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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PROTECT (99)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 95:
95. I have called you for a great task. The Teacher has entrusted its success unto you. The strength needed to follow Me is bestowed upon you. Arrows, shields, swords have you received, and with My Helmet shall I protect your head. Fight in My Name, may love dwell with you. The promise will be fulfilled in due time. Keep the flame alight - I teach.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 125:
Again you have forgotten the Heavenly combat! None go to school during an assault by the enemies. Times are more complex than you can realize. Never was hatred more rampant. But the hour has struck! The hostile forces strive to defy destiny. The doomed ones persecute Our chosen ones, and We must protect them. Fate can be lightened and the battle brought the sooner to its end.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 175:
175. Be on your guard. Let naught impure enter My Dwelling. I will assail with lightning those who betray My Plan. I will strike terror upon those reckless ones. My Shield shall protect those who teach. We will manifest wonders to those who render homage. We will send blessings to the guardians of My Sign. I will send you My Word. Carry it to the disciples. I am with you!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 224:
If your boat is sound, you will reach the shore. Your sail is spread and the rudder is tested. My Shield will protect you on the field of battle. Be ready to fight. By pure thoughts will you conquer.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 227:
I place upon your heads the fitting crowns. And in silence I prepare you for battle. Rejoice, the courageous one chooses the right path. I can protect the faithful ones.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 234:
234. In your life you may pass by the predestined places without heeding the calls. By one gesture can We remove obstacles, and help. But Our gestures will not erase Karma. Our Shield will protect you against the assaults of the dark forces. But the settlement of old accounts is unavoidable. The Hand of Fate leads towards the Good.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 243:
243. Have no doubt, no regret, no fear - the future is ahead of you! Four guardians, protect the Chalice of the Archangel! With new wisdom is filled the Ark manifested unto you. To the mouth of time did I give the command to bring you onto My Path. Under an earthly veil did I conceal your true faces. I filled you with the joy of ascent. And I unveiled the memory of the forgotten scroll. I enhanced your perception and opened to you the books. Approach and receive.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 303:
303. The Word of the Teacher unlocks the bolt. Lay your heart upon the threshold of the morning ray and I will shield you, Open your eyes, face the tide, and I will protect you. I rejoice in guarding the treasure.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 350:
350. People have been taught about the heroes of antiquity. At this change of races, should not achievement shine forth anew? The Shield of Our Brotherhood is ready to protect the search for light. Your best endeavors are nurtured by Us like seeds. Blessed are the paths of beauty; The thirst of the world must be quenched. The miracle of New Life is obscured by tatters, yet it lives. Fear not the scum of life; When the pot is boiling, the scum swirls to the top. On the path of podvig there can be no fear, Yet the fire of the heart illumines the way of truth. The truth of Eternity is in beauty of the spirit. The spirit knows where beauty is.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.20:
The spirit imbues the aura with radiation, but the network makes it compact. By the realization of the defensive net one can protect the radiations; but it is impossible to stretch the network without Teros, the ray of which, like a lantern, must find the break. Hence, there can follow the non-coordination of contact with the outer world. This simple condition must be especially assimilated, because the network is regulated by the usual consciousness and the command of the will.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.6:
3.3.6. Regard nothing as belonging to you; the easier for you not to damage things. Think how best to adorn each place; the surer will you protect yourself from rubbish. Consider how much better than the old must each new thing be; by this will you affirm the ladder of ascent. Think how beautiful is the morrow; thus will you learn to look forward. Think how cruel is the condition of animals; thus will you start to pity the lower. Reflect how small is the Earth; thus you will improve your understanding of relationships. Think how beautiful is the sun hiding behind the Earth's sphere; thus will you restrain yourself from irritation. Think how white are the doves in the sun's ray; thus will you strengthen your hope. Think how blue is the sky; thus will you approach eternity. Think how black is darkness; thus will you guard yourself against the cold of retreat. Think courageously about the Images of the Great Ones; thus will you follow the line of unity. Think what happiness it is to walk upon the crust of the planet, imbuing it with the consciousness of the spirit. Think what happiness it is to walk under the rays of constellations, being a focal point of rays millenniums of years old. Think about Our Hand, which guides vigilantly; thus will you prolong the thread of life.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.6:
The embryo of proprietorship is also fear, the feeling that one must be attached to the Earth at least by something! As if a miserable hovel could be an adequate anchor for the spirit! As if a heap of personal belongings could protect one from the lightning! Periodically the injurious playthings of ownership have been taken away from humanity. But again fear, the father of lies, spins his cobweb and again terrors are concocted. Therefore, let us abolish fear. With it will depart property ownership and boredom.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19:
Beware of them! Chiefly, protect the children. They are the cause of many children's ailments. They find access into the schools. For them historical fact and the law of knowledge are non-existent. Upon encountering sickly children inquire about the quality of their teachers.

New Era Community (1926) - 116:
116. Shield children from everything false; guard them against worthless music; protect them from obscenity; protect them from false competitions; protect them from affirmation of selfhood. The more so, since it is necessary to inculcate a love for incessant learning. The muscles must not gain the upper hand over mind and heart. What sort of heart takes a liking to blows of the fist?

New Era Community (1926) - 181:
Reflect on what a problem it would be for statistics to compare the success of opportune decision with the failure of tardiness. Obviously, instructive results would be obtained, and the ignorance of tardiness would be regretted. True, very many people live like pigs, devouring precious blossoms. One cannot but protect space against their thoughtless ignorance. If they could catch a glimpse into space, disfigured by them they would themselves say "Prohibit this defilement!"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 22:
When We speak of the need for fortifying the apparatus of thought, We are warning against the unbridled assault of the elemental forces. Certain periods of planetary existence are subject to assaults of the elements. The one resistance to them is a consistent striving of people toward a renewal of life. This saturation of thought will permit concentration on the Teaching and, like a smiting sword, will cleave the clouds of unapprehended chaos. Thought can protect against the elemental forces, otherwise the balance would be so greatly disturbed that cosmic catastrophes would ensue. Would a year of famine, of drought, of disease not be the result of mass degeneration of thought? One man's thoughts are not enough to resist the elements. A new trend in consciousness cannot yet give the needed form to conscious thought. Only complete realization and responsibility will make it possible to inject power into thought. Otherwise there will be tension without realization, like sails taut in the fury of the whirlwind.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 121:
The Teacher can point out the most necessary channel of action. The Teacher can protect to a certain degree, but the shadow-dance of the past will continue its round. One should concentrate one's thought on finding the right attitude toward these demons. When you see a doorkeeper you do not concern yourself greatly about his mentality. Also, when you meet a condemned criminal you do not discuss cosmogony with him. While on Earth, one must often polish one's treasures, and on this path many demons are encountered. We can recall many encounters with frightful entities during Our past lives. The elements are closely involved in one's earthly attainment. The elements stand guard on both sides. The battle of fire with earth will have its resultant phenomena, and untimely manifestations should be expected. Earth is the guardian of old ways of thinking, but fire is the rebellious outburst of evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 164:
"But, you who claim to be creator of the desert and lord of the cold, you caused your own thirst and shuddered from the cold of your own heart. My spring of pure water remained unnoticed and you did not turn to regard My flowers. You encumbered your way with selfishness and found time only to protect your precious feet from the thorns that you yourself grew. My help therefore took flight like a startled bird. My messenger returns in haste, and white Lobnor bays mournfully. My help is rejected."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 192:
Explain the meaning of the tests by cold and hunger, and all other measures. An ignorant person will be puzzled about how to overcome feelings of cold or hunger. The one who understands the essence of things knows that these sensations cannot be made to disappear, but the spirit can be strengthened so that nothing will unsettle it. A hungry one will find means to satisfy his hunger if his spirit has not descended to an animal condition. A cold one can warm himself as long as his spirit understands why he must protect himself. Without this, there will be only an animal-like irritation, confusion of consciousness, and downfall.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 220:
How can one be cured of these fiery illnesses? The inner fires must be utilized as a useful, psychically active force. How can one cure the pains in the spine that are caused by the awakening of Kundalini? He who knows will welcome the pains and relieve them by rubbing in mint. How can we stop the burning of the third eye when it begins to function? Is it not wiser to help its development by shielding it from the sun? Long ago people knotted their hair on the crowns of their heads in order to protect this channel. Can one stop the movement of the solar plexus when it begins to rotate? Any forcing of the solar serpent can result in injury to the brain. Equally dangerous is any interruption of the functioning of the center of the Chalice. Of course, any poisoning by narcotics, such as opium, will stop the movement of the centers; but then, decapitation would be even simpler!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 300:
Thus do I wish to strengthen those who have realized the urgency of the Teaching of Agni Yoga. One should not delay until the time when the torrent drives the crowd in search of salvation. This would only be knowledge gained under threat and terror, and such knowledge is of no value. It is necessary to know those who are guided by a free consciousness. Only those who know the purpose of a battle can participate in it. Slaves driven by force are not needed. I consider it right to protect sincere striving rather than to search for the fragments of a broken vessel.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 372:
372. It is important to understand the interplanetary battles. One cannot describe in any other way the clash between sick and healthy atmospheres. The currents mentioned yesterday protect the planet against poisonous emanations. The human consciousness in its present state adds greatly to these destructive conditions. The extent of the danger of these emanations cannot be imagined. Only through mastery over the Fire of Space is relief possible. But this Fire must be brought into life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 442:
442. Certainly, the wisest course is to partake of food only when the body has need of it. Also, food taken just twice daily is sufficient. But in view of the circumstances of present-day life, this is difficult to follow. Therefore the stomach can be given its work at specified times. The most harmful is consumption of food at any time with no real need. An orderly life is not something shameful, for one must carefully protect the apparatus built through the ages.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 479:
479. L. is important for the deposits of psychic energy, because the essence of L. helps to preserve its crystals. The substance of L. also shields the nerve centers, where the psychic energy is deposited. The priestesses of old used to wear plates made of L., covered with wax, to protect their centers of the Chalice. These protective plates of L. will be a panacea to humanity. I spoke long ago about L.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 486:
However, psychic energy does not depend on metals; in its nature it is closer to light. Metals are conductors of psychic energy. Metals do affect psychic energy; they do not accumulate it, but act to regulate and protect it.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 495:
It is customary to think that cancer is hereditary. Of course it must be accepted that a poisoned organism gives birth to a similarly poisoned one. One should protect children immediately, for among them there are already many special ones.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 549:
549. It is correct to define the Kundalini as an abstract principle. When the conditions of earthly life were crude, it was necessary to direct the spirit to higher spheres. At first, the symbol of the Eye of Brahma held priority; then it was followed by the triumph of the Kundalini. But with either, the attainment of Samadhi by some did not protect humanity from the horrors of slavery and treason.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 623:
623. A disciple aspiring to become an Agni Yogi must sense the full power of the flame of love for his Teacher. A disciple desiring to help in the building of the Teacher's works must safeguard the Advice of the Teacher. A disciple desiring to safeguard the Advice of the Teacher must protect His utterances as pearls.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 4:
The mastery over unconscious thoughts will provide the understanding of the dimensions of Infinity. Limitless is the stream of thought! Verily, I say, the possibilities flowing from the streams of luminaries are endless. The luminaries in the invisible and visible spheres battle for the affirmation of Truth. Rays can heal; rays can create; rays can protect like a shield; rays can manifest the flame of the Chalice.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 255:
255. The condition of our planet is determined by human deeds. The manifestation of Spatial Fire creates spheres around the planet which protect it from suffocation. The fiery attraction is so powerful that it can be likened to a magnetic manifestation. Thus, when the forces of Cosmos drive toward a shifting, saturation of the space proceeds by the assertion of the Magnet. The planet is unable to separate itself from the Cosmic Magnet, and the chain of strivings toward the construction of evolution inseverably links all worlds. Thus, all actions of cosmic forces create in powerful cosmic coordination, and all worlds serve the law of unity. Therefore, humanity must include itself in this law!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 300:
300. The centers are strained into opening under the creativeness of the solar rays. In this stage of the experiment the solar plexus corresponds in rotation with the sun; therefore, each rotation of the solar plexus establishes a link with the Cosmic Magnet. This is one of the important confirmations of the experiment of Agni Yogi; therefore, it is most essential to protect the solar plexus from tension after sunset.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 424:
424. When Space thunders with the shifting, one must protect well those centers which respond. When the creativeness of Cosmos gathers the higher tensions, one must battle for the affirmation of Light. There is mutual intensification between humanity and the beauty of Cosmos, and only thus can one affirm a cosmically united power. Such striving has constructiveness in it. The creativeness of thought has continuous inner blending, and the spirit of a cosmic creator knows the thought of Cosmic Reason. Thus, a sensitive Agni Yogi knows the flow of evolution, and each spatial thought finds corroboration. Each thought manifested by the fire of a creator imbues consciousness. Thus, We create the shifting of the spirit and affirm an enlightened cognizance.

Hierarchy (1931) - 103:
103. Controversies are the carpet of the father of lies. The one who treads on it cannot see a man without maligning. The controversies in science usually stand upon the same carpet. It is amazing to what an extent people fill themselves with interpretations in which they do not believe. The contemporary churches are the best example of why the highest manifestation does not alter life. Therefore, let us protect the all-embracing heart.

Hierarchy (1931) - 166:
166. Verily, humanity is a link between the worlds. One should be used to that thought and try to apply it in life. It is strange that physicians do not avail themselves of the opportunity of becoming carriers of health, applying the knowledge of nerve centers, because precisely these centers are the spiritual antennae and magnets. Even a physical magnet is placed in a special vicinity in order that it may not lose its strength,. Do not the nerve centers deserve similar attention? And must not people especially protect the representatives of the next race? The bridge between the shores is especially protected. One may demand of man, "Friend, do not evoke earthquakes."

Hierarchy (1931) - 264:
The given emulsion has the same insulative quality, and it not only protects, but increases the circulation of the psychic energy. One may observe how harmlessly the emulsion alkalizes the skin, protecting it from accumulations. Thus, the emulsion externally and a powder internally will be the best armor. The lymph acquires a form of covering and even becomes beneficial. Thus, by simple means one can considerably protect oneself from undesirable surroundings.

Hierarchy (1931) - 313:
313. When the spirit is filled with striving, there is no place for indifference. When the spirit is aflame, there is no place for indifference. This quality provides immunity to indifference. Only when the spirit tends to egoism can its death occur. Therefore, one should flamingly protect the spirit from indifference when the evil generated by neglected striving will nestle, whence this evil will inflict a blow that will bear fruit. It is difficult to detect the root of evil generated by indifference. Only in endless vigilant striving can one find protection for construction. Hence, while constructing great works, one must understand that egoism and indifference are inadmissible.

Hierarchy (1931) - 362:
362. People are often more perturbed by thunder than by lightning. Likewise with events - people are more troubled by the reverberation than by the essence. One could say that there is no need to be terrified by thunder if the lightning has not struck! Only a novice fears the thunder of cannons and does not hear the flight of a bullet. Psychic energy reacts to the lightning. It can be seen how the natural capacities of the organism protect one from perilous conflagration. Thus psychic energy sometimes induces artificial swellings in order to divert a dangerous conflagration from an adjacent center. It is a very rare manifestation when, under one's eyes, the Yogi's extremities swell and the tissues as quickly contract to their former size. You witnessed such a manifestation when the center of the larynx was threatened by conflagration. In spite of the danger the psychic energy speedily mastered the fire.

Hierarchy (1931) - 413:
We protect only those upon the right path. When someone wavers in darkness, he falls out of the area of the Ray.

Hierarchy (1931) - 418:
418. Diseases are divided as sacred, karmic, and those that are admitted. The first two concepts are easily understood, but precisely in the book Hierarchy one should mention the admitted ones. Who or what permits these diseases? Certainly ignorance and the horror of non-realization. It is not enough not to think about them. Children likewise do not think of them, yet become infected. One should protect oneself in consciousness and create an invulnerable armor of nerve emanations. Even severe epidemics cannot develop if people master their consciousness. An experiment with the substance of psychic energy would indicate what powerful antiseptics people carry within themselves. For this, two conditions are necessary the first - realization of psychic energy; the second - realization of Hierarchy as the sole path for the increase of psychic energy. One should not look upon Hierarchy as something abstract. One should realize firmly that it is the most powerful life-giver. We call it the primary remedy. But even a pill must be swallowed and an ointment applied. There is no effect from a remedy that is in a trunk. Likewise, the Benefaction of Hierarchy must be taken by striving. Thus, an irrevocable striving will afford a healing result.

Heart (1932) - 56:
56. A wise host does not light all fires without special purpose. Thus, in ancient legends there is mentioned the mountain surrounded by flame, but it is not stated anywhere that the fire burnt continuously; it rose according to the need. Thus also your fires glow according to necessity - the Eye of Brahma, or the wings, or the rays from the larynx, or the other principal twenty-one fires - it is necessary to permit them to be kindled according to their natures. It is necessary to point out that the fires act according to their power of contact with the Hierarchy. Conflagration or unbridled burning is not permissible. In the Great Service, care and caution are the first principles of the highest cooperation. We protect each particle of the energy of the Elohim and each Uruci, from the Fire of Space. This accountability is demanded especially during the time of the battle's tension.

Heart (1932) - 169:
This aspect of life ought and must be investigated with a scientific purpose. Of course, it is difficult to conquer obsession, especially because after obsession the gates remain open to visitors for a long time. Very intense observation is needed to protect the one who has admitted an obsessor through irritation, which opens wide the door. The heart is the best protection against obsession, but one must watch that the heart should not fall asleep.

Heart (1932) - 231:
231. Likewise, the roots of a tree may sometimes be more secure than the foundations of a house. When the floor begins to shake, would it not be safer to catch at the branch of a tree? The time is so difficult that one may find the branch of a tree more secure than the stones of a floor. Even a small window may serve better than a door. Amidst the shakings of the earth, the flexible and living branch will not break; hence, study the nature of things. It is unwise not to utilize that which grows beside the window. Only a madman needlessly uproots that which he himself cannot plant. Similarly, only the creatures of falsehood try to encircle the path so as to force the traveler to deviate. But upon the branches of life one can leave the signs of the true path. Thus, let us safeguard each branch near a window. When needed, let the leaves of the garden protect our work and safeguard us from the gale - this means that the gale is raging.

Heart (1932) - 420:
420. The fiery armor can be felt, rarely, just as can the rays of the wings of achievement. By this one can realize how this armor can protect one, although, like each fiery manifestation, it demands unusual caution. The Mother of Agni Yoga knows that such an armor is not all easy, for earthly conditions are too remote from the high fiery manifestations. But when fiery actions occur, the fiery armor makes its presence felt. Of course, if the heart is already accustomed to the fiery manifestations, one can participate in fiery battles.

Heart (1932) - 445:
445. Powerful volcanoes awaken; the fire seeks an exit. People know of it, but do not renounce a single habit. Likewise, it is difficult for them to transfer the consciousness to the heart. One should protect oneself against all poisons by the best armor. So, also, people do not foresee national events, but the sequel is inevitably propelled. The battle is not easy; one must gather in one's heart all courage. Only thus will you keep pace with Us.

Heart (1932) - 453:
453. Verily, nothing is duplicated in the Universe. But the heart of man still remains most individual. And who can measure this abyss? And who will undertake the task of explaining and reiterating to all peoples about the heart? Not lawyers, nor physicians, nor warriors, nor priests, but the Sisters of the Great Mountain will undertake the solemn duty of laying a hand upon the aching heart, designating with the other hand unlimited Benefaction. Who, then, will know how to understand the solemnity of love, which unites the silver thread with the citadel of the Highest Heart? Therefore We send the Sisters to an achievement of the heart. It is impossible to manifest the infinitude of the Highest Heart in accordance with the comprehension of an unawakened consciousness. But you must already be successful in the assimilation of solemnity. You must build up solicitude not to dishonor solemnity by anything petty and lacking in co-measurement. In this way shall the Sisters of the Mountain progress in service. Thus, they will protect the hearts of people from infamy and the stench that is engendered by darkness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 149:
149. When the photographing of auras shall be instituted, it will be possible to see a significant phenomenon. The aura in complete repose will be equal in intensity to the aura in great shock. But on the other hand the waves of the intermediate reactions recall the shaking of a dusty sack. That is why I so protect you from petty waverings and discords. One can picture the gray spots of dissension which, like a canopy, conceal the light of possibilities.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 176:
176. Before you is the tension of the synthetic center of the throat; one must understand how many different tensions must be united in order to strike upon the center of synthesis. One must deal very attentively with this tension, for it reflects upon the heart. During such a condition one should protect the throat ligaments, at least externally, and not strain them by talking.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 272:
272. Each receptivity is already an acceptance of Fire. Tension of energy is the transformation of an undifferentiated element into active vibrations. True receptivity is always positive, because the fiery energy then acts directly. Each unlawful deviation and destruction arouses the so-called black fire. It has a peculiar analogy to venous blood. Phlebotomy had its reason. The black fire could be discharged by it. Fortunately the luminous Fire does not call for such coarse measures. The more naturally the Fire is kindled, the more beneficial it is. Hence the conclusion that the fire of love is the most perfect. You wish to protect the Hierarch, and you do so not from fear, not for gain, but from love. The substitution of fear or covetousness for love results in black fire. The result is the same in the case of any other unworthy substitutions. Every fire is magnetic; therefore one should so cautiously avoid the magnetism of the black fire. It does not transmute the particles of dense emanations, but acts just reversely, thus encumbering space. This can be especially harmful in the case of blood relationships when the dense unconsumed particles are so easily attracted and can overstrain already weakened organs. Thus, it is impractical to kindle the black fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 337:
337. Why do the Fiery Beings seldom appear to Earth-dwellers? For this also there is a scientific explanation. The Sublime One said, "Touch me not." Thus simply was pronounced the essence of relation between the Fiery World and the earthly one. To the earthly senses the Fiery World is like a powerful dynamo. The earthly body is consumed by contact with a Fiery Being; proximity alone is enough to stop the heart of the incarnate one. A lighted torch should not be brought into an inflammable dwelling. Even the most mundane physician knows how much electric force a human heart can withstand, and the intensity of common electricity is not to be compared with that of the fiery forces. The manifestation of Fohat itself may not always be visible. How rarely, then, can the Radiant Guests appear! Being undisciplined, people either become terrified or try to touch, and thus are consumed. Let us not forget that fear can burn away the heart. Even in white magic, during positive invocations, the invoker encloses himself in a circle in order to protect himself from the fiery currents. Of course, the heart that recognizes Fire can gradually assimilate it.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 338:
338. It is difficult to turn from Earth to the Fiery World. But it is equally difficult to approach the earthly spheres from the Subtle World. Such plunges may be compared to the work of divers. As the diver must wear a heavy diver's suit in order to resist the pressure of the ocean, so he who approaches Earth must also sheathe himself in a dense body. The state of the newborn babe is wisely designed, because it can thus gradually assume the burdens of Earth. More than one period of seven years is necessary to master earthly existence. Therefore one should carefully protect the children.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 456:
456. Walking on water or sitting upon water, like walking on fire, are remarkable proofs of thought-power. Let us recall, for example, how sitting upon water is achieved. True, the body has to be purified by a strict vegetable diet and a transport of the spirit. But in addition one should know how to swim and to float upon the water, in order the better to protect oneself from the serpent of doubt. Selecting some shallow, quiet waters, the yogi prepares a light wooden support on which he sits, so constructed that the water reaches to his waist. Then he concentrates by means of the rhythm of pranayama and lifts his thought toward the supremely Ineffable. Thus, several days can be spent, alternately resting and again drawing near to the spiritual exaltation. And when the thought frees itself from earthly attraction the human body loses its weight. Thus the yogi rises upon the water and the wooden support floats away. But should the thought remain at the original level the position of the body will remain unchanged, In addition one may notice luminous emanations of the body, which, according to an ancient saying link man to heaven. The only deciding factor in these experiments is the quality of thought. It is impossible for an impious man to sit upon the water, just as immunity from fire cannot be attained without a certain rhythm and exaltation. Who can determine how much time is required for a preliminary discipline of body and spirit sufficient to attain such an apotheosis of thought? It should be said that the degrees of patience, perseverance, and extermination vary infinitely, and, besides, certain influences of cosmic conditions are also very necessary. Nor should one laugh on hearing that the conditions are more favorable around full moon.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 518:
518. Healing through the currents of space is especially effective for the nerve centers. Therefore I advise that the organism be guarded from organic injury. The nerve centers, like fiery vessels, will readily accept the transmissions of Agni. But one should not obstruct such reactions, especially by irritation; like a shield of death it blocks all channels. You already know how I have warned of the fatal danger of irritation in life. Such embittered outcries are borne across the ocean, and he who is more magnanimous must realize this responsibility. Precisely, magnanimity will protect from irritation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 560:
560. It must be remembered that Great Service brings one closer to cognition of the Great Goal. Comprehend it in its entire scope, to the best of your ability, in complete tension of the spirit. Beautiful is such tension when invisible co-workers gather around it. They strengthen the armor, protect from arrows, and illumine the path. Man can advance as if winged; he has gained numberless co-workers, and they are obedient to Hierarchy. Thus, above all physical considerations, let us at times lift our spirit toward the loftiest strongholds. This must be affirmed as the shield of the Great Service.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 621:
621. It is a natural desire to want to know how the transitions into different spheres are accomplished. It is not difficult to understand that purified Agni is the decisive factor. If we gradually fill a balloon with combustible gas, it will begin to rise proportionately. If a balloon cannot retain the gas it will descend. This is a crude example of the principle governing transition into the various spheres of the Subtle World. The subtle entity can ascend by itself if its fiery seed is appropriately filled. Fire - the transmuter - helps to assimilate the new and higher conditions. Agni facilitates the understanding of the language of each sphere, because the intercourse of beings becomes more refined as the ascent is made. Of course, the high Guidance does not forsake the striving ones, but for assimilation of Guidance devotion is needed. Thus, a being can ascend the ladder - there is no other symbol which can more accurately define the ascent of the spirit. If a being is detained on one step, the cause is apparent in the aura. So many travelers quite unexpectedly find themselves a few steps lower! The usual reason for such retrogression is some earthly remembrance which engenders cravings. The Guide considers a store of patience indispensable to protect those who stumble. But one should not draw too frequently upon this precious energy. The being who can discover the cause by himself will actually ascend more quickly. Truly, ascent is accompanied by the joy of new companions, and finally the earthly asp of envy falls away, and thought-creativeness is no longer impeded by the currents of malice. But one should prepare even now for mobility of consciousness. A torpid consciousness obstructs the striving of Agni. Thus, let us envision perfectly clearly the ladder of ascent.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 652:
652. Self-perfectment is the most difficult achievement. People inject into this process so many inconsistencies that the manifestation of true self-perfectment is obscured. Self-perfectment is simplified primarily when Hierarchy is accepted. Everyone should realize that the perfecting of the consciousness in itself contains all other aspects of improvement, but one cannot accept the mechanical betterment of the details of daily life as perfectment. One may be able to forge the most deadly blade or discover the most fatal poison, but it is impossible to consider such intellectual craftiness as worthy improvement. Nevertheless, to understand the idea of the Higher Worlds, it is necessary to determine what self-perfectment is. We can come to a decision as to what beautiful achievements are when we ourselves realize for what they must be accomplished. There will be not even a thought about achievement if we have no conception of the desirability of improvement of life. Affirmation of the physical world alone cannot advance the true development of consciousness. Take the history of humanity. Observe how brief were the periods of materialism; they invariably ended in bloody convulsions. Indeed, the trend of thought became rebellious, and the correct path having been lost, crimes multiplied. Self-perfectment is possible only through refinement of consciousness by its seeking to surround itself with worthy manifestations. Thus can consciousness protect us from small and shameful thoughts. Consciousness leads to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 13:
13. One should observe not only Ours but also the Black Brotherhood. It is erroneous to minimize the strength of the dark forces. Very often their victory is due to such neglect. People very often say, "They are not worth thinking about." But one ought to think about everything existing. If people justifiably protect themselves against thieves and murderers, so much the more should they guard against the assassins of the spirit. One should appraise their strength in order to better withstand them. Ur. fearlessly visited the dark ones. She saw many of different grades, and in her valor she addressed them. Verily, there exists such a degree of courage that even the power of darkness is silenced. True, it is impossible to ever convince the dark ones, but one may paralyze them and considerably weaken them. Therefore, it is so important to oppose darkness actively. Out of dead dust - only dust is born. For the sake of home cleanliness various brooms are used. And when one finds a scorpion in the house, then it is immediately removed.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 36:
36. After a new cataclysm humanity will enter upon the path of cooperation. but one may imagine what two hostile neighbors must outlive in order to think about mutual benefit. The oppression of one has been the rejoicing of the other. It means that they both must suffer. The devices of the dark forces will help the especially cunning ones to protect themselves. The manifestation of justice is very difficult, if the motives are not taken into consideration,.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 111:
111. One can draw slight comparison between the Fiery World and the earthly. During the rare manifestations of the Beings of the Fiery World, they take all measures not to violate earthly equilibrium, and the earthly people, for their part, at the approach of such Beings take measures to protect the heart. But with all protective measures, the heart often cannot endure the fiery tension - thus the higher measures from above and below cannot join these Worlds. The rarest cases of communion can be attributed to old karma, when during earthly lives lengthy cooperations for good took place. Such cooperations are useful for eternity. The establishing of an association consolidates collaboration. When our gaze is directed into the future, each benevolent cooperation constitutes a wise action.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 119:
119. Know how to make use of each action around you, in order to make light in the darkness. Who, then, will not awaken when abominable roarings violate the equilibrium of the planet? One should remember whence the darkness comes creeping. At first the appearance of bandits calls forth a shout, but then man moves to protect his labor and everything beautiful connected with it. The dead remain silent, but even silence can store up energy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 143:
So tense are the times, that I will issue an Indication - Let each offender blame himself, as We will not protect him. There are enough complications. We must justly measure out energy. Let each one ask his own heart - Where is the boundary of offense? It is inadmissible to misuse forces in mutual injuries.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 149:
149. Forgetful about everything, man forgets his own destiny. Not without foundation is the legend mentioning the animal state. Many examples have been given to man in order to warn him in good time, but never before have there been so many animal-like people. And the external covering merely reveals the inner ulcer. The Teaching calls upon people to help themselves and to respect their own nature. But the deepest, darkest ulcer is considered fitting for those who trust Satan. It is difficult to imagine how many people are addicted to Satanic rituals! Entire schools are busy spreading such harmful principles. Much already has been told to you about terrors, but when I see new transgressions, I cannot but warn you once more. Be not surprised at dizziness and headaches; each particle of your energy is tensed and on guard, for it is necessary to protect you from many projectiles. Unprecedented necromancy is being applied by the dark ones, in order to summon the very lowest spirits; for they are indifferent to consequences, they wish to be strengthened for just one hour. But a counterblow is naturally drawing near.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 468:
468. The expenditure of psychic force takes place voluntarily and involuntarily. Lofty spirits continue the sowing of good unceasingly. In this it must not be forgotten that the refined consciousness cannot avoid a certain weariness. Such fatigue is very diversely expressed, but usually it falls on the physical organs, which are far more subject to illness. Therefore We counsel a wise caution. It is difficult to stop the flow of psychic forces, but it is always useful to protect one's physical forces. One should not interrupt the current of Good, but each caution will be but a strengthening of this beneficient stream. The fiery path especially must be guarded by a wise circumspectness. We have already considered many fiery qualities, but no fewer still remain. Only the unwise will look into the succeeding book without assimilating the preceding ones.

AUM (1936) - 283:
283. Evil should be opposed, as a manifestation of chaos. Entire countries protect themselves against the ocean, which would otherwise inundate them forever. The unified labors of the whole nation construct imposing ramparts of protection. So, too, chaos can engulf the entire wealth of a people. It should be understood that the waves of chaos are penetrating the consciousness of mankind. Evolution is the antipode of chaos. Let us not be deaf to the rumblings of chaos!

AUM (1936) - 598:
Protect the co-workers sailing in the same boat, some of them are unaccustomed to distant sailing. Of course, all have not passed the same dates. Whoever has succeeded better also knows magnanimity. He is already experienced in patience, without which no quest is successful.

Brotherhood (1937) - 55:
The magnet of thought brings in most precious particles of psychic energy. One must grow to love it. One must recognize its constant presence. Such thinking is by no means easy. A great deal of patience must be found in order to protect it under the attack of all the unbridled currents of space.

Brotherhood (1937) - 56:
56. Patience, patience, patience - let this not be an empty sound, let it protect one on all paths. When it seems that all forces have been exhausted, such an illusion is most dangerous. The forces are inexhaustible, but people themselves try to cut short their flow.

Brotherhood (1937) - 411:
411. Be very cautious, for the currents are not natural. The sharp changes not only of temperature but also of chemism itself cannot be ordinary ones. There are such confusions throughout the world that it is more necessary to protect oneself, otherwise there can be derangement of the centers. Chemism can act as a poison. The manifestation of disorganization of interplanetary currents is too little studied. The air is considered to be as usual, just as are water and fire. But, then, do not these manifestations differ each instant?

Brotherhood (1937) - 533:
533. The ability not to coerce another's will is one of the most difficult tests. Compulsion does not produce a good harvest, and yet it is necessary to guide and protect on dangerous paths. A great deal of experienced and solicitous guidance must be exercised.

Brotherhood (1937) - 581:
581. In the vast mountain region it is not easy to seek out the Abode of the Brotherhood. It is hard to picture the entire complexity of the massed mountains. You already know about the special protective measures. If there exist signs marking off the boundary lines, who will understand these marks? Even if there exists a description of the path, who will discover the indications in the complicated symbols? Yet even a thoughtless person will understand the reason for such cautiousness. In ordinary life people know how to protect a beloved man. Where there is heart and feeling the means will be found.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 4:
We are often reproached about why at times We interrupt Our sendings of thought. Our earthly friends do not realize that during such intervals We guard not Ourselves, but them. We know how to sense spatial tension and protect Our friends who are in an earthly state.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 20:
We try to modify the psychology of distant crowds in order to protect Our scientific investigations. Archimedes protected his formulas from visible barbarians, but how much more difficult it is to guard scientific treasures against invisible, violent destroyers! And it is not only destroyers and enemies who threaten, but also sympathizers who create discordant conditions. We are ready to beseech them not to destroy Our formulas. There are many such transgressions, but at the root lies doubt in all its forms.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 26:
Some light-minded people think that a ritual utterance of the Highest Names will protect them immediately from dark assaults. However, it is not ritual but the pure fire of the heart that creates a firm shield.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 31:
You have read how oppressive the aura of some landholders was for Our Brother. Of course, He had the ability to repel them with one discharge of His energy, but such murder was not part of His task. Thus, in many cases, We must co-measure in directing the Ray for the highest benefit. Such co-measurement will define the purpose of Our Brotherhood. To hold back the onslaught of darkness, to protect those who have exhausted their strength, and to apply all possible remedies for the General Good will be the fulfillment of Our Statutes.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 42:
The heart's feeling is sensed not in the words themselves but in their sound. There can be no irritation in harmony. Malice cannot exist where the spirit ascends. It is not by chance that in antiquity the epic scriptures were sung, not only to facilitate memorizing but also for inspiration. Likewise, it is rhythm and harmony that protect us against fatigue.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 49:
It is impermissible to even hint at the importance of these medicinal plants or rumors will spread, and the danger of invasion will arise. It is easy for Us to protect Ourselves from raids, but more difficult to avoid attracting the attention of the local people. They preserve many traditions and are ready to apply them to real life. Their imagination is so highly developed, and their hearing and sight so acute, that they can notice much that is invisible to others. They know life in the mountains and can find tracks where others would not think of looking.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 56:
Especially now, people are in such tension that they require wise treatment. It is often necessary to agree with them about details in order to protect the most important, and encourage them in order to free them from fear. Thus, the methods of a wise physician must be acquired by a teacher of life. Sometimes an illness can be arrested by a simple word of encouragement. Let us not think so much about where and how the illness began. First of all, a physician does not blame the patient for his condition, but seeks a cessation of decay. In every illness there is evidence of decomposition. Thus, one should apply healing methods in cases of human error.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 61:
One may smile at the mortal fear that strikes even those who imagine themselves to be great occultists. It is easy for them to sit and write articles, but they turn pale at the word "battle!" People who speak pompously about their initiations are far removed from real activity. How can they be taught to love the battle for Good? There are no words to transform a coward into a hero. Only danger can impel one into action, and it is precisely the coward who must go out to meet danger. People often beseech Us to protect them from danger, but dangers are necessary for their inner growth.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 63:
We apply the highest measure of caution so as not to subject Our co-workers to unnecessary danger. But one can imagine how difficult it is at times to protect those who rush into danger, indignant at the Guiding Hand. Thus Our atmosphere is saturated. Only the cooperation of the Subtle World enables Us to expand possibilities.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 68:
One can observe many anomalies when communing with Us. For example, some of Our replies are instantaneous, anticipating a question that has not yet been fully formulated, whereas others are often slow in coming. This can be explained either by atmospheric conditions, or because We are occupied with special work. There may be many different conditions, and they should all be observed. Let us also remember that frequently a delay in responding to a question is caused by care being taken to protect the information from undesired eavesdroppers. The sendings of thought can be intercepted, and that is why We advise you to be very careful both in word and thought. A whole new science can be developed that will study the dissemination of the energy of word and thought. The confirmation of the influence of word and thought on vegetation and on planetary conditions will depend upon this. We experiment with vibrations, and Our Brother Vaughan is also occupied with them. Many scientists should thank Him for his help.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 86:
We stress that care be taken of one's health. Can We permit Our co-workers to be careless? Indeed We cannot! We foresee the attacks of the dark ones, who try at all costs to shorten the lives of workers of Light, taking advantage of each weakness of the organism to cause injury at the vulnerable spot. Do not think that Our help can be shaken, but any false step can prove fatal, and We can protect only those who accept Our help. Any unworthy thought can sever the thread, and people often unknowingly project harmful thoughts. In times of great distress one must be able to turn to the Teacher with one's whole heart, knowing that His help will not be delayed even for one moment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 116:
We use both physical and spiritual armor, and suggest that Our followers acquire the armor that will protect them from the blows of chaos. Please do not take Our words about armor as symbolic, but realize that there is need for a weapon created by your consciousness. The stronghold is strengthened when the bridge to the Tower of Chun is firm.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 119:
119. Urusvati correctly senses the disturbance of the currents. We concentrate intensely on the task of maintaining balance during such periods of agitation, for it is essential to protect the apparatus of psychic energy. One may experience a kind of withdrawal of the whole organism or at times feel a burdensome inner bloating. I advise you to eat lightly at such times, but this advice is relative, depending on the individual and the circumstances.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 122:
Even in the midst of Armageddon one can experience the influence of works of art. Concern about precious art can preserve a whole era. Our repositories are filled with objects that people considered lost. Perhaps some of them will eventually be returned to the nations that failed to protect them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 123:
All this confirms that during these periods the psychic energy is in an unusual state. The protective net is agitated; it is inflamed, and outer influences can easily pass through it. We warn people to be especially careful during such days. We do not mean to say that these days are more dangerous than others, but that one's sensitivity becomes more acute. And let us not forget that the dark forces prefer to use these times for their own purposes. It is essential to protect not only physical health, but also nervous balance. In general, one must have an intelligent attitude toward the existence of the dark forces. It is ignorant to deny their existence, but it is just as harmful to be afraid of them. Urusvati has seen their images, some disgusting and others beautiful. They have the ability to surround themselves with luminosity and they also know how to offer various advantages.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 128:
128. Urusvati was restrained several times from undertaking extremely dangerous flights. The Teacher must protect one from overcourageous investigations. The higher spheres scorch like the heat of the sun, and the lower spheres are oppressive for the higher consciousness. It is impossible to fly through all the spheres, for the subtle body would be consumed. The division of the spheres of the Subtle World is determined within one's own consciousness. The transfer to the higher spheres must be gradual. Just as physicians supervise their patients, Guides are appointed to help the disciples to preserve their balance so that this transfer may be performed intelligently. In the Subtle World each violation of equilibrium causes a shock.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 128:
Such discipleship is easy for those who realize and accept the existence of the Brotherhood. At a time of great danger the Guide will protect and warn, but only at the very last moment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 190:
"O, knowledge, when wilt thou come to humanity? You can hear the crowd roar, whether for a wedding or for a calamity. In both cases the crowd displays its ignorance. Verily, there should be more schools in which people are taught the meaning of life, and in which teachers act not as sycophants of truth, but as representatives of Truth. People must learn to protect their teachers when they are abused by tyrants. The teachers should renounce riches, but their fellow-citizens should provide them with an environment conducive to knowledge. Do not assume that the significance of the teacher will soon be understood. Thousands of years will pass, and still the teacher will not be fully accepted."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 204:
The investigator should pay attention to the particular nature of an experimenting group, since it has been observed that harmony among those who are present assists the transmittance and prevents interception. Moreover, if nearby friends maintain a mood that is harmonious, they also help to protect the thought transmission. Those who are confused or irritated act unwittingly as collaborators with the spatial thieves. The auras of irritated people act as the strongest destroyers of the currents. They may deny their collaboration with the spatial thieves, but in fact are their accomplices in evil. At some time, when in the Subtle World, they will regret their lack of self-control.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 210:
Even clear indications of new types of diseases do not stimulate research. It is essential to observe all one's surroundings. Unusual developments will be observed in the animal kingdom, and the vegetable kingdom will also offer many confirmations. Diseases of animals and plants will remind us of epidemics among people. We have acquired the ability to protect ourselves against the known scourges, however, it is not the plague, cholera, or even cancer or meningitis that will threaten us, but new types of nervous ailments, which may become fully epidemic. These ailments are maladies of psychic energy, and can be contagious. Yet, it will take a long time for physicians to pay attention to these new kinds of disease. They could be called fiery fevers, but whatever we call them, it is important to understand their cause. Changes of race will not inevitably bring disaster, but it is important that the psychic energy should be kept in a pure condition, since polluted energy produces disastrous spatial manifestations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 261:
261. Urusvati knows how much more oppressive the lower astral strata are than even the basest earthly state. The lower layers of the Subtle World influence all of Earth, and its inhabitants should learn to protect themselves against these poisonous influences.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 261:
What should people do to protect themselves from such invisible corrupters? First of all, they should accept the constant proximity of these malicious neighbors. Do not think that this suggestion is unimportant. On the lower astral strata good feelings are rare, there is a prevailing envy toward everything that lives on Earth, and every breath of earthly life is pleasing and attractive to these dark, dissatisfied spirits. It is almost impossible to convince them that they should focus their attention not on Earth, but on how to free themselves from their prison.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 291:
People protect themselves from poisonous gases by wearing gas masks. But they should provide themselves with one more mask - the protective mask of pure thought - for only thought can shield one from the poisonous breath. People should admit that there is such poison, and remember that thought has the power to resist the most harmful vibrations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 295:
Courage and fearlessness can truly protect one from all evil attacks, but the courage must be real and true. The borderline between the real and the false is subtle, and only from a distance is it possible to evaluate precisely where the corrupting process starts. It must be understood that only the real will bring lofty results.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 312:
The currents of space are of many kinds and influence human thinking much more than one imagines. Spatial messages could be assimilated in their original form, but because they often intrude forcefully into the consciousness as if in some unknown language, they cannot be understood. Such interruptions do not necessarily mean that a person's thoughts are poor or weak, for spatial currents can pierce even the most powerful thought. Man should understand this and not struggle against it. On the contrary, man can train himself to control the thread of his thought by being aware of the interrupting currents. If he is aware he can instantly make use of his ability to remember and deposit the uncompleted thought into the treasury of memory. Even if he is unable to withstand the power of spatial thought, he can nevertheless protect the current of his own thoughts. He can be like a pilgrim who temporarily uses a shelter during a rainstorm and later continues his journey.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 396:
396. Urusvati correctly observes that space sometimes falls silent and seems to be utterly without sound. One might mistakenly think that his hearing has been lost, but the true reason is that these are the instances when We have sent a special barrier to protect the sensitive ear from the howling and groaning that fills space. Why should the heart be burdened with such unbearable sounds of suffering when the accumulation of energy is needed? We know how difficult it is to bear the groans of space.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 396:
We know how necessary it is to protect the sensitive ear from the excessive pressure of the roaring in space. Special caution is needed when the courageous heart is ready for limitless podvig. Such striving hearts must be safeguarded.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 416:
We could make available to chemists the opportunity to invent a neutralizing gas, but using it would be very difficult. Even if it were possible to protect a limited region, the degree of containment and neutralization of the destructive gas could not be determined. Humanity creates new dangers and pays for them with new diseases. Humanity bears the responsibility for its own health on Earth, but it is unforgivable when the subtle spheres are harmed.


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