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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PO > POURS (3)

Hierarchy (1931) - 83:
83. Thus the Higher Reason creates upon Earth through the power of Hierarchy. Our creativeness requires the affirmation of Hierarchy in its entire scope, in its entire understanding, in its entire beauty. The understanding of Hierarchy reveals all possibilities. It is correct to view the law of Hierarchy as the summit of cosmic creativeness. Light pours from it, thoughts strive to it; thus one should direct the best strivings to the Summit of Hierarchy. Only when the highest affirmation enters consciously into life, can the highest be given. The fiery manifestation approaches!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 63:
However, let us not be too specific about the details of every problem. Co-workers must understand that everything requires urgent decisions. Let them imagine the quantity of information that pours into Our Abode, all of which demands immediate decision. In this, We must not frighten Our earthly co-workers and must find everywhere an applicable spark of energy. Many useful helpers need repeated Indications, for they will not accept Indications when first given. This develops great patience in the co-workers, who learn that irritability is nothing but weakness of will. Misty thinking loves repetition, but events do not tarry.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 255:
Intelligent thinking must help humanity to accept the new rhythm and cognize the New World that has already drawn near. Truly, the New World pours forth its influence, and has manifested its power in the radiance of scientific achievements. May we overcome all the suffocating dangers through concentration upon the New World!


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