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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > QU > QUOTE (3)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 109:
109. The three dimensions are demons' chains - as someone has said. Truly, he who chained the human consciousness with three dimensions was a veritable jailer. How could it have been possible to conceal the other beautiful, higher dimension! In their first questions children often strive beyond the boundaries of conventional limitations. At no time did the ancient wisdom insist upon three dimensions. Only with the gradual coarsening of humanity did this limitation take possession of the mind. It is remarkable that when the lamps of the heart become extinct, people begin to concern themselves with limitations. One can quote numerous historical examples of this self-abasement. But the human consciousness prefers to ignore the fundamentals of self-perfectment. Thus it attempts to conceal the most precious possibilities.

AUM (1936) - 518:
518. Again let us recall why the majority of people must repeatedly read through the books of the Living Indications. Some will say that they knew this long ago, yet they do not practice it; then they will call the Indications visionary and inapplicable on Earth. At the third reading they will find that perhaps somewhere there are people to whom these counsels are useful, and at the fourth repetition they will also think about themselves. Others begin by aspersion of the whole book, then they cast it out of the house; later, as if by accident, they remember about it; and finally, begin to quote entire thoughts from the book.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 219:
Thus did the Thinker bring encouragement. One can see the complete application of these foundations in the Brotherhood. I quote for you the words of the Thinker because you know how He labored for the Brotherhood.


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