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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PROTECTING (20)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.5:
Sometimes during vortices one can create one's own purifying wave. When a poisonous breath is about to touch one, it is best to exhale. Likewise, one can create by will power a protecting veil. During the Mystery rites the priestesses were so deeply enwrapped in an almost invisible bell that they ceased to hear and to see, as if the thread of existence had been severed. It was a kind of purification, in an atmosphere full of turmoil.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 130:
Also, one must understand another ability of the Arhat. One must know how to pass through certain periods of life unnoticeable to the eyes of others. Arrows of excessive attention destroy the purple protecting net. This phenomenon may soon become visible. We do not hesitate to offer the concept of the Arhat, until recently unknown to science, as something that can be proved by experiment. Thus can a bridge to the far-off worlds be built, and life will be discovered where only death had been anticipated.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 355:
355. What power is contained in the formulation of a thought! One's whole creativeness goes into a formulation of thought. One may assert that the striving to a conscious formulation of thought already impregnates the thought with life. Only the knowledge resulting from pure striving gives creativeness to thought. Hence, all shaggy thinking results in corresponding formations. These defects of the spirit are so prickly, and the protecting net suffers so greatly from these projected needles! Our co-workers must learn to think without needles.

Hierarchy (1931) - 111:
111. When all the cosmic forces are strained, there can be no retreat without destruction. When the Forces of Light are grouped around the Light and the black ones around darkness, there is no retreat. Therefore, if the workers wish to conquer, they must gather as a mighty force around the focus. Yes, yes, yes! If an ordinary physical form is kept together merely by the cohesion of its particles, how much more powerful is the force emanating from the Hierarch! Hence, those who wish to conquer must adhere closely to the protecting Shield, to Hierarchy - only thus can one conquer. Only thus, during this threatening time of reorganization, can one live through the manifestation of turmoil. Thus, let us remember!

Hierarchy (1931) - 124:
124. When various currents are gathering, measures should certainly be taken against them. Various currents are governed by counteractive measures. All hostile currents require bridling. Thus each arrow aimed at the Shield will be turned against the enemy. Thus the boomerang acts, and the currents of Our reactions will be powerful. Thus one must act, protecting all foundations and all the highest indications of the Hierarch. Verily, only thus can one attain.

Hierarchy (1931) - 139:
139. The thread binding the Teacher with his disciple is the most powerful current and provides an evident defense. How, then, can one manifest one's striving without the Teacher? Those faint-hearted ones who say they will go alone do not know the significance of the protecting net. Hence, the non-acceptance of the Chain of Hierarchy gives a result equivalent to destroying the principle of construction. Thus, only with a powerful Hierarchy can one be affirmed in construction.

Hierarchy (1931) - 190:
190. It is necessary to understand it literally when I say that a considerable number of sicknesses should be treated with psychic energy. Infection of the nerve substance will always be the primary cause of various diseases. In the infection of the nerve substance the Higher World unites with the lower; through a gap in the nerve substance any intruder can penetrate, beginning with obsession and ending with cancer. Yet the nerve substance can be protected only by psychic energy. This training of psychic energy will be the true prophylaxis of humanity. At least a pure thought can be applied, thereby protecting the entrances to the nerve spheres. Even such a simple measure will be useful. Also, psychic energy will be the best purification during the period of a hidden disease. But terrible is the decomposition of the nerve substance under the influence of drunkenness and all kinds of vices. Ponder upon the state of the subtle body, when the subtlest nerves assume the significance of a skeleton! Bones belong to Earth, nerves to the Subtle World, Light to the Spirit.

Hierarchy (1931) - 264:
The given emulsion has the same insulative quality, and it not only protects, but increases the circulation of the psychic energy. One may observe how harmlessly the emulsion alkalizes the skin, protecting it from accumulations. Thus, the emulsion externally and a powder internally will be the best armor. The lymph acquires a form of covering and even becomes beneficial. Thus, by simple means one can considerably protect oneself from undesirable surroundings.

Hierarchy (1931) - 309:
309. When the Forces of Light and darkness are fighting, the orbit of each camp is being established. That which nurtures the camp of Light will certainly be the center of tension, and the goal of Light will be the target for darkness. Therefore, when the Forces are in conflict, everything pertaining to the center should be guarded. The main Fire of Space will abide in the center, and the protecting net should be guarded. Thus, the orbit of Light engulfs darkness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 370:
370. One of the most harmful actions is the condemnation of Hierarchy for the consequences of our own mistakes. Except treason, nothing so definitely severs the link with the Hierarchy as does such ignorant condemnation. The protecting veil of Hierarchy minimizes in everything the consequences of harmful mistakes. But to reject Hierarchy means to bring upon oneself the entire torrent of consequences. One experienced sailor advised, "Never change ships during a storm." One may remember how people, having committed an error, often have tried to explain its consequences as a sacrifice to Hierarchy, not realizing that by this they have already condemned Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 397:
They will say, Why the pains of a Yogi? Certainly this is the burden of this world. Pains are unnecessary where the cosmic rhythm is not violated. Therefore it is beneficial for a Yogi to have a better attuned circle around him in order to give a certain form to the approaching cosmic waves. Therefore, when I speak of harmony, I do not have in mind only sensitiveness; I point out a useful construction. Hierarchy stands upon exact laws. We, who have realized them take upon Ourselves the responsibility of protecting this ladder of Light. One must repeat this untiringly in order that the structure of Hierarchy may be impressed as a design upon the brain.

Hierarchy (1931) - 446:
446. It is necessary to accept the one direction to that Heart where there is no refusal. The channel of the heart must be purified. Will it not be the protecting net of the planet, like the silver threads of destinies? One should not think of the heart as a blob of lower matter. If so, how to contact the Highest World?

Heart (1932) - 174:
174. The flaming pentagram is a shield in time of battle. In the midst of special tension man represents such a pentagram - the larynx burns as if aflame, the extremities of hands and feet are ablaze; thereby, like an unconquerable shield, he rises, protecting the manifested works. Of course, such a condition is especially dangerous in life, where so many petty betrayals occur. I advise silence in order not to ignite a number of centers, especially the heart. Such a self-sacrificing and flaming heart is an especial joy for the Highest World. Like torches, these hearts radiate above all the pressures of the world.

AUM (1936) - 264:
264. In the study of the history of faiths it is possible to observe how humanity has repeatedly grasped subtle conceptions only to forget and later cast aside that which had been cognized. One may see how in ancient times people grasped the law of reincarnation only to reject it again in a spasm of rage. The reason for this ecclesiastic denial is understandable - a caste was protecting its prerogatives, for the law of Existence threatened to equalize the rights of people.

Brotherhood (1937) - 387:
387. The sensation of a protecting hand can be extremely real. It is not a symbol, but a manifestation of the precious energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 36:
Calmness of action is the highest tension, like the flashing of lightning or the protecting sword. Calmness is not sleep or a tomb; in it are born creative ideas. Let us remember that Our Abode is permeated with calmness. This tension is invisible to people, for they do not recognize it. Innumerable experiences reveal that one can smile, one can labor, and one can accumulate energy in such calmness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 122:
122. Urusvati remembers how steadfastly We care about protecting the Beautiful. Foreseeing the events of Armageddon, We work to spread abroad Our suggestions about the best methods for preserving the world's treasures. We know that the forces of darkness will use all their efforts to prevent the fulfillment of Our urgent precautions. They understand very well that a work of art emits the most powerful emanations, and can serve as the best weapon against their attacks.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 123:
It may be asked, "Can the hierophants of evil approach Our Tower?" Indeed they can, although these approaches are very painful for them. Their fury gives them a strong impulse. At times We are obliged to use powerful discharges of energy to repulse the uninvited visitors. With such discharges We vanquish the enemies who try to approach Our Brothers. You can remember special currents that you sensed during the night. These currents are salutary and protective. Striving to Us will intensify them. Other influences may cause tears in the protective net, but Our currents do not delay in protecting you.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 135:
Amidst the most grievous struggles, remember the Beautiful. It can be a panacea for the heart of the toiler. Know that this Advice is given not only to you; in Our Abode it is also applied. Everyone has his dangers and sorrows, but it is a joy to know that there is the one protecting remedy for all.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 348:
348. Urusvati knows the different ways in which people react to manifestations of the Subtle World. These manifestations often evoke shock and even terror. If people are constantly surrounded by inhabitants of the Subtle World, why is it that seeing them produces such extreme reactions? One should remember that although such subtle manifestations sometimes cause shocks, people can only react to what they actually see, and unaware that they are surrounded by inhabitants of the Subtle World, they show a pronounced fear of contact with these so-called ghosts. But such contacts are unavoidable, and We have ways of protecting people from truly unbearable experiences.


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