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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > RA > RANK (5)

Heart (1932) - 434:
434. Thus, the entire psychology of existence will be changed. You are already able to understand the absence of boredom, even were you to find yourselves in inaccessible caves. You already know the absence of fear, although you are in the front rank of Armageddon. You already know patience, even in the midst of the world's tempest. Thus, many characteristics already enter your life, carrying with them a succession of indestructible accumulations. This is the inception of true wealth.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 40:
In books one can find some of Our names. They are very solemn ones. One can read about Manu, or about the Bodhisattvas. Remember that some nations are in need of lofty designations, but We are simply Servitors of Light and We revere Hierarchy. Our first call is for perfectment, not for titles or high rank. As it pertains to Hierarchy, this expression "titles and high rank" should not be understood in the earthly sense, in which people express their love for all kinds of ranks and distinctions. We serve the infinite Hierarchy. We accept leadership, not as a distinction, but as an immutable necessity. Such responsibility should be the foundation of all human communities. We do not attach importance to titles, for during Our many different lives We have had a great number of distinctions and titles in different languages. Many of these titles have been completely erased from human memory. Who can name the resplendent rulers of Atlantis? Only amidst the marshes of Tsaidam can one see the radiant images of former cities. Urusvati remembers the structures there, and the sculpture of the Great Bull.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 346:
346. Urusvati knows that if each person wrote down a description of something phenomenal that had taken place in his life, humanity could compile an extraordinary book in just one day. Everyone has had authentic glimpses into the supermundane and many could provide revealing accounts. Even a rank materialist cannot claim that he could provide mundane explanations for everything that has happened in his life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 356:
One may further ask, if cosmic currents influence all living beings, why must only exceptional people undergo severe suffering? Again the answer is simple. These currents certainly influence the entire planet, but the degree of reaction to them varies, and when someone fills his Chalice and refines his consciousness, he places himself in the first rank of those affected. It is impossible then to avoid such suffering by altering his consciousness, for it has already attained a natural degree of development.


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