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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PROTECTORS (8)

Hierarchy (1931) - 234:
234. All nations knew about Guardian Angels and have preserved these traditions for millenniums. All Teachings knew about the mighty protectors of humanity who guided nations. Why, then, has our time denied the Highest Leaders? When has the world existed without Protectors? And how can humanity be affirmed by the concept of the absence of a Leader? The basic principles of Be-ness are intensified by the laws manifested by the Leaders; and the cosmic laws do not change, but grow with cosmic affirmation. Therefore, the Protectors of humanity and the almighty Goddess Fortuna create humanity's destiny. The realization of this great law can impel humanity toward the Chain of Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 235:
235. Hence, each spirit must understand the Hierarchy as Protectors of humanity. Thus evolution is built, and creativeness is fierily affirmed. Thus the law is affirmed; only thus is life suffused by the great might of unity. Thus is life created.

Heart (1932) - 38:
38. How necessary it is to learn to understand everything spiritual! We may expect nothing from the heart if our thoughts do not rejoice in the mention of everything spiritual. For we must attain the step where light emanates from our beings; then we are true co-workers with the higher worlds. Radiating the light of Bliss, we are at the same time physicians, creators, and protectors along the descending scale of Hierarchy. First we see the outer light, then that within ourselves, and only after the kindling of the "torch" can we radiate Light.

AUM (1936) - 137:
People cannot approach them in the earthly state, yet in the subtle body the best spirits have already approached such planets and brought back remembrances about their surface structure, coloration and inhabitants. Such experiences are rare, still they occur. They can reinforce the consciousness about infinite reality. In addition to the three invisible worlds it is necessary to recognize inhabited worlds. It is necessary to understand these oceans of thought which generate the music of the spheres. Thus let us diligently direct our thought to the distant friends and co-workers and Protectors. The thought that distant worlds are populated is not a supernatural fantasy. Man will firmly tread the earthly path when knowing about the surrounding magnitude.

Brotherhood (1937) - 593:
593. The peoples of Asia have preserved the memory of the Brotherhood; each in its own way, in its own tongue, with its own possibilities has preserved in the depths of its heart a dream about an actual Refuge. The heart will not relinquish its dream about the Community of salvation, but will remember amidst sorrows that somewhere beyond the mountain peaks dwell the Protectors of the peoples. The very thought about them purifies the thinking and fills one with vigor. Thus, let us honor those who do not relinquish their best treasure.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 167:
One might ask why these evil beings, while in the Subtle World, do not learn that their dark attempts are fruitless. The fact is that their protectors are vigilant! Remember the ancient legend about the demons who concealed the Light from the sight of the disciples with their wings, and know that in the lowest strata of the astral spheres such obscuring of Light is indeed possible. This happens on Earth as well. The persecutors of the Teachings of Light inflict harm consciously as well as unconsciously, and grow increasingly furious as, against their will, they are magnetically drawn to the Teaching.


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