Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 311: 311. Advise the young scholar to collect everything regarding Fire from the most ancient teachings. Let the Puranas of India, the fragments of the Teachings of Egypt, Chaldea, China, Persia, and absolutely all teachings of the classic philosophy not be overlooked. Of course, the Bible, the Kabbalah, and the Teachings of Christ, all will yield plentiful material. Likewise, the assertions of the most recent times will add to the valuable definitions of Agni. Such a compilation has never been made. Yet can one advance toward the future without gathering the signs of millennia? Brotherhood (1937) - 524: 524. In different epochs there have appeared particular themes and symbols, which could not have been regarded as the work of individual creators. They remained as signs of the entire epoch. At present the subject of Atlantis is being particularly mentioned. Quite independently, in different parts of the world people have recalled forgotten cataclysms. Let us not consider these remembrances as threats. We are far from menaces. We may remind and caution, but not one of Us makes use of the dark force of suggestion through terror. Free will remains the distinctive quality of man. It is to be regretted if this marvelous energy propels madmen into an abyss. One can take warning measures, but it is inadmissible to break the law of free will. In the course of the fate of Atlantis one may see that plentiful forewarnings were issued, but the madmen did not listen. Likewise, in other epochs reminders can be perceived. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 137: We have already mentioned various places where the dark ones gather. We could repeat them, but this would not help. If We were to mention B., or N., or E., it would not be an address, and even the name of a street or the description of a house would not help in locating one of their dark nests, which would have a very innocent appearance. There are certainly no images of Satan, but religious objects will be plentiful. Only the sensitive heart will sense where the evil ones are. Let us not forget that they are skillful and fierce, and that no one can compete with them in these qualities. Thus, the dark ones can bear suffering and even destroy themselves in order to participate in destruction.