Brotherhood (1937) - 211: 211. Essentially, transition into the Subtle World ought to be painless. People having completed the earthly path ought to take up quite naturally the next proceeding. But they themselves complicate the solemn change of existence. They have propagated illnesses, and they pass them on to their near ones. They proceed to infect space, yet only by their own effort can they enter upon the path of purification. Compulsory prophylaxis cannot help fundamentally; a general conscious cooperation is needed. Compulsion can save only a small part out of hundreds of thousands of sick people. Rendering the planet healthful rests in the hands of all humanity. First of all, it must be understood that man makes healthy not only himself but also all his surroundings. In such a realization there will be contained true humaneness. Such a feeling cannot be commanded. It must come independently out of the depths of the heart. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 45: Not one of the Teachers has ever proclaimed egotism and greed for mankind. It is not from Light that such vipers are born. Black brotherhoods exist where the teaching of the infamous processes of destruction, decay, and disunity are propagated.