Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.12: One may weigh, one may analyze up to the most minute particles, but still there remains an imperceptible and inscrutable substance, as irreplaceable as the vital force of a seed. In due time We shall direct attention to certain striking properties of this substance, which can be seen; but now it must be agreed that such an extraordinary substance must be very precious and must have some extremely important qualities - even a fool will comprehend this. Experiment provides certainly the best proof. If we compare two individuals, of whom one dissipates the vital substance while the other consciously conserves it, we will be amazed at how much more sensitive the spiritual apparatus of the second becomes. The quality of his labors becomes entirely different, and the quantity of his projects and ideas multiplies. The centers of the solar plexus and brain are being heated, as it were, by an invisible fire. That is why temperance is not a pathological renunciation but a sensible action. To bestow life does not mean to cast away the entire supply of vital substance. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.14: A measuring scale for auras will provide adequate proof for the ignorant. Agni Yoga (1929) - 420: Of the experiments with psychic energy, the test demonstrating that it cannot be dispersed or destroyed is very important. The teraph is the best proof of this, especially if the aid of clairvoyance is available to the experimenter. Agni Yoga (1929) - 494: Failure is proof of recognition by the dark ones. We must treasure such recognition, for it is always useful for the growth of the work! Just as compost fertilizes the earth, so does darkness decay to the benefit of the flowers of Light. The encircling rainbow safeguards, and shines all the brighter against the surrounding darkness. Heart (1932) - 492: 492. Multiply solemnity tenfold. Multiply it as one multiplies the prayer lamps. When we proceed along the path of ascent, confide your hands to Ours. Hasten to the summit of the Heart. Soon We shall devote ourselves to the "Fiery Signs." Now We will affirm the qualities of the heart and give proof of them in life. Strain your energy for the glory of the Lord, solemnly and courageously! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 281: 281. Among fiery manifestations, radiation from the fingertips during work is very instructive. Around the writing hand waves of light can be seen. Moreover, they change according to the content of the writing. Thus, one can observe a highly important manifestation - the visible participation of Fire and also the variation of Agni energy in accordance with the inner quality of the work. Of course, you have noted not only waves of color but also luminous formations which arise during the reading of a book. These messengers of Light can come from outside as well as within, but both serve as a proof of the activity of the fiery energy. Many are able to see these stars, but they do not know how to focus their attention. This brings us again to the same point - spasmodic impulse bears no more significance than sleep, as far as its ultimate effect on the work is concerned. Only concentrated attention and perseverance without discouragement will lead to the discernment of the manifested laws. Let none think that the possibility has not been given - rather, it has not been accepted. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 527: 527. One apparently simple manifestation merits attention when ten men test their prowess separately they will find that the sum of their individual efforts is less than the total of their joint effort. This mysterious something is the crown of cooperation. Again we touch on the fiery domain. Only a combined rhythmic effort summons the fiery reserves. Is not such a calculable strengthening a proof of fiery energy? Let scientists collect even the most minute data about the manifestations of fiery energy. Let them observe this something not as a mystical but a real and growing concept. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 235: 235. One must observe how entire countries can be shaken by one incorrect interpretation. It is impossible to justify this by saying that someone did not know about something. Usually proof can be found that such knowledge had knocked at all doors, had lain on all tables, and had been mentioned many times. It is not right to try to justify inattention and unwillingness to think deeply. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 535: 535. The ability of the child about whom you spoke is a direct proof of what was said earlier. When a child makes use of pure psychic energy, it knows that which in inaudible to others. But when the will of the reason acts, then the current of basic energy is broken off. It has been prescribed - be simple in spirit, which means to allow pure energy to act. Do not impede its current; grasp the fact that violence by the reason only impoverishes one. Thus, a scientist knows which book he should take from the shelf not through reason but with straight-knowledge. People are right when they act by this unassailable straight-knowledge. AUM (1936) - 90: 90. Even earthly thought can move solid objects - hence one can imagine the scope of the creative power of thought of the Higher World. People say that the conflict of thoughts results in truth, and thus people themselves unsuspectingly affirm a great truth. Truly, the creative power of thought energy is that secret about which sages deliberate. Precisely, not one thought, but the intersection of thought currents forms a spiral of conception. One may adduce many scientific experiments, but first of all it is necessary to establish the physical force of thought. If light objects can be moved under the force of thought, then this can be imagined as a progression in infinity. Not a spiritual nor an ethical calculation, but a physical one can present a concept of the higher magnitude. People should understand that their energy can produce enormous results. The potential of thought has been entrusted to each one and can be utilized scientifically, rationally, or wastefully to the harm of all that exists. Thus, prayer can be a great scientific experiment and proof. Brotherhood (1937) - 554: 554. Do you wish to give proof of your best quality? Ask yourself about it. Do not wait for an opportunity, because each instant provides many opportunities to display any quality; one has but to wish to disclose it. Such readiness will be the best garment on the path to Brotherhood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 125: All such Great Achievements are recorded in Our treasuries. The ignorant attempt to deny these truths, but fortunately We preserve the proof of these deeds. Thus, let us dedicate a special day to Great Achievements. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 153: In Our Treasuries there are many objects connected with the life of the Great Pilgrim, and it is amazing how well His emanations have been preserved during these many centuries. They are significant proof of the potency of accumulated psychic energy, which is deposited not only when the hand or breath intentionally sends forth the power, but even when unintended touches leave imperishable traces of the energy. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 252: When We say, "Affirm the success," it will be asked, "But where is the proof that it has taken place?" People do not understand that something beyond mere words is happening, and this "something" determines the combination of energies. An inexperienced eye cannot catch the first vibrations of atmospheric tension. An untrained ear cannot hear the developing accumulation of forces. To a casual observer nothing is happening, and everything remains as it always was, covered with dust! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 388: One may rightly ask why certain cogent ideas are so slowly assimilated by the human consciousness. For instance, it is astonishing that, despite much proof, the concept of reincarnation is such a difficult doctrine for most people. After all, one should understand that the realization and acceptance of this law by all people would signal an end to chaos, and transform the entire earthly life. Compare those who have accepted this doctrine with those who oppose it, and you will understand who is of Light and who is of Darkness! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 400: It is remarkable that, while in the Subtle World, people receive information about the earliest eras, but only a few are able to preserve any memory of this knowledge during subsequent incarnations. If they later find relics from these ancient periods, they generally do not recognize them. But tangible proof, such as physical contact with objects of those eras, is not really necessary. The essential thing is to preserve deeply within one's consciousness the assurance of their existence. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 422: Mixing supplies of whole blood is proof of ignorance. From both the physical and the psychic point of view one should consider what incompatible elements have been indiscriminately combined to produce a false cure instead of a real one. People fail to understand what they are preparing for future generations. On the one hand they seem to care about the purity of future generations, but on the other thoughtlessly transfuse mixed blood.