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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PR > PREMISES (7)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 122:
Astrology is constructed entirely upon the premises of the laws of cosmic magnetism. Life and its cessation are determined by the same cosmic magnetism. So long as the correlating combinations are held together by the power of the magnetism, so long life flows. However, cosmic magnetism can respond to the conditions evidenced by the psycho-dynamics of the spirit. Indeed, the spirit proceeding in rhythm with the Cosmic Magnet can attune itself in full harmony with the attraction of evolution. The death of a man may be defined as the evidence of a powerful attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. It is difficult not to give life and death identical denomination, as they constitute the same attraction among incalculable changes; it is only that the combinations and their destinations are changed. So much could be derived from a realization of the majesty of this law of fusion in the entire Cosmos. The beginning and the end verily meet in Space!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 83:
83. The bridges between Worlds reflect all the energies which saturate the life of the Universe. Along these conductors shuttle all the vital currents, as reciprocal saturations. There where is the intensified activity of the spirit, an exchange of energies is very strongly established. One can take the formula of parallel motion, which premises strong sendings from and to the Earth. Thus, the earthly spheres which have been contaminated by suffocating gases cannot let the fiery current pass. It can be observed frequently how an earthly zone has been, as it were, left to its own dissolution. This means destruction of the zone by its own gas. The supermundane strata cannot engage in the vital exchange, and, as a result of this, self-destruction takes place. Thus, in the stratifications of the spheres are all the energies of life and death. On the path to the Fiery World let us take into consideration the fact of the exchange of energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 313:
313. For affirmation of actions and of progress it is indispensable to be imbued with the essence of the acting manifestation. When action premises a great goal, each step must conform to the destination. One cannot mix the great with the insignificant. One cannot mix treachery with the higher destination, or a lower impulse with a higher goal. Such a confusion inevitably causes a sharp reaction. Each higher destination is in need of fiery saturation and non-resistance to spatial designations. Besides higher vigilance, a conscious discernment of the forces of Light and darkness is indispensable. Only steadfastness and conscious fearlessness will bring victory.

AUM (1936) - 320:
320. Whoever loves precise knowledge must know how to receive it. Many talk of their devotion to precise knowledge, but in practice they clothe each fact in the motley rags of prejudice. They do not sense the unreality of their own premises. They bewail the inadequacy of material for observation, yet at the same time disregard the most unprecedented events. They would revolve the Universe according to the digestive state of their own stomach. They reject the most apparent manifestation if it does not conform to their mood. But can such be the path of precise knowledge? Where then is patience? Where good will? Where tirelessness? Where observation? Where attentiveness, which opens the gates?

AUM (1936) - 342:
342. Experiments upon psychic energy can be carried out in different surroundings and at different times. Dim light sometimes even promotes the manifestations of the energy, but bright sunlight can complicate an experiment by its own strong chemism. There may also be diversity in the conditions of the premises. Best of all is a room which has been permeated with the radiations of the investigator. Yet each casual object can produce its reaction. One should not keep the objects of observation together, especially during the experiment. Likewise, one should not have around resonant objects and string instruments, which can vibrate to irrelevant activations. The very mood of the observer has a great significance. Irritation and unrest can be of no assistance to useful investigation.

AUM (1936) - 344:
344. Patience is a conscious systematic understanding of what is taking place. Patience needs to be cultivated as a promoter of advancement. It is absurd to represent patience as an inner atrophy, on the contrary, the process of patience is intensity. Thus energy takes part in events, contributing to them and not making erroneous premises in advance.

Brotherhood (1937) - 113:
113. Any scientific knowledge is beautiful so far that it does not terminate in an impasse. A true seeker for knowledge recognizes no situation as issueless. He can gather constantly by developing new branches of cognition. For manifestations of preparedness for Brotherhood, such an infinitude of knowledge is the best step. It is not very easy to cognize such infinitude, yet for one who knows the trend of evolution it will be the natural and only path. But do not let the heart grow hard in such premises. Let rapture be preserved at each approach to new consciousness. A hardened heart will not ascend to the Tower. It will not give strength to the subtle body. Such a stony heart will remain within the confines of Earth. It is very important to understand the life of the heart. One should not permit it to revert to primeval stone. One should watch over the manifestations of the heart. Without it Brotherhood cannot be built.


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