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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > REALLY (37)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 118:
118. Often we hear self-satisfied exclamations, "I am already transformed! I have already attained!" Wavering "I," have you truly examined yourself? If you have attained - good be unto you! But is it not really that the surroundings have changed? And are you not appropriating another's attainment? Where is your vigilance? Are you not inviting an illness of the spirit?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 141:
We are often asked about the death of Upasika. Was it really impossible for Us to postpone her departure until the completion of the books? Thus ask the nearsighted ones, who cannot embrace the supermundane conditions. It would have been cruel of Us to bind Upasika by exacting a vow that she remain in her unhappy circumstances. On the contrary, We searched for the right combination of conditions, so as not to impede the progress of that spirit. It should be known that if that best combination had been missed, Upasika would have once again been subject to attacks. Also, the opportunity for the right incarnation for her - in time and in place - would have been lost.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 158:
158. People believe they can attain perfection by many methods. This multiplicity of mirages lulls the mediocre mind. But one really has only two ways to live: either wisely and ardently to seek the realization of Aum, or to lie in a coffin like a log - self-centered and impoverished in spirit - assuming that one's destiny will be taken care of by something or someone else.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 255:
Like contagion from an unseen source, similar thoughts spread. Some force gathers them, directs them, intensifies them. Those who used to place a magnet over the crown of their heads in order to deepen the consciousness knew fragments of the Great Teaching. Collecting the magnetic waves out of various realms, they reinforced their store of psychic energy. One can really unite several currents and effect a renewal of consciousness. For this, one must primarily learn open-mindedness. This is the first condition for the development of consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 494:
494. I rejoice if you understand that obstacles are really opportunities.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 113:
113. Wherein, really, lies the wealth of humanity? In the construction of new steps. Spatial thought holds the tension for the creation of new worlds. Each spatial thought is man's possession. Hence, the stratifying of the space should be the paramount care of humanity. How then is it possible not to give importance to this factor? Even a simple daily formula says that the construction of a step depends upon the degree of striving. Hence, each step reflects a creative direction. Thought is dependent on the direction imparted by the spirit. Hence, the spatial thought reflects the collective thinking. Let us accept this law about spatial thought for the sake of clarification of cosmic vistas. The crumbs of thought also have their consequences. Thus, humanity must choose between pure striving and spatial contagion.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 250:
250. If for a moment we imagine space as consisting of layers of paper, and we subject it to the action of radio or television, then on each layer we shall find a perforated outline; entire portraits will be impressed on the spatial layers. Impressions remain on the strata of Akasha in exactly this manner. Sometimes we are ready to complain that for a long time we do not see what we would wish, but we do not consider that for various reasons an image need not be impressed in space. Images not made by human hand are carried like sheets of paper in a whirlwind; that is why one must become accustomed to the thought that everything is ineradicable. Only thus is it possible to become truly cautious and solicitous about one's surroundings. One must not think that it is possible to escape the law, which is expressed even in simple physical devices. It can easily be imagined how a portrait, spatially transmitted, may be intercepted at any point of its transmission. You know enough about physical teraphim; this means, then that there can also be subtle teraphim. Therefore one must guard everything valuable, not only in the home but also in space. Protective aerial conduits can be created, but they swallow up a mass of energy. Thus, let us learn to really guard the precious concept.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 304:
304. People love to discuss evolution and involution, but avoid applying these concepts to themselves. Not following their own evolution, people attract similarly insignificant satellites from the Subtle World! The Subtle World is really striving toward the earthly one, but in full conformity. Consequently, if people would strive toward evolution, they would attract evolving beings. Thus, the betterment of world conditions would be in the hands of humanity itself. Thus, each striving for the Good creates a response not only in the Subtle World but also in the Fiery World. If for some reason such striving remains unexpressed, it nevertheless remains in space in full measure. The potential of Good is like a pillar of light. A carpenter, shoemaker, or physician can think equally of the Good. Constancy and steadfastness in Good is already a conquest. Some may regard the time spent in the Ashram as imprisonment, but with the development of the spirit it will be the most salutary of all sojourns. You know how time flies, and in this flight one becomes accustomed to Infinity.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 589:
589. He centered in Himself all Light. He was imbued with renunciation of self and of earthly possessions. He knew the Palace of Spirit and the Temple of Fire. One cannot take earthly objects into Fire, and the Palace of Spirit cannot be made a treasury of gold. Thus one should follow the Great Example. One can sometimes compare the objects of today, but how can one evaluate the objects of the future? So, also, the Fiery Images are incomparable and inaccessible to us at present. Therefore one should ponder deeply within one's heart, in order to glimpse the Fiery World through the help of the Great Examples. If but momentarily one could find oneself in the Lotus Boat, breasting the tide of all the waves of chaos! One can ask that in a really difficult hour one be permitted to experience the same rapture in the break up of chaos.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 658:
658. Our Communions are not merely for information, but are to be accepted with the heart. Soon you will finish the first part of the writings about the Fiery World. They should not be given only to the curious, for this may give birth to blasphemy. The meaning of blasphemy must be understood and full attention paid to it. Blasphemy not only repels Light; it inherently carries an actual infection. The blasphemer is not quite the same after his utterances, for he has rent a part of his protective net. One may then expect various sicknesses, for the protective net is not only a spiritual protection but also a physical one. Therefore blasphemous utterances should be forbidden, even in childhood. It is deplorable that people have lost the sense of responsibility to the extent of forgetting the significance of words. At the Fiery Gates blasphemous words will not come to one's mind, but if we consciously let them take root, they will burn the heart like red-hot knives. Losing the word harmony degrades men. How was Pythagoras able to understand the significance of the glory of the body of Light? Moreover, the appearance of numerous mechanical inventions has destroyed to a considerable degree the evidence of culture. Indeed, the forces of disintegration are very active; they strike all that is beautiful with putrescence, infection, and insensateness. There is a wealth of data on the activity of the dark forces; not superstition, but documents corroborate their intentions. It is possible to guard against them by use of all the fiery energies, but to do this one must recognize Agni itself. Hence, let those who wish to receive a continuation of the records about the Fiery World prove that it is really important to them.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 23:
23. Many experiments take place during the flights to high altitudes. Perhaps the investigators understand in the depth of their being that at great altitudes they can find much needed information. But besides physical instruments they must provide themselves with psychic energy; only then will such experiments really give a new conception. It is necessary that the investigators of heights and depths have a psychic training. Only through such a combination will the physical side of the work also acquire a special significance.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 136:
136. Blessings to those who even once have reflected over the fact that possibilities are being given them for Service. One such thought already opens the initial Gates to the Fiery World. Whoever thinks in his pride - "Only I myself will attain," makes use of possibilities of serving his own ego. What an isolation resounds in boasting to oneself! What solitude is the prison of egoism! But it is joyful to think - "Yet I can bring to Thee, Lord!" There are no limits to such heart offerings! Is not the heart being exalted in trying to find the treasure of the offerings? The subtlest thoughts surround such supplications. Of course, the offering of the heart is really a prayer. It opens many gates. Not the consciousness of one's merits, but the offering of oneself in all entirely, helps one to pass over the threshold. When the gift is complete it leads past all frightening manifestations. One may say to the dwellers on the thresholds - "I've no time to gaze at you!" Thus, the offering brings ease.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 266:
266. There is no such thing as emptiness; yet often people sense, as it were, a semblance of emptiness. What can such an anxious sensation mean? Of course, it is not without foundation. With their thinking people poison their surroundings and transform them into chaos. The so-called feeling of emptiness is really a sensing of chaos. In itself chaos is not emptiness at all, but it is so far removed from the human consciousness that its approach already constitutes a loss of the guiding principle. Such a deadly principle is sensed as emptiness, and in it is contained no small danger; equilibrium is disturbed, and suicides and various kinds of insanity occur. Not emptiness nor chaos, but mean thinking causes the stupid poisoning of the atmosphere. Besides, such thinkers infect their surroundings and thus strike at their neighbors. Truly, man can become social only on a certain level of thinking.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 6:
6. In the actions of the hostile ones there can be observed an expenditure of superfluous energies. Perplexed, these people can only look upon the facts as if reflected in a distorting mirror. Thus, motivated by an evil will, they employ an improper focus of vision. Only the followers of the Hierarchy of Good can harness all energies into a channel of good. Indeed, only the fiery consciousness can take in the horizon of the World; therefore the events which are sweeping away the old accumulations elude the enemy. The manifestation of foresight really can be applied only through the focus of vision of the builders. Thus, the Fiery World has been predestined by the Bearers of Light.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 521:
521. When I say - guard the health, by that I am not sending you to a physician, and I urge you not to be alarmed. By no means would We develop a sickly hypochondria. We wish to preserve your health. No one can say that it is unnecessary to guard the health. The carriage must roll along the ordained path toward the beautiful goal. Take away everything pertaining to Karma and the goal will be really beautiful. But with which do people mold the larger Karma - the inner or the outer life?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 599:
599. You remember the remarkable case of the small boy who, while blindfolded, preformed amazing things. But the solution is simple - he was blind from birth. People did not appreciate his aptitude when his blindness was revealed to them. As if, in view of his condition, he really had no capacities. It can often be seen how people pay attention to the most non-essential circumstances, ignoring the principal one. Certain aptitudes of the blind are wonderful and worthy of observations. Such a state is sometimes called the fiery sight.

AUM (1936) - 69:
69. Prayer has no kinship with violence nor constraint. The first prayer of the child should not be ridiculed or reproved. A boy once prayed, "O Lord, we are ready to help Thee." A passer-by was indignant and called the child presumptuous, and in this way the first feeling of unselfishness was defamed. A little girl prayed about her mother and her cow, and her prayer was ridiculed. Thus her memory retained only something ludicrous, whereas such solicitude was really touching.

AUM (1936) - 153:
153. Each man bears a secret within himself. Rarely does the curtain of the past roll back - only when subtle energy abounds during one's earthly life. Only by transcending the boundary of Earth is man enlightened in the realization of a portion of his secret. Remarkable is the process when subtle energy reveals the Chalice of accumulations; the memory is suddenly illumined, and the past stands out in all justice. Amazing is the extent of man's transformation at the moment when he leaves the earthly sphere. People call this death, but it is really birth; therefore, how pitiful it is when the subtle body sojourns long in sleep. Especially noteworthy is the transition wherein consciousness is preserved. Then it can be clearly imagined how the earthly tatters fall off and the imperishable accumulation emerges, revealing itself to be a true treasure. It can be understood why this most subtle treasure cannot be revealed amid crude conditions.

AUM (1936) - 197:
197. Sacrifice and assistance are created in secret, such is the nature of these actions. Only the Higher World knows who really helps whom. The sacrifices have been inscribed upon imperishable scrolls. Beautiful is the law of the secret heart sacrifice.

AUM (1936) - 256:
256. There are people who specifically hate confirmations and proofs. Such people are really and truly ignorant. It may be asked justly, "Did they ever have a consciousness, or do they spring from the animal state?"

AUM (1936) - 319:
Do not permit the gray dragon to triumph. It is not really strong, and its repulsiveness is only in the ugliness of habit. Where filth and ugliness have been eliminated, the gray dragon cannot exist. Thus the conquest of daily routine is reverence of the Higher World.

Brotherhood (1937) - 132:
People talk much about the tranquillity of wise men, but it is really a great tension, so great that the surface of the energy becomes mirror-like. Thus, calmness must not be taken for inaction.

Brotherhood (1937) - 178:
It is appalling when that which is really most precious is in danger! Caution must be expressed in all of life. When I forewarn about the need of unity, I am anticipating the possibility of explosions. Amid fiery explosions one has to proceed as if on a tightrope.

Brotherhood (1937) - 259:
259. Sometimes it may seem that an instruction has not been given clearly enough, but is this really true? Will not some of our transitory moods be false interpreters? In time the mood will disappear and the true features will appear. It will then be possible to recognize that the instructions were unalterable. Thus is forged the approach to Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 499:
Likewise, understanding of inner motion will bestow dignity of movement. Gestures and movement itself are not easily acquired by people; often they do not know how to handle their hands, feet, and even their heads. The head shakes, the hands wave about, the feet stumble - really, must one even teach them how to walk? However, all these blunderings are due to disorderliness of consciousness. Aimless bustling is an expression of a lack of adaptability to life. It is not fitting to be a buffoon on the path to Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 529:
529. Habit is second nature - a wise proverb indicating to what an extent habit dominates man. Precisely, habits render a man immobile and unreceptive. One can suppress habits, but it is not easy to eradicate them. People are continually encountered who boast of their victory over habits. But observe the daily routine of such victors, and you will find them slaves of habit. They have become so imbued with habits that they do not even feel the weight of such a yoke. It is especially tragic when a man is convinced that he is free, whereas he is really shackled in the fetters of his habits. It is most difficult to cure a sick man who denies his illness. Each one can name such incurable ones among people known to him. Yet in order to assimilate the concept of Brotherhood, mastery of existing habits is indispensable. Under habits We have in mind not the service for good, but the petty habits of selfhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 607:
607. Captives were formerly considered the indispensable attribute of the conqueror. Later it was realized that such barbaric customs are incompatible with the dignity of man. But let us see, has the number of captives really diminished? On the contrary, it has increased in all walks of life. Such abasement particularly strikes one's eye when one observes the prisoners of ignorance. It is hard to picture the throngs of those bound by superstition and various prejudices! The most demeaned slaves could not have been in a more bestial state than those bipeds shackled in ignorance. Only the most urgent measures of knowledge can prevent mass madness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 57:
57. Urusvati, together with Us, knows how to be kind. In this one word is contained an entire world outlook. No other concept can be named which is so distorted. From idle hypocrisy to manifest cruelty, all finds its place under the mask of good. One should really know how to be kind in order to benefit others rather than oneself.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 197:
The Thinker said, "How do we know whether, at this very moment, we might need to be saved from something? Do we really know what threatens us? We are content to think that our day has been a peaceful one, but fail to see that the poisonous viper, lurking behind us, has been driven away by an invisible savior! Let us express our gratitude to invisible saviors.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 208:
208. Urusvati knows how instantaneous and unexpected some visions can be. Especially striking to us are the visions in which people appear whom we do not know. There are many reasons for this. These people may not really be strangers, but may have been known to us in the Subtle World. It is also possible that two people will have consonant vibrations that produce simultaneous visions of each other. If people were to write down their visions and share them with people they trust, so much would be clarified. But such observations are neglected, and human consciousness loses an opportunity for practical learning.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 226:
There is nothing new in this. "New" does not really exist - there is either forgotten truth or still unrealized truth. No one can claim that he has brought something new to the world, because only the moment before someone may have projected that very thought into space. People should not compete to be innovative, but should train themselves to think about the useful and the Beautiful. It would be better to think about essentials and how one can contribute the utmost good to the world. The most useful thoughts are those dedicated to Beauty. Ugliness is not fitting for evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 227:
He said, "Every tree can be cheerful or sad. We might assume that this is just a reflection of our own moods, but how much do we really understand about the sensitivity of Nature?"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 231:
Our life is long and We can confirm that joy is never forgotten and is an unending source of power. Blessed are those who are able to take their joy into the Subtle World. When We say, "Joy hastens," it really is approaching. But often people are unable to notice joy, for they have bound themselves by deliberate suggestion. Thus joy loses its power. Look everywhere, and gather all the sparks of joy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 300:
Unfortunately, these hearts exist in great numbers, but are not easily recognized. They show no evident symptoms, though they are in a state almost identical to the recognizable condition known as coma, in which the organism is neither alive nor dead, nothing is remembered, and the subtle body is immobile and as numb as the rest of the organism. In this condition man ceases to be really human. Stone-like hearts are similar, and so numerous that they are a great burden to the world, and impede evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 325:
Much wicked talk takes place at the threshold of evil, and dreadful curses originate there to the great delight of the dragons. We warn you to remove the dirt from your threshold. It nourishes the dragon, and he may grow so fat that you won't be able to squeeze past him through the door! One must realize that an evil environment is an obstacle to evolution. I can hear someone already exclaiming, "An old truism! We have known it for ages!" Friend, if you really knew this, your threshold would be cleaner.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 368:
The Thinker often questioned His listeners, "Of whom are you really speaking, a son, a father, or a grandfather?"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 400:
It is remarkable that, while in the Subtle World, people receive information about the earliest eras, but only a few are able to preserve any memory of this knowledge during subsequent incarnations. If they later find relics from these ancient periods, they generally do not recognize them. But tangible proof, such as physical contact with objects of those eras, is not really necessary. The essential thing is to preserve deeply within one's consciousness the assurance of their existence.


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