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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PREY (8)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.20:
A parrot once knew how to screech, "Blessed Teacher!" - but by this it did not improve its possibilities. A bear chanced to leave its prey on the doorstep of a starving man, but it did not cease to be a wild animal. A bee accidentally pierced the abscess of a sick man, but it earned thereby no bliss for itself. Even a snake once saved a life by its poison. Only consciousness and staunchness yield results.

New Era Community (1926) - 190:
Can people naively think that they are able to conceal falsehood merely by arrogant words? Words are not worth a nod of the head. Flight reveals the species of birds. The bird of prey reveals itself from afar. The cry of the eagle does not resemble the nightingale's song.

Heart (1932) - 55:
55. Spatial thinking is not so easy for the majority of people. For this, it is necessary primarily to preserve the personality but be freed of egoism. To many, such an antithesis will seem absurd; for them egoism is personality. The manifestation of a powerful personality devoted to the General Good is beyond the imagination of many, but without personality thinking would not have potency. The tendency of thought when egoistic adds one more portion of poison to the infested aura of the planet. It is also difficult for many to realize that the substance of thought is indestructible and is not bound to the strata of space, which means that the responsibility for each thought is great. A bird of prey can be reached by an arrow, but what can destroy a loathsome thought?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 62:
62. Fire must be alive. Inactivity is unnatural for Fire. Energy generates energies. It is especially harmful to tear man away from his customary labor. Even through the lowest forms of labor man creates a manifestation of fiery energy. Deprive him of labor and he will inevitably fall prey to marasmus; in other words, he will lose the Fire of Life. One should not propagate the concept of people's retirement from work. They do not age because of advanced years, but from the extinction of Fire. One should not think that the extinguishing of Fire exerts no harm on the surroundings. Harm occurs precisely when a space occupied by Fire suddenly becomes accessible to corruption. This decay of life is opposed to the law of Existence. On the contrary, human society should sustain Fire in all its surroundings. The fire of the Druids was a reminder of the maintenance of the Fire of Life. It is inadmissible to quench fire in anything, not even in the smallest. Therefore, do not interfere with the festival of the spirit, even though its language be incomprehensible to you. That which is unintelligible to you today will become clear tomorrow. But fire once extinguished cannot again find the same application.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 555:
555. It is as easy to fall prey to obsession as it is difficult to effect cooperation with the Subtle World. In the first place, people as a rule give little thought to true cooperation; and in the second, they altogether refuse to admit the existence of the Subtle World. During obsession a most objectionable violation takes place, and rational cooperation is eliminated from the consciousness. Many dwellers in the Subtle World would like to offer their knowledge, but they are denied the opportunity because of various prejudices and fear. If you only knew what great turbulence now exists in the Subtle World when the new division of humanity rocks space! One should not assume that the present time is an ordinary one; it is unprecedented and can inaugurate a New Era. Nevertheless, create heroes - thus it is ordained.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 602:
602. Ahamkara is the high state of the fiery seed when it can already affirm itself without egoism. Thus the Fiery Gates are opened when not only is egoism burned away but a worthy evaluation of self is achieved. Only then can the spirit verily bring its sole heritage to the altar of Light. But on this long journey what happens to the enemies who wrought such torment through their discordances? When darkness takes over its own possessions, the remaining ones who are able to ascend are divided according to rays. Thus discord disappears and the feeling of enmity dissolves by itself. The spirits gather and rise to the abode of containment like waves of harmonious light. Thus is settled the question, most incomprehensible to man, about the unity of the seeds of Light in ascent to the Higher World. Enmity, so insoluble in the physical world, disintegrates by itself in the etheric, purified rays. Not only in the higher but already in the middle spheres of the Subtle World, the feeling of enmity withers because of its uselessness. One must understand these laws of the distribution of the rays. The realization of these laws alone will mitigate the malice of enmity even here. Also let us not forget that enmity throws the organism out of balance, leaving it a prey to various sicknesses and obsessions. Therefore I advise you to consider enmity from the viewpoint of prophylaxis. Why should one be sick, infect others, and be a prey to fits of madness when a single effort of spirit preserves the invulnerability of the organism?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 102:
In Our Life there is no such thing as doubt. The attraction to the higher worlds is tremendous, and We must exert great effort not to be torn away from Earth, where Earthly burdens have been chosen voluntarily and consciously. Such sacrifice is forged by love and by the experiences of former lives that kindled love for those who suffer. Experience can either kindle love or sharpen hatred, and who will be the one to burn on the stake of hatred? Will it not be the one who hates? Love must become wise and active. This concept is very subtle and one can easily stumble over it, or fall prey to hypocrisy. Only labor for the good of the world will afford the proper balance. Labor evokes joy and cognizance of Infinity, and imparts a realization of the mobility of the worlds.


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