New Era Community (1926) - 137: 137. A cosmogonic Hindu tale relates "There lived long ago a terrible monster who devoured people. Once the monster was pursuing an intended victim and the man, seeking to save himself, plunged into a lake. The monster sprang after him, but the swimmer threw himself on the back of the monster and took firm hold of its projecting crest. The monster could not turn over on its back because its belly was unprotected. It rushed about in a furious course, waiting for the man to become exhausted. But the thought came to the man that, in maintaining his desperate plight, he was saving humanity, and with this pan-human thought his strength became unlimited and inexhaustible. The monster, meanwhile, increased its speed until sparks formed a fiery wake. Amid flames the monster began to rise above the earth. The universal thought of the man had uplifted even the enemy. New Era Community (1926) - 246: 246. The man who is not free, who thinks of himself, who acts for himself, is plunged into an ocean of false currents. The man even remodels his speech into a manifestation of external expression that is in conformity with his egotism. Pay attention to how accents are displaced on words of foreign tongue, in disregard of meaning and philology. People re-cut alien sounds to fit the custom of their own country. Indeed, the self-conceit of ignorance and a contempt for the neighbor are indicated in the distortion of speech. To reason out and to penetrate into the meaning of a neighbor's feeling is incompatible with the coarseness of petty self-conceit. The feeling of irresponsibility and the undiscarded sense of ownership create the feudal lords of our contemporary times. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 127: 127. When the resistance to the Cosmic Magnet is for the purpose of gathering new combinations for a temporary manifestation, this result does not follow. The Cosmic Magnet links these correlations, which are carried into the creative wheel of Space. The power of the Cosmic Magnet, being centrifugal, repels those particles which do not suit the paramount purpose of welding into one integral whole the properties belonging to one element. The resistance of the spirit to the Origins of the Universe has violently plunged the vessel of knowledge into the slough of ignorance. All the Lords came to disperse the spiritual resistance, and having illumined the spirit, They further strove to raise knowledge to a higher level. Thus, the Cosmic Magnet gathers the Highest Reason, which is of infinite creativeness! Hierarchy (1931) - 294: The same graphic example shows how the seed of the spirit is unharmed; and striving to the heights it sustains its shell without fearing the past. Verily, karma is frightening only to those who are plunged into inaction. But a striving thought is liberated from the burden of the past, and like a heavenly body is impelled forward without retracing its path. Thus, even with a difficult karma, one can achieve a useful liberation. Hierarchy (1931) - 411: 411. When the world is plunged into the darkness of denial, then indeed, one must expect the destruction of old unfit foundations, for how else can the world be regenerated? How can humanity come to its senses if not by the shattering of all unfit foundations? Only when the new and affirmed great principles of Hierarchy are realized by humanity will it be possible to confirm humanity's salvation. Thus, We intensely impel the planet to the principles of the Hierarchy of Good. The loss of the highest concepts must be compensated for, because each lost principle brings cosmic upheavals. Thus, humanity must be regenerated upon the principle of Hierarchy. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 373: 373. Amidst the fiery path man mentally strives for acceleration. Many earthly obstacles, attractions and allurements are arranged by the dark forces, yet once he has plunged into Hiero-inspiration and exclaimed - "Let's go faster!", his strength is renewed and, without turning back, he hastens impetuously toward the Fiery World. And such meditation is useful on the pathways to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 122: 122. The World is plunged into such a dark state that the supermundane spheres are being filled with stifling gases. Various indicated manifestations affirm how black threads envelop the earthly spheres. It is proper to think and to prepare the consciousness for manifestations of fiery shocks. Space is in need of a purification, and a new discharge may occur in the earthly sphere when the spiritual currents will be roused creatively under the tension of new impulses. It is impossible to expect a regeneration on the planet without the affirmation of new principles and of coordination. Only spatial currents are needed for coordination with vital potentials. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us strive for ascent through fiery spiritual currents. AUM (1936) - 96: 96. Alteration of karma appears unthinkable to many, but they err, forgetting about heavenly Justice. It is possible to experience instantaneously the highest realizations. Where the foot can tread, there thought can fly. In certain cults the neophytes were plunged into sleep and through hypnotic suggestion were compelled to experience at great speed the entire difficult pathway of their karmic life-pattern. Thus was inevitability understood, and also the possible acceleration of the law. Thought creates life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 25: All over the world one can find established landmarks of Our Guidance. Some enlightened people accepted it, but some poor parodies of monarchs rejected Our Counsel and thereby plunged their countries into calamity. But even these situations We turned to good. You are acquainted with Tactica Adversa.