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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PRIVILEGES (3)

Hierarchy (1931) - 38:
It is time to understand the responsibility and the privilege afforded by earthly incarnations. Yet people often avoid listening to the waves of space and catching the echoes and answers which come from various strata of the Universe. We are repeating about the privileges of spiritual development, but the matter is so distorted that a well-meaning denizen even fears to mention anything that is linked with the radiant region of spirit. Try to speak of the light of realization and the bliss of spirit and you will be feared like robbers and murderers. But even robbers were disciples of Christ and Buddha; hence do not fear human epithets, but harken to the Voice of Eternity, which leads to Bliss and Light.

Heart (1932) - 72:
All Teachings repeat about the burden of the flesh in order to direct attention to the supremacy of spirit. The Teaching should be accepted as the inception of true privileges, which are inalienable. One should value how the Teaching deepens the consciousness and provides the true opportunities of life if these are not rejected. This simple aspect is so rarely given consideration. People prefer to send their complaints into space, evoking upon themselves a shower of stones. But We do not wish to frighten them, lest they speak of a lack of love. People ascribe to the manifestation of love such peculiar conditions that it would seem that their love was coined in a mint! But love is necessary for the path into the Infinite. A guide is so urgently needed; when in the ultimate tension upon the slippery rocks we seek the saving thread, the Guiding Hand will touch us.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 522:
522. Does having no cares befit humanity? Some confuse having no cares with reliance upon Hierarchy. They hold that because they have been incarnated here someone must be made responsible for them. But the Great Service is great solicitude. One cannot imagine a day or an hour when a man may be without care, that is to say, can dispense with thinking. Thus, care must not be regarded as an arid burden, but rather as a distinguishing quality of man. Among the privileges of the Bodhisattvas, solicitude for everything that exists is the gem of their crown. Likewise, solicitude should be welcomed as the kindling of Fire. Not petty reflections, but a most solicitous thought strikes sparks of light from the heart. It is unwise to avoid cares, for one must make haste with the fires of the spirit. Those who fear cares reveal but meager accumulations. The experienced wayfarer says, "Burden me with care when I enter the Beautiful Garden." Man, who has received the gift of thinking, has accepted not the least of these responsibilities. It has been said that the smile of a rich man is of slight value, but the poor man who has retained his smile will become the companion of God. So does the folk understanding value a smile amidst cares. My advice is that you realize the number of cares cannot be lessened. Only thus do we realize that joy is a special wisdom.


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