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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RA > RAREFY (2)

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 134:
134. The Spatial Fire purifies the earthly crust. Pure emanations approaching the earthly sphere rarefy the dense emanations. The acceptance of Agni Yoga will confirm humanity in its conscious communion with the Cosmic Magnet. The communion with the Fire of Space will afford possibility for amelioration of earthly conditions. The creativeness of Cosmos affirms the cooperation of all spheres. The Spatial Fire decreases the pressure of the gasses upon the earthly sphere. Therefore it is affirmed that the attraction of the Fire of Space will bestow a better step upon humanity. The conditions will improve when the centers will awaken.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 343:
343. The structure of the earthly atmosphere and of supermundane spheres is mutually tensed. The composition of the earthly strata is saturated by all the emanations arising from all the actions, thoughts and vices of humanity. One need not be astonished at the quality of the manifest interaction, for the currents are intermingled and the composition of the atmosphere becomes a reflection of what is taking place on the Earth. The equilibrium of the World can only then ensue when humanity shall manifest higher radiations, because all the spheres surrounding the planet are infected by the emanations from earthly actions. Only purifying radiations produce those gases which rarefy the condensed strata; thus each good cleansing produces its own channels., On the path to the Fiery World the purification of space is the great task.


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