Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.12: Very ancient mysteries said: "The lingam is the vessel of wisdom," but in time this knowledge was converted into hideous phallic cults, and religion began to prohibit something without knowing exactly why. Whereas, it should have been said simply that the fact of conception is so wondrous that it is impossible to deal with it by ordinary measures. New Era Community (1926) - 181: Reflect on what a problem it would be for statistics to compare the success of opportune decision with the failure of tardiness. Obviously, instructive results would be obtained, and the ignorance of tardiness would be regretted. True, very many people live like pigs, devouring precious blossoms. One cannot but protect space against their thoughtless ignorance. If they could catch a glimpse into space, disfigured by them they would themselves say "Prohibit this defilement!" Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 523: 523. Nothing can confuse the traveler who already has caught sight of his home. What, then, can impede the consciousness striving toward the Fiery World? Nothing can prohibit a man from setting himself the greatest task. Only thus can care be illuminated and thought be filled with solemnity. Only thus can the real values be elected, enabling one to go toward Hierarchy without hindrance. AUM (1936) - 441: No one can predetermine what forms of cooperation may be developed. Institutions founded by cooperatives may be highly diverse and cover the problems of education, industry, and of rural economy. It is impossible to imagine a single field which could not be vastly improved by the cooperative. One should not prohibit people from gathering together for cooperation in completely new combinations. The cooperative is a bulwark of the state and a nursery for public life. Whence will come public opinion? Whence will be formed the longed for progress? Whence will solitary workers receive help? Surely, cooperation will also teach unity.