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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > PL > PLOUGH (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 207:
207. The Cosmos is reflected in the pupil of every eye. And God dwells in every heart. Woe to those who expel God. Better never to know than to betray. The Teacher was manifested, and the Name of the Messiah was pronounced in My Abode. Not to small things will you be witnesses. The cloud above God's Mountain will be dispersed. The lightning of His Voice will illumine the abysses. New, new, new ones, beautiful ones, clear-minded ones, exalted ones, will gather. The Teacher has entrusted you to manifest Him. Gather people under My roof. M.'s Mountain is erected, is upheld, and is encircled by the plough of labor.

Hierarchy (1931) - 248:
248. Each ploughman will say that he wants the plough that makes the largest and deepest furrow. Indeed, why cross the field twice, and why not reach the fertile strata? Let the depth of the furrow be reverence to Hierarchy and the width of the furrow be steadfastness of motion. Let us watch where there is a lack of reverence for Hierarchy and where non-fulfillment of Commands. Let us notice where there is readiness to retreat. Each harm must be eradicated. Rising in spirit one should watch where are the unprotected spots.


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