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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PU > PURELY (34)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.3:
The seed of the spirit continuously carries life on, and the balloon of nerve emanations caries the spirit into the heights the spirit has determined. Therefore, to speak of immortality as of a purely scientific fact is profoundly correct. Upon the casting away of matter, the final thought is like an arrow. This moment determines the direction of the flight; the rest is added according to the aspiration. Let us know how to aspire. Let us construct a rainbow conjoining the steps of the spirit's ascent.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19:
20. From Our Community We sow seeds of the Common Good throughout all parts of the world. You ask how to keep the Code of the Community? You have already heard about many features of Our Labor, and now remember this not purely for information but for immediate application. If renouncement of the personal brings one near, then abstinence from action for the Common Good removes one immeasurably - this is a rule of the Community. Through mobility of mind it is easy to preserve the personal during striving for the General Welfare.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 279:
279. You have heard the legend about the increasing heat of the throne of Indra. At its source lies a psycho-physical process. The special tension of the surrounding psychic atmosphere causes purely physical reactions. These in turn increase vividly the tension of the fiery energy, and it becomes necessary to reestablish balance.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 345:
345. It is not so easy to learn to think. It is difficult to develop intensity of thought, and even more difficult to attain thought of high quality. A person will often mentally repeat to himself, "I will think purely." But his being is accustomed to egoistic thinking, and a most undesirable form of thought results. Two birds, flying in different flocks, cannot become united as one. It is necessary to exercise thought, not mentally, but with the fire of the spirit, until all disunity of thought disappears. Thought can have power only if it is monolithic. But each crack diminishes its power and also causes cosmic harm, by inducing dissonance into space.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 590:
590. You have noticed that sometimes physical tension activates one's psychic energy. This purely mechanistic and physical condition should direct one to thinking about the material nature of psychic energy. This materiality of psychic energy can easily be demonstrated by physical means. It is not difficult to observe the reflexive reactions to physical tension. Should one not search along these obvious directions? It means that spiritual manifestations are not at all abstract and can be measured. They may not be evident to all, yet the coarser actions can be seen by even an ordinary person. Unfortunately people often pass by without noticing even the loudest colors. Red may sometimes be remembered as green; this kind of distortion can be met everywhere.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 328:
328. One can affirm that an Agni Yogi does not have purely physical pains. All the physical pains, which but demonstrate the presence of subtle energies, are called fiery; hence, each tension arouses sacred pains. The sensitiveness of assimilation is so powerful that one must chiefly avoid strain.

Heart (1932) - 135:
135. Thought-reading comes from straight knowledge. Not artificial magic, not glaring of the eyes, not the holding of hands, but the fire of the heart connects the subtlest apparatuses. There are two difficulties - the reader may be surrounded by several currents, and the one whose thoughts are being read may think so unclearly that he himself is unable to establish his basic thought. But the reading of thoughts is instructive not only as a phenomenon for the contemporary consciousness of humanity, but as a scientific physical experiment in the transmission of currents. There are so many significant experiments awaiting their turn! You all know of the luminous manifestations, but as yet no scientists have investigated the appearance of these lights. Are they optical manifestations, purely visual, or are they spatial chemical ones? Perhaps this condensation of energy may set the beginning of a new method of lighting. All these manifestations belong to the investigations of psychic energy. Why should one think that humanity is destined to limit itself solely to the one type of cosmic energy called electricity? There may be many channels for the manifestation of this energy. But, of course, it is easier for people first to pay attention to their own microcosm - the heart - in which slumber all the energies of the world.

Heart (1932) - 219:
219. There is much tension; one must understand how closely the world situation is bound with the work. It is impossible to divide them when the general situation is equal to an unprecedented battle; therefore I command you to remain undivided, imbued with the tension of the moment. There must be no retreat; it is necessary unitedly to press the obsessed ones. If a jest be permitted, one may call this phase of the battle, the battle against obsession. Verily, the dark ones try to strengthen themselves through obsession. But their methods cannot be of long duration, for they disintegrate themselves precisely through obsession. You know how obsession gradually destroys the organism; the paralysis of certain nerve centers is inevitable. Hence, physicians could do so much useful work by directing attention to obsession. Ask the physician whether he did not notice special peculiarities in the eyes of obsessed persons. For one can judge duality of existence by the eyes. But I do not refer to a purely superficial manifestation such as a dull or shifting glance. Other symptoms must be observed. One can also observe symptoms in the walk, the voice, and even a change in the weight. Do not ask psychiatrists about it, because their theories are fossilized, but physicians of the new type can observe impartially. And yet, how greatly such observations are needed, now when obsession is becoming epidemic! Sensing the weakness of human hearts, hordes of sly spirits avidly rush to capture the flavor of Earth.

Heart (1932) - 303:
303. It means that even in purely physical illnesses it is necessary to seek the cause in the quality of thought. Therefore, direct the thoughts of those who surround you gradually toward good. You already have an example of how much pain is caused by cursing and profanity, even at far distances. It is necessary attentively to direct the heart upon existing reality. Especially can those obsessed ones act who contact the aura, even slightly. Thus, it is very necessary to pay attention to the very first impression of people when the heart is able to give its sign. One can easily imagine what type of infection-carriers obsessed people may be, therefore it is necessary to avoid them.

Heart (1932) - 348:
348. Contentment with each physical state and an insatiable onward striving of the heart constitutes the advice of a sensible physician. It should not be assumed that perfect ethics do not combine with medicine. It should not be assumed that thought alone can arrest the physical condition. This would be one-sided. We live in a chemical laboratory and form a part of it ourselves. Of a person who was critically ill, the ancients said, "He must be taken to the Fiery Mountain." They thereby implied two meanings one was a reminder of the fiery body, which knows not illness, the other, a purely physical meaning, because the fire of eruptions contains a particular combination of energies which can stimulate certain nerve centers. It cannot be otherwise, since the flame of the heart responds to the most remote subterranean fires. The extent to which the flame of the heart controls the subterranean current is also a subject for study; if certain organisms of a definite element can discern subterranean waters, then fiery people of course maintain the unity with fire. It is precisely this element which greatly needs observation.

Heart (1932) - 390:
390. Whoever loves flowers is on the heart's path. Whoever knows the striving to the summits is on the heart's path. Whoever thinks purely is on the heart's path. Whoever knows of the highest worlds is on the hearts path. Whoever is ready for Infinity is on the heart's path. Thus shall we summon all hearts to the realization of the Source. It is correct to understand that the substance of the heart belongs to the Subtle and also the Fiery World. One can perceive worlds within the heart, but not within the mind. Thus, wisdom is contrary to intellect, yet it is not forbidden to adorn the mind with wisdom.

Heart (1932) - 454:
454. In all races and at all times there existed the cult of the heart. Even the savage, on devouring a living heart, regarded it as the supreme power, and thus in his own manner paid reverence to the heart. But our era has completely forgotten and rejected the Teaching of the Heart. The heart demands new understanding. One must be prepared to find that purely scientific facts about the heart will arouse a special accusation of superstition. The dogmatic professional people will try with special effort to defend their mediocre existence. Thus, one must realize that the battle for understanding the heart will be especially severe. Thus will the dark forces defend the brain, setting it counter to the heart. This, of course, will create only distortion. The leg has important functions, but it is not necessary to carry food into the mouth with one's foot. Hence, goal-fitness comes first.

Heart (1932) - 465:
For photographing the aura other, mechanical methods are also useful. Before taking the photograph it is useful to take musk, which stimulates the currents of energy. It is useful to have a black velvet screen and to manifest solemnity if it is feasible. It would naturally be absurd to crowd the room with casual, curious visitors. It is necessary to cleanse the very atmosphere of the room with eucalyptus oil. Thus, not only the occult conditions but the purely hygienic ones should be foreseen.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 23:
23. Approaching manifestations of Fire, we must bear in mind various gradations. The so-called passages through fire differ greatly. The lowest type of fakirs rub their bodies with ashes mixed with a mineral dust, and thus gain a certain resistance to fire. Of course, this external, purely physical effect cannot be of interest. Yogis pass through fire by inducing the heart's energy as a counteraction. In this process the inner fire breaks through the pores of the skin and, being more powerful than the earthly fire, forms a strong protective armor. Such Yogis can also lead through fire without harm those who wish to follow them. To effect this the Yogi extends his energy to those who follow him, provided they can completely transport their consciousness into the heart of the Yogi. This condition of a complete transference of one's consciousness to the heart of the Guide is characteristic of fiery actions in general.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 56:
56. Joy and courage are indispensable, but without Fire these qualities are not created. Reason can deprive one of all joy and thus close the gates to the future. Yet a fiery world outlook does not fall from heaven, it must be discovered. This method of discovery must begin in childhood. We see how children already accept inwardly the most difficult tasks of the spirit. Even all impediments placed by their elders serve only to crystallize their straight-knowledge. But crystallization is a fiery action. The best beds of crystals are molded by fire. Thus, the invincible heart is also formed by fiery reaction. This is not a symbol, but a purely laboratory deduction. Yet how far from fiery considerations are people!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 112:
112. It has been correctly observed that in order for the organism to adapt itself to a vegetable diet after a meat diet three years are needed. But if, for purely physical conditions, such a period is necessary, no less a period is required for the transformation of consciousness, unless karmic conditions induce special possibilities. To transform the consciousness means to enter a special world; it means to acquire a special evaluation of all that occurs; it means going forward without glancing back; it means leaving behind all complaints and acquiring good will. Does it not seem strange that alongside a period for a diet one must put the ethical concept of benevolence? But, fortunately, every physician will support us in this, because benevolence is the best expedient for the digestion. People like to have the spiritual foundations supported by dietetic advice.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 115:
115. Before human eyes many spiritual actions having physiological consequences take place, yet people are unwilling to notice them. The same can also be observed in visiting the Subtle World, where these manifestations are far more distinct. The decomposition of the astral body depends upon fiery contact. When a fiery being approaches certain strata of the Subtle World, a striking manifestation can be witnessed. The fiery substance is a touchstone, as it were. At its touch some subtle bodies are intensified in their fiery capacity, whereas others immediately disintegrate. This process takes place with great rapidity, as if from fire. Thus, one can compare a series of remarkable ascents and deserved departures. Fiery qualities can be manifested not only in the Fiery Sphere but even in fiery earthly incarnations. One should gradually become accustomed to the thought that even here on Earth there can be manifestations of the highest fiery qualities. One should admit this not only because it is immutable but also because of the diversity of nature's manifestations. Some may not admit that the projected subtle body can perform as purely physical an action as writing, but you know that this is possible, and there is no need for Me to convince you of it. Of course, fiery energy is necessary for such action.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 219:
219. Which of the conventional types of humanity expresses the fiery heart? The customary trend of thought may surmise the type to be of sanguinary nature, or, at least choleric, but this conclusion is an ignorant one. The fiery heart is a synthesized essence and cannot be fitted into purely conventional categories. It can only be asserted that the hypochondriac does not reflect the fiery essence. Thus, one must imagine the fiery heart as an all-containing receptacle. The fires of such a heart will also not be uniform. Who can limit Buddhi by blue color? It may be asked of which shade is this vibrating blue color? In any scale there will be a blue tone, depending on the outer and inner chemism. Also, let us not forget daltonism, which is widely developed. Thus, within a single law the fiery heart will find all the riches that befit the splendor of the Cosmos.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 543:
543. Why should evil sometimes seem to be the victor? Only because of the instability of good. By a purely physiological method it can be proved that domination by evil is short-lived. Evil emerges together with imperil, but can at first produce only a strong flash; afterwards it begins to deteriorate and gradually destroys its own progenitor. This means that if Agni is even partially manifested, it will not cease to increase. Thus, when imperil begins to decompose, Agni, on the contrary, acquires its full strength. Therefore I advise that the first attack of evil be endured, in order to leave evil to its own destruction. Moreover, during the duel between evil and good - in other words between imperil and Agni - the latter will grow proportionately, as imperil putrefies its possessor. Thus should one observe the duel between the low and the high, but only a mature consciousness can encourage one to withstand evil. It is useful to remember this and to gather not only strength but also patience, in order to conquer that which is in itself doomed to annihilation. I affirm that the truth, "Light conquers darkness," has even a physiological basis.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 29:
29. Verily one may operate upon the spleen. Physically the organism can exist for some time even without it, but this will be a purely physical solution. Up to the present people have not cared about the consequences for the subtle body. Whereas, the organ which is connected with the subtle body must be greatly protected but not destroyed. The same takes place in the removal of the appendix; man not only lives but even gains weight, yet one of the main functions of the psychic energy is disorganized. The appendix absorbs the psychic elements of food. Someone may live even without such elements, but why deprive the organism of such helpers? Of course all physical operations upon the heart show how far physicians are from the psychic problem. Therefore it is very needful to avoid all physical operations, if the conditions needed for the subtle body are not observed. Unavoidable operations should be accompanied by corresponding suggestion, in order that the parts of the subtle body may assume the required position. One should mentally contact the subtle body. If the thought affirms through suggestion the fiery self-protection then a multitude of ill consequences will be avoided. Such self-protection is especially necessary against all infections. If during an operation one could suggest the necessary processes, the help of the subtle body would considerably contribute to the desired result. Such suggestion can regulate all the functions of the organism, but without this assistance it is sad to see how the subtle bodies are mutilated.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 44:
44. I direct you into the future because of physical reasons also. One must not forget that in the Subtle World one can sense not only heat but also cold. Normally both sensations are unnecessary but they result from the bringing over of earthly, not yet outlived particles. The striving into the future is the best liberation from the earthly husks. Thus one may once more be convinced that thought carries with itself purely physical consequences. Of course, in the Subtle World it is necessary to get rid of earthly sensations. If they are felt, it means that some earthly particles threatened to impede the ascent. The Subtle World, when in harmony, does not get rid of earthly sensations, which in the earthly state cause much overburdening. One may prepare the consciousness for liberation from all kinds of unnecessary survivals. For even upon Earth at certain reminiscences people exclaim, "I am flushed with heat! Cold pierces my heart!" But while upon Earth a thought may cause a sensory physical reaction, in the Subtle World this is true on a considerably greater scale. Only the future can liberate one from the burden of sensations. And it is not too difficult to accustom oneself to think about the future, if the striving to the Most High is already assimilated. Thus affirm in all actions the usefulness of the understanding of the future. Many remembrances, regrets, offenses and unnecessary things of the past only repulse the already formed magnetism of the future. The magnetism of the future is a great moving force, and it must be understood as absolute reality.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 129:
129. I do not advise middle measures. To affirm the transitory state as a completion would be contrary to evolution. When a prayer is uttered about rest with the Saints, it reveals ignorance in regard both to rest and to the Saints. You know that rest is a purely temporary state, and in addition is relative. The so-called Saints have no rest. It may be said that the expression used is a relative one, but by respite people understand a state of repose. But if people were to be told about tension in the Fiery World, only a few would comprehend such an attribute of the higher condition. When We speak about a state of continuous explosion during the highest tension, it does not strike the imagination to recognize such tension, so We say - not tension, but splendor! The path to such grandeur is through the beautiful. If man will not develop within himself an aspiration to the most beautiful, he will close his own eyes, but the Highest can neither be repeated nor imagined. The manifestation of splendor is absolutely infinite. Still, let us not hold open the middle measures of sleep and rest. I affirm that repose would not produce the manifested Universe.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 610:
610. Especial attention is paid to dwarfs. As a special race they appear everywhere. One may observe in them not only bodily peculiarities but also a special psychology. No one discerns the cause of appearance of such small creatures; the more so since side by side with them, in the same conditions and families, appear people of lofty stature. But it has already been observed that there do occur unexpected materializations of very tiny beings. Even a clumsily embellished story from the life of Paracelsus recalls how he tried to preserve such small creatures. Of course the experiment was unsuccessful. But even now imprints of very tiny extremities are known. They must be looked upon purely scientifically. The solution will lie in a property of the ectoplasm - hence come both giants and dwarfs. But giants have already been forgotten. Few of them are of interest to anyone and few exceed two meters; and the materialization of giants is rare. But the tiny creatures reveal definitely their similarity and singularity. The dwarfs of southern India and Africa, and the Eskimo pigmies will be very reminiscent of their European brethren. When ectoplasm shall be diligently studied, then its specific properties will be discovered. And in relationship to the Fiery World such study will be a great attainment.

AUM (1936) - 5:
Let people not complain, but live more purely.

AUM (1936) - 202:
202. The kindling of the nerve centers has not sufficiently attracted the attention of physicians. It is very important to observe that the flaming of each center gives rise to symptoms of the local organ, yet the organ itself is not ill but is only vibrating in response to the fire of the center. It is possible to show that many false illnesses are announced by physicians when they do not recognize the basic cause of sensations. Moreover, the cause itself of inflammation is superficially studied. Purely cosmic conditions may be indicated, and of no less significance is the condition of the mass of humanity.

AUM (1936) - 333:
333. How to fix the boundary between indignation and irritation, or between shock and fear? No one finds words to differentiate such feelings which are almost alike. But the time will come when science will discover the means of analyzing the substance secreted during each emotion. Upon a purely chemical basis it will be determined where and when a definite feeling begins.

AUM (1936) - 484:
484. Do not drive any one away if he wishes to study the energy with a purely scientific aim. Only ascertain that the goal should not prove to be pseudo-scientific. A scientific task is based on tolerant acceptance, but the pseudo-scientific is full of negation. Likewise, do not burden investigators with preconceived methods. Each investigator has the right to his own path. Even if his path be a complicated one, he may discover an unexpected new detail. Poor is the method of pedagogues who ridicule each attempt at an original solution of a problem. Quests of new approaches of truth should be welcomed. If one's conviction is so steadfast that Truth is one, there can be no fear that some other truth will be found.

Brotherhood (1937) - 28:
Investigators of psychic energy can bear witness that the evidences of the energy are infallible. They can be relative in the matter of earthly dates, but in quality they will not be erroneous. And it is precisely quality that is necessary for discrimination of the essence. The primary energy cannot show the negative to be positive. Such purely scientific evidence protects people against an evil approach. Not without foundation is such discrimination called the armor of Light.

Brotherhood (1937) - 191:
191. To no purpose do physicians explain many ailments as purely physical manifestations. Catarrh, tuberculosis, colds in head and throat, and many other maladies are primarily of nervous origin. A man may feel a nervous exaltation and receive immunity, or through nervous shock may be left defenseless. This simple truth is not taken into consideration. Whereas the time is not far distant when the most diverse illnesses will be cured by means of nervous reactions. The treatment must be along the same paths by which consciousness is produced. It will be found that the most incurable diseases can be arrested by nervous reactions. On the other hand, without due concern about nervous forces the least indisposition may reach dangerous dimensions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 20:
20. Urusvati distinguishes the currents that are favorable from those that hinder. One can imagine the reactions of crowds that are seized by one emotion. At some time We will reveal experiments that were carried out in the midst of crowds, and the results will show over what great distances the energy of crowds has its effect. The mood of distant crowds is also felt acutely in Our Abode. Not without reason do We insist upon the necessity of maintaining a friendly unity. Even purely physiological experiments produce varying results because of the chemistry of the participants, and sensitive apparatuses will change their vibrations at the approach of even one person. This means that the confused and angry aura of crowds can disrupt the most important experiments, and this causes Our blood-tinged sweat.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 45:
45. Urusvati has overcome all the earthly misconceptions about safety and material security. Neither exists in earthly conditions, yet this dark mirage seduces multitudes of people. They dream of building towers where they might be sheltered in complete safety. They dream of accumulating treasures that would provide security, forgetting that they can reach such a stronghold only beyond earthly conditions. Do We wish to plunge humanity into despair? One must realize that it is only when one is beyond the range of all danger that invulnerability become possible. Only by acknowledging the vanity of earthly treasures are we able to receive our heritage of everlasting wealth. Let us not regard these Teachings as abstract moralizing. Only by looking at it from a purely scientific point of view can one be convinced that a true knowledge of earthly reality gives freedom of consciousness and perfectment to humanity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 179:
The actual withdrawal from this world to the far-off worlds, in itself was not new, but His conscious attitude toward the responsibility He assumed, was. The far-off world, even in its purely physical condition, cannot be easy for the Teacher, and is especially difficult because of His continued collaboration with the Brotherhood. Earthly rays, in their present condition, cannot be considered beneficial, because the planet is sick and its balance is lost. In ordinary earthly communications, atmospheric conditions may vary greatly, but how much more varied and powerful are the emanations of the far-off worlds!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 203:
People are not pigs, deprived of the ability to raise their heads toward Heaven. One does not survive by earthly rubbish, but by the higher emanations. And yet for thousands of years there have been many who have stubbornly promoted the importance of a purely earthly existence. Not only the atheists, but also the theists have denied the Subtle and Higher Realms. It is hard to understand how such opposing mentalities could agree on the denial of the fundamentals of life. Prompted by fear and ignorance, they do not dare face the most beautiful. Even the gaining of knowledge does not help them to approach the psycho-physical realm, and the theists do not allow their deities to lead them to approach the higher realms.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 229:
During His many lives the Thinker never tired of warning people. Many listened to His careful warnings, but few understood His advice. The Thinker smiled sadly when He listened to people discussing karma. Sometimes He would say, "It would be better for you to mention this Law less and live more purely."


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