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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PRONE (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 430:
430. Just before the most significant events, people are particularly prone to deny the possibilities of the future. One could write a curious history about the precursors and thresholds of events. Thus one can trace similarities in the tendencies of thought connected with the cyclones of disturbances. The blind deride the advice of those who see, and the earthly know-it-alls point out the impossibility of change in the existing order, saying that all is stable and unchangeable, and that those who are more sensitive are nothing but liars. If one points out to them that no good can come from torpor, they become one's enemies. But it is necessary to know such enemies.

Heart (1932) - 474:
474. The dying out of generations of human and animal life as well as the exhaustion of nature's generative forces indicates the end of Kali Yuga. This process evolves before your eyes, but only few take the trouble to notice this cosmic manifestation. Even you at times are prone to ascribe to chance the evidences of the austere law called into action by humanity. It would seem impossible not to perceive the occurrences of recent years! Yet people nevertheless lull themselves with the consolations of yesterday, but should they perceive menacing signs anywhere, they fall under the spell of animal fear. Still no one harkens to the word about the heart. The great salutary substance remains unapplied.


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