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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PRESUMPTION (3)

Hierarchy (1931) - 34:
34. Only matured spirits can burden themselves with the knowledge of exact dates. It is impossible to imagine how many strings have been broken by the presumption of dates. The efforts of even valiant spirits have often been impeded by the barrier of dates. It is useful to know the direction, but a limited date impedes the cosmic constructiveness. How can one speak of Magnets when each date will divide the thread of a progressive movement? Only vigilance and goal-fitness will lead without wasting energy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 144:
144. Let us speak about fear and presumption. Fear sees its own reflection. Each preconceived opinion is usually a reflection. Fear seeks to destroy each good beginning. Presumption puts a strain on the strongest aspirations, and We can point to a cemetery containing fearful records which substantiate this. A preconceived interpretation is a self-justification; therefore, preconception is often death.


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