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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PROLONGATION (2)

Brotherhood (1937) - 125:
125. Likewise, of little use are those who work in half-wayness. They are easily disappointed and obtain no results. Labor must be built upon complete devotion. Often it is not given to one to see the fruits of his work, but one must know that each drop of labor is already an indisputable acquisition. Such knowledge will permit prolongation of the work in the Subtle World also. Is it not all the same, if the task is fulfilled mentally and is impressed in thought-forms? The only condition is that the work be useful. It is not up to us to judge where labor is of the greatest usefulness; it has its own spiral.

Brotherhood (1937) - 576:
576. Eternal life is the most obscure concept from the point of view of earthly thinking. Different people sometimes even belittle this concept into a prolongation of life here on Earth. What an error! Worlds will be renewed, yet the dwellers of Earth must remain congealed in the same garment! Is it possible for the Teacher to be concerned with the prolonging of earthly life? The Teacher thinks of the eternal life in all the worlds. But why, then, does the human heart pray for eternal life? The heart prays for eternal life of the consciousness. It knows that there is great good if the consciousness be uninterrupted and passes the ascent untiringly - thus teaches the Brotherhood.


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