm. Hence, each Teaching gives strong examples of betrayal. For betrayal there is no need to be precisely a Devadatta or a Judas. Even without these prototypes space is filled with fractured rays. Hierarchy (1931) - 173: 173. Therefore there is no way by which one can escape responsibility. Even the smallest thought enters into the megaphone of space and attracts to itself the same kind of locust, causing the smoky atmosphere of the planet. Thought can purify by destroying the microbes of disintegration, but it can likewise attract unbridled elements. Not without reason do the dark ones use especially underdeveloped people for certain machinations. You often utter the word cult-ur; it means the cult of Light. I remind you of how great is the common responsibility before Light if each thought can either obscure or purify space. Thus let us remember. Hierarchy (1931) - 174: 174. Certainly the path of Service can bring one to higher knowledge. Only ignorance could bring the planet to its present condition. Humanity has lost the understanding of the beauty of aspiration, and construction has been established upon the stupidity of isolationism. For this reason, unity of Service has been revealed as salvation for humanity. The entire power of constructiveness is based on Hierarchy. Thus the mighty thread unites the entire Cosmos. Verily, only in full realization of Great Service can the beauty of Spirit and the Might of Hierarchy be understood. Space summons to the fulfillment of the great Law. Yes, yes, yes! Thus the steps of true evolution are built! Hierarchy (1931) - 194: 194. Constant contact with the Higher Reason draws the spirit to higher cognizance. Constant application of higher laws brings the spirit to the orbit of the Cosmic Magnet. Invincible is the path that is built by the Command of the Higher Will. The Power of Hierarchy is the Might saturated with the fire of creativeness. Submission to the Power of Hierarchy means the offering of fire to the General Good. How dimly this concept burns in human understanding! The consciousness that does not absorb this understanding can only mumble the great words, being incapable of applying them to life, because only a heart saturated with the greatness of Hierarchy can understand the entire majesty of the cosmic law. Thus, the attraction to the Magnet can take place only through the realization of Hierarchy. Hierarchy (1931) - 273: 273. Humanity comments in its own way on each ordained affirmation. It distorts in its own way each Ordainment from Above. It applies great principle to life in its own way. It asserts each manifested will in its own way. How can the great be contained in the small, and the cosmic in the personal? How can the great Servitor of Reason and of entire humanity be understood by a consciousness that recognizes only its own hearth? How can a self-denying Leader become affirmed in the understanding of a small daily routine? Only when a spark of devotion to Hierarchy burns in the heart will one find the Gates open. Only gratitude to the Teacher can reveal the entrance to the Gates. Each one who has chosen his own path must realize the loneliness of his orbit, because only love and devotion for Hierarchy include the spirit in the Chain of Light. Thus, each one determines his own karma. Only through Light do we approach Light. Hierarchy (1931) - 319: 319. It is asked why We so often delay in destroying the enemies. There are many reasons. Let us name two the first - karmic conditions. It is easy to harm the near ones by touching an enemy bound to them by karma. This may be likened to most delicate surgery when a surgeon does not amputate a sick limb because of the danger attendant upon severing an artery. With the karmic bonds the interacting relationship is unusually complex. We consider it more useful to insulate the dangerous fellow traveler than to obstruct the entire caravan. The second reason is that enemies are the source of tension of energy. Nothing can so greatly increase the energy as counterattack. Therefore, why invent artificial obstacles when the dark ones attempt with all their strength to increase our energy Hierarchy (1931) - 328: 328. How difficult it is for people to realize what determines their own welfare. They think that they create; they think that they labor; they think that nothing will take place without them. They think that in them lies the foundation. Woe to those who take credit for that which does not issue from themselves, for these servitors of darkness are verily the destroyers of luminous inceptions. Certainly the attempts of these dark ones only determine their own destruction, for Light is unconquerable. Thus self-destruction occurs where there is disobedience to the Hierarchy of Light. Thus, the attributing of creativeness to themselves by the dark ones has a reason, because verily the jinns have affirmed themselves as co-workers of Light. Each evil intention is the affirmation of victory. Hierarchy (1931) - 364: 364. It is generally known that before the beginning of Satya Yuga the scroll of karma rolls up with especial rapidity. It may be asked why, then, many crimes and blasphemies remain seemingly unpunished? There are many reasons. The first, people prefer to judge by thunder rather than by lightning. The second, one may not notice how gradually the circle of events revolves. The third reason lies in the motive and in old karmic bonds. Thus, only a subtle consciousness can feel how, behind some undesirable action, there is concealed not a bad motive. But the reverse also happens when an action which is not apparently bad is the result of an inadmissible thought. When I speak of spatial justice, I have in mind the law of equilibrium. The Chalice will reflect each wavering of the spirit. Hierarchy (1931) - 424: 424. Roses are beneficial for Bliss. All helpful means should be assembled. Not without reason was the rose the symbol of mystery in alchemy. But nowadays rose oil is very poorly prepared. Heart (1932) - 7: 7. The heart is the focal point, but of all it is least egocentric. Not egoism dwells in the heart, but pan-humanity. Only reason enshrouds the heart with a cobweb of egocentricity. Mercy is measured not so much by so-called good actions, the cause of which can be too varied, but by the inmost kindliness; it kindles the light which shines in the darkness. Thus, the heart is verily an international organ. If we accept light as the symbol of the aura, then its parent will be the heart. How necessary it is to learn to feel one's heart not as one's own, but as the universal one. Only through this sensation can one liberate oneself from egoism, safeguarding the individuality of accumulations. It is difficult to contain individuality with universal containment, but not vainly is the magnet of the heart connected with the Chalice. One can understand how the heart radiates a special light, which is refracted in every way by the nerve substance. For the crystal of psychic energy can be variedly tinted. Heart (1932) - 8: 8. The purification of the heart is difficult, when the web of egoism fattens it. The fat of egoism is a bestial heritage. The pure accumulations of individuality can explain that which reason cannot even conceive. It is especially difficult to inculcate someone with that which has never entered the circle of his imagination. The heart is considered the abode of imagination. How is it possible to move when the force of imagination is lacking? But whence will it come if there be no experimentation? Heart (1932) - 23: 23. Each one of you is acquainted with special types of preachers who having gathered all the bones of other writings depart with them into oblivion. Reason collects detailed proofs, but the purpose of these accumulations remains undisclosed, for the heart is silent; thus, we call them the silent in heart. Moreover, these preachers, giving others innumerable counsels succumb to faint-heartedness at the first opposition. Verily it is only the heart that bestows immortality. The affirmation of the heart is already the revelation of the future. Far from the heart are those who themselves fear counsels gathered by the reason. The ancient Teachings speak of the holy madness. Consider this as a counteraction to the frigidness of calculations; consider it the vital beginning above the conditions of deadliness. Those who deny the Teaching are not far from falling into the abyss. Those who affirm Truth, even with imperfection, are already on the path. During crossing into the Subtle World they will not regret that they called the heart to life. Heart (1932) - 34: 34. People are divided not only according to organic specifications but also according to the elements; in their consciousness certain attachments remain. None will be able to discern so many shades of flame as people of fire. None will be able to love the water so much as the people of this element. Of course the people of fire will also be especially attracted to Agni Yoga. They will feel the entire need of it. They will approach the Teaching of Fire not by reason, but as the only decision. One can understand the need of the Teaching when there is no other issue. Heart (1932) - 92: 92. An ancient legend relates how a certain king, desiring to free himself of all outside influences, asked counsel from a sage. The sage said, "In thy heart thou wilt find liberation." But the king became indignant, answering, "The heart is not sufficient, a sentinel is more of a guaranty." Then the sage bade him farewell, saying, "The principal thing, then, is that thou shouldst not sleep, King." In the legend our heart is pointed out as the only defense. Not without reason do all Teachings prescribe prayers before sleep, in order to strengthen the beneficent link. Humanity does not like to think that more than one-third of its life passes in sleep, subject to special and unknown influences. Science gives little attention to the significance of sleep - this existence in the Subtle World. Is not a strong unity with the Hierarchy needed when we are at the threshold of something unknown to our habitual consciousness? Consider that almost half of life passes beyond earthly existence! Of course, a heart ready for all three worlds can continue the consciousness into the next region. Who would want to assume the destiny of the king who wished to depend only upon a sentry! Heart (1932) - 109: 109. The wounding of the subtle body must become a subject of scientific research. Such bruises happen more often than may be thought; in battle and in the discomforts of returning to the physical body one can observe the injury, which is always reflected in physical pain; besides, the feelings of pain are concentrated upon the most strained part of the organism. Of course, the heart suffers most often. It should be understood that the heart is a life-giver, but for this reason a fiery heart strives most of all toward the battle. The most precious among physical sensations are the pulsations of the heart when they are connected with the developed work of the subtle body. Similarly instructive is the manifestation of a change in weight when the subtle body leaves the physical one. Heart (1932) - 121: 121. When I call to strive toward Me, it means that amidst the battle a dangerous moment has arisen, and the unification of hearts is needed. It is impossible for one to imagine a complete victory in Infinity, but for the same reason defeat is equally impossible. Often a physician carries the pain over to another part in order to demonstrate its relativity, but cooperation does not need such examples. When the builders of a great plan are called, there can be no relativity. When the hour is dangerous, the heart aches. One may think of many causes, but the basis of anguish and alarm is one, namely, the austere part of the battle. It would be impossible to imagine a battle as an advance without obstacles. Thus, We are on guard and We call the co-workers to stand solidly. Heart (1932) - 155: 155. There are many occult books, but the majority of them cannot be utilized now. The chief reason is that everywhere they take into account only some specially chosen people. But Our Teaching has in mind all, all, all! Only through these calls to all can abstract ethics be replaced by the Teaching of Life. Heart (1932) - 172: 172. Fire is closest to sound and color. And it is not without reason that the trumpet call attracts the Fire of Space. It is not incidental that some paintings seem to radiate; the same fire of the heart glows in them. The manifestation of fire must be envisioned not only as a reality but as something indivisible from us. Heart (1932) - 189: 189. The appearance of Our entrusted ones can be accepted as the sign of the birth of the New World. I censure all who do not notice the legion of signs in the whole world. The Teacher can bid one to look but He cannot force one to see. Do not be astonished that the mosaic of the book Heart includes so much about the Subtle World and about the Great Battle. Many hearts sense both conditions, but often they cannot express them in words. Yet the inception of thoughts, with the swiftness of light, will affirm the thought in the word. Remind your friends that their hearts do not ache without reason. Heart (1932) - 213: 213. Obsession must be very clearly defined. One must not be astonished to notice a number of obsessed persons near the hearths of spirituality. The reason for this is that the dark ones strive to reinforce their guard. Who, if not the obsessed, can best help the dark forces? In this field the multiformity of obsessions is incalculable. One must primarily discriminate where there is Good, and were essentially there is harm. Thus, the flaming heart will discern immediately where obsessionis concealed. Heart (1932) - 217: 217. Do not doubt that I speak of striving with reason. Much must be defined. It is also necessary to strive because the vortex is great and it is better to fly ahead of the cyclone. One must strive to Me in thought, this striving is the most indispensable. Learn not only to have My Image constantly before you but also to propel your thoughts in the direction of Hierarchy. As with a boat the anchor is thrown out to permit one to approach it closer, so in casting thought in the direction of Hierarchy we move undeviatingly. No one can doubt that the best path is to hasten to the Most High. Heart (1932) - 244: 244. Where, then, is the boundary of self-interest? The heart knows these boundaries, but the reason cannot separate the petals of the fiery lotus. When the guard is entrusted with the gates, when the shield is given to him, and when he accepts all the arrows intended for the Teacher in his shield, this in itself will be a personal action, but it will be opposite to self-interest. The heart is well aware of these beautiful personal actions when each hostile arrow grows into a new petal of the fiery lotus. These personal actions, not superimposed by anyone, ordained by no one, denied by no one, but condemned by all the evil forces, are the true rays of achievement. Precisely the condemnation revealed by wrath will serve as one of the true criteria. One should note that darkness does not condemn actual self-interest; this also provides a true criterion. One should not only know of the criterion that leads upward but also of that which draws downward; only thus can one value the shield of achievement. Heart (1932) - 259: 259. It must not be thought that high achievements will preserve one from the monsters of darkness. On the contrary, the Light will disclose new monsters, and their fury is boundless. We will not be averse to this, for monsters are the legs of the throne. Not without reason are sacred objects always represented upon animalesque pedestals. However, this consideration should not free one from vigilance. Heart (1932) - 260: 260. Since the so-called state of Nirvana is not rest but the highest tension of energy, one may ask whether rest exists altogether. Indeed, how is it possible to imagine rest if everything is in motion and exists by reason of motion? The very concept of rest was invented by those who desired to hide from existence. They preferred passivity, forgetting that there can be no moment without motion. Balance is the concept needed. One should think not of rest but how to preserve the balance amidst the whirlwinds. The silver thread is tautened by the power of striving, hence one must know the meaning of balance, lest one burden the thread of Hierarchy through faltering. The thread will not break when tautened. For even a straw resists as long as it is not bent. The silver thread is founded upon the law of concatenation, but if someone does not refrain from hasty fluctuations, he usually cannot hold the link. Thus, let us not bemoan the lack of rest, because it does not exist at all. Heart (1932) - 278: 278. Each feeling gives birth to energy. A feeling that is shared multiplies the energy tenfold. A collective feeling creates a mighty energy, but the individual feeling must be strained and the mutual collective feeling must be harmonized. Therein lies the entire reason for the weak effect of contemporary feelings; almost no state of intensified feeling is observed today. Yet, what a great reality would be reflected in the exaltation of a myriad of harmonized sentiments. The ancients called feeling the forge of power. Verily, how majestic is the feeling of mutual love. No less is the power of mutual gratitude. Invincible is the feeling of self-sacrificing heroism. Thus beautiful towers and citadels can be constructed. But from where will harmonization come? Not from the reason or the circumvolutions of the brain, but from the heart, from Light. Only the feeling of wrath will we leave to the dark ones. Among the murky red sparks there will be no harmony. Heart (1932) - 280: 280. Satanic wrath may also be useful. One may use the power of air, another the power of fire, and another the power of water. Skill in driving the most frenzied steeds can bring us closer to the goal. Thus, let us be strong in our mastery of the elements; the will of the heart, not reason, masters the elements. On the contrary, reason will always persuade us that the fight with the elements is madness. Heart (1932) - 318: 318. People who have visions should be carefully examined by physicians. Thereupon, special symptoms of the heart and nerve centers will be found. As the cadenza of ancient India is far more refined than the Western scale, so, also, the heart that cognizes the Subtle World will afford incomparably more subtle modulations of tone. Of course, physicians avoid examining healthy people; thus they overlook a precious page which guides one to the future. Usually, all miracles and visions are relegated to the category of hysteria, but no one explains what hysteria is. They will say it is an intensified reaction of the sympathetic nervous system, or they will attribute it to an irritation of the peripheral nerve endings; they will determine many causes among various reasons and will apply most bovine remedies, but they will not trouble to think whether in these manifestations there is not a higher reason. Heart (1932) - 334: 334. Ask a clever man what has most often warned him of danger, safeguarded him against errors and deviations. An honest man will say the heart. He will not name the brain or reason. Only a stupid man will rely upon conventionally rationalized deductions. The heart is permeated with straight-knowledge. We already voiced this concept long ago, but now we return to it upon another turn of the spiral. We have already passed through the discipline of Heart and Hierarchy, and have pondered upon Infinity. Thus straight-knowledge appeared not as a kind of vague intuition, but as a result of spiritual discipline together with the understanding of the significance of the heart. Thus guide the pupils. At first, cast the necessary concept like a far-reaching net, then cautiously draw in the corners of the net in order to completely surround that which you seek. It is not casually that the symbol of the fisherman casting his net is often pointed out. The heart is not so easy to catch! It is not easy to accept the language of the heart as a reality. Time, devotion, and striving are needed in order to obtain the understanding of the expression of the heart. Heart (1932) - 336: 336. Reasoning is a kind of antithesis to the attainment of the heart. Reasoning is a kind of magic, but magic is the antithesis of Beneficence. We must fully comprehend magic as well as reasoning, because they are so closely related to personality, to self, to egoism. Reasoning issues from self, magic sets itself against the Highest. But the achievement of the heart, and also of Beneficence, in essence has no feeling of self, in other words, of the most limiting inception. The porcupine flings its quills from itself, and it is difficult to get at him from above. Each one who is argumentative deprives himself of the great communion with the Above. Do not let us confuse reason and conditioned reasonings. Reason leads to wisdom, in other words, to the heart. But a worm argues, even though he crawls with difficulty across the path of men. Therefore, let us persist in the achievement of the heart. Because in it is the coffer of ecstasy, which cannot be acquired with gold. Heart (1932) - 356: 356. It is related how a Yogi, in a moment of tension, lifted a vessel filled with water and broke it. When he was asked the reason for this destruction, he replied, "Otherwise, my heart would have burst." Such discharges exist in all conditions. The tension of the heart can become so great that it becomes necessary to perform some action in space in order to free the needed conditions from the densified sphere. Such condensation may occur externally from outside causes, but it may also occur from within, exactly as during cosmic disturbances. Hence, one should cautiously watch the dictates of the heart. It senses and reflects invisible processes to such an extent that in accordance with it one can write the entire history of the Invisible. A comparison between seismic causes and the cataclysms of the Subtle World is difficult, yet the heart also reacts to them. Heart (1932) - 388: 388. It is impossible to imagine what a battle is proceeding! The nearest may not discern their own because the heart is inactive. It is not without reason that the Teaching of the Heart is so needed for the life of the future. Otherwise how will you cross the boundaries of the worlds? Heart (1932) - 391: 391. Feeling will always prevail over reason. It is necessary to accept this as an indisputable truth. Therefore when we speak of the heart, we affirm the citadel of feeling. But how different from lust is the feeling of the heart! The teaching about creative feeling is the realization of creativeness of thought. Let us not dissect the realm of feeling, because it is a single field in bloom. We know the sowing of feeling, but where are the fruits of the mind alone? Reason cannot create if the seed of the heart is not provided. Thus, when we speak of the heart we speak of the beautiful. Heart (1932) - 400: 400. You correctly noted that much must be done by ourselves. Therein lies the reason why help comes at the final moment. Otherwise it is impossible to perfect one's spirit. Otherwise it would be inadmissible to stem the flow of energy if it proceeds correctly. If suicide is the greatest crime, then each severance of the striving energy is also harmful. We are here only for the perfecting of our spirits. Thus, let us not sever the life-bearing energy. The understanding of Santana is a broad affirmation of the stream of energy. Heart (1932) - 418: 418. Even if you succeed in convincing people that the heart participates in mercy, compassion and love, the other branches of the heart remain unintelligible. Will not reason set before you a thousand unknown quantities, as soon as you begin to speak of cosmogony? And without the courage of the heart these conversations will stray from the higher regions. Also, without the participation of the heart, you cannot speak of quality, which lies at the basis of everything that exists. Reason rejects quality; but you already see how life is upset without the reverence of quality. Only the heart rejoices at the truth of quality. Thus, let us understand why, after complicated calculations, there remains the one salvation, only through the path of the heart. An uncontrollable flame, the horror of poison released, can be encountered only by the heart. Besides, one must begin the comprehension of the heart from the first steps, because yesterday the heart was renounced. This is also not bad, for in this way one can seemingly acquire a new treasure. People like everything new, and after the integral systems it is fascinating to have a new game - the heart. Children like games that resemble those of grown-ups. Heart (1932) - 427: 427. No one would believe that you knew so much of that which occurs now, but, also, no one will believe in the signs which you are accustomed to discern. However, should one pay attention to those who do not desire either to understand or accept? You know many followers of the Highest Teachings, but do they apply them in life? On the contrary, their cruelty of heart and self-love are astonishing. It means that reason has deafened the heart. Heart (1932) - 430: 430. The flow of the heart energy may be voluntary or involuntary. The latter may be aroused by an outer invocation or the unrestrainable generosity of the heart itself. One can imagine the bounty of these generous gifts and how much strength they absorb; but the generosity of the heart is immeasurable, and avarice is unknown to the flaming heart. The same should be applied also to the heart sendings evoked from far-off places. Upon their way, many similar sendings fasten to the transmitted call, for that which is alike is collected according to its element. Thus is the flow of energy especially strengthened. You know, of course, about the divisibility of spirit, and you will understand these generous responses of the heart. It is not without reason that economy is spoken of; it is needed in everything, even in transmissions by the heart. The time is a difficult one! Heart (1932) - 431: 431. One may notice in people an absence of attention. Like a curious absent-mindedness. During this process they are unaware of their surroundings. In addition to absent-mindedness and fattiness of the heart one should not reject many other higher causes for this. The spirit can conduct its work at various times. It is not in need of temporary intermissions or special preparations; it either senses the need or is invoked. It conducts its distant communications in diverse ways. The stories of saints who seemed to fall into an instantaneous trance and who during this time created great spiritual help have reason. Often such so-called trance is unnoticed either by those present or by the people themselves. Only the unawareness of surrounding conditions has proved that there was a complete absence. It is impossible to judge the duration of these absences, because time does not exist in the measures of the spirit. But each one who is aware of having had similar absences can say that something beyond earthly dimensions has occurred. These absences should be noticed, One can gradually ascertain even quite casually familiar details. Like a fiery arrow, the details of the spiritual work will flash by, then droop like a flower dipped in poison. The great labor of the spirit is so remote from the lower, poisoned spheres! Heart (1932) - 462: 462. Unutterable are many concepts and conditions. Only disrespect for the sonority of words permits people often to twitter like birds; but if they studied the language of the birds they would be amazed at its solemnity. There is more exaltation in the words of birds than in the contorted judgments of the people, the bipeds. It is not without reason that I reiterate about solemnity, because it is the nourishment of the heart! Not by condemnation or irritation, but insolemnity do we prepare for the great march onward. This onward march must be understood as a service to the Teaching of Life. Heart (1932) - 476: Not without reason do I ordain courage; it will fortify the horizon. Heart (1932) - 486: 486. There is also danger when the Indication is not executed immediately. Even in daily life if we ask someone to step aside, instead of doing so, he will invariably ask the reason, or at best he will look back and allow the stone to fall on his head. It is the same with unsuccessful disciples. Their hearts will be silent where one should act immediately. This is also harmful for the heart itself, for what could be more destructive than unexecuted commands of the heart? Though the heart be silent, it does not mean that in its depth the telegraphic code is not accepted. This is as dangerous as obscuring the heart by reason! How many hearts have stopped owing to the tension of unexecuted commands! The conflict between heart and reason is the saddest page of humanity. Heart (1932) - 533: 533. People think in vain that a High Spirit becomes insensitive to minor treasons. One the contrary, sensitiveness grows with purification of the heart. Of course, parallel with this, the power of the heart also increases, but sensitiveness still cannot avoid being poisoned by the surrounding malice. Thus, the path of purification cannot be called obtuse. One must realize how much easier of access is the purified heart. Therefore, among the questions of the Mysteries there was one - "Canst thou cast out the fear of pain?" The heart knows the pain of the world, but it also knows the superterranean rays. It is not easy to make these rays evident, but on the other hand, the scientists can cognize special cosmic rays that gather around a purified heart. Not without reason is the purified heart called a summit. Thus, the purified heart can be utilized for many experiments, but of course such a precious vessel should not be broken. It can be said that the karma of the destroyers of hearts is a very heavy one. Heart (1932) - 574: 574. Consider attentively whether the Teacher is compelled to reiterate something. You know how We dislike repetitions, then it means that there is a reason. Perhaps, according to outer logic repetition is unnecessary, but let us peer into the depths of the heart and we shall see how necessary it is. Often repetitions are unnoticed precisely by those who call them forth. Thus, repetitions must be applied like medicine, until they imprint their design upon the brain. He who carries within himself the Teaching of Life must be ready for the reiterated affirmation as long as he sees the shaking of the foundations. One must accept that the law of foundations must be fulfilled primarily. The foundations cannot be replaced by details. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 56: 56. Joy and courage are indispensable, but without Fire these qualities are not created. Reason can deprive one of all joy and thus close the gates to the future. Yet a fiery world outlook does not fall from heaven, it must be discovered. This method of discovery must begin in childhood. We see how children already accept inwardly the most difficult tasks of the spirit. Even all impediments placed by their elders serve only to crystallize their straight-knowledge. But crystallization is a fiery action. The best beds of crystals are molded by fire. Thus, the invincible heart is also formed by fiery reaction. This is not a symbol, but a purely laboratory deduction. Yet how far from fiery considerations are people! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 71: 71. Each blow of the hammer produces a fiery manifestation, but each sword stroke also yields a fiery display. Let us approve the work of the hammer, and warn against raising the sword. Let us discern each touch of Fire. Let us accept with utmost responsibility each evidence of the great element. The manifested Fire does not return to its primeval state; it will remain in a special state among fiery manifestations. It will be either life-creating or destructive, according to the intention of him who sends it. For this reason I stress the significance of Fire, this inseparable fellow traveler. By the most varied means one should impress people with the significance of the elements. They have forgotten how filled their life is with the most responsible actions. Words and thoughts beget fiery consequences; yet the tongue continues to prattle and thought continues to wound space. Ponder this fiery production! Do not pride yourselves on some dead knowledge as long as you continue to spew slander against the Highest. Remember that this slander will lodge with you forever. The world has been set aquiver by the flames of malice. Its progenitors hope for the ruin of others, but they themselves will perish from leprosy. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 74: 74. There is no reason to think that black magic is now especially increasing in Tibet. Of course it has increased there greatly, but this is only one phase of its world-wide development. One cannot imagine to what an extent this black network is being spread. It is impossible to conceive the entire diversity of its participants. It is impossible to reveal all the unsuspected combinations which sustain each other. Can one be reconciled to the fact that heads of states, prelates, Freemasons, rebels, judges, criminals, physicians, the sick and the healthy, are all at work in the same black field? The difficulty of detecting them is that one cannot indicate any definite organization; all is based on separate individuals, who are deliberately placed in the most varied activities. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 212: 212. I approve of the Kalachakra, now being compiled. This fiery Teaching is covered with dust, but it should be proclaimed. Not reason but wisdom gave this Teaching. It should not be left in the hands of ignorant exponents. Many domains of knowledge are united in the Kalachakra; only the unprejudiced mind can find its way among these stratifications of all worlds. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 221: 221. Especially during eating, the inner fire should not be tensed. It is not without reason that some people prefer to eat in silence. Indeed, through all daily life necessary information is scattered. Men rarely utilize wholesome truths. Thus, for example, people like not only to buy quantities of things but also to use them immediately, forgetting that each object carries many complex stratifications. The ancient custom of fumigating each new object had an obvious reason. However, this custom was a precaution not so much against physical stratification as against the subtle, with all its psychic effects. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 232: 232. They will come - the extinguishers; they will come - the corrupters; they will come - the slanderers; they will come - the forces of darkness. It is impossible to avoid decomposition once begun. But he who is wise does not look back, for he knows that Fire is inexhaustible when invoked. Not without reason do I charge you to reiterate about the Decrees. Repetition even in itself already strengthens the foundation. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 248: 248. During the experiments with thought-transmission, it is possible to observe to what an extent thought coming from outside glides over the brain. One of the qualities of fiery energy is ardor in conformity with the nature of Fire. For this reason it is difficult to retain in the memory a communication from outside. One should not blame oneself for this fiery habit, but should observe the properties of Fire. Indeed, alertness of thought is of assistance, yet one cannot retain the fiery contacts under earthly conditions. It is not only difficult to remember thoughts from outside, but it is also difficult to separate several simultaneous sendings. And in such a case the thread of the Hierarchy is also of assistance, for a single strong striving attunes, as it were the entire chord. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 272: 272. Each receptivity is already an acceptance of Fire. Tension of energy is the transformation of an undifferentiated element into active vibrations. True receptivity is always positive, because the fiery energy then acts directly. Each unlawful deviation and destruction arouses the so-called black fire. It has a peculiar analogy to venous blood. Phlebotomy had its reason. The black fire could be discharged by it. Fortunately the luminous Fire does not call for such coarse measures. The more naturally the Fire is kindled, the more beneficial it is. Hence the conclusion that the fire of love is the most perfect. You wish to protect the Hierarch, and you do so not from fear, not for gain, but from love. The substitution of fear or covetousness for love results in black fire. The result is the same in the case of any other unworthy substitutions. Every fire is magnetic; therefore one should so cautiously avoid the magnetism of the black fire. It does not transmute the particles of dense emanations, but acts just reversely, thus encumbering space. This can be especially harmful in the case of blood relationships when the dense unconsumed particles are so easily attracted and can overstrain already weakened organs. Thus, it is impractical to kindle the black fire. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 284: 284. Fiery striving can facilitate all diagnoses, for nothing else can determine subtle demarcations, which even lack verbal definitions. Not without reason has it been said, Let us rise to the fiery level; words are no longer needed there. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 298: 298. Agni is eternal! The fiery energy is imperishable! Folk sayings often speak of eternal joys and sorrows. The indestructibility of joy and sorrow sent into space has been observed very scientifically. Many bear the sorrow of another, and many grasp at joy that does not belong to them. Thus, one must always remember about eternal sowings. Thought, if not powerful, can be engulfed by the currents of space; but the substance of sorrow or joy is almost as indestructible as the fiery seed. It is useful to impregnate space with joy, and very dangerous to strew the heavens with sorrow. But where can one find the store of joy? Certainly not in the bazaar, but near the ray of Light, in the joy of Hierarchy. The increase of sorrow is one of the causes of fiery epidemics, but when physiology shall teach men about the debilitating consequences of sorrow, the quest for joy will begin. Gradually the rock of joy will be affirmed and an exalted solemnity will begin, recognized as the most healthful factor. Not without reason have We pointed out the benefits of the presence of healthy people. Joy is the health of the spirit. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 304: 304. People love to discuss evolution and involution, but avoid applying these concepts to themselves. Not following their own evolution, people attract similarly insignificant satellites from the Subtle World! The Subtle World is really striving toward the earthly one, but in full conformity. Consequently, if people would strive toward evolution, they would attract evolving beings. Thus, the betterment of world conditions would be in the hands of humanity itself. Thus, each striving for the Good creates a response not only in the Subtle World but also in the Fiery World. If for some reason such striving remains unexpressed, it nevertheless remains in space in full measure. The potential of Good is like a pillar of light. A carpenter, shoemaker, or physician can think equally of the Good. Constancy and steadfastness in Good is already a conquest. Some may regard the time spent in the Ashram as imprisonment, but with the development of the spirit it will be the most salutary of all sojourns. You know how time flies, and in this flight one becomes accustomed to Infinity. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 333: 333. All earthly senses, when transmuted, ascend to the Fiery World. Not only do sight and hearing exist spiritually but even taste has its new application. Without taste it is impossible to understand many chemical combinations. And in the process of creation all the senses are needed as means of correlation. Therefore, it is necessary to refine the senses while on Earth. With due reason a certain hermit made his daily food of herbs and leaves in order to refine his sense of taste. And when a passer-by asked his reason for this, he answered, "In order to love thee better." Thus, each subtlety is of use in the realization of the fundamentals. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 453: 453. The Yogi of India says to the scientist studying the question of self-preservation Truly, it is high time to study the fiery nature of man. It should have been understood long ago that it is not only the will but the fiery energy which surrounds man with a salutary veil. One should indeed study this in laboratories, but such laboratories must be different from those dealing with soil fertilization. It is time for scientists to realize that for subtle experiments subtle conditions are needed. Likewise, it is time to recognize that these conditions are not created through mechanical disinfection. Each experiment requires fiery spiritual purification. In fact, much may be achieved amidst nature and in temples where the emanations are not so defiled. But in ordinary laboratories, which are not even ventilated, and where the dust is full of poisonous deposits, little can be achieved. Not without reason did healers ask before healing, "Have you faith?" And then the result was especially successful. But not only was the healer evoking faith, the kindling of the fire of the centers was also needed. When the fiery chakras began to rotate, considerable purification took place. Thus, let the physician pay attention not only to the will but also to the basic psycho-fiery energy. Let him remember that the surrounding atmosphere has a tremendous importance. It would seem unfitting to call attention to this, yet after millions of years of earthly existence, people still pay as little attention to the quality of their surroundings as they probably did in the times of the cave dwellers. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 470: 470. One can note in all the covenants that under common terrestrial symbols are concealed the great concepts of the Fiery World. Must a city be necessarily terrestrial? Or must a cow necessarily call to mind only terrestrial herds? Or need milk be only from earthly kine and serpents only of Earth? One can find a great many such reminders in all Teachings. The reason for this lies both in the indescribability of concepts of the Fiery World and in the fact that writers and readers knew the stipulated definitions, which have been forgotten in the course of time. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 472: 472. Poor is the master craftsman who does not make use of all the riches of nature. For the skillful carver, a bent tree is a precious treasure. A good weaver uses each spit for the embellishment of his carpet. The goldsmith rejoices at each unusual alloy of metals. Only the mediocre craftsman will deplore everything unusual. Only an impoverished imagination is satisfied with the limits set by others. The true master develops great acuteness and resourcefulness in himself. The blessed spell of his craft frees the master worker from discouragement. Even the night does not bring darkness for the master, but only a variety of forms of the one fire. No one can entice a master toward aimless speculations, because he knows the inexhaustibility of the essence of being. In the name of this unity, the master gathers each blossom and constructs an eternal harmony. He regrets the waste of any material. But people far from mastery lose the best treasures. They repeat the best prayers and invocations, but these broken and unrealized rhythms are carried away like dust. The fragments of knowledge are turned into the dust of a dead desert. The human heart knows about fire, but the reason tries to obscure this evident wisdom. People say, "He was consumed with wrath; he withered from envy; he was aflame with desire." In a multitude of expressions, precise and clear, people show knowledge of the significance of Fire. But these people are not master artisans, and are always ready thoughtlessly to scatter the pearls they themselves so need! One cannot understand the human prodigality which destroys the treasures of Light. People do not deny themselves a single opportunity for negation. They are ready to extinguish all fires around them, only to proclaim that there is no Fire within them. Yet to extinguish fires and admit the darkness is the horror of ignorance. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 475: 475. Communions in spirit constitute a considerable part of earthly existence and doubtless belong to the fiery nature. Not only do they occur during sleep but during our waking state we also feel many reflexes from such communions. No one, not even the coarsest person, would dare to deny that at times he has felt certain contacts or thought-suggestions from outside. The Teacher may point out that such contacts may be received from many sources either along the thread of Hierarchy, or from the Subtle World, or from earthly inhabitants. It is very characteristic that a thought coming from the outside is forgotten quite easily. Not without reason did the ancient wisdom advise drinking a draught of cold water after such thoughts, as though a molten substance were in need of cooling to retain its form. This ancient advice is not without foundation. Thought coming from outside seemingly sets the centers aflame and should be engraved, as it were, in order that it be transformed into conventional energy. The same applies to dreams and visions. We not only receive fiery impulses from outside, but our subtle body exerts its entire fiery essence in order to condense the perceptions and intensify the conviction. It can be observed how the fiery perception collects all the most characteristic details. At times one is surprised at the degree of observation and the easy flexibility of the fiery eye, as compared to the earthly one. One can write down many dreams and sensations which will reveal the sharpness of the collected details. Often the fiery creativeness condenses details. It does not lie, but combines all the homogeneous parts. Therefore We strongly advise that close attention be paid to the fiery sensations; in them lies truth - molded by Fire, the genius. It may take decades to perceive through intellect what fiery illumination effects almost instantaneously. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 481: 481. The conditions of the world have not improved. Not without reason are you full of expectancy. The abscess is coming to a head. We are on vigil, and he who is with Us is saved. But to be with Us means to know the Teaching; to know, means to apply. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 499: 499. Is not fear of Fire caused by the fact that only its destructive aspect is apparent to the physical eye, whereas its fiery creativeness is not realized in the physical state? One must with especial conviction disclose to people that by reason of their very nature they have a unique path to fire. Can the physician who has an aversion to his patient be a good physician? Or will the warrior whose spirit trembles with fear be victorious? Hence, we shall set before us the highest task, and in this way we shall not notice the steps of transition. Each element primarily precludes fear. To overcome fear momentarily does not mean to eradicate it. We must not be like small children, who are courageous today but may tremble with fear over an empty phantom tomorrow. Nor must we be like the pampered ones who seek daring adventure today but on the morrow will bury themselves in downy pillows. Let us not be under the threat of tomorrow, for of all the elements precisely Agni will not tolerate fear. We must comprehend Agni not as a destroyer but as a creator! In these two aspects of Agni lies the true touchstone of our nature. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 505: 505. Freedom from fear will not come through convincing oneself in each separate instance. On the contrary, such suggestions drive the feeling of fear inward, permitting it to return with full force at the first opportunity. Moreover, the terror will increase in proportion to the pressure of the artificial suggestion. Imprisoned fear is a very dangerous convict, and it is essential to rid oneself of fear - so declare all Teachings. Fear can be eradicated by comparisons. Point out the terror of facing ferocious beasts to the man who is threatened by fire, and he will say, "I would know how to escape wild beasts, but how can I escape this blaze?" Thus, collect all the possible causes of fear, and one after another they will fall away like dry leaves. Likewise, one should call forth complete relativity in order to become accustomed to the boundlessness of the Fiery World. The attraction to the earthly crust creates the illusion of security; this explains the attachment of human beings to the earthly world. It is quite true that precisely here one should absorb many feelings and lay a foundation of receptivity, in order to tread the fiery waves more easily. For this reason earthly specialization is not as valuable as the qualities of receptivity and containment. It is not surprising that the dividing lines of the strata of the Subtle World do not coincide with those of conventional classifications on Earth. One may find oneself in the Subtle World among the most unexpected assortment of neighbors. Such a surprise threatens only those who cross over with a load of earthly survivals. But he who has refined his spiritual criteria will find the fulfillment of his expectations. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 511: 511. He who thinks of modesty and humility is by virtue of this neither modest nor humble. Natural virtues do not require forced considerations. Much vanity has originated from such forced pseudo-modesty and suede-humbleness. In all qualities connected with fieriness, directness is needed. If a man has not acquired reverence for Hierarchy, no command can make him feel the beauty of this striving; external conditions will shatter the seed of striving. It is a great fallacy for people who have begun to think of the Supreme to alter the outer conditions of their lives. A shoemaker known to you could have abandoned his craft, but he preferred to affirm himself in the rhythm of the past in which his highest thoughts had been generated. This is not inflexibility, but a due regard for the precious rhythm already established. One can observe that external conditions can give the impulse to thought. This consideration is very useful during fiery achievements. A musician does not part with his instrument even when traveling. The reason for this lies not only in mechanical technique but, consciously or unconsciously, the virtuoso thus preserves an already established rhythm. Continuity of work is needed for the coordination of the centers just as much as is pranayama. But an experienced workman does not ponder over the use made of his work. Work for him is food; he cannot live without it. Let the physician cite examples of this. In connection with Agni, disorderly, unrhythmic work is especially harmful, and it is necessary that a rhythm should become habitual without forcing. Then one may expect Agni to become indeed a self-acting armor. The quality of self-initiated action is a fiery achievement. It does not come from outside, but only together with the broadening of consciousness. Without the affirmation of consciousness, self-initiated activity cannot be established. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 512: 512. The fire on the mountain indicates the tension of the atmosphere. Not without reason do people call these fires "messengers." The tension reveals itself in a silvery light. Many will deny even such an obvious manifestation. Many may mention hallucinations, forgetting that such actual details as the illumination of a cloud could not be imaginary. It is astonishing to see that even the simplest manifestation of a fiery order may be denied. Nor could the motion of the fire be foreseen in an illusion. Truly, these fires are messengers. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 520: 520. The vulnerability resulting from injury to the aura is terrible. One can imagine how one breach in the aura leads to the mutilation of its entire structure. Drowsiness, which can be noted when the aura is rent, originates from the consistently increased activity of the fiery energy when directed toward external radiations. During the process of restoration, the organism, and especially the heart action, is in a state of depression. For this reason I deem caution necessary in one's actions as well as during the counterblows. During the battle why should one burden the hearts of friends? One could perform numerous experiments revealing how the violation of the radiations has actually been reflected upon the heart. People accept with reluctance advice about observing caution in regard to their own radiations; but even prior to their being photographed, science is already aware of the existence of these radiations from every object. One should have full respect for the human organism and understand that each shock harms the astral body primarily. Besides, if organisms have worked together for a long time in unity, they can injure each other even more severely. And such injury will be not only of each other, but also will be reflected upon others near to them. One should therefore most assiduously eliminate all conflicts. One can visualize a dark legion which makes an onslaught upon each break in the aura. It is dreadful to feed such vermin with the inner layers of radiations. The protective net alone blocks the attack of the dark forces. Each breach in the aura also threatens one with obsession. Let us therefore be even more cautious. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 521: 521. A sigh was formerly regarded as a response to God. Concentration of the fiery energy produces this spasm. Notice that murderers and sinister criminals do not sigh. This tension occurs in connection with higher emotions. One could write a book about the sigh, and it would be shown to be very close to prayer. All the benevolent reflexes can be singled out in the same way. There is no reason to regard them as moral abstractions; it is better to accept them as foundations of health. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 535: 535. The root of a thought, or its motivating cause, must be made evident to a refined consciousness. It is impossible to know all thoughts, because in the kaleidoscope of human fragmentary thoughts one becomes dizzy, and the mere scraps of unstable thinking are of no use. But it is useful to sense the motivating cause of each expression. Such fiery affirmation comes with the kindling of the centers. Man is beginning to know the purpose of words. The external expression is not important to the sensitive observer. Sometimes the speaker himself finds it difficult to determine the primary reason for his own words. But a fiery heart knows how the spoken formula was born. No grimace or gestures will lead the third eye into error. Such straight-knowledge is not obtained easily. Many generations each add their mite to the consciousness. Understand that the affirmation of fire is achieved by many incarnations. The root of thought will provide the way to the realization of other roots. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 599: 599. Insomnia was once again the reason for restraining the subtle body from excessive battle in the Subtle World. Drowsiness is often a sign of the projection of the subtle body, but the Guide must watch lest there be too great a subjection to excessive danger. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 621: 621. It is a natural desire to want to know how the transitions into different spheres are accomplished. It is not difficult to understand that purified Agni is the decisive factor. If we gradually fill a balloon with combustible gas, it will begin to rise proportionately. If a balloon cannot retain the gas it will descend. This is a crude example of the principle governing transition into the various spheres of the Subtle World. The subtle entity can ascend by itself if its fiery seed is appropriately filled. Fire - the transmuter - helps to assimilate the new and higher conditions. Agni facilitates the understanding of the language of each sphere, because the intercourse of beings becomes more refined as the ascent is made. Of course, the high Guidance does not forsake the striving ones, but for assimilation of Guidance devotion is needed. Thus, a being can ascend the ladder - there is no other symbol which can more accurately define the ascent of the spirit. If a being is detained on one step, the cause is apparent in the aura. So many travelers quite unexpectedly find themselves a few steps lower! The usual reason for such retrogression is some earthly remembrance which engenders cravings. The Guide considers a store of patience indispensable to protect those who stumble. But one should not draw too frequently upon this precious energy. The being who can discover the cause by himself will actually ascend more quickly. Truly, ascent is accompanied by the joy of new companions, and finally the earthly asp of envy falls away, and thought-creativeness is no longer impeded by the currents of malice. But one should prepare even now for mobility of consciousness. A torpid consciousness obstructs the striving of Agni. Thus, let us envision perfectly clearly the ladder of ascent. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 648: 648. The "fiery embrace" signifies the formation of a planet when a complex of chemical aggregates sends forth its cooperation toward the embrace of Fire. Should not man, as a microcosm, strive toward the "fiery embrace"? Through a fiery embrace man is drawn toward the highest concepts. He begins to seek fiery substance in all his surroundings. Thus he surrounds himself with fiery consonances, recognizing in the most varied objects a principle close to him. To observe the objects surrounding a man with opened centers is to perceive fiery harmony. One must pay attention to the habits of fiery people; with all their broad outlook, they are sensitive to their surroundings. They sense to the point of pain much that remains unnoticed by others. Not without reason is it said that it is difficult for fire during a whirlwind. It is precisely the earthly vortex which strains the centers. But this essentially does no harm; on the contrary, it creates a useful tension. A fiery man feels deeply the evanescence of earthly existence, and with all his being knows about the higher path. Nothing can divert the fiery man from his goal. Neither by day nor by night does he forget his predestined path. He is indifferent as to where his ascent will be accomplished. The condition of his body has lost importance for the striving spirit. Let us not understand this as referring specifically to the lives of saints, but let us regard the fact of such achievement as possible in life. Many signs are bestowed on humanity, only let us not forget them. Each of you remembers these landmarks which are scattered throughout different years of life. When the Tablets are revealed, one must just read them and courageously walk on toward the Light. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 654: 654. Let us recall an ancient Chinese tale about the Elusive Decrees. A man passed by the dwelling of eight Blessed Ones and noticed that they were strangely occupied. One of them was rushing about attempting to jump upward. When the passer-by asked the reason for such exercise, he answered, "I am catching the Elusive Decrees" Another Blessed One held his hands over the fire and referred to the same Elusive Decrees. A third stood in an icy stream and spoke of the same Elusive Decrees. Thus eight Blessed Ones strained their forces in striving to the higher Decrees. The passer-by thought to himself, "If even those who have already attained beatitude must strive so vigorously to cognize and catch the Decrees, then how much greater tension must I exert lest the Higher Will escape me!" In this story one can perceive several useful concepts. First, the state of greatest tension can indeed assist transcendental receptivity. Second, having already attained initiation does not necessarily relieve one from the danger of failing to fulfill the higher Ordainments. Third, one must welcome all forms of tension, in order to enter into accord with the Higher World. How often the elusive Decrees flash through space and return again to the treasury of the unapprehended! It is surprising how great a breach of convention it is even to speak about Elusive Decrees. Some smirk of ignorance, some reprove in pride, some take offense in cruelty. Thus each one in his own way ignores the Decrees - subtle decrees, vanishing into the ether. Thus, an old Chinese tale can remind us of the attention due the Elusive Decrees. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 659: 659. Samadhi is only a partial fiery state. It is difficult on Earth to understand the potentiality of the fiery existence, when even Samadhi does not correspond to it entirely. If Samadhi even endangers life, then what tension of energy must be required for the assimilation of Fire! But the transmutation of consciousness creates such an intensely ecstatic state that the action of fiery tension merely corresponds to the power of the new being. Somnambulism sets up this fiery resistance even on Earth. In a certain state the somnambulist acquires a phosphorescence that completely safeguards him from burning, even in a strong fire; such cases are well known both in the East and in the West. But of course somnambulism is a transmutation of consciousness, which kindles, as it were, the entire nerve substance, and thus the fire is absorbed by the fire of the aura. Hence it gives some idea of the transformation of the fiery body. One can recall instances from the most ordinary lives when mothers saved their children and in so doing have withstood the most furious assaults of the elements. A certain substance transformed their strength. Not without reason is it said that metaphysics does not exist - only physics. Also, physics teaches that success is created in joy. But, what can establish the undaunted joy of the spirit if not the realization of the Fiery World? One must cultivate this realization like a precious flower. The Silvery Lotus glows as a sign of the opening of the gates of the future. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 3: I wish now to point out a very important circumstance. Even under the impact of these cosmic currents the human will has a great significance. He who does not wish to accept these currents will experience a very moderate reaction, but voluntary acceptance will give a very accelerated effect. Of course, there also may be a third circumstance - when the link with Hierarchy is firm and conscious, then, both for the Sender and for the receiving one, the manifestation of best obtainable effects is easy. Not without reason did I direct your attention to this mutually facilitating energy. It will help to conserve energy, and this is of great importance, especially now when there are so many cross-currents. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 35: 35. There is no reason for a scholar to think that the substance of the emanation of the fingertips is only poisonous. It depends entirely upon the spiritual state. The imperil of a nervous observer, of course will give poisonous sediments if he pays no attention to the spiritual condition of his organism. The ability to discern differences in nervous conditions will give to the scientists an incomparable possibility. For even the phosphorescence of the fingertips varies. And every radiation is based upon chemism. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 46: 46. The Earthly World in its essence is antagonistic to the Subtle World, because every chaotic state threatens subtle constructions. The same difference exists between the Subtle and the Fiery World, for the sediments of the former are not in the nature of Fire. Therefore every fiery thought receives an opposition from both the subtle and the earthly world. But one can conquer this condition only through fiery tension, because the fire of spirit is needed for the consuming of chaos and its transmutation. Fire is not directed there where reason tries to argue with chaos. The fire of the heart penetrates through chaos and transmutes it into a useful substance. The laboratory of the heart is powerful, and thought itself must be purified by Fire. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 69: 69. Certain insects and reptiles choose to perish, only to be able to bite and release their poison. Similarly, the servitors of darkness are ready for the most disagreeable consequences, if only they may create poisonous evil. One must firmly remember these creators of evil, who often do not spare even themselves for an evil deed. Many instances can be revealed of the carrying out nevertheless under the suggestions of the dark ones of a premeditated evil that could not be advantageous to the evil doer himself. The devices of the dark ones must be exposed. For example, sometimes one finds in the vicinity of certain places corpses of some people or animals. The dark ones know that for the attraction of the forces of the lower spheres decomposition is necessary, and they ingeniously arrange such centers of confusion and decay. For this reason I have for long advised not to keep in the house decomposing meat and decayed plants, nor stagnant water. People seldom pay attention to such dangers, which are confirmed even by our contemporary physicians. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 87: 87. Not without reason do people recall ancient prophecies about changes in the firmament. In fact, violation of the planet's equilibrium will cause many three-fold manifestations. Not only may new heavenly bodies become visible, but the very chemism of the Luminaries may be altered, and of course this will react strongly upon the inhabitants of Earth. Thus, while people are enjoying their bazaars and fairs, ominous events are in the offing. Therefore one must undeferrably reiterate about the Living Ethics. The Sacred Ethics is transformed into a foolish etiquette and has become a printed label. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 137: 137. Actually it is inadmissible to try to alter Karma willfully or forcibly. The Lords of Karma add each violence to the chalice of condemnation, but They can lighten Karma where perfectionment and offerings are without end. Thus do we lighten the paths to the Fiery World, when we are willing to do the best possible. It is not for us to measure what is best, but the heart's desire leads to the radiance of the gates. Restrain each thought about self, but permit the heart to lead along the shortest path. The heart has been given as the focal magnet to the Fiery World. Not without reason do many hearts grieve, both on the Earth and in the Subtle World. Of course the nature of the heart is fiery, and it sorrows at all obstacles which prevent its return to its native land. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 142: 142. Why so many tests, if the heart can create spiritual transformation? The answer is simple - the heart has been neglected and not applied to life. Thus many people must improve their consciousnesses in trial. When you hire servants, you either test them by designating a task, or you trust them after looking into their eyes. Thus, too, the heart can flash out convincingly in a glance. But reason may compare the eyes to pewter cups. Thus, at each possibility, advise the way of the radiance of the eyes. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 178: 178. Some may wonder why the signs from the Subtle World are so strange and why they require pondering and interpretation. The reason for this is the law of Karma. Precisely reflection and explication stimulate self-activity, and, thus, they lighten and even do not produce Karma. Consequently, the stronger the attentiveness and resourcefulness, the more easily interpreted are the given signs. The Lofty Beings do wish to give hints toward a great many things, but the mental distraction of people prevents these precious Counsels from reaching them. Not only in sendings from the Subtle World but also in earthly existence, parables have been adopted, as a means of indirect indication. But history sets forth many instances of non-acceptance of the most urgent counsels. Not without reason was attentiveness so developed in antiquity; it even constituted a study in itself. But nowadays not many understand the significance of vigilance; for others guidance is required in the sharpest, and repeated, instructions, which cannot but have an effect on Karma. But only the fiery heart will comprehend the hidden meaning of subtle signs. Let the co-workers grasp the fact that each sign has its destination. So many Lofty Beings send supplications and hope that they will be understood. There have been whole epochs when the subtle understanding was strengthened and sharpened, but later a bloody mist condensed anew, and the refined perceptions became coarse. Just now many attempts from the best Strata of the Subtle World are being rendered futile by the dark forces. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 180: 180. Do not confuse fatigue with intensity. These two states, notwithstanding their complete difference, can produce similar symptoms. But fatigue must be overcome by a change of work, whereas tension must be actually increased. It would be a mistake to allow oneself to dissipate tension. One must nourish this manifest fiery power as a precious gift. Each tension is a sharpening of consciousness. Each weariness is a dulling, but in either case let us not forget to take musk. Ur. has wisely established the combination of musk with soda and valerian. Certainly the very speedy accumulation of musk by means of soda is useful, as it is also the continuation of the reaction to valerian. All three ingredients are of a fiery nature. Not without reason was soda called, in antiquity, ashes of divine Fire, and fields of soda deposits were called sites of Devas' encampments. Likewise valerian is especially effective in combination with musk. While musk kindles Fire, valerian sustains it as a static condition. In fatigue this fiery remedy is absorbed in order to renew the nerve centers; but in the striving of intensity there is need of prolonged combustion, in order to avoid explosions and shocks. But above all other life-giving agents is the communion with Hierarchy. Musk may dry up, but in communion with Hierarchy its strength will be promptly renewed and an inexhaustible supply of energy extended. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 224: 224. Investigate, and distinguish two kinds of thought. Everyone knows that at times, in the midst of clear thinking, there appear confused, floating thought-forms. Some will advise to ignore these unclear smudges of thinking, but others will recommend the investigations of such visitors. There can be advancement from paying attention to such thought forms. They come from without, which is but the more reason why we must not cast them aside. Who knows - perhaps they are directed to us intentionally, and are not clear merely because of their dependence upon our attitude. Therefore it is best to take pains not to reject any thought, even a fleeting one. When our heart is aflame, it quickly senses the value of such sendings. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 254: 254. It is a fact that there are many who would like to destroy each useful beginning. It is difficult to say who are the more harmful, the dark ones or the fanatics. Often the heart of the latter is even more inaccessible. Appropriating the inheritance of others, they have shouted the most merciless threats to all humanity. Be not surprised that they seize the best symbols and distort them. Not without reason have fanatics been called mutilators. One of their distinctive qualities is the lack of a sense of beauty. They can blacken the most beautiful thing, not through malice but from a lack of a sense of beauty. Indeed, such failings go to make up a very dark stratum, but there are many fanatics, and they make difficult the path of knowledge. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 265: 265. Let us strive to understand the distinction of the most necessary. The determination of the degree of necessity is a quality of the Leader. One should know how to make a mosaic of successive order out of many simultaneous considerations. Neither logic, nor reason, nor formulas, but the fire of the heart lights the path of such a train of actions. One should realize with full heart where the passageway is adequate, so as not to jostle a neighbor. The heart will indicate when not to overdo as regards pressure. Such testings of strength are known as the wings of justice. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 293: 293. Not without reason did the ancient sages choose to occupy themselves with some art or handicraft. Each one had to acquire some manual skill. They had in mind a means of concentration. Each one, in his striving for perfectionment, thus intensified his will and attention. Even in the few objects which have come down to us, there can be seen a high quality of workmanship. Precisely at present, the time has again come to return to quality in manual work. It is impossible to place spiritual limitations within the confines of machines. It is necessary to take the time to produce a quality of workmanship that will revivify the imagination. Precisely quality and imagination are united on the steps of fiery attainment. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 320: 320. Everyone experiences inner relief when he knows that he is acting as he should. One may explain this feeling as a conscious reflex of the nerve centers, or, as it is said, as conscience, but let us not forget also a cosmic reason for such a state. Right action will be in cooperation with the Fiery World; correlation is the result of it, and the fiery centers of the organism resound with the great thought of space. Thus each right action is not only beneficial for ourselves, but it is also a spatial action. The Fiery World rejoices at right action. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 322: 322. The right path is good for the reason that each of its dimensions is useful. One should not even wonder where the boundary line of the path is. It is possible to become better in any dimension whatsoever. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 335: 335. It has been said that humanity must abandon luxury. Not without reason have people themselves so isolated this concept. Luxury is not beauty, not spirituality, not perfectionment, not construction, not benevolence, not compassion; no good concept can replace it. Luxury is destruction of resources and possibilities. Luxury is dissolution, for all structures without rhythm mean only disintegration. One can see clearly enough that worldly luxury has already been shaken, but, as a cure, harmonious cooperation must be found in order to rid the world of the plague of luxury. Egoism will raise the objection that luxury is an earned abundance. It will also be said that luxury is regal. This will be slander. Luxury has been always a sign of decay and eclipse of the spirit. The chains of luxury are most terrible too for the Subtle World. Needed there are advancement and continuous perfectionment of thought. The encumbrance of luxury will not help one to the next Gates. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 367: 367. Even at the average level, people know much in a rough and disorderly way. It is especially dangerous that people try to perceive not so much an object itself and its significance, as from whom comes a communication and the reason for it. Thus is born the most harmful prejudice. But even wolves can be of use! On a long journey many considerations must be assimilated. Meditation on this is also useful on the pathways to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 461: 461. It is right that you do not forget the significance of soda. Not without reason has it been called the ash of Divine Fire. It belongs to those widely given remedies which have been sent for the usage of all humanity. One should remember about soda not only in sickness but also in health. As a bond with fiery actions, is serves as a shield against the darkness of destruction. But one should accustom the body to it gradually. Each day it should be taken with water or milk, and in taking it one should, as it were, direct it into the nerve centers. Thus can one gradually acquire immunity. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 48: 48. How man does limit the Fiery Right! He does not even understand that he is going against the very affirmation of Existence. How many wondrous manifested laws are concealed from man! Thus each sacred principle must be guarded. Close by is the revelation, yet it is difficult to broaden the consciousness. Thus the sacred is cognized by that spirit which is close to the Fiery Law. Unification is affirmation of the Cosmic law of Causality. A fiery vortex generates a powerful spatial tension; therefore all human calculations are unreliable. Indeed, to humanity it has been given according to its consciousness; that is the reason Truth is concealed, but the affirmation of Fiery Right rules in space. Thus We, the Arhats, sacredly guard in the heart the law of Cosmic Right. Cosmic structure is impossible without fiery fusion - upon this we shall end. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 71: 71. Among the Fiery Servants of humanity should be particularly noted those who take upon themselves sacrificial labor. The spirit of these servants of humanity is like a fiery torch, for in its potentiality this spirit contains all the qualities which can uplift mankind. Only a powerful consciousness can take upon itself sacrificial labor. Each task of a servant of humanity reflects the quality of his spirit. If the spirit is designated as a great Servant of Mankind, then in it is contained the whole synthesis. But people know so little about these Fiery Servitors who affirm themselves voluntarily in solitude while serving the great pervading Universal Force. How many powerful manifestations could be observed in each individual achievement! Thus, those who take upon themselves the sacrificial labor know how the Sons of Reason likewise manifest sacrificially their labors. Each manifestation of a Fiery Servant of humanity is creativeness for the good of mankind. One must be affirmed in the understanding of sacrifice. The Fiery Servitor contains within himself each benevolent impulse, each striving for fulfillment of the powerful Will of the Sons of Reason. But it is necessary to conserve the strength of the Fiery Servant. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 148: 148. Spiritual foresight is given only when the heart has been opened. Spiritual perspicuity can reveal the mysteries of spirit and matter. Foresight can harken to the Cosmic Forces which affirm life. Indeed, foresight can reveal that which is hidden to the eye. One need not be surprised that the key of knowledge is found in the hands of the Initiates, for spiritual foresight is saturated with Fiery Forces. And use of energies which are elusive to the human reason, discloses a foresight of the spirit, for only a highly integrated consciousness can awaken spiritual foresight. And the Sages of old knew this, for in antiquity subtle receptivity was regarded as a Sign of the Higher Forces. To him who has attained spiritual foresight comes the feeling of the unity of the two Worlds. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 152: 152. Those records which fill space are not contained in a manifested structure. The mind of man has so far withdrawn itself from the higher records. Man is athirst with illusions and more and more draws away from reality. From all the great laws and principles, it is possible to point out distorted crumbs which have beclouded the consciousness. What, then, has remained of all the fiery Covenants? Reason did not subordinate the Universe, but did sink into the terror of its own engendered forms. Therefore, it is so difficult to unify the consciousness of the two Worlds. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 189: 189. Contemplation of the World will yield an understanding of the shortcomings and the lack of balance which is proven as a harmful manifestation. First of all, it must be understood how that influx of new unaccepted energies acts on the planet. Evolutionary movement is not affirmed so long as correlation between spheres is not established. For, when the Higher World is striving upward and mankind propels itself downward, then indeed the cosmic current cannot be affirmed. Therefore, a manifested disharmony rules in the World. Not without reason has been recalled what was said about Buddha. Not idly has been recalled - "let the dead bury the dead." Indeed, a world concept can be affirmed if only the fiery striving is victorious. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 247: 247. Life is brought into balance only through spiritual attainment. Spiritual ascent is the only way to individual attainment and to attainment of the Common Good. When humanity is engulfed in its desires and its engenderings, how can one attract energies out of the Subtle World and reconcile them with human actions and aspirations! An impetus toward attainment does not result in an accumulation of energies if the will does not act in affirmation of the origins of Good. It was spoken with reason about the distorted mirror. Precisely humanity distorts each great concept in its warped mirror. Purification of consciousness and of the Teaching is the greatest problem of our time. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us remember the necessity of restoring the equilibrium of vital concepts. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 261: 261. When constructing, one must remember about great correlation. Those who have adhered to the Source of Light must understand that burning of the spirit is beauty and shield in the service of Good. But only those bringing beauty know all the greatness of Service. Therefore it is necessary to note those who defame the manifestation of the Teaching. Many more slanderers of the Teaching can be found among those who have adhered to the Path than among the open enemies. You have pointed out with reason the misunderstandings that inflict blows upon the Shield. Actually it is an application of unfit manifestations. Who will be a follower, if the Teaching is merely an abstraction? It is possible to trace each deplorable consequence precisely as a neglect of understanding of the Living Ethics. Fiery is the heart which knows the affirmation of Service with the Teaching. I manifest as My Will the installation of the Living Ethics and the purification of the Teaching. Without this there is no path to the Fiery World. The greatest task is to affirm a new subtle consciousness. My Will transmits to the Tara My Covenants. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 305: 305. The Subtle World has been so isolated from the human consciousness that only enhanced transmutation can disclose the path to refinement and to unification of the Worlds. There has actually occurred an ossification of consciousness, and man has become so dissociated from the Subtle World that the tension of subtle energies is inaccessible to him. Only the cooperation of the bodies on the different planes will bring the needed transmutation. It has been said, with reason, that only a miracle will save the World. Verily, the earthly aspiration is not in the direction of that transformation. The creativeness of the New Epoch requires a spiritual realization. The course of events on the Subtle Plane does not correspond to the course of events on the earthly. Verily, a striving will, emanating from the fiery heart, creates a karmic wave which produces a vortex drawing in the corresponding energies. These waves are disclosed in cosmic reconstruction as the basis of creativeness, and also as the energies which sustain the planet. Only on these energies is it possible for the World to build its future. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us be conscious of the power of great constructiveness. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 308: 308. Fiery energies, being drawn into tension by some center, can often cause enhanced actions of the energies of this center. Partial action of energies gives a center the power to manifest partially. These tensions lead to those partial manifestations which bring into error consciousnesses of small discrimination. With reason has Ur. pointed out those manifestations, evoked by the tension of one center, which lead to psychism. Truly, each opening, saturation or irritation of the centers gives a sharp direction to the fiery energy; but only conformity between the state of the organism and the spiritual awakening produces, as an inevitable effect, the opening of the centers in highest tension. A partial pressure will produce a partial attainment which may prove to be a very dangerous manifestation. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive to realize the higher tension of fiery energy. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 309: 309. Much has already been said about psychism, nevertheless this scourge of humanity is insufficiently understood. Psychism blunts each aspiration, and higher attainment remains inaccessible. The sphere of activity of a man engulfed by psychism is limited within a charmed circle in which all the energies which retard growth of the spirit find their fitting place. Psychism embraces the manifestation of the lowest energies, and the fires of the centers are extinguished by these precipitations. With psychism there is inevitably to be found disorder of the nervous system. In addition, the breaking away from vital functions closes the path to self-perfectionment. Creativeness is blunted, and there is established a passive state which makes a man an instrument for the influx of all kinds of forces. By reason of relaxation of the will, control is weakened, and by this the attraction of various lower entities is increased. He who wishes to approach the Fiery World must battle with these forces of evil. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 446: 446. Much of that which has not reached earthly solidity has already been completed in the Fiery World. Therefore seers know that which must be, even though it is still invisible to the eye of limited vision. For the same reason much dark dross is being formed around significant manifestations. People sometimes understand that a particular good is, as it were, plagued by a particular evil. The process of casting metals can remind about the transfusion of fiery decisions into earthly forms. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 450: 450. People inquire about the causes of infection, about the properties of blood and sperm, but they completely forget that at the base of these lies psychic energy. It preserves against infection; it is found in the properties of secretions. It is useless to take into consideration a mechanical summary of collected information if attention is not given to the participation of psychic energy. People call a certain immunity an influx of faith, but not without reason is a state of ecstasy called the radiance of the Fiery World. And such a radiance protects man against infection. It purifies the secretions, it is as a shield. Therefore a state of joy and exaltation is the best prophylaxis. Whoever knows rapture of spirit has already been cleansed against many dangers. Even ordinary physicians know how changeable is the condition of the blood and secretions. But few connect this with the spiritual condition. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 469: 469. Without reason do people consider the boundary lines of the supermundane spheres to be far distant. No one is aware of the exact boundary with the Subtle World; the consciousness cannot grasp it. And likewise that between the Subtle and the Fiery World. But these boundaries are immeasurably close! Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 481: 481. Nothing ever turns back, but all is impelled infinitely. Happiness is indeed in infinity. Each limitation is already a wrong against higher creativeness. Limitation is a prison, but flight into Infinity already creates the swan wings. Thus, not without reason has been used the name - Swan. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 531: 531. For what reason then are people being tormented here? Why are sufferings not diminished? Why is hatred so strongly in possession of hearts? The shield of the spirit has been forgotten. There is nothing supernatural in a reminder about the Fiery World, where the coarse knags are being burned away. People consider bodily cleanliness necessary, but after ablution by water there is need of one by Fire. One may understand that water pertains to subtle ingress, but further along Fire is needed. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 532: 532. Though earthly fire may go out, the Fire of space is never extinguished. Is not the elemental conductor eternal? Not without reason are torches used even in the daylight processions. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 535: 535. The ability of the child about whom you spoke is a direct proof of what was said earlier. When a child makes use of pure psychic energy, it knows that which in inaudible to others. But when the will of the reason acts, then the current of basic energy is broken off. It has been prescribed - be simple in spirit, which means to allow pure energy to act. Do not impede its current; grasp the fact that violence by the reason only impoverishes one. Thus, a scientist knows which book he should take from the shelf not through reason but with straight-knowledge. People are right when they act by this unassailable straight-knowledge. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 545: 545. It is true that mostly sick and so-called abnormal people are the ones who manifest a link with the Supermundane, and therein lies a great reproach to humanity. Indeed, the healthy people ought to sense the nearness of the Subtle World. But the distinction between the sick and the healthy has become confused. People have covered their reason with a crust which has given rise to prejudices. Behind this fence the Subtle World is not visible. So-called abnormal people are usually free from prejudices, and because of this they do not lose contact with the Subtle World. Indeed, so often during illnesses do people see through both past and future; some have viewed their past lives and recovered forgotten aptitudes. A new boundary must be laid between the state of torpor and true health. New discoveries are of no help. People must receive such shocks that they are rendered able, without any fever, to preserve the memory about the past and that which is ordained. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 548: 548. I hear the question - why so many words about betrayal? Precisely for the reason that there are so many betrayals. When a cobra creeps into the house there is much said about it. Before an earthquake serpents crawl forth. Just now there are many such snakes. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 555: 555. One should study psychic forces in different situations. Sometimes a complete repose is useful, but often tension is needed in order to attain a manifestation. Not without reason were different genuflections indicated in monasteries. Likewise, from deep antiquity has the value of silence been known. It must be broadly understood how the dense World serves the Subtle. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 611: 611. A manifestation of eyes can be a distinctive sign of the Fiery World. Thus, not without reason may it be asked why of all the human organism stands out the image of the eyes? It is very simple, for the centers of the eyes are a conduit of fiery energy. The very structure of the eyes appears to be the subtlest among the structures of the dense World. Thus it preserves also the singularities of the Higher World. When a single eye is seen, it will not be merely a symbol but a concrete manifestations which has been seen by others. AUM (1936) - 33: 33. Correctly has it been observed that certain mantrams have lost their meaning and retain only their sound. Thus, we see how important is vibration. For this reason much was not written down, but was transmitted orally. Mere letters without sound produce no results. Moreover, the very quality of the voice has a special significance. A deep chest tone can give greater resonance than a high, flat, or nasal one. Thus, not only melody itself but quality of voice is important. I consider that at present the quality of voice is too little valued. Not volume, nor eloquence, but inner magnetism is important - the same is a fundamental requisite in singing. Many voices have been deprived of their natural qualities by methods of vocal training. AUM (1936) - 35: 35. Prayer is exaltation and ecstasy. Self-seeking prayer is a more modern practice. How can man pray for himself? Does not the Higher Wisdom know what a man needs? Prayer is a conduit to the current of Benefaction. The current flows abundantly, but it is necessary to be united with it. One must find in one's own heart a concordance worthy to meet and welcome the highest and the most sacred treasure. Therefore, each prayer for self is incommensurate. Only when religions become instruments of state were they occupied with customary petitions for a fee. Prayer and payment - how incongruous! For this reason so many people have been repelled by the paid service. The very joy of prayer of exaltation takes flight at the clang of metal. AUM (1936) - 97: 97. Not only is it difficult to assimilate the law of karma, it is still more difficult to perceive the elementary law of incarnation. Yet the scriptures of the most ancient times often spoke of such a change of life. Often have the dwellers of the Subtle World communicated to earthly people their tidings. Frequently people remember about their former lives. For whole ages reincarnations have been acknowledged, but later they were again forgotten and it was even forbidden to think about them. It is difficult to comprehend the reason for such a struggle against the evidence. Sometimes it would have seemed that the wise ones wished to turn their attention only to the future, but such wisdom would be one-sided. AUM (1936) - 137: 137. The inhabitance of heavenly bodies remains under doubt to this day. Even the best astronomers hesitate to express an opinion about this question. The reason lies chiefly in the conceit of man. He does not wish to admit incarnation in any conditions other than earthly. Fear before Infinity is also a hindrance. Surely, not many dare to reflect about such a remote giant as Antares, which, in the ocean of the Milky Way, presupposes beyond itself infinite Space. Meanwhile, people should think of distant worlds as being inhabited. AUM (1936) - 147: 147. In the purest place, the purest snow is saturated with earthly and cosmic dust; thus is space filled, even when crudely examined. Add a multitude of currents and rays, and you obtain an image of reality; thus are incarnate beings surrounded. Thoughts flow incessantly from the Subtle World; sometimes a man turns around and cries out at the impact of thought, but he still does not think of it as something coming from without. Man sees sparks and even fiery flashes, but he attributes them only to himself. It is impossible to teach men to treat their surroundings with respect. To such an extent do people fail to understand equilibrium that they either fall into sanctimoniousness or swell with conceit. For this reason the bridge to the distant worlds is difficult for people. AUM (1936) - 150: 150. Loss of co-measurement is loss of the path. Can that which is unknown be disproved? Can finiteness be affirmed in the face of Infinity? Can slander be admitted when the subject of the discourse is unknown? Can one oppose all Light and all thought? As madness darkens one's reason, so does treachery against the path of Light cast one into darkness. AUM (1936) - 164: 164. Why do physicians pay so little attention to atmospheric pressure? They send patients to health resorts or to the seashore or to the mountains, but they do not forewarn them that the quality of the air may be completely altered by reason of the reaction of currents. There exist various bureaus and scientific observations posts, but they should also broadcast information useful to the medical profession. Good health must be protected by the state. AUM (1936) - 204: 204. Whoever can hear the music of the spheres can also hear the wailings of space. Do not regard such wailings as abstract symbols, they are borne from both the Subtle World and Earth. Humanity may be asleep, but its heart can wail and moan. Many hearts are asleep in daily life, but when the mind does not interfere and consciousness awakens, the heart stands before reality. Not without reason was it said that people sleep by day but are vigilant by night. AUM (1936) - 206: 206. During experiments upon psychic energy, one should pay attention to the different shades of the manifestations. Primarily, observation will reveal a general design, but the attentive observer will detect a great number of original details. For example, you have discerned an unusual cruciform movement above the brain of the one observed. In reality, such a movement is very deplorable. It signifies either an advanced stage of obsession, or madness. Likewise one can also observe that in an extremely brief interval the reaction may be sharply altered. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out repeated observations. Psychic energy, like the waves of the ocean in its multiplicity of currents, is influenced by many conditions from within and without. It is very important to observe such temperature curves of the spirit. It is likewise important to observe when this same reaction appears - for both the living and the dead. The reason for such manifestations are many. It may be that life has already flown away; it may be that sickness is in possession of the organism; but in any case such a manifestation merits attention. AUM (1936) - 212: 212. It is necessary to endeavor to find the simplest causes of manifestations. People notice that clairaudience is better at dawn. The reason advanced for this is far from the truth. They suppose that after the night the organism is rested; they think that the currents just before dawn lend assistance, but they overlook the simplest and most natural solution. Actually, the most obvious cause lies in the fact that during sleep man has contacted the Subtle World, and therein has enhanced his subtle qualities. AUM (1936) - 219: 219. Lethargy is a peculiar, undefined state between sleep and death. The heart almost stops, the body is motionless, and an unearthly expression of the face is maintained. Yet the man is not only alive but returns to wakefulness for a reason of his own, which no one understands. The falling of one into lethargy is unexpected, and the circumstances of such a transitory state can never be known to those around him., In Our language this is a protracted extrusion of the subtle body. Such a state is not a sickness, and should be looked upon as an unnatural tension of the organism in relation to the Subtle World. It may be the result of overfatigue, fright, shock by grief, or unexpected joy. Especially noteworthy is the instant of awakening. Usually those present create great harm by their untimely exclamations and questions. Each question of this kind is already a suggestion. One should take the greatest care not to dissipate the retained impressions. Most often, people emerging from lethargy begin to assure us that they remember nothing. Rather, such remembrances have been stricken from their consciousness by some inopportune questions or noise. In such a manner an opportunity of acquaintanceship with the Subtle World is lost. During the awakening, the aroma of attar of roses is very useful. AUM (1936) - 220: 220. One should also pay attention to infantile eclampsia. It indicates development of the nerve centers. During such a state it is necessary to maintain special quietude. By nature such children are highly gifted, but the shield of the body must be strong. It is necessary to regard such manifestations as a seeming overfilling of the Chalice. Not without reason was this called in antiquity a "divine visitation." During such attacks, complete quiet of all surroundings, as well as warmth, the odor of rose oil, and a uniform temperature are essential. Certain peoples have made use of soothing music, and such an expedient was helpful; for the assistance given must be a psychic one. AUM (1936) - 256: You may often be asked, "Does the consciousness wear out?" The seed of the spirit is everlasting, the Chalice is filled with accumulations, but the degree of consciousness may fluctuate. The principle reason is indolence in the Subtle World. Such a quality can imprison the seed of the spirit and the Chalice as behind forty locks. Especially subject to such indolence is the weak consciousness, which lives its earthly life without overcoming obstacles and without labor. One can observe how such consciousnesses clutch at the Subtle World; not for two thousand years, but for much longer, would they prefer to be spared a new experience. This is how malevolent deniers come to be born. AUM (1936) - 264: 264. In the study of the history of faiths it is possible to observe how humanity has repeatedly grasped subtle conceptions only to forget and later cast aside that which had been cognized. One may see how in ancient times people grasped the law of reincarnation only to reject it again in a spasm of rage. The reason for this ecclesiastic denial is understandable - a caste was protecting its prerogatives, for the law of Existence threatened to equalize the rights of people. AUM (1936) - 273: 273. It may seem that the Teaching is given one dimension, but by tracing the sequence of the Teaching one can see the turns of an ascending spiral. Such curving is effected in order that humanity be imperceptibly moved forward. Just as we cannot perceive the extent of growth of grass each instant, so, too, the new turn of the spiral does not register in the consciousness. Human reason cannot contain the fiery structure; hence, one should goal-fittingly give to it as much as it can absorb. The consequences of incommensurateness are monstrous, and one must not thrust a monstrosity upon the world through one's own ignorance. The structure must be harmonious. Therefore, it is instructive to compare the steps provided by the Teaching; thus is obtained a significant ladder of ascent. AUM (1936) - 284: Yet it is still more intolerable to humanity to hear of the usefulness of suffering. The reason is not fear of pain or discomfort, but that people fail to cognize a life transcending earthly existence. They are ready to suffer the discomfort of any night-lodging for the sake of tomorrow's festival, but they are unwilling to co-measure earthly life with Infinity. AUM (1936) - 392: 392. It is natural that psychic energy should exhibit good signs on substances useful to people. One need not be astonished at the coincidence of good signs with personal feelings. Our sensations ought to coincide with correct appreciations. If some substance is not readily acceptable to man, it usually proves to be harmful The reason is not in autosuggestion but in direct straight-knowledge. AUM (1936) - 394: The ability to reason simply and clearly results from the cultivation of the spirit. AUM (1936) - 416: 416. Woman herself must set an example in unity. We know how seldom such harmony is attained. But if the one real motivation be emphasized, then it becomes impossible to remain deaf just by reason of absurd customs. Indeed, many of them have a historical basis, but these obstructions must be destroyed. AUM (1936) - 432: This supposition is correct. During the discharge of intensified energy, there is obtained a specific magnet which attracts a special pressure of external spatial energy. Such external pressure contributes to fatigue. But, on the other hand, such a magnet attracts concentrated attention and makes an action convincing. Orators and singers feel fatigue not only by reason of nerve tension but also from the pressure of psychic energy drawn from space. An extremely complex process results - from the one side inspiration and from the other pressure. AUM (1936) - 453: People talk about the development of heart ailments. Indeed, the symptoms are increasing, but it is superficial to think only about the nervous tension of the age. Where, then, lies the reason for these disturbances? The condensation of currents provokes psychic energy to new manifestations. But people fail to give the energy paramount significance, and from this result so many perturbations and all sorts of conflicts. AUM (1936) - 491: 491. Frequently you hear absurd tales of how there occur simultaneous incarnations of one and the same person - a conclusion both ignorant and harmful. Deniers of incarnation make use of such fictions to dispute the possibility of reincarnation. Besides, they forget the reason - which somewhat lessens the guilt - namely imaginative invention. Certain people remember the details of a definite epoch; when they dream of being a well-known person, their remembrance of the dream molds the imagining of an incarnation. The resulting error is in the person, but not in the epoch. A child imagines himself a field marshal, and such a representation already sinks into his Chalice. AUM (1936) - 493: 493. "It is not I who give, but you who accept." The Guide very rarely says that He gives. Only in the case of necessity will He confirm His pledge and give a manifestation of His "I." Throughout life the Guide says, "Accept." He affirms that a gift through Him proceeds from Hierarchy. One should keep these formulae in mind, for in them is contained the joy of Hierarchy which labors for Good. One must not refer unreasoningly to words; in them is contained the imprint of limitation, as it were. There is no reason for forgetting the salutary bond of Hierarchy! Therefore - "It is not I who give, but you who accept." AUM (1936) - 496: The deaf and the blind are often good and less irritable, not only by reason of their withdrawal from earthly life but also because of their closeness to the Subtle World. AUM (1936) - 521: If people are to be found who have premonitions of distant earthquakes, then it is fully comprehensible that other cosmic vibrations can also be sensed. Let us not judge the reason why many perils are avoided - there are many causes for this. Certain islands are in a very dangerous state, yet the inhabitants will not abandon them. But no one derides scientists who investigate the changing shorelines. AUM (1936) - 576: What riches of life are opened up to those who vibrate to all sensations! It is not difficult to awaken oneself to a diversity of perceptions. Each book, each letter bears in itself a complete aura. Something indescribable, yet evident to the heart, is received from a contact. There is no reason to suppose that only certain fortunate persons possess this gift denied to others. The thought of possibilities is already an opened path. AUM (1936) - 596: 596. The very same energy participates in the transmission of both earthly thoughts and those from the Subtle World. Coincidence of earthly and subtle communications has disturbed investigators exceedingly; they believed such a relation to be impossible. The principle reason for the misunderstandings is that no one has paid attention to the fact that both kinds of communication have been received under identical conditions and by means of the same energy. Such experimentation must be especially observed, it means the erasure of the boundary line between the worlds. Brotherhood (1937) - 7: In ages past many different peoples have emphasized the significance of Brotherhood. Fratricide was considered a grave crime. Behind all this could be discerned a reverence for a certain exalted status; with strong measures the people safeguarded something which had no place in their everyday thoughts. Reason denied this "something," but the heart in the depths of its fire affirmed it. The heart palpitated with the beauty of the meaning of Brotherhood. Again humanity will turn to the heart and will apprehend the essence of Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 19: Reason and wisdom contain no restrictive stubbornness. Brotherhood (1937) - 28: 28. Enough is known about the existence of the Brotherhood of Good and the Brotherhood of Evil. It is likewise well known that the latter strives to imitate the former in the means and methods of action. The ignorant inquire, "Is it possible for man to distinguish, in the approach, this or that Brother?" If the appearance and words be identical, then it is not difficult to fall into error and to accept advices which lead to evil. Thus will reason the man who does not know that the means of discrimination are contained in the heart. The employment of psychic energy helps to discern infallibly the inner essence of the manifestations. No complicated devices are necessary when man bears within himself the spark of knowledge. Brotherhood (1937) - 82: The manifestation of the most remote recollections can create complex patterns from different epochs. The most heterogeneous encounters can be perceived. Thus, frequently Brothers may be met with, but even the loftiest encounters can be overshadowed by details out of the various ages. Not without reason has it been said that every man represents in himself a complicated repository. Much fire is needed in order to illumine all the dark storehouses. Brotherhood (1937) - 119: 119. It may be noticed that patience is developed to the extreme in certain people while others are totally lacking in this quality. What is the reason for this? Such a basic quality cannot be a matter of chance. Know that the possessor of patience has built it up in many lives. A patient man is a worker of vast experience. Only in great labors does a man cognize the worthlessness of irritation. Before the Great Image he perceives the complete insignificance of transitory manifestations. Without many testings it is impossible to appraise and distinguish the qualities of manifestations in life. One should not assume that patience is a distinction conferred without reason; on the contrary, it belongs to the qualities that have been earned with special difficulty, both in the earthly and in the subtle sojourn. Hence, the patient man is rich in experience while the impatient one is a novice in life. Thus let us remember, for the Path. Brotherhood (1937) - 124: 124. Many times has the planet been threatened with danger from comets. But even in the tensity of the atmosphere people have not sensed anything unusual. There have been certain individuals who understood how tensed the atmosphere was, but the great majority completely failed to notice anything. It is possible to carry out a curious experiment, observing how much humanity responds to certain events. It should be noticed that even conspicuous world events often do not reach the consciousness. The reason is that people wish to see things in their own way and do not permit their consciousness to express itself justly. Such people are not suited for cooperation. Brotherhood (1937) - 135: 135. The twilight of spirit is engendered by people themselves. The heritage of the Subtle World remains no more real than a dream. It even meets with the hostility of the reason. The reason does not accept manifestations of the Higher World. Especially burdensome for it is the fiery radiance. Brotherhood (1937) - 150: 150. People do not know how to find that which is most beautiful. They forget the best moments of enlightenment. But these hours are given to all, notwithstanding different conditions. A moment of enlightenment flashes out like a diamond. It is extremely brief, yet this brevity embraces a contact with the Supermundane World. Such touches are unforgettable! They are as torches on Earth and surpass the reason. One should preserve the supermundane sparks with solicitude. Brotherhood (1937) - 157: 157. Even under hypnosis people rarely speak about the Subtle World. An earthly will cannot force one to say anything about the Subtle World. What is the reason for this? It is to be found in Hierarchy, which guards against the useless spreading of information. There exists a popular supposition that in the Subtle World the individual principle predominates, whereas the higher the sphere the more is the principle of Hierarchy manifested. Dominating control by means of thought becomes feasible when the tight corporeal obstacles are discarded. Thus, when I speak about Hierarchy, I am only preparing you for the conscious acceptance of future advances. Brotherhood (1937) - 166: Often people are unable to perceive the boundary line where outward actions end and the invincible fundamentals begin. Do not think it superfluous to affirm the foundations of Brotherhood. It is hard to conceive what false imaginings arise during discussions about Brotherhood. Unprepared people think that Brotherhood is a legend, and that anyone can build spectral towers in his own way. They consider that unproven testimonies about Brotherhood cannot convince the reason; but no one is going to try to convince them. Likewise, no one compels collaboration. People themselves arrive at the necessity for cooperation. In the same way will they arrive at the reality of Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 193: 193. Harmony is not always attainable, even if it is proclaimed verbally. It is a common error to think that harmony can be established by reason. Few realize that only the heart is the abode of harmony. People reiterate about unity, but their hearts are full of stinging arrows. People repeat many sayings from various ages about the power of unity, but they do not try to apply this truth to life. They reproach the whole world for dissensions and at the same time they themselves are sowing disunity. Verily, it is impossible to live without the heart. Heartlessness cannot find a harmonious abode. Not only do the sowers of disunity harm themselves but they also infect space; and who can foresee how far such poison may penetrate? Brotherhood (1937) - 203: 203. The seismograph indicates a continual trembling of the ground, but these earthquakes are by far not all that is noted by sensitive organisms. The reason for this is that Fire manifests in most diversified qualities. Moreover, the organism often registers insignificant signs that are confused with spatial influences. The human organism records a far greater variety of signs than is customarily thought. All that pertains especially to Fire is recorded by man. The explanations of this preeminence are quite scanty. People will talk about fatigue or indisposition, or about a certain frame of mind, but a reaction to the fiery element will not be mentioned. Actually, people do not picture to themselves that they are surrounded by Fire, which acts upon their primary energy. It would seem necessary to esteem everything which can strengthen the primary energy. It was said long ago that selfhood is extinguished by Fire. As long as they are not conscious of fiery baptism, people will think about themselves only; and as long as the most powerful element is not understood, the very concept of Brotherhood will be a barren skeleton. Brotherhood (1937) - 204: 204. Gradually it will become known that the legend is the true history; then documents will be found. Each revelation confirms the fact that truth lives on and must be perceived. Since myths live on, then too the history of the Brotherhood will acquire authenticity. It can be noted that information about the Brotherhood is especially suspected. Many circumstances are accepted quite easily, but the existence of the Brotherhood has a particularly striking effect. People are prepared to encounter an unknown hermit, but for some reason it is difficult for them to picture a society of such hermits. There exists an order of truths which meets with special opposition. It is not difficult to understand who is against the concept of Brotherhood. These creatures know perfectly well about the existence of the Brotherhood, and they tremble lest this knowledge reach the people. But all is accomplished in due time. If people do not know, still they are beginning to have premonitions. Brotherhood (1937) - 208: 208. People do not regard sensitiveness of the organism as an advantage. Even very enlightened people often are afraid of such refinements. In truth, a broadened consciousness is required in order to understand how indispensable for further advance is the acquisition of sensitiveness. Under the existing conditions of earthly life various pains may be expected, but certainly these sufferings occur, not as a result of sensitiveness, but by reason of abnormality of life. If there were an uninfected atmosphere, then sensitiveness would be seen as a true good; but people prefer to pollute the planet, if only they may dwell in the savage state. Do not think that words about savagery are an exaggeration. One may wear expensive clothing and still remain a savage. The more grave is the offense of those who have already heard about the condition of the planet and yet do not apply their efforts for the advancement of the Common Good. Brotherhood (1937) - 240: 240. It may be noticed that sometimes especially large upheavals have far less destructive effect on the organism than small ones. The reason is that during the large upheavals psychic energy begins to act in a special manner, manifesting a powerful protection. During small agitations the protection may not be so strong. When I say, "Burden Me more when I go into the Beautiful Garden," this is not merely a poetic figure of speech but a practical indication. Long ago it was said that through great upheavals the spirit grows strong and the consciousness is purified. But in such processes the primary energy will be the principal factor. Therefore, let us not be distressed if it be brought into action in one particular way. It is far worse when something petty undermines the organism, and the salutary force is inactive. Such a situation must be recognized; otherwise people will begin to strive for the small and will be content with the mediocre. The store of psychic energy must be supplemented. Without pressure it does not receive the Higher Help. Even the enigmatic saying, "the worse, the better," has a certain foundation. Brotherhood (1937) - 252: 252. Quite a few people think that Brotherhood does not exist at all. It may be that in the stillness of the night there sometimes flash out before them fragments of remembrances, but dullness of the reason obscures these dreams. True, in small recollections they may burn into the consciousness. Perhaps they cannot appear in a definite form, yet their meaning flashes like a flying arrow. A definite image may not arise for the reason that man has not been taught to think in images. Brotherhood (1937) - 254: 254. No one requires that a telephone call or a telegram be repeated twice before he will believe it. But it works out otherwise in the matter of information from the Subtle World. For some reason people invariably insist upon repetition of manifestations, as if they could be convinced only through repetition; in such a manner much energy is wasted. Conditions have already become altered, but man wishes to turn backward. Much is made difficult by such retrogression. Brotherhood (1937) - 270: 270. Sacred pains do not pertain to any form of disease. Such an unusual condition can surpass all known illnesses. Everything becomes so tensed that the least shock can break the tautened strings. As has already been said, such a condition is aggravated still more by the unnatural condition of the planet. The sickness of the planet threatens the heart with pressure. In olden times sensitive organisms were guarded for a profound reason. The term sacred pains ought to direct attention to the heart that has contacted the finest energies. Such hearts need to be guarded, they are as conduits of the higher tension. They need to be guarded both in the home and throughout life. If physicians were less self-opinionated they would strive to observe such rare manifestations. But unfortunately, all peculiar symptoms rather repel indolent observers. Whereas side by side with the mechanization of life the study of higher energies must go on. Brotherhood (1937) - 272: 272. There is nothing astonishing in the fact that even an absolutely simple man can see radiations - the causes for this are many. He may be an unusual man by reason of his former lives, or there could be expressed in him this special quality among others less pronounced. Such isolated cases are not rare. It may be noted that even unlettered people may possess extraordinary perceptions. They do not know why such knowledge comes to them, since they are without any guile. Such qualities, though obviously expressed, have nothing in common with the accumulations from past lives. So many chemical reactions can arouse individual qualities, which spring up and then can temporarily disappear. Only an understanding of altered spatial currents can explain the changes taking place in the organism. You know that sight and hearing and all one's sensations vary under the influence of currents. One may be assured that such fluctuations take place not only on manifested dates but also aside from human reasoning. Actually, only external conditions can create such inexplicable manifestations. Brotherhood (1937) - 292: 292. Treatment by means of music is already being applied, but the effects are not always perceptible. The reason is that it is not customary to develop perception of music. From childhood one should be accustomed to assimilating the beauty of sound. Musical faculties are in need of education. It is true that in each man has been implanted an inclination for sound but without cultivation it remains asleep. Man ought to hear beautiful music and song. Sometimes a single harmony will awaken forever a sense of the beautiful. Yet great is ignorance when the best panaceas are forgotten in the family. Especially , when the world is quaking from hatred, it is indispensable to make haste in opening the ears of the young generation. Without realization of the significance of music it is also impossible to understand the sounding of nature; and, of course, it is impossible to think about the music of the spheres - only noise will be accessible to the spirit of the ignorant. The song of waterfall or river or ocean will be only a roar; the wind will not bring melody and will not resound in the trees as a solemn hymn. The best harmonies vanish for the unopened ear. Can people accomplish their ascent without song? Can Brotherhood stand without song? Brotherhood (1937) - 324: 324. It is especially difficult to help people involved in karma. It may be noticed that each good action encounters a certain counteraction from the one to whom help is sent. Thus is confirmed the ever-presence of the particular energy that is called the guardian of karma. Those who disturb karma, encounter, as it were, a repulse. Each one can recall how his useful counsels have occasioned a most inexplicable rebuff. People who were considered rational have sometimes begun to speak against their own advantage. One should then seek the reason in karmic causes. The guardian of karma is very strong. Brotherhood (1937) - 365: 365. During the reception and sending of thought there can be noticed a series of manifestations that confirm the fact that thought is energy. Sometimes one's breathing feels stifled. Some explain that the reason for this lies in tensed attention. But for the observer it is especially important to note that the thought process is accompanied by physical sensations. Likewise, sometimes part of a received word drops out; such a manifestation will be an effect of spatial currents, in other words, an effect of energy. Similarly can be observed an increase of heartbeat and irregular pulsation that will also be the result of the influence of energy. There can also be noticed sharp changes of mood and of temperature that are evidences of the currents. Thus it is possible to trace to what an extent all thought processes are connected with physical manifestations. An analogy may be found in observation of radio waves. Brotherhood (1937) - 385: 385. Reason is the guide of misunderstanding. Rational thinking is being condemned, but irrational actions have also been condemned. This means that there is some force that should supplement the action of the reason. The heart must be the supreme judge. Being the conscience of peoples, it will produce equilibrium. Reason is not equilibrium. Brotherhood (1937) - 433: 433. For some reason birds are considered carefree, but they not only sense bad weather they also display more concern about dates for nesting and migration than people do. Goal-fitness has been excellently developed in all the kingdoms of nature. This quality is not always appreciated by people; they know too little of the past, and they do not wish to think about the future. For the most part, investigations of the past are casual, and therefore findings are heterogeneous. People usually limit themselves to quests of known places; they forget that life passes along the most unexpected paths, and its traces can be found unostensibly and unexpectedly. It is essential to preserve the writings of contemporaries, which in the course of time will help to find places already leveled to the ground. Brotherhood (1937) - 453: In the discourses about Brotherhood, it is not without reason that unity is so often called to mind. The meaning of this quality must be profoundly understood. Brotherhood (1937) - 481: 481. Those who blaspheme against that which exists hope that their evil projections will go unpunished; they attempt to advance on the path of evil and boastfully assert that no arrow of justice will overtake them. Can one place reliance upon that which has not yet been manifested? Their thought attempts to hold it back, for the reason finds examples of immunity to punishment. But let them remember how short-sighted is reason. Brotherhood (1937) - 508: One must have an open and free eye on the path to Brotherhood. When, for some reason, a distant response does not arrive, one must always give thought to the many causes. Aside from the reasons that lie in the communicants themselves, there can be great spatial causes. Currents can be so intensified that it may be necessary to wait for a change so that the transmission can be accomplished. Brotherhood (1937) - 581: 581. In the vast mountain region it is not easy to seek out the Abode of the Brotherhood. It is hard to picture the entire complexity of the massed mountains. You already know about the special protective measures. If there exist signs marking off the boundary lines, who will understand these marks? Even if there exists a description of the path, who will discover the indications in the complicated symbols? Yet even a thoughtless person will understand the reason for such cautiousness. In ordinary life people know how to protect a beloved man. Where there is heart and feeling the means will be found. Brotherhood (1937) - 602: 602. Preserve solemnity. Surround yourself with solemnity when you think and speak about the Brotherhood. Thought about Brotherhood is in itself a great communion. Thought that is pure and clear will reach its destination. But where words about the Brotherhood are dragged in the dust of the bazaar, do not expect a harvest. The whirl of curses will not be stilled; cognition of the forces of nature is not obtained amidst revilements. Long since did We discourse about co-measurement. Each concept requires its proper environment. Because of this, seek for the reason why sometimes a concept is exalted, while at other times it grows faded, becoming frippery. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 5: Not without reason do We speak constantly about caution. People simply do not understand the significance of this attitude. How many perilous illnesses are caused by the lack of reciprocal caution between individuals! It is most necessary when there is a great disparity of vibrations. Vigilance and mutual care are then required in order not to cause harm. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 9: The northern tundra and the Gobi desert guard treasures; should one hasten to reveal them? Only a high level of consciousness can deal with such valuable treasures; and with knowledge of the spiral of evolution, diamonds will not be cast under the wheels of chariots. Even for a proven patience it may be hard at times to await the approach of a caravan that brings joy. "Perhaps the date has already passed," pulsates the heart. But wise experience whispers, "It is still too early." The struggle between the heart and reason is an amazing spectacle. Happy is the one who can understand the command of the heart. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 19: The curiosity of the Western world is not understood in the East. Let us examine why the West wants to know about the Brotherhood. Does the West wish to emulate the Brotherhood in daily life? Does the West wish to preserve the Ordainments of the Brotherhood? Does the West wish to deepen its knowledge? So far they show only idle curiosity and looks for reason to criticize and blame. We shall not help them on this path. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 20: 20. Urusvati distinguishes the currents that are favorable from those that hinder. One can imagine the reactions of crowds that are seized by one emotion. At some time We will reveal experiments that were carried out in the midst of crowds, and the results will show over what great distances the energy of crowds has its effect. The mood of distant crowds is also felt acutely in Our Abode. Not without reason do We insist upon the necessity of maintaining a friendly unity. Even purely physiological experiments produce varying results because of the chemistry of the participants, and sensitive apparatuses will change their vibrations at the approach of even one person. This means that the confused and angry aura of crowds can disrupt the most important experiments, and this causes Our blood-tinged sweat. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 25: 25. Urusvati has explained to many why We are called "The Invisible Government." Truly, everyone to some degree feels that there is somewhere a focus of knowledge. Where there is knowledge there is also power. Not without reason do some people dream about Us, although others hate Us and want to destroy Our Abode. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 31: 31. Urusvati understands correctly the reason for Our long-unchanging features. Relations with the Subtle World impose a special quality that belongs to the Subtle World. There one's appearance does not change except when there is a special desire for it. Thought creates form in the Subtle World. One can call forth any image chosen from the depths of centuries and fix it in the imagination, if the imagination is developed enough. Added to these conditions of the Subtle World is the unity that is strongly manifested in Our Abode. This helps in all details of daily life. It creates a salutary atmosphere and forges a fiery consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 32: 32. Urusvati has recognized the existence of a certain substance that preserves equilibrium and provides longevity to the organism. I shall not reveal the complete composition of this substance, for it can be destructive to the physical state. Strong radioactivity is allowable in the subtle state, but can destroy the physical body. In earthly conditions even valerian can be too strong; therefore one must know how to discern the relationships between different substances. For example, during a certain experiment carried out by My Brother the strongest poison was taken, which would have been deadly for an ordinary man. But since My Brother's body was already close to the subtle state, the action of the poison was beneficial. Many instances can be cited when a lethal poison did not cause death. The reason for this can be found in the special condition of the organism. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 46: It is impossible to imagine Our Abode as full of dissonance. Even a crowd is powerful if it blends itself into a mighty consonance. Thus, when cooperating we must discipline our thoughts. But many misunderstandings can arise while sending thoughts. Even those who recognize the creativeness of thought are astonished at not seeing immediate results, forgetting that results can take place invisibly and in unexpected places. Also they fail to see that because thought-energy acts through the least-resistant channels, unexpected results occur constantly. The reason for this lies in undisciplined thinking - people might think that they have sent only one thought, whereas in reality they have contrived to scatter hundreds of the most unexpected sendings. What is received will be just as unexpected. Much harm results from these fleas of thought, which jump about and bite unlikely people. Little attention is given to channels for the spreading of thought. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54: You are justly astonished that the inhabitants of the Subtle World do not speak about the battles in space. The Great Ones have mercy on the people of Earth, and the small do not know about the battle. Likewise, on Earth there are many wars being fought, but many people either do not know about them, or call them by different names. Similarly, in the Subtle World there is confusion and destruction, but the majority of people on Earth do not understand the reason for this. The lower strata are more numerous than the higher ones. Besides, the confusion does not reach the "Blissful Fields," about which you know. Therefore the great Spiritual Toilers do not remain there, but strive to active service in Heaven as on Earth. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 60: He who knows about Us will not be rejected. His thoughts are known to Us, and great is his relief when he realizes that there is no reason to hide them. He knows that each kind thought strengthens the link with Us; without words, simply by a deep tremor of the heart, every kind sending reaches Us. There can be unnecessary appeals because of inexperience, but harmony and devotion establish true cooperation. We rejoice when the step of true cooperation is reached; then the smallest sign is understood. Wise brevity is appreciated and one might say, "Our joy is your joy." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 86: At least when in danger, people should realize the need for unity - if not with their hearts, then through reason. Thus must one think in times of great disaster. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 106: People may feel that for some reason they cannot start doing anything. Such a mood is caused by a change of rhythm. One's inner consciousness may have already assimilated the future, but the mechanical routine is the result of the hypnotic effect of Kali Yuga. This is a state of divided consciousness, which also affects the general rhythm of Our Work. Various calamities threaten Earth. Karma works intensely. It must be realized that the karma of the Devas is also accelerated. Thus the forces are intensified during the change of Yugas. Let us be aware of this and let us fill our hearts with courage. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 127: Most people are unable to understand the importance of co-measurement and goal-fitness. They think that Our Power can overcome any resistance, regardless of the cosmic imbalance. It is a simple concept yet it must be repeated constantly, otherwise even the most learned people fall into despair and wonder why something that was possible ten years ago is not possible today. Such a question is evidence that they do not understand cosmic motion. Not without reason do We call for courage and patience. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 136: 136. Urusvati knows what it means to be amidst earthly battles while in the subtle body. Physical weapons can be used against any entity, and it may seem puzzling that they do not injure the subtle body. The reason for this is that during earthly battle a weapon is used consciously and with free will, but there can be no conscious will directed at an unseen target. This is a good example of the increased potency of conscious action. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 155: 155. Urusvati knows that animals long remember the emanations of their master. If this is true for the ordinary person, then how much more powerful must be the accumulated emanations of the Great Teacher! For this reason the Teachers must sometimes destroy personal possessions that have been imbued with their magnetic aura, in order to avoid the possibility of their intense emanations falling into the hands of the ignorant. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 168: Some think that collaborating with the Brotherhood will evoke the fury of darkness, but it would be nearer the truth to say that each good deed attracts the fury of the dark ones. Timid souls will probably wish to refrain from performing good deeds for safety's sake, and there are many such people who for this reason refuse to be compassionate. They have extinguished their fires and merged with the darkness. But the ghosts of darkness are repellent, and whoever fears goodness will sink into chaos. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 220: According to a certain kind of person, nothing worthwhile exists for him here on Earth and therefore he has no reason to live. However, if he carries such thoughts with him into the Subtle World, he will continue the same idle existence there. If people limit their idea of the Subtle World by their earthly experience, they will prevent themselves from acquiring new experiences. Few think about the higher worlds, and most would be afraid of the radiance of Materia Lucida. The possibility that thinking will become keener frightens the limited mind. While still on Earth, people should suggest to themselves where precisely they would like to continue their progress. They must concentrate their free will and direct their minds toward consciously chosen subtle experiences. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 251: However, Nature's book is full of subtle omens, and people should be able to read them. Only the blind will fail to see the fiery signs, and only imperceptive physicians will not distinguish the fiery diseases. People say, "The sun rises, the moon shines, and everything is in order; yet for some mysterious reason we feel threatened." Those who can see will point out unusual events that are influencing human nature, while other events will pass unnoticed. Many things happen in unpredictable places, and if you were to record the whereabouts of earthquakes, floods, epidemics, unusual atmospheric events, and unexplained tensions, you would have a book about the sickness of the planet. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 256: There is a story about the mother of a great leader who dreamed that her son would become a great benefactor of humanity. However, the son could see no reason why he should immerse himself in the problems of human affairs simply because of his mother's dream, and he turned toward a life of meditation. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 263: People would then see that many events that take shape without apparent reason are in reality well-planned. At times an entire country or group of people may be condemned by the world, but then, it is precisely that country or those people that give birth to the most brilliant achievements. Few realize that there exists a power beyond earthly considerations that can affect the flow of events. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 265: One must learn to detect the signs of change in the depths of one's consciousness. These signs may be expressed either psychically or physically. Many mistake such signs for a disease, whereas others attribute them simply to a bad mood. But few realize that they are experiencing a departure from their former level of consciousness, and are starting a new step. Few will welcome such signs, because, as a rule, people fear the new or unknown. But there will be some who are prepared, and these few will rejoice, for they know that each new step is a reason for joy. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 270: 270. Urusvati knows how much one's free will contends with the more profound Primal Energy. Sometimes it may seem that the free will acts without higher control, but greater than the most powerful will there is a certain force that can completely transform the sendings produced by will power. In spite of the mind's desire, the pendulum of life points out a different, unchangeable solution. Any honest observer can testify that often it is not his own reason that determines his actions. In addition to the reasoning will that is based upon the experience of everyday life, there is another, profound wisdom, which abides in the depths of the consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 276: 276. Urusvati knows My advice to write down unusual and rare manifestations. There are many reasons for this. You have read about radiesthesia, but you should know that there are several kinds, which differ greatly. Radiesthesia can be of sound, smell, or taste. People may at times feel as if they are permeated by a particular sound. If such a phenomenon occurs repeatedly it has a certain purpose, either to indicate something, or as a reminder. The same happens with the senses of taste and smell, or when, for some reason, a person may begin to feel an attraction or aversion to certain sensations. Thus, by means of their senses, people receive signs of warning and protection from the depths of their own consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 314: 314. Urusvati knows how often man's concept of the Subtle World changes. There were many periods when he was much closer to a correct understanding of the Subtle World. Entire eras saw an improvement of consciousness, but for no evident reason people would then fall into periods of ignorance. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 314: An important book could be written about the fluctuations of human understanding. The psychic realm is not understood any more now than it was in antiquity, and this fact deserves special attention. It is logical to assume that man's evolution would result in a broadening of consciousness in all spheres; why then has such an important realm as the knowledge of the Subtle World remained so misunderstood? The reason is that man fears everything that lies beyond the boundaries of the material world. The consciousness strives to knowledge, but the earthbound mind will whisper that it is not necessary to know about the hereafter. Sometimes even well-informed people will begin to doubt, and thinking that the Subtle World does not exist, they undermine their previous accumulations. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 338: 338. Urusvati knows that the human organism is generously endowed with powerful substances. The chemical laboratory of a human being is truly amazing, and it can be safely said that nowhere except in the human organism are such powers stored. With good reason theories have existed since ancient times that any illness can be healed by the patient's own secretions. Let us also consider the fact that the chemistry of the human organism derives its subtlety from being under the direct influence of psychic energy, constantly renewed by its connection with the currents of space. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 378: Mark well the way in which people differ according to their attitude toward the doctrine of reincarnation. Some are able to accept the full justice of this Law, but to others it seems monstrous. Perhaps those who are fearful have vague memories of their previous deeds, and have good reason for their present fears. Thus one can note the division of humanity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 394: 394. Urusvati knows both grief and joy, and who does not? Yet, the Golden Mean brings them into balance; for this reason the Sage taught the Middle Way. But people fail to recognize where the higher joy is and where the depth of sorrow. Frequently, although the arrow of sorrow has already passed, they will persist in their fear and suffering, and likewise, although joy may already be passing, they try to prolong it and remain under its spell. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 396: 396. Urusvati correctly observes that space sometimes falls silent and seems to be utterly without sound. One might mistakenly think that his hearing has been lost, but the true reason is that these are the instances when We have sent a special barrier to protect the sensitive ear from the howling and groaning that fills space. Why should the heart be burdened with such unbearable sounds of suffering when the accumulation of energy is needed? We know how difficult it is to bear the groans of space. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 402: Man strives to cognize the Great Reality and for this he possesses the ability to reason. He has come to the correct conclusion that thought is energy, and this shows that valid research will bring tangible results. Man follows an intensively scientific path, and providing that the science is pure and unprejudiced, there are no notions, however lofty, that are not compatible with scientific methods. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 442: A broadened consciousness enables one to look back and identify the sources of events. It is important to acquire this ability so as to understand the progression of events, not by reason, but by straight-knowledge. One should not ponder at length over the origin of every daily occurrence, but the path of life must be understood. Only in this understanding of causes will a natural foresight develop. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 444: 444. Urusvati knows that the stronger the perception of the all-pervading Primal Energy, the more powerful it becomes. For this reason it has been called the living, or divine, energy. People utilize this Primal Energy best when they accept it as immutable law, feel its power, and love it.