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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PROMPTED (11)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 119:
119. Each act of reverence for the Teacher shows an understanding of the Teaching. Each sign of reverence for the site of the Teacher's labor will show deep understanding and devotion. But these signs of attention cannot be prompted. These signs must by themselves flower in the consciousness. The Teacher will not demand, "Pay your respect to Me!"

Agni Yoga (1929) - 296:
296. A desire for knowledge is prompted by forgotten knowledge from the past, just as imagination is based upon former experiences.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 510:
510. Consciousness is broadened by a slow process of gaining experience. It is possible to demonstrate by a simple experiment how this judge - consciousness - transmutes our actions. One can prompt some actions in a less developed person and observe how he fulfills them. Then, through suggestion by the will his consciousness is dulled and he is prompted once again to perform the same actions. The comparison will be astounding.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 575:
575. When people find themselves in the state of Preta-loka, they begin to regret that they did not discard their outworn rags earlier. The Fire of Space must consume painfully that which should have been dissolved by the light of Agni. One can get rid of unnecessary burdens long before the transition. One's own vital Agni can purify one of harmful filth. The ability to turn in time to Agni is a goal-fitting action prompted by the experience of the heart. The manifestation of the oneness of life may elicit the inquiry, "If life were to be endlessly prolonged, how could the cognizance of its many sides be arrived at?" Indeed, if the body prevented penetration into the many strata of space, one would have to have recourse to the most artificial measures, which by their nature are contrary to free will. Only by direct fiery aspiration of the heart to Hierarchy, can one truly unite oneself with the higher spheres. One should not even divide Hierarchy according to personal criteria, but one should strive along the fiery thread to where the human word dissolves and is engulfed by radiance.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 31:
You have heard that Our Brothers became ill from contact with earthly disharmony, and often suffered from prolonged human discord. This is why We seldom visit your cities, and stay in them for only a short time. Our appearances are prompted by particular circumstances and are not of long duration. Places can be found in nature where the currents of decay are not as strong. In France and in England there are forests near the cities in which there is enough of the pure air that is indispensable to Us. You must not be surprised that even Our concentrated energy needs pure air. However, you must not think that We are not strong enough to withstand the emanations of crowds. Truly, We can concentrate Our energy to a tremendous degree, but co-measurement and caution must be maintained in everything.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 133:
Urusvati also knows that it is very tiring for the invisible witness to remain in the midst of earthly gatherings, yet such attendances are frequent. People can sense the invisible presence, as if someone had questioned or answered them. At times this is felt so intensely that one is prompted to ask his neighbor whether he has spoken. One can recall episodes in history when statesmen clearly heard voices and warnings. Unfortunately, most of them paid no attention to this help.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 203:
People are not pigs, deprived of the ability to raise their heads toward Heaven. One does not survive by earthly rubbish, but by the higher emanations. And yet for thousands of years there have been many who have stubbornly promoted the importance of a purely earthly existence. Not only the atheists, but also the theists have denied the Subtle and Higher Realms. It is hard to understand how such opposing mentalities could agree on the denial of the fundamentals of life. Prompted by fear and ignorance, they do not dare face the most beautiful. Even the gaining of knowledge does not help them to approach the psycho-physical realm, and the theists do not allow their deities to lead them to approach the higher realms.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 294:
294. Urusvati knows how strong are the accumulations of human thought on objects, and that man himself creates good and bad things and places. Many leaders chose new locations so as to avoid the bad accumulations of previous dwellings. Some did this consciously because they knew the truth, but others simply had an unexplainable feeling that prompted them to live in a new, unsullied environment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304:
The Thinker was concerned about the preservation of consciousness. Prompted by his inner awareness, He often repeated, "I will not lose my consciousness." Certainly, consciousness is needed in the Supermundane. The consciousness loses its earthly aspect, and can be transformed into spiritual knowledge. The clearer the earthly consciousness, the quicker the awakening of the spirit. While on Earth we can only sense the laws of karma, but in a state of spiritual awareness we can truly understand the combined forces of karma.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 366:
366. Urusvati knows that outer appearances do not serve as an indication of the inner life. To obtain a clear idea of the inner life, one must have a knowledge of a man's aspirations and intentions. Learning that someone was a philosopher, physician, king, or warrior will not show you the inner man; it is far more important to learn the underlying motives that prompted the actions of these individuals.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 417:
People sometimes attempt to advance by leaps, prompted by fear or prejudice or by their passions, but it is impossible to advance by leaps. A steady, systematic motion is needed in everything, and only through the Golden Mean can one progress.


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