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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PO > PORTION (25)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.5:
Acceleration of the currents can especially affect the organism. The complexity of events sometimes even seems to sever the thread; but this is only temporary, while the organism digests a double portion of the world's course. The complexity of physical conditions can augment the physical sensations. One should not then overtire oneself, as the waves of the ocean augur an approaching change.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.16:
Each summoned one is offered the entire chalice. If he does not receive the messenger, he will get only a portion of what has been decreed. If he cannot assimilate this part, he will be given a still smaller particle - thus does each one determine his own allotment.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.16:
It must be said to those choosing a lesser portion: "Self-belittlers, you have driven yourselves from the garden through habits of lightmindedness! Perceive how easy it would have been to acknowledge the messenger of the chalice. Together with him you could have planted a seedling of great freedom. How hard it is now to look into the eyes of passers-by, seeking him who sought admittance to you. What is easy today is inaccessible tomorrow. Therefore, gird yourselves with all vigilance."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.17:
3.5.17. Let us recall several cases of error repeated many times in different lives. People have awaited the Messenger for ten years yet closed the door on the day before His coming. Choosing the least portion, they have imagined that all was permitted and tolerated. Selecting a particle, they have fallen into blissful inaction and wondered why the particle wasted away. Choosing a particle, they have decided to retain old habits - as if on one side of the bosom could repose the portion of good and on the other could be kept pet cockroaches. Choosing a particle, they have decided to jump off the train for only a minute, forgetting that such a leap in motion carries one perilously backward. Choosing a particle, they have thought to slander a brother, forgetting that the slander would beat back painfully on their own foreheads.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.17:
You may ask: "How should one conduct oneself so as not to besmirch the chosen portion?" I can give this advice: Instead of a particle, accept the entire chalice of the Common Good. This will shield you against all impurities. Instead of timorous hesitation, resolve as an experiment to adopt for seven years the plan of the General Welfare. If My advice is poor, you can return later to breeding your cockroaches.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.18:
According to custom the wayfarer must traverse a certain portion of the way alone. Just before arrival, even those who have been in direct communication with Us do not sense Our tidings. It must be thus because of human conditions.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.1:
A man who is depressed by resentment is attracted to a single point. Becoming immobile, the man inevitably becomes dull. Dullness, like rust, corrodes a portion of the fundamental substance.

New Era Community (1926) - 44:
44. The essence of striving to the far-off worlds is contained in the assimilation of a consciousness of our life in them. The possibility of life on them becomes for our consciousness, as it were, a channel of approach. Indeed, this consciousness must be dug through as a channel. People are able to swim, yet a considerable portion of them do not swim. Such an obvious fact as the far-off worlds completely fails to attract humanity. It is time to cast this seed into the human brain.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 163:
163. He who would swim must dive fearlessly into the water. And he who has determined to master Agni Yoga must transform through it his entire life. Why do people think they can begrudge to the Yoga a portion of some idle hour, while giving the rest of the time to impure thought? Truly, all actions must be infused with purifying one's fiery striving.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 276:
276. It is true that in India there exists an awareness that the subtle energies will enter into life. One should be prepared for a future scientific understanding of this. Although darkness greatly lowers the quality of the energies, the open consciousness can assimilate some part of the energies, as when dark clouds block the rays of the sun, but a portion of light and heat can still reach Earth. All great teachings are without inner contradiction, but there is no way to prove this with the customary scientific methods.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 634:
634. Tell those who find the trials cruel that the goal-fitness of those trials is demonstrated by the fact that without them the spirit would not progress. The spirit's experience comes from the accumulations of former incarnations, but the spirit also wants food from the realities of its present life. Labor is available for all who desire to progress. But one should not think of the spirit as the sole producer of the experience of conscious achievement. A portion of the knowledge accumulated in the Chalice must also be applied.

Heart (1932) - 55:
55. Spatial thinking is not so easy for the majority of people. For this, it is necessary primarily to preserve the personality but be freed of egoism. To many, such an antithesis will seem absurd; for them egoism is personality. The manifestation of a powerful personality devoted to the General Good is beyond the imagination of many, but without personality thinking would not have potency. The tendency of thought when egoistic adds one more portion of poison to the infested aura of the planet. It is also difficult for many to realize that the substance of thought is indestructible and is not bound to the strata of space, which means that the responsibility for each thought is great. A bird of prey can be reached by an arrow, but what can destroy a loathsome thought?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 226:
226. During the transmission of thoughts, the difficulty arises not so much from the sender, but in the reception. The sending takes place through tension of the heart and will, hence it depends entirely upon the sender himself. But the recipient is usually in other conditions. Not only may he be mentally overburdened but his thought and consciousness may be absent. Moreover, the most unexpected currents can intersect space and thus distort some portion of the sendings. In order to even partially avoid this impediment, We teach alertness and vigilance. When the consciousness becomes used to these conditions, the receiver remains tensed and open. This method of continuous vigil is not Ours alone, it was already employed in remote antiquity. Each initiation into the Mysteries contained the question, "Is thy ear open?" Such opening signified primarily the ability to maintain keen vigilance. The condition of intersecting currents was avoided by striving toward the Hierarch, with whom a contact was established. True, harmful attempts can be made with intent to break off or to fasten upon the currents. Besides the already indicated aerial conduits, it is possible to avoid eavesdropping by means of mutual striving - this is like galvanizing the conduit. Thus, it is possible by degrees to achieve many useful things. Moreover, let us not forget that these achievements are ineradicable.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 231:
231. Actually, Fire is a unifier. When the fire departs, decomposition immediately sets in. True, in fermentation decomposition accumulates new fire, but this is already a particular conjunction of particles. One should think similarly about each action. It will not be incorrect to say that the expulsion of Fire from thought generates decomposition. When I speak about unifying, I am also presupposing fiery welding. As the caster knows the proper quantity of metal for a group of figures, so does Fire act on the unifying of peoples. This unification can be represented as the creation of one gigantic figure, with all the power of a giant. And we must strive for the formation of these collectives of the spirit. Let us not regard them as artificial Golems. The monster, Golem, remained without the fire of the spirit and therefore destroyed itself. The spirit is a fire-bearing magnet, and it is possible to join to it a portion of the higher energies.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 237:
237. Do you not think, when words elude you, as it were, that a considerable portion of your fiery energy has been directed elsewhere? One should not be astonished that fiery energy must be considerably expended when people are in widely separated countries. The fiery substance of musk can with difficulty make up for this expenditure. Thought about distant actions augments the sending of energy. One can think confusedly, as if in a drowsy state, and energy is hardly generated by this weak pressure; but the power of thought is like the lever of a pump, and the action of the pump's piston will produce a distant attainment.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 576:
576. When I speak again of beauty, I wish to accustom you to the great beauty of the Fiery World. Everyone who loves the beautiful transforms thereby a portion of earthly life. Only by meticulous spiritual cognizance can one burn the unnecessary rags here in advance. Such burning does not take place in specially constructed bonfires in public squares, but in each day's smile of love. Only by degrees do we come to realize the beauty of the world of spirit. Our sojourns in the various strata are short, but on entering the Fiery World we can remain there. And when we come from there, we preserve the fiery solemnity wherever we are.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 132:
132. The mightiest Avatars do not bear upon themselves signs of earthly distinction, but they affirm themselves by manifestations of spirit-creativeness. One should not be surprised at the fact that strong spirits may not be recognized by their contemporaries. Thus it should be, because their measures relate to the future. A code of laws may be made for only one portion of the approach to any successive step of life. Consider that people cannot ever recognize that the highest attainment is in the development of the heart. Cooperation and close living together are based upon the heart. It seems this simple truth cannot be realized. Mechanization impedes the basic penetrations into the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 429:
Actually, besides the four named branches of the science of thinking, many qualities require development - clarity, speed, the power of synthesis, originality, and others. It is likewise possible to cure irritability. If even a portion of the efforts spent on sports in schools were allotted to thinking, the results would soon be amazing.

AUM (1936) - 153:
153. Each man bears a secret within himself. Rarely does the curtain of the past roll back - only when subtle energy abounds during one's earthly life. Only by transcending the boundary of Earth is man enlightened in the realization of a portion of his secret. Remarkable is the process when subtle energy reveals the Chalice of accumulations; the memory is suddenly illumined, and the past stands out in all justice. Amazing is the extent of man's transformation at the moment when he leaves the earthly sphere. People call this death, but it is really birth; therefore, how pitiful it is when the subtle body sojourns long in sleep. Especially noteworthy is the transition wherein consciousness is preserved. Then it can be clearly imagined how the earthly tatters fall off and the imperishable accumulation emerges, revealing itself to be a true treasure. It can be understood why this most subtle treasure cannot be revealed amid crude conditions.

AUM (1936) - 500:
500. It is necessary to show by historical examples to what an extent this containment and coordination have been signs of breadth and clarity of mind. Soon the machine will enable people to be at leisure a considerable portion of the day. One must ask oneself upon what this free time will be expended.

Brotherhood (1937) - 147:
147. It is impossible to exclude from the rainbow even one single tint. Likewise, it is impossible to take away one single link from the Teaching of Life. The rainbow manifests a full spectrum, and the complete Teaching of Life likewise equips for the journey on all paths. The traveler is equally concerned about cloak and headdress and footwear. No one will say that he prefers hat to shoes or vice-versa. Therefore, when someone prefers one portion of the Teaching, he is acting like a traveler who has forgotten his shoes.

Brotherhood (1937) - 149:
It is impossible to determine the structure of spatial forces; great numbers of intercepted currents fill Infinity, but not a single one of them will drop out of the web of the Mother of the World. The awakening of striving toward the higher worlds transforms all life. Not everyone can understand how the transformation of all life is taking place. One can repeat to oneself about continuity and weave each day a portion of the web.

Brotherhood (1937) - 334:
334. It is possible to carry out many observations of radiations. It can be proven that over and above the radiations that are accessible even to photography, there exist still more subtle light waves that can be detected by a more refined apparatus. The effect of the waves spreads over great distances. Moreover, the possibility is explained of tearing away portions of the basic aura within the limits of subtle waves. Though it is rare, yet forceful people can see portions of their own auras. Such manifestations are rare because usually a man does not see his own radiation. It may be pointed out that such sendings of radiation are linked with thought-sendings. Thought, in passing through the aura, carries with it a portion thereof. Particles of the aura can be left on the interconnecting thread. Whoever sends many thoughts tears away a great number of particles from his aura. Therefore such mental labor is truly an achievement. Self-abnegation is also contained in that the pierced portions of the aura are easily subjected to the influence of opposed currents. But the restoration of the tissue requires both time and the expenditure of energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 592:
592. Because of the inexhaustible riches of nature it is difficult to isolate one portion from the whole. Verily, everything is so permeated with the all-embracing principle that even from a grossly material standpoint one thing cannot be separated from another. Take the tiniest insect, could it be studied apart from its surroundings, without all the causes of reactions and effects? The more difficult it is to study man apart from nature. All the branches of man's knowledge merely bear witness to their artificial subdivision. Biology, physiology, psychology, parapsychology, and a great number of similar subdivisions simply compel one to ask, Where is the man? It is impossible to study the great microcosm without realization of the primary energy. Only such a unified concept can advance observations into a grander scope of man's nature. In this one should also remember the lofty concepts which uplift the spirit; among the first will be the Brotherhood.


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