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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > QU > QUENCHES (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 159:
We make use of springs, admitting for purification alum or pumice. Tufa, which is found around geysers, is also useful as a purifier of water. Pure water not only quenches thirst but also ozonizes the whole atmosphere.

Heart (1932) - 343:
343. The fiery body may sometimes evidence itself even through a physical shell. Thus, under a certain tension of the manifestations of the Fire of Space, the fiery body seemingly begins to radiate in small fires over the surface of the physical body. This subtle fiery condition can rarely be seen. Not only is the eye unable to assimilate these tiny lights but the very power of the glance seemingly quenches these subtle flashes. Cosmic manifestations, such as volcanic eruptions and other fiery manifestations, contribute to the phenomena of the fiery body. This manifestation has nothing in common with the fires of the aura or with external fires, such as the fires of St. Elm. Today Urusvati became aware of the flames of the fiery body. Cosmic destructions, instead of pains, gave indications to the fiery body. Thus the symptoms of intercourse with the cosmic manifestations were multiplied. Eruptions in the microcosm can evoke eruption of the glands, but may also call forth the fires of the fiery body.


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