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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RA > RAP (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 401:
401. Soulless repetition destroys the Teaching. Also, the quality of rhythm must be understood. Of course, every crystal functions according to the principles of attraction and pulsation. But pulsation - or rhythm - is characteristic of the living principle. However, any given rhythm may be more or less alive or dead. Living rhythms, spiritualized by the power of consciousness, will produce varying combinations of subtle energies. But the rhythm of the lips' soulless repetitions results only in a dead beat that violates the wisdom of silence and brings only harm. Beware of repetitions devoid of spirit! Truly, they dissolve the most precious gems of the spirit. If one's action is based only on fear or greed, then even a skeleton or a military drummer could rap out a more useful rhythm. Can one expect a manifestation of fire from the raps of the tail of a dog awaiting a bone? Remember this when you are dealing with the finest energies, when you intend to approach and awaken the manifestation of Fire.

Hierarchy (1931) - 434:
434. Help each other, harken! Help in the small and in the great. Help is a rap upon the future. You know not which is the drop that filled the cup to the brim. I shall remind you of a tale of ancient India King Rishiputra could no longer sleep. He summoned a Sage to restore his sleep to him. The Sage said, "King, examine thy couch." The royal couch was examined, and a stone was found in the folds of the sheets. The King rejoiced, believing that this was the cause of his affliction. But sleep did not return and the Sage repeated his advice. Again the couch was examined, and a dead butterfly was found. Again the King was sure that the cause of his sleeplessness was discovered. But his sleep did not return. The Sage said, "There is no effect without cause. Thou thyself, King, examine thy couch; for nothing can take the place of one's own eye." And the King found under his pillow a grain of gold, small as a mustard seed. "This minute grain could not have harmed me," thought the King. But sleep immediately closed his eyes. In the morning the Sage pointed out to the King, "The downfall of the spirit is not measured by fourths. The treasures of war cannot outweigh a seed taken from a widow. Help, King, wherever help can reach."

Hierarchy (1931) - 434:
Help whenever the hand can reach, wherever a thought can fly. Thus shall we rap upon the future. Hence, let us remember that each hour taken from oneself will be recorded for the future. One must become accustomed to the fact that Our cooperation brings all that is needed if the hand that holds the current does not wither.

Heart (1932) - 460:
460. Not only vibrations but also the substance of the heart produces creativeness. The same energy should be valued in all the minutest manifestations of life. Even in its minute manifestations life represents a miracle worthy of innumerable books. Thus, directing our attention to the physical shell will inevitably intensify our attention to the action of the heart. The Teaching of the Heart is the teaching of the causes of manifestations. The ancients began the Teaching by laying their hands upon the heart. Whereupon the Teacher asked, "Dost thou hear?" "I hear," answered the pupil. "This is the beating of my heart, but it is only the first rap upon the gates of the great Heart. If thou dost not heed the beat of thy heart, then shall the beat of the Great Heart deafen thee."


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