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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PU > PUNISHMENT (19)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.7.1:
Similarly, those who pierce the aura of the Teacher and auras of those bound to Him harm themselves. There is not punishment, nor revenge, but there is the counterspark.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.11:
Imagine it this way; A candle filled with malice is trying to burn you. You have not yet taken any measures, but from behind you there is approaching a powerful torch. Perform this experiment and you will see how the candle gutters, chars, and goes out. It is not a punishment but a consequence of the laws of nature.

New Era Community (1926) - 193:
Who, if not the usurper, appropriates another's labor and casually wrecks structures under the heel? Many centuries have passed since the time of the Teacher Milarepa, but usurpers, with the psychology of monkeys, live as before. In the basis of such vegetative state lies a frightful irresponsibility. What then lies in the basis of irresponsibility? Precisely the very same ignorance and fear of the future. No punishment, no restriction will make amends for ignorance.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 31:
Our indicated formula moves foreword, in the direction of the manifold spatial fires. When humanity will accept the affirmation of Infinity, destiny will reveal itself not as a punishment but as a cosmic expansion. The beauty of the vastness of life is measured by the consciousness of creativeness.

Heart (1932) - 59:
59. Three circumstances can burden karma especially. The first - the denial of the Teacher; the second - the suspicion that the contact with Hierarchy can bring harm; the third - shrinking from a mission of responsibility. Only the heart can whisper the beginning of denial, of suspicion, of retreat. He who has many times betrayed the Teacher begins in madness to assert that he never even thought of treason and did not think of retreat; an obscured mind may invent a thousand justifications to conceal that which has long since been inscribed in the scroll of karma. It is better not to approach than to manifest apostasy! The night is not dispelled for the apostate! Yet this is not a punishment, it is but the consequence of the sowing! The heart knows how to discern the seed of treason.

Heart (1932) - 202:
202. The accumulation of experience, which is of such great importance, always reminds one of an example from early childhood. A child does not realize the properties of fire until it has burned itself. Of course adults smile superciliously at this example, but they carry on their own experiences by the same methods. Nothing will induce humanity to apply more sensitive methods. Of course, they will be astonished as to why the consequences of many of their misfortunes are so lengthy and poignant. One may be certain that each action is considered necessary for redemption. This again is not a punishment but the acquisition of experience, and one can marvel at the precision of the scale of karma. There is nothing that can reproach this great balance. The corroboration of the tension of the cups of the scale depends upon the heart; it can overflow, uplift, and it can evaluate the worth of accumulations. Thus, let people vigilantly watch their own vindication, which lies in the heart. It is not without cause that among the definitions of the heart there is also that of the vindicator.

Heart (1932) - 455:
455. The atmosphere is unusually dense! One must be especially dull-witted not to sense the phenomena manifested with each step. The condition of the world cannot be considered normal, yet the people of Atlantis also failed in like extent to see all that was already amazing. They even went further. They meted out capital punishment to all who pointed out the evident calamities. Of course, such a measure only served to hasten the destruction. People have never willingly acknowledged that they themselves are the basis of transmutation of psychic energy, and so they were never reluctant to divert the flow of this precious power.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 578:
Not through fear of any punishment, but in anticipation of their own destiny, should people turn to purification. What each one metes out for himself is not severity but justice. The thought of purification must lead to the realization of Fire. The Fiery Baptism is the wisest covenant, but how can it descend upon one if the heart is not softened and dwells in cruelty? The mask of cruelty is dreadful; it cannot be wiped away, just as Addison's disease cannot be washed off the face. Cruelty is a ferocious disease! Even a beast attacks a cruel being. Thus, I call to mind those whose faces cannot be cleansed, that have forgotten the heart, the Fiery World, and the Hierarchy of Light.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 570:
570. What is more dangerous than the boomerang? When it touches the Teacher himself, the weapon then returns with frightful effect. Therefore the concept of the Guru is so strongly guarded. When the manifestation of the Guru is threatened, the evil weapon returns with deadly force. This is not punishment but merely one's being one's own judge. Therefore let us be very careful with the higher concepts, in them we touch Fire.

Brotherhood (1937) - 442:
442. Without any instructions people know how to care for a beloved object. They will resourcefully discover how to keep it in concealment. They will exert themselves not to break or damage a beloved thing. Someone has said that people are most competent at preserving stones and metals, less so with plants, still less with animals, and least of all with man. You can judge for yourself how just is such an understanding. Man is a most subtle organism, and yet the most cruel treatment falls to his lot. Let us not close our eyes to the fact that the so-called abolishment of corporal punishment is merely a screen for still greater cruelty. When will the abolition of spiritual persecutions finally come! When will people realize that the highest degree of torture is torment of the spirit! As long as they are not conscious of the Subtle World, humaneness will not be realized. Let us not be surprised that some people require the division of the higher worlds into many degrees. Rather, let people, including those who demand the most, understand at least the Subtle World, so that they may know how to enter it worthily. The division will be grasped afterwards when at least the first degree of Infinity shall have been comprehended.

Brotherhood (1937) - 481:
481. Those who blaspheme against that which exists hope that their evil projections will go unpunished; they attempt to advance on the path of evil and boastfully assert that no arrow of justice will overtake them. Can one place reliance upon that which has not yet been manifested? Their thought attempts to hold it back, for the reason finds examples of immunity to punishment. But let them remember how short-sighted is reason.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 153:
Urusvati heard the voice of the Great Pilgrim; how could such a voice belong to a mere leader of crowds? It was precisely the crowds that were the cause of His particular sufferings, shouting in praise of His Kingdom, and then hurrying to His crucifixion. Thus, in their way, they helped to fulfill the prophecies. It is impossible to imagine what karma awaited those crowds of madmen! People are now witnessing events that have burdened the lives of many generations. This is not a punishment, but the consequence of the madness of free will. When I advise restraint from unwise words and thoughts, by this very request I make you think about the future.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 186:
"It is foolish to assume that the gods have sent diseases as punishment, and it is wrong to think that the High Forces would afflict the innocent as well as the guilty with suffering. People themselves have generated infectious diseases through their intemperance and filth."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200:
"Beautiful symbols have been given to people but they treat them as superstition. They look at depictions of winged creatures and consider them to be fantasies. But does not each one of us soar? It does not matter whether the flights are made in the luminous or the dense body, they do take place, consciously or unconsciously. Sleep is a great gift of the gods, and opens the entrance into the Supermundane. Insomnia was always regarded as a punishment, because it deprived man of a natural communion. Friends, we must be grateful to the Higher Spirits, who allow us to have communion with Them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 242:
242. Urusvati knows that he who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind. But no one cares when this storm will take place and whom it will destroy. People speak about karma and limit it by their own criteria, but karma acts progressively. This storm will, indeed, affect many, and the punishment will fall upon the sower of the wind.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 242:
The progress of karma can be observed in historic events. We advise the study of biographies and histories, wherein one can observe how karma develops and falls upon people in order to restore balance. People generally regard karma as punishment, but the great law should not be limited in that way. The law acts in the name of equilibrium, and the damage done by the violation of balance cannot be judged by earthly measures. Only from higher planes can it be seen how a crime expands in its effect, once committed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 316:
Imagine a criminal who, having committed a crime, trembles in fear of punishment. But when the days pass and nothing happens he becomes bolder and decides that his crime was not so bad after all, and that perhaps it was justified by some higher law. Eventually the criminal grows impudent and scoffs at karma, calling it an invention of fools. At last, at a most unexpected moment the rebounding blow falls, and he blames karma for punishing him so unexpectedly at the prime of his life, when the punishment is particularly painful, forgetting that there are many factors involved in the timing of the karmic reaction.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 378:
378. Urusvati knows that the Law of Karma postulates the continuity of existence, or rebirth. Many would prefer the idea of complete annihilation to that of the spiral of karmic reactions. There is an ancient proverb, "Karma is an executioner who guards his victim." In other words, karma will not allow criminals to be destroyed and thus escape their punishment.


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