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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RE > READS (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 520:
On the bottom was an image of a supine man enclosed by a serpent coiled in a circle, with the inscription: "Thou art the one who hast given all and accepted all." Thus reads the same Teaching at all times, but the darkness of ignorance causes one to forget its meaning.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 500:
500. A sensitive Agni Yogi knows all paths to the realization of Infinity. The spirit-knowledge reads the Book of Life, and the wisdom of ages is deposited as accumulations in the Chalice. Therefore, the law of unification is contained in the synthesis of the Chalice. Upon this knowledge We build Our wondrous step. We have molded Our life over millennia. The cosmic laws are beautiful. Thus, into the seed of the spirit is laid the beauty of Be-ness.

Heart (1932) - 550:
550. Christ himself transmitted the healing power by his touch. He gave help in life through the heart. Thus, it must be remembered that all forced conjurations are unfit, in accordance with the law of the Lords. The heart's prayer issues directly, even without need of the conventional canon. In conjurations we see that the identical words were addressed to God as to Satan. Not with the words, but the feeling of the heart creates the miracle. Thus, even in the days of Armageddon one can be successful. Therefore one must eject all that impedes. Everyone who reads the Teaching can understand through the heart where the path lies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 65:
One reads about the special pains suffered by remarkable people. This is not only the so-called sacred pain, but also a deliberate acceptance of another's suffering. It can be said about Our Abode that there are no illnesses there, yet there is much suffering. This is unavoidable when one works for and helps humanity.


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