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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PROJECTED (35)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.2:
As the arm can move only from the shoulder, so does the consciousness move from the brain. One must detonate the brain; then the consciousness is projected forward as from a cannon.

New Era Community (1926) - 259:
The principle of freedom of approach, freedom of service, freedom of labor must be safeguarded. The manifestation of burden at the beginning is only a sign of imperfection. Affirmation of the manifestation of wisdom will be in the steadfast landmarks surrounding the projected figure of knowledge.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 254:
You have heard the legend about a whirling cloud above a site of special significance. This is based on the same idea of projection of energy. The projected energy may be so powerful that it can cause physical manifestations, for the fusion of energy with the elements produces most unusual phenomena. But during periods of great activity, this energy becomes separated from its source, and one must expect a certain fatigue, accepting it as the natural consequence of the depletion of the treasury.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 355:
Consider that the ectoplasm is projected precisely with the help of the fiery element.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 425:
425. Whence come the application and the action of the fire of Kundalini? From the same source - the fire of love. The image of the essence that is projected on Our screens reveals the truth. How joyous it is to see the waves of growing fire! It is like an enchanted garden.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 108:
It is true that the world of creation is inexhaustible, and there is no hiding place for the engenderments of the human spirit. The issue projected into the wheel of life brings its consequents. He is narrow-minded who thinks that man expiates his deeds by imagining their dissolution in space. As the properties of nature indicate an unending process, so does the spirit of man, who is following an identical path. It is difficult not to acknowledge the limitlessness of transformed energies!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 133:
133. The Cosmos reiterates to the consciousness of man that manifested formula which is borne in Space. In Cosmos, all consists of forces which are projectile and attractive. If one could establish the ratio between propulsion and attraction, the resulting balance would afford the highest forms. If people could see all transmissions of the rays, they would be horror-stricken at the realization of how much they have failed to accept. The striving spirit is attracted to these sendings. And how manifold are the categories of projected and unaccepted transmissions of energies!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 245:
You are right in stressing psycho-dynamics. The so-called Cosmic Breath is the psycho-dynamic power which calls to life. The awakening to life is to be cognized as the psycho-dynamic energy of the impulse which is projected by Materia Matrix. Thus the highest manifestation strives to its destiny. Thus the thread is propelled to construction. Our creativeness is linked with the cosmic vibration, and the ray of the Tara affirms the fiery vibration on the planet.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 249:
249. Psycho-activity directed toward creation of worthier beginnings is inherent in the subtle fires of an Agni Yogi. When these worthier beginnings are destroyed, humanity is saved by the projected creativeness of Fire. Then the predestined manifestation of fire is sent to humanity. The subtle energies create new possibilities which are the direct consequence of the regeneration through creative Fire. The subtle energies propel all bodies into a new sphere. The subtle energies transmute the creativeness of man; and a new aspiration is provided by the manifestation of the Agni Yogi. Thus, invisibly and powerfully, the creativeness of the Tara enters into life. Thus the ray of the Tara summons to the far-off worlds. Yes, yes, yes! At present the creativeness of the ray is greatly intensified.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 280:
280. Fiery evolution is affirmed in the manifestations of psychic seeds. The creativeness of a psychic seed combines energies in space. When the psychic seed is projected into space, the propelling Magnet collects kindred energies. The invisible process of a psychic seed is most powerful. Therefore, the fire of an Agni Yogi creates unswervingly. It is therefore that the centers are so tensed. The Tara creates through divisibility of spirit. Therefore, the creativeness of Fire must be assiduously guarded.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 297:
297. When the essential driving force of fire is in tension, the fluidic currents of the Agni Yogi tense the creativeness of the impulse. When the stimulus of fire is projected consciously there is no affirmation mighty enough to oppose it. Thus, the driving force of the almighty fires brings forth the necessary manifestations. All that has been asserted about the astral fire is based upon truth. Thus, the fires of the Agni Yogi, and the fire of the Tara, create the affirmations needed for evolution.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 300:
The element which is projected into creation by attraction is akin to the impulse manifested. The Perfect Heart accepts all striving energies and spiritualizes them into many facets. Willfulness does not provide the formulae for creative combinations.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 370:
370. The elements are strained by the gusts of spatial energies. When the tension is projected toward the primary seed, the elements manifest creation. But when the elements are strained in free currents, the weak forces are overcome and the elements are carried along in an impetuous stream. When striving prevails upon the manifested elements, it directs the energies according to the force of attraction and creates affirmations of harmonized currents.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 376:
376. The chiaroscuro intensifies the evidence of different energies. The radiating energy which directs itself to creativeness collects currents that are propelled toward life. Verily, when the realization of chiaroscuro is accepted as the confirmation of Truth, the energies of the luminaries will be understood as an active force. The luminaries, which strain the vital energy, adjust every evidence of tension which leads toward the affirmation of life. The intercourse of energies is so powerful that death and life are subject to one and the same law, which is ordained by the Cosmic Magnet. Chiaroscuro links the two states of Being; hence, it is difficult to dissociate the two poles of human existence. When the boundaries are erased, the projected energies intensify new cosmic combinations. The chiaroscuro of life and death may be expressed as the interchange of energies. Hence, the Cosmic Force is one in all things, and creativeness is limitless in the direction of chiaroscuro.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 7:
7. Cosmic creativeness utilizes all vital impulses, straining the most vital levers. Of all impulses, the most powerful is unification. In it is comprised the entire manifestation of life; by it is created the vital combination. Then why not apply this principle to life! When unification battles with differentiation, a powerful explosion occurs. The fragments from this explosion are often projected far apart and these parts then forfeit their power of mutual attraction. Hence, in repelling the forces to which he is connected by karma man generates explosive forces. The law constructs only through unification. The element of attraction indicates the direction for all striving energies. The Brothers of Humanity designate the path for everything which is affirmed by evolution. Thus, the power of attraction is manifested as the law of Be-ness.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 355:
355. What power is contained in the formulation of a thought! One's whole creativeness goes into a formulation of thought. One may assert that the striving to a conscious formulation of thought already impregnates the thought with life. Only the knowledge resulting from pure striving gives creativeness to thought. Hence, all shaggy thinking results in corresponding formations. These defects of the spirit are so prickly, and the protecting net suffers so greatly from these projected needles! Our co-workers must learn to think without needles.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 356:
356. What might is contained in the creativeness of the heart! All cosmic tensions can be discharged by a light-bearing ray. How can one melt a projected arrow? Only by a smiting ray of Light. Therefore, the smiting ray of Light must penetrate into all arising difficulties. All the dark corners where ignorance is hiding must be illuminated. All erections based upon ignorance and cleavage should be demolished, because they do not further the growth of the construction. When We construct We manifest pure striving. All harmful accumulations of which humanity is unaware breed impediments to evolution. Thus, the smiting ray of Light will illumine all dark corners.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 357:
357. A manifested formulation of thought can create a chain of better effects. Only the manifestation of striving affords formulation of thought. How can one cognize the construction of the world? Only by the formulation of thought projected into the higher spheres. If humanity would but ponder upon adaptation of the higher structures, how easily it could apply the principle of expanded conception! Thus, adoption of the concept that all vital principles exist upon all planes will induce the formulation of thought.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 494:
494. All laws which lead to confirmation of the shifting are based upon the Common Good. Each new energy is projected into space for the acquiring of a creative quality. Energies are thus propelled from chaos, and each cosmic current can bestow creativeness. The shifting is confirmed only by the principle of the Cosmic Magnet. There where the power of the Cosmic Magnet functions, goal-fitness is at work. Hence, it may be affirmed that when the old is being replaced by the new the cosmic goal-fitness applies vital laws.

Heart (1932) - 3:
3. Whether the heart be called the abode of the Elohim or the synthesis of syntheses, it still remains the focal point. Even those who recognize in the heart only its lower physiological functions, even they have an attitude of care for the heart. How much more deeply, then, must he who knows about the magnet and silvery thread harken to the heart. Therefore the Teacher draws one away from everything narrowly physical, in order to remind about the spiritual world through each organ. It is a festival for Us each time a pure direction of thought is projected into the sphere of invisible existence. One must lead into the abode of the Elohim with complete perseverance, as though danger pursued the entering one. One can recognize the path of the chosen ones when the Invisible World has become real and accessible to them; then one can notice the growth of consciousness, and the very organs of the body become transformed, imbued by the link with Hierarchy.

Heart (1932) - 568:
568. Dreams and visions of former lives always have significance. A page of the astral archive seemingly flares up, recalling the identical mood of the current time. I take as an example the last vision. During an hour of fatigue because of people the first need that was observed was to give help at once. Such is the path of the Bodhisattva, when we forget fatigue and ourselves in order to help. Verily, great is the energy thus created; everywhere it is mentioned as love for one's neighbor. Such love does not calculate, but acts without delay; thus, out of the depths of the Subtle World come the pictures of the past. The detail of this vision is significant - when the servant of pleasure set obstacles on the path of achievement, but nothing stopped the striving. Likewise, again was revealed the need of tolerance toward many persons whom one has encountered more than once. Tolerance and patience are also the path of the Bodhisattva. This path is not in the clouds but on Earth. The effluvium of life is great; hence the path of the Bodhisattva is also needed. Precisely, though these fumes are humanly insignificant, they smart the heart like salt water. Utilize the mountain air; do not tire yourselves, even a diver must not dive if fatigued. One can compare the descent into human refuse precisely with a diver's work. He is ready to help the drowning person, but he himself is in need of air. I do not exaggerate, you are in need of air during Armageddon. Prana is like nourishment for the heart. One cannot help you through ignoble ways; the remedies must be in accordance with the task. But often people do not accept the language of the heart; then the tension of the heart energy is needed - in other words, the expenditure of spiritual treasures. Already, not a few are projected into the world. In accordance with the law of Existence they increase, but this does not ease the burden of the heart. Hence, let us be cautious and remember about the diver.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 115:
115. Before human eyes many spiritual actions having physiological consequences take place, yet people are unwilling to notice them. The same can also be observed in visiting the Subtle World, where these manifestations are far more distinct. The decomposition of the astral body depends upon fiery contact. When a fiery being approaches certain strata of the Subtle World, a striking manifestation can be witnessed. The fiery substance is a touchstone, as it were. At its touch some subtle bodies are intensified in their fiery capacity, whereas others immediately disintegrate. This process takes place with great rapidity, as if from fire. Thus, one can compare a series of remarkable ascents and deserved departures. Fiery qualities can be manifested not only in the Fiery Sphere but even in fiery earthly incarnations. One should gradually become accustomed to the thought that even here on Earth there can be manifestations of the highest fiery qualities. One should admit this not only because it is immutable but also because of the diversity of nature's manifestations. Some may not admit that the projected subtle body can perform as purely physical an action as writing, but you know that this is possible, and there is no need for Me to convince you of it. Of course, fiery energy is necessary for such action.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 305:
305. Of course, an outflow of energy can even cause dizziness, especially when the transmissions are projected to remote distances; then a kind of inertia sets in. Gravitation is felt so strongly that it is better not to be in an upright position.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 570:
570. Mental sendings ordinarily contain some unusual expressions, which you have frequently noticed with surprise. An unusual expression is sometimes used for the purpose of ensuring better remembrance. This is a very ancient method. It is difficult to retain the usual words, which may slip by instead of penetrating the consciousness. The more unusual, the better assembled, the more definitive such a sending is, the better it is remembered. It is necessary to remind more than once of the far-off thought, which passes over the surface of the consciousness. One ought not reproach oneself for forgetfulness; on the contrary, these sliding thoughts projected from remote distances only prove that they come from outside and not from the inner consciousness. Also, in schools the receptivity to alien thoughts should be cultivated. People know so little how to listen or how to understand what they read that special hours should be assigned to the verification of what has been heard. How can one expect the fiery energy to be noticed if no attention is paid to even a loudly spoken word? More than once we have spoken of the development of the faculty of conscious non-hearing and non-seeing, this is quite different. In our normal state we must be highly receptive.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 215:
215. The depictions of Cosmic Cycles are affirmed by whole millenniums; in them the Higher Will is united in the Chosen Spirit Who by His own fiery tension creates that preordained Epoch. By its spirit and will each fiery spirit creates also a certain Cycle around its strivings. These creations of Cycles are strongly outlined in the cementing of space. Each fiery striving can already be a pledge of a new link in the affirmation of the Cycle. If the consciousness would become affirmed in the fact of the structure of Cycles, then, indeed, would cosmic construction clothe the World with beauty. Verily, a world understanding can be manifested with every thought projected. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us consciously create links in the World Cycles.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 230:
230. The laws of cosmic Equilibrium govern the planet. In the cosmic laws can be included the law of Karma, for the law of Equilibrium contains all the other manifestations of life. Equilibrium is revealed as the creative action of each manifestation. Just as chiaroscuro creates and saturates an action, so is the law of Equilibrium affirmed in correspondence with the development of the will. Cosmic Scales affirm correspondingly the growth of national Karma. The scales of man's Karma affirm their measurement of free will. Therefore it is so important to affirm an understanding of striving for perfectionment, because a desire projected into space can always attract what is desired, and according to the quality of the desire is Equilibrium determined. Thus, let us make a wish which can be fulfilled - a wish for those energies which can be applied to life. Equilibrium can only then manifest its affirmation when the free will chooses the path of the General Good.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 268:
268. Fohat, as actually omnipresent Fire, is hardly understood. Equally little understood is the Laboratory of the Universe. The great Inhaling and Exhaling of the Cosmos must be applied to all manifestations. In fact, hardly pondered over is the exchange of forces being projected and returned into the treasury of the Cosmos. Thus, the role of humanity does not consist in borrowing only; there must be included a process of returning the forces with which it has been saturated during communion with the Fire of space. Thus, taking this communion as the Truth, it is possible to reveal why, in fact, there is such a difference between the giving and the returning. The extent of this difference is just the measure of that which on the Cosmic Scales represents the Karma of humanity. The ignorant are astonished that the Subtle World can be chaotic; but one should ponder as to how sparks of Fohat remain not fecundated, and how many forces remain either unapplied or distorted. On the path to the Fiery World one must deeply absorb the understanding of the chaos of humanity's consciousness.

AUM (1936) - 172:
172. People often speak about doubles; it is as if they see their own selves. There are many explanations for such a manifestation. People usually forget the most natural one - actually the projection of the astral body. The subtle body is projected more often than is thought. It can acquire density, but is not usually seen by everyone; a degree of clairvoyance is required to see the subtle body. Furthermore, man can as easily see himself during a state of drowsiness as in wakefulness. Few pay any attention to the transitional state of drowsiness; yet precisely during this condition noteworthy manifestations occur.

AUM (1936) - 588:
I consider that just now it is necessary to remind one about heart striving. Thus, the ancient anchorites, during mental invocations, projected in imagination a straight endless pathway, along which their thought had to strive. There exist many images that assist concentration. But no one suggests that thought should wander in a labyrinth.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 2:
We long ago accepted the principle that each apparatus can be made more powerful by man himself. One can achieve a transformation of one's entire life simply by the realization of the Primary Energy. Over the centuries We have become accustomed to the idea that a concentration of energy can be directed to any domain. Energy, like lightning, unites accumulated forces in its discharge. So-called magical phenomena are based on the same principle. In reality, the term "magical" can only mislead. Any electrical apparatus can be called magical. When Urusvati performed levitation or the moving of objects, it was done not through magic but simply by not impeding the energy. The manifested energy was accepted and then projected. It was united with the cosmic energy, and thus could act.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 108:
You may remember how We observed Our own Images reflected upon the surface of a polished board. The same principles operate in the subtle spheres as they do in television today, but you saw this phenomenon seventeen years ago. Such experiences should be recorded and eventually compared with new scientific discoveries. Much has been projected into the world, but it takes time for it to be realized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 224:
It is not the events that resound, but the intensified thoughts accompanying them, which may issue from an earthly source, or be projected from the Subtle World. The substance of thought is the same everywhere, and acts as a linking bond between the worlds. One should pay attention to manifestations of sound, and compare them with events.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 226:
There is nothing new in this. "New" does not really exist - there is either forgotten truth or still unrealized truth. No one can claim that he has brought something new to the world, because only the moment before someone may have projected that very thought into space. People should not compete to be innovative, but should train themselves to think about the useful and the Beautiful. It would be better to think about essentials and how one can contribute the utmost good to the world. The most useful thoughts are those dedicated to Beauty. Ugliness is not fitting for evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334:
The magnetism of objects can actually persist for centuries if the person who projected it does not withdraw his influence. Thus, the magnetic power lies not in the object itself, but in the individual. It must also be kept in mind that demagnetization can be effected by a special process.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339:
Over many generations people have developed an awe for misfortune, and claim that it is the gods who send calamities. Man never forgets to pray for help, but he seldom remembers to give thanks for his happiness. It may seem hardly worthwhile to speak about such a thing, but it should be examined from the scientific point of view. The projected image of feelings of distress is an agitated one. We can observe their zigzags flickering on the screen, whereas rapture and exaltation produce perfect circles. It can be proved that disturbance not only produces poison, but also deadens the organs, whereupon the entire laboratory of the organism falls into disorder. This condition can be compared to the death of psychic energy.


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