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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PREVENTIVE (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 492:
492. Agni Yoga approaches just in time. Without it, who could say that epidemics of influenza should be cured by psychic energy? Who would pay attention to the new kinds of mental, brain, and nervous illnesses, such as sleeping sickness? It is not leprosy, or the old forms of plague or cholera that must be dreaded; for them, preventive measures already exist. But one must ponder over the new enemies that are created by the conditions of contemporary life. One cannot apply old treatments to them; a new approach will be found through the expansion of consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 495:
495. Cancer is the scourge of humanity and will inevitably spread. The chief measures against cancer will be preventive ones. Those who do not use meat, wine, tobacco, or narcotics; who keep psychic energy pure; who from time to time undergo a milk diet; who cleanse the digestive tract and take the water of L., need not think about cancer.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 386:
386. Among the prophylactics against cancer and other fiery ailments one may advise valerian. If often speak of this tonic and preventive remedy, but any prophylaxis must be systematic - every evening without fail, like the daily course of the sun.


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