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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PO > POLARITIES (4)

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 119a:
The Arhat proceeds carrying the power of the Cosmic Magnet in his heart, and I affirm that when this power, of the Magnet, receives both polarities, Be-ness radiates. Cosmos creates; it creates the beauty of Be-ness. I can term the manifestation of striving a cosmic magnet.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 157:
157. Whence emanates the striving to the Cosmic Magnet? A correlation of energies is but confirmed by attraction. Whence emanates heterogeneity and the attraction of dissimilar energies? The affirmation of forms can result only from the fact of differing properties. Only when heterogeneous properties are drawn into the creation does a true cosmic manifestation take place. Only when the force of polarity is asserted does the force of attraction act. Thus, upon all planes the affirmed polarities are asserted. The spirit which serves independently attracts the force of the Cosmic Magnet. The formulation of thought attracts the needed evolution. The participation of the heart brings a constructive vibration. Thus, the foundation of creativeness is the awakening of the vibration of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 167:
167. Before the great reorganization of the World, a manifestation of all the dark forces is displayed, for a better transmutation. What is taking place in the World cannot be called a step of evolution, but it can indeed be said that what is being manifested is the lowest, the most intense, the most saturated by the forces of darkness. But great is the work which gathers together everything helpful for the great reconstruction. Just as the condensed strata of the earthly spheres are being made ready for battle, so does a manifestation of the Forces of Light stand on guard. The stage which the planet is going through can be compared with a furnace of Cosmic Fire. All dense energies are aflame in tension, and on guard stands the Fiery Right. Fiery creativeness is assembling all fiery energies - thus the World is being reconstructed by the tension of two polarities. It is necessary clearly to discern these turbulent energies.

AUM (1936) - 399:
399. The signs of the New Epoch are multiplying. They do not perish in the conflict. The flowers in the meadows do not die from the thunderstorm, and the rain only brings out their freshness., Thus, the significance of the impact of polarities should be understood.


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