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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PROGRAMS (4)

New Era Community (1926) - 115:
115. No one dares to stand up against the school, but few there are who think about its improvement. School programs are not looked over for years at a time, and meanwhile discoveries are on the march. New data are rushing in from all sides the air spheres and the depths of the oceans and the mountain treasuries all relate wonderful facts about themselves. Haste is needed, else excavations will alter the data of conventionalized history. In the new schools prohibitions must be removed, in order that pupils may see reality - which is wonderful if truthfully revealed. Broad is the field of mental competition!

New Era Community (1926) - 157:
It is essential to examine the programs of schools and to strengthen the line of authentic knowledge. Superstition drives people into the crevices of terror. This straightening out of school thinking must be attended to immediately, otherwise one more generation of brainless ones will disgrace the planet. Natural science must be augmented in cognition of the significance of this term. Biology, astrophysics, chemistry, will attract the attention of the youngest child's brain.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 59:
59. Education in the primary schools and secondary schools must be the same for both sexes. It is inadmissible to impose upon a child some specialty, when it is not yet able to define its own aptitude. It is sufficient to begin in high school to map our programs according to students' abilities. Thus one may plan the education of children who cannot yet express their inherent capabilities. It is very important that the program should not differ for the two sexes. This alone will eliminate a very harmful attitude towards sex.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 241:
When We speak about unity and harmony people regard it as an abstraction. They expect real messages, but only according to their own understanding of reality. They do not realize that in the Tower exact programs are planned that can be brought to fruition only if the co-workers are fully united. Some day I will tell you how certain historic events were impeded by seemingly insignificant obstacles created by co-workers who were not aware of what they had done. Let the co-workers try to imagine how complex and difficult Our Work is! Let them think about the kind of currents that must be mastered!


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