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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PRESERVERS (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 42:
42. One should distinguish three groups of medicines - life-givers, preservers, and restorers. Let us leave for Our enemies the fourth group - the destroyers. Let us turn our attention to the life-givers, because they act first of all upon the nervous system. The nerve centers and secretions of the glands indicate the future development of medicine. Through these domains humanity will discover the finest energy, which for simplification we still call spirit. The discovery of the emanations of this energy will be the next step in the development of culture.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 86:
86. It can also be noticed that around certain people things wear out, while others seem somehow to preserve them. At times people erroneously say, "Everything burns on him." In reality it is quite the opposite. Pay attention to the preservers. They will be close to Fire. Precisely the fiery principle preserves the durability of things. I have already spoken about the reaction of the psychic energy of workers upon the quality of their production. Here also we shall look for the participation of Fire. Psychic energy will give fiery evidence of the influx of the fires of space.


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