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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > QU > QUIVERING (9)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 18:
Those with especially sensitive organisms can testify that during the culminating period of the sunspots the rays of the luminary, because of their qualities, become unbearable for them. Also, during the passing of the great meteors, one may feel a quivering of the nervous system. Until now, people have been unable to recognize their place in this gigantic laboratory. That single recognition alone would arm the human organism, and, in place of worried observation of the tremors of the seismograph, would direct the search into the Limitless Heights - as material as tomorrow's repast, as majestic as the numberless stars.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 391:
391. When a new mission is confirmed, bristling needles are always apparent. However, these needles of antagonism become but blunted intentions. Those who battle under Our Shield walk courageously and, having accepted the rhythm of the course of the Cosmic Magnet, can verily know victory. True, voices will rise against the great Truth of Agni Yoga. The zealots of the church and the servants of darkness will not prevail against the sparks of Fohat. Certainly, the affirmation of Agni Yoga smites the encumbrances under which people nest. Therefore, Agni Yoga challenges all servants of darkness. Thus true evolution is created. Verily, it is difficult for the quivering Mother of Agni Yoga. Verily, it is difficult for the warrior, the Agni Yogi, but the ascent affords an increase of all forces. Thus, those who turn the rudder of the Cosmic Magnet affirm the point of attraction. Those who walk united in heart assuredly conquer.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 17:
17. The sensation of quivering is of course called into being by the currents of subterranean and superterranean fires. The entire condition of tension is attributable to cosmic and planetary currents. Each manifestation of the elements establishes its accord. I ask that all sensations be recorded; these are important indicators. Following explosions there is heaviness. The subterranean fire surges toward the cooled places; hence the manifestation of explosions. If one would observe the direction of motion of the fire of the centers, the direction of the cosmic fires could be discerned.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 22:
22. The sensing of the quivering of the ground and the sensing of the moving of clouds should be recorded. Subtlety of receptivity is bestowed upon the refined Carrier of the Chalice. The assimilation of subtle fires can yield manifestations attainable in higher spheres.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 24:
24. Indeed, the vessel that assimilates the finest energies differs greatly from the usual manifestations, but people are compelled to apply that measure which has the force of their own judgment. The subtle receptivity of hearing is the affirmation of the link of that center with the Fire of Space. The subtle receptivity of the eye is the link of that center with the Fire of Space. The subtle receptivity of all the centers is the link with the Fire of Space. Each manifestation of the Fire of Space can respond to all vibrations of the centers. Cosmic creativeness comprises in itself a help to humanity. Each concordance confirms a new step for humanity. Therefore, the centers of an Agni Yogi, encompassing the help for humanity, are strained. When a Agni Yogi feels the quivering of the Earth, it means that the process of the movement of the Fire may be traced.

Heart (1932) - 122:
122. The convulsion of the world is like a convulsion of the heart. Nothing can influence the threatening ones to abandon the assault; so, too, nothing can exempt the sensitive heart from quivering when something precious to it is subject to assault. But it is necessary to tell everyone not to be terrified, for as long as unity is strong nothing can penetrate. However, the quiver of the heart is inevitable, not only on the Tower but also wherever there is devotion. Let us distinguish this feeling from the atmospheric influences, which even during tension cannot produce that reaction afforded by the psychic reflexes. I affirm calmness as much as possible, because We are vigilant.

Heart (1932) - 167:
167. When you place the point of a pendulum above a sandy surface in order to watch the cosmic vibrations, you will not push the needle by hand in order to forcibly accelerate its motion. Such forcing first of all would be stupid, because it would only produce a false indication - the same with the pendulum of the spirit, one cannot force its indications. The designs of the needle of the spirit are complex and only the striving of the heart can vitally and truthfully strengthen the indications of the pendulum. The Teaching of ancient Tibet speaks about the same pendulum of the spirit. Above the head of the tested one is placed a magnet; not only is the inner reflex noted but the magnet begins to swing, and the character of the movements is noticed as either abrupt or quivering; but they can also be circular, and this sign will be the most indicative of the correct condition of consciousness. Of course, this experiment is very lengthy and even a tormenting one, because it demands complete immobility, and you know how difficult this is to reach.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 655:
655. The Fiery Decrees must not only attain their destination, they must not remain aquiver like the wings of a frightened bird. One may ask how a decree can be compared with quivering wings when the Decree is a fiery arrow? Truly, the Decree can be likened to an arrow, and it will reach its destination, but such a destined heart must be constantly aflame!

AUM (1936) - 348:
Let us not confuse this tremor of the aura with the quivering caused by a blow against it. From the first is born inspiration, from the second, a shock.


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