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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > QU > QUESTIONER (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 37:
37. Answer only when you see that your answer can be understood. Often a questioner is not able to grasp your answer. Then it is necessary to find a consonant chord before sending your thought in a new direction. It is an error to believe that a current that cuts across the thought is less dangerous than a knife severing an artery. You must not intercept the questioner's thought, but must infuse new blood of life by nourishing his nervous system. Each answering word must be given not as a nail in a coffin, but as a physician's ray. A deferred reply may be given in the form of advice.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 327:
The Thinker smiled and said, "People are always ready to answer before hearing an entire question!" What is more, their answer is colored by their impressions of the questioner - his figure, his attire, and sometimes even his handwriting. Handwriting does have significance, but certainly not in the case of those who judge without straight-knowledge. Superficial judgment is based on superficial signs, and is of little value.


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