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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RA > RAPIDS (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 75:
75. Banish anger, and the path to Us will be easier. Not wrath, but ardent rapture creates. Be imperturbable - your illusions damage your health, but if you have faith in Me, know that you are guarded by the Care and Shield of M. M. is aware of your hardships; a steep ascent is always difficult. To overcome fate requires fortitude. Be not downcast, for you have many times crossed these rapids.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 234:
234. You have seen how a stream becomes a powerful torrent after it gathers to itself other streams and passes through waterfalls and rapids, merging them all into its own current. Thus also for the yogi, there is no categorizing of streams of knowledge into good and evil. He assimilates all kinds of knowledge, finding proper use for each.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91:
Examples of communion with the Brotherhood can be given. A great measure of inspiration can be seen throughout the centuries. When the Brotherhood commissions someone for great sacrifice, could that person remain without inspiration? The degree of striving is determined by inspiration. We help such lofty achievements. Let waste and dust not obstruct the beautiful path, and doubt not obscure the details of the path, for even rapids can be crossed on a rainbow of Light. But the rainbow comes only after the storm. Thus let us understand the highest degrees of striving.


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