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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > REALITIES (12)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 20:
20. The pure thoughts of the strong in spirit transform into realities life's phenomena.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 139:
139. Reap wisdom from the manifestations of life. I shall show you much in life, but be alert. Imagination is naught compared with the realities of life.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 157:
157. Mist blinds the worldly eye, but the one who can observe the realities of life also beholds the flow of events. Our Gates, once conquered, lead toward untold wealth. Each golden beam of sunlight is a shield against the lunar light reflected onto Earth. Between the paths of sun and moon must one choose. The sun fills the day with miracles. The moon begets fleeting phantoms. Walk in the sunlight, open-eyed, and your day will become a wondrous fairy tale.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 130:
Tell your listener that one can prepare the eternal Amrita of spiritual perfection only through vigilant experience. Could one who is conducting an important experiment fall asleep? So also, We, ever alert in consciousness, will unite Our lives into an unbreakable necklace. To some, this advice will seem like an abstraction; but We know all the practical realities of the process of perfectment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 135:
135. One may rejoice when the dates of great events flow by. No destruction can impede understanding of the growth of new cosmic opportunities. Such opportunities fill one with joy. If one realizes them, it means one partakes in them. And even a partially conscious participation in the cosmic process is already a great victory of the spirit. Striving toward the far-off worlds is the natural tendency of the human spirit, which remembers its interplanetary experiences. It is essential to direct humanity toward the path to the far-off worlds. This direction can take us through the mockery of ignorance to true reality. The manifestation of the far-off worlds will transform life upon the planet's crust. Predestined realities will drive away the stagnation of petty thinking.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 142:
All have heard about the coming of the New Era. Can the new arrive in inaction? It is better to welcome a new blind puppy than an aged parrot that repeats old things. Examine the stream of the Teachings of life that have been given to humanity. Each, without affecting the preceding, opens new gates to knowledge. The enduring realities of life are fundamental to each given Teaching. Therefore they should be studied not for learning, but for application to life. Only in this way can you create the current of energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 161:
161. Let us see wherein lie the similarities and differences between Agni Yoga and the preceding Yogas. Karma Yoga has many similarities with it as far as earthly realities are concerned. But when Agni Yoga provides ways to the realization of the far-off worlds, the difference becomes apparent. Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga are all separate from the realities of routine life, and because of this they cannot enter into the evolution of the future. Of course, an Agni Yogi should also be a Jnani and a Bhakti, and the development of the forces of his spirit makes him a Raja Yogi. How beautiful is the possibility of being fit for performing the tasks of the future evolution without rejecting the past conquests of spirit! One should not boast of bringing innovation, because only by a synthesis of the old and the new is a renewal of possibilities attainable.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 634:
634. Tell those who find the trials cruel that the goal-fitness of those trials is demonstrated by the fact that without them the spirit would not progress. The spirit's experience comes from the accumulations of former incarnations, but the spirit also wants food from the realities of its present life. Labor is available for all who desire to progress. But one should not think of the spirit as the sole producer of the experience of conscious achievement. A portion of the knowledge accumulated in the Chalice must also be applied.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 610:
610. It is instructive to observe from the scientific point of view the nature of the atmosphere surrounding the substance of the Subtle or Fiery World, when this atmosphere is condensed for a manifestation in the physical world. One may recall the draughts which precede manifestation; in one case one can sense a coolness as of mountains, even accompanied by fragrances, whereas in another case one can sense piercing cold and an unpleasant odor. In this way the strata of the worlds can be distinguished. But one might also discern various chemical compounds in the condensed atmosphere. Is this not a manifestation of the higher realities? Thus, spiritually and physically, it is possible to apprehend the magnitude of the Invisible Worlds. One must not only become accustomed to this beautiful reality, but must also adjust one's actions commensurately with the grandeur of Cosmos.

AUM (1936) - 58:
Thus, in the New World one should affirm the true realities. We shall not retrogress if we keep in mind that which permanently and unalterably will be the law of Existence.

Brotherhood (1937) - 130:
130. "Brotherhood on earth is impossible!" Thus exclaim those filled with selfhood. "Brotherhood on Earth is impossible," say the dark destroyers. "Brotherhood on earth is impossible," whisper the weak-willed. Thus do many voices try to deny the fundamentals of Be-ness. Yet, so many true Brotherhoods have existed in different epochs, and nothing was able to cut short their existence. If people do not see something, then for them it does not exist. Such ignorance can be traced from ancient times up to this day. Nothing can force a man to see if he does not wish to see. It is time to understand that it is not only the visible that exists but that the world is filled with invisible realities.


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