Hierarchy (1931) - 78: 78. Nothing is neglected in the world. Sometimes we measure by great scales, but often experiments with small units should be performed. The trend of thought should likewise be observed. The giants of thought are as instructive as the small leeches. One may see someone who has overcome a tremendous obstacle stumbling over an insignificant puddle. Rancor, offense, thought of self destroy the possibilities just as do treason and fear. One must discriminate the circumstances; where is the new touchstone? Thus, with sharp-sightedness we reach the realization of joy for each probation. We shall say, "Lord, send Thy Will - give or take. Together with Thee, we shall examine my pitfalls. Together we shall deliberate my decisions of yesterday. Today I am satisfied, and Thou, better than I, knowest the quantity of nurture needed for the morrow. I shall not transgress Thy Will, because only from Thy Hand can I receive." Thus, one must watch oneself in the great and in the small. Brotherhood (1937) - 301: Not only is knowledge precious, but equally valuable is the process of acquiring knowledge. At one time philosophers compared such a process to a higher enjoyment. The more deeply it can be felt, the greater the joy. But if in the accumulation of knowledge there enters the bondage of egoism, then not joy but rancor boils up. Conflict is inseparable from the accumulation of knowledge, but it also should be a treasure trove. None of the paths will be misanthropic. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 75: 75. Urusvati understands the harm in not forgiving. Such feelings can only fester under earthly conditions, since in Our life, with its awareness of former existences, feelings of rancor become impossible. In each life one finds many occasions for malice; to accumulate them throughout one's lives would create a long black tail that drags and impedes. With such an appendage one cannot advance! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 75: We know the past, yet live in the future; We do not fear Infinity, and welcome each advance. The future stands as a great reality, separated from us only by a thin, closed door, and even now is being created by our every breath. When one's consciousness is directed into the future, can one harbor rancor? There is no time for immersion in the past. People should know about the immutable law; it is not for human consciousness to interfere with the Law of Karma. Thus let us learn to fly, not only in the subtle body, but also in consciousness.