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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PO > POSTS (3)

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 434:
434. The passing of magnetic currents over the earthly surface draws the lines of atmospheric changes. The passing of magnetic currents beneath the earthly surface brings into manifestation the earthquake belt. Certainly, observation posts should be established in many places, and their work should be most precise and closely coordinated. You spoke correctly in saying that it is unfortunate that there is no synthesis of achievements and thus much energy and many valuable observations are lost. Hence, the organization of real cooperation upon Earth is very essential.

AUM (1936) - 164:
164. Why do physicians pay so little attention to atmospheric pressure? They send patients to health resorts or to the seashore or to the mountains, but they do not forewarn them that the quality of the air may be completely altered by reason of the reaction of currents. There exist various bureaus and scientific observations posts, but they should also broadcast information useful to the medical profession. Good health must be protected by the state.

AUM (1936) - 234:
234. You undoubtedly will encounter this objection. "Why are the higher worlds and science spoken of on the same page?" Those who speak thus, fail to understand the Higher World and belittle science. People of such limited intelligence are very widely scattered, and because of their heartlessness are extremely malicious. They occupy various public posts and therefore are able to whisper in many places. To contradict them would be useless. Every man of heart will rejoice at each proper understanding of the Higher World. Each wise man esteems a word in the defense of science.


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