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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PRIVILEGE (11)

New Era Community (1926) - 165:
165. During the organization of the communities, see that under a mask of fulfillment of the Covenants cupidity be not concealed. Destruction of creative conquests follows sinister cupidity. It may be said that this worm is far too firmly nested in man's ignorance. The more necessary, then, to know the cause of its germination. The most harmful cause will be in permitting privilege. With all strength it is necessary to destroy this evil ghost. The organization of the community first of all foresees equality. Admit any form of inequality and at once you come up against the perniciousness of privilege. The fact of inequality creates a seesaw - the greater rise of one creates a still greater rise of another. The only way to avoid an unsettling of the pillars is by maintaining equality.

New Era Community (1926) - 165:
Cynics may be found who will say, "Let them sway freely, the more energy will there be in space." The remark is not devoid of sense, but indeed the common work is so much in need of solicitude that a true economy of forces must be adopted. The most economical principle is equality, which destroys privilege and cupidity.

New Era Community (1926) - 191:
Better to leave to corrupt cities this privilege of apishness; quite opportunely have these townsfolk begun to graft on themselves monkey glands. Indeed, each one receives according to his merit. No one has told them about a more goal-fitting means of restoring strength, which is to place the patient in a lengthy bath and subject him to an alternating current and a certain composition of mineral water, the treatment being accompanied by definite suggestion. Rational means will be disclosed when the community will take on a conscious character, and nothing will be borrowed from the monkeys.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 20:
A free mind has the privilege of searching out new designs based upon unusual combinations. These hitherto undetected threads will lead it to more exalted layers of matter. Beholding play that is timid and limited, the free mind is right to point out new and better combinations.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 341:
Even the most ancient conception viewed the cosmic laws as being impelled by a two-tongued flame. The indication in ancient writings concerning the manifestation of the dual Origin is also based upon the knowledge of polarity in each energy. Cosmic creativeness can be manifested only through the dual Origin. Thus, in deposing the Great Mother, humanity robs itself of the privilege of conscious cooperation with Cosmos.

Hierarchy (1931) - 38:
It is time to understand the responsibility and the privilege afforded by earthly incarnations. Yet people often avoid listening to the waves of space and catching the echoes and answers which come from various strata of the Universe. We are repeating about the privileges of spiritual development, but the matter is so distorted that a well-meaning denizen even fears to mention anything that is linked with the radiant region of spirit. Try to speak of the light of realization and the bliss of spirit and you will be feared like robbers and murderers. But even robbers were disciples of Christ and Buddha; hence do not fear human epithets, but harken to the Voice of Eternity, which leads to Bliss and Light.

Heart (1932) - 352:
352. The persecuted leads, his persecutors behind him; hence, ancient is the truth about the privilege of the persecuted. To understand it means to enter upon the path of the persecuted. Many persecutors turned to the path of the ones they persecuted, because the very pursuit upon a definite path communicated a certain attraction to them. Therefore We prefer the path of the persecuted.

Brotherhood (1937) - 281:
281. In an attempt to be wily people frequently say that many conditions prevent them from creating good. Whereas in each and every condition man can create good. This is the privilege of the human state.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 257:
The Thinker often said, "Can I be so fortunate as to have the privilege of helping my Teachers?"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 275:
275. Urusvati knows the many manifestations of psychic energy. But numerous misunderstandings develop about this concept. Some deny its existence altogether; others think of it as some kind of miracle; still others accept it, but claim that psychic energy is a privilege meant only for the few. The truth is that psychic energy permeates all that exists, and because it is an energy, it has all the characteristics of energy. For example, it can stimulate and intensify the centers, but at the same time it can aggravate any disease that may be in the organism.


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