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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PRESERVING (11)

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 414:
414. Yes, only those subtle energies which contact the spirit can give creativeness to humanity. Only the beauty of the spirit can move humanity. The power of creativeness is contained in the fire of the spirit. Thus, the mighty Agni Yogi who breathes in the fiery impellent force of cosmic fires gives to the world much of his heart and the flow of rays. The creativeness of the spirit expands in a radiant orbit. Therefore, when the spirit manifests a subtle assimilation of fires he then gives out the same amount to the world, preserving the equilibrium of creativeness. Hence, there is cosmic creativeness in each fiery assimilation. Thus is the cosmic evolution built. It is therefore that the qualities of the fire of the Mother of Agni Yoga are so sacred. It is thus that We build Our immutable actions. Thus is the future step constructed.

Hierarchy (1931) - 291:
291. Motion into the future is similar to the movement of a flame. It is amazing how the fire, at times visibly and at times invisibly, lives, while vibrating and preserving the balance of the world. Thus let us strive into the future, because sustained by the fiery element we shall not fail. But the fire can be invoked only by an action of the spirit. Thus, let us apply the higher laws to the earthly plan. One may even change karma, which means that one can change all earthly conditions by striving into the future. Apply My Command to life. The particles of precious energies adhere only to him who strives.

Heart (1932) - 346:
346. One should also not forget that all the details of these days take on a highly confused aspect. One should not demand customary thinking from people when the air itself is unusual. One must accept the difficulties of the period, preserving steadfastness. Consolation lies in that we can mentally affirm the future. Thus, hold firmly; beyond the heart's thread there is nothing.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 238:
238. One must understand how great is the achievement of preserving equilibrium in the midst of an attack; I commend this.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 216:
216. Realization of responsibility for the spirit and for religion has been put by humanity in the last place. The tribunal of regulated society is concerned with preserving the physical body, making mangling of the body liable to prosecution. But existing laws and temples do not concern themselves with the millions who have been mangled in spirit. With justice has Ur. pointed out the stern responsibility which religions must bear. The uniting function of religion truly has not been awakened on the planet. That sacred power of the Earth, instead of uplifting, has been turned by mankind into production of that obvious disunity which is as a cleaving sword. And priests, and brahmins, and temple servitors all have distorted the cosmic ordainment. Verily, only affirmation of the true designation will impel the spirit to the higher understanding of the great Cosmic Right. Thus let us strive for the great responsibility for the spirit and for religion. So much must be purified in the Teachings of the World! The labor of strivingly purifying religions will result in a new consciousness. On the path to the Fiery World let us affirm the Bearers of Fiery Purification.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 297:
297. The bond between the physical and astral centers is saturated by intensified transmutation during life. Functions on both planes manifest unity, the distinction being merely in that independent activity which is manifested by the centers on each plane. The transmuted centers intensify the centers of the subtle body. But at the same time, while the centers are laboring in fiery tension on the earthly plane, the astral centers have an opportunity to propel the subtle body into the Fiery World. A sensation of pains is manifested on the astral plane and on the mental, but only at the beginning of the ascent. After that, each center, while preserving its connection with the physical body, can function by being intensified in other spheres. There follows a separation of the bodies, freeing the subtle body from pains. The physical pains then correspond to the creative tension of the astral centers. Thus do the Worlds act in mutual intensification. On the path to the Fiery World let us be affirmed in fiery transmutation.

AUM (1936) - 237:
237. It has been rightly observed that certain plants have the aroma of musk. It is useful to gather information about such plants. They will not possess all the valuable qualities of the life-giver, musk; nevertheless the useful quality of preserving vigor is inherent in them. One may sometimes observe that neighboring plants begin to take on the same scent; the roots and soil may serve as conductors.

Brotherhood (1937) - 442:
442. Without any instructions people know how to care for a beloved object. They will resourcefully discover how to keep it in concealment. They will exert themselves not to break or damage a beloved thing. Someone has said that people are most competent at preserving stones and metals, less so with plants, still less with animals, and least of all with man. You can judge for yourself how just is such an understanding. Man is a most subtle organism, and yet the most cruel treatment falls to his lot. Let us not close our eyes to the fact that the so-called abolishment of corporal punishment is merely a screen for still greater cruelty. When will the abolition of spiritual persecutions finally come! When will people realize that the highest degree of torture is torment of the spirit! As long as they are not conscious of the Subtle World, humaneness will not be realized. Let us not be surprised that some people require the division of the higher worlds into many degrees. Rather, let people, including those who demand the most, understand at least the Subtle World, so that they may know how to enter it worthily. The division will be grasped afterwards when at least the first degree of Infinity shall have been comprehended.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 122:
122. Urusvati remembers how steadfastly We care about protecting the Beautiful. Foreseeing the events of Armageddon, We work to spread abroad Our suggestions about the best methods for preserving the world's treasures. We know that the forces of darkness will use all their efforts to prevent the fulfillment of Our urgent precautions. They understand very well that a work of art emits the most powerful emanations, and can serve as the best weapon against their attacks.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 249:
Urusvati is rightly interested in preserving Our letters about unification. There are many of these. If you only knew how often We keep repeating the same thing! These letters should be sent as reminders to various countries. People should hear about unification as they do about their daily bread. And if someone insists that he has heard enough about unity, know that it is a sign of his irresponsibility. In time, every word about unity will be applied literally, and the great, voluntary unification will come as a stage of evolution.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 338:
Powerful are human poisons, and salutary is psychic energy. Thus, when I speak about the necessity for psychic correlations, I advise you not only as a Teacher and humanitarian, but also as a physician. For example, I advise taking care of the spleen and keeping it clean. But at the same time I stress the need for preserving calmness and an atmosphere of solemnity. This may sound strange, for what can the spleen and a solemn mood have in common? In fact the spleen is the organ of harmony and must therefore be purified by a harmonious disposition. People assume that only the nervous system requires psychic influences, but such influences are also needed for various organs. The example of the spleen is indicative. I speak of this particular organ because it is rarely mentioned and needs special attention.


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