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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PRESSES (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 76:
76. Be not dismayed at the Teacher's criticisms. Pupils should rejoice at every message. Contemplate the spiritual guidance of One Teacher. Your spirit presses onward; At the Gates I shall await you. My Breath shall warm your hands, and I shall guide you along the mountain path to the Temple. Love Me and your power will be multiplied and your strength doubled. Your spirit transports your body beyond the earth. You must rejoice in the ascension through pure teachings.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 167:
167. Some may ask, "Is the path of those who bring Truth an easy one?" Of course the path for the person carrying Truth is hard. The fiery path can never be made easy. It is as if a dome descends upon the head of the bearer of Truth and presses upon the centers of the brain. Only conscious battle can lead the spiritual toiler to the fulfillment of his task. And a cloud of malice will pursue him because he strives to bring the planet out of its isolation.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 65:
65. In the linking of the spheres is contained the creativeness of the Cosmic Magnet. Only attraction creates, and the Magnet impels the energies to the affirmed forms. Attraction predetermines human life. When karma propels the spirit to its destination, the Magnet creates. Thus, karma presses upon the heels of human ascent. Thus is built the manifestation of consummation. Therefore, when the spirit knows its path the Magnet acts. It is thus that the predestined is affirmed and the Cosmic Magnet acts.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 261:
261. It is an error to think that the forces of darkness attack only weak spots. Very often chaos presses deliberately upon the most powerful strongholds. Likewise breakers are more violent against cliffs. Therefore every wall must be guarded, both low and high ones. Let us not forget this, for people often think about shielding the weak and abandon the strong. Everywhere there are intimidations by chaos, and tensions are tripled. Read about the downfall of great nations to anyone who does not cherish the feeling of protections.


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