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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > QU > QUICKEN (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 297:
297. People are gathering. Experiences are increasing. Help comes more easily. Thus does the ship, spreading its sails, quicken its course.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 334:
When Uranus draws into coalescence the currents of the subtlest energies, it may be said verily that Uranus confirms all manifested paths and that its currents impel evolution forward. Thus the currents of the luminaries quicken the march of events, and the spirit of Our Uranus accelerates the movement of the chain of evolution. Thus, acute are the angles of correlation. Powerful are the sun's rays at a direct angle, and likewise the attraction of Uranus. A fiery assimilation then takes place. It is a very serious time. Uranus is acting! We are preparing that step.

Heart (1932) - 31:
31. How shall We explain when the heart is silent? How shall We quicken when the heart is heavier than iron? How shall We move the heart which has died in spirit? Thus one can learn to value each reverberation of the heart when the secret flower manifests a multitude of petals which guard the sacredness of the spirit.

Heart (1932) - 282:
282. Let us not pass over even a single expression of life by silence. Let us summon the heart as a judge - Do we sincerely entrust our possessions to the Teacher? We may utter beautiful words yet desire the reverse in our hearts. Thus, let us not be like the old ones, let us quicken with the heart the language of the Subtle World; people call this conscience.

Heart (1932) - 475:
475. However, not many firm spirits are required to change the perilous situation. A few flaming hearts can rise in self-sacrificing vigil and weave the firm net of defense. Not the supernatural, or magic, simply a flaming aspiration of the heart will unite the worlds. I have already spoken of the end of Kali Yuga, but some think of hundreds of years that seemingly remain. No allowance is made for the possibility of acceleration, although simple chemical experiments prove that reagents quicken manifestations.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 663:
663. How can one attain success? Remember, through joy - not through despair, but joy. Do not for an instant believe that We ponder the probability or improbability of success. The thought is, Does your joy suffice to quicken the ascent? We always counsel joy. It is necessary to realize and remember that you have succeeded when you rejoiced. Certainly this is not the frisking of a calf on the meadow, but the creative joy which transforms all difficulties. The play of the Mother of the World is in joy. She enfolds the enlightened ones in Her veil of joy. Rejoice amidst flowers; and in the midst of snow - equally redolent - also rejoice!

AUM (1936) - 284:
284. With difficulty do people dare to pronounce the simplest law: "Blessed are the obstacles, by them we grow." Tests are admitted easily enough, as long as they have not begun. No one is willing to quicken his progress through obstacles.


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